eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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It´s good that pro players have their doubts and critiscm. It´s possible they are more heard then others.

I fear pro players don't care about a good football game they mostly care about "skill gap" and how easily they can beat noobs with tried and tested exploits. Tyey are just whining because their exploits have been wiped out and they need to learn a new system
I fear pro players don't care about a good football game they mostly care about "skill gap" and how easily they can beat noobs with tried and tested exploits. Tyey are just whining because their exploits have been wiped out and they need to learn a new system

Mh, cannot argue with you on this matter, because i don´t really know how competetive pros play the game.
These "pros" can f**k right off, they ruined both PES and FIFA. If only these "pros" would buy their games, EA and Konami would be dead and buried right now. Why do they listen to them then? They only play the games for prize money and the companies care to get their games promoted on these big stages, it's a win-win for them and a lose for us dirty """casuals""". It'd be funnier if it weren't so sad :LOL:
I fear pro players don't care about a good football game they mostly care about "skill gap" and how easily they can beat noobs with tried and tested exploits. Tyey are just whining because their exploits have been wiped out and they need to learn a new system
A post from a pro player I read, which “pro player “ plays on PA3 on previous pes, he didn’t mention if he plays PA3 on demo, said that he feels that passes are very free in the final third!!!!!! but he hopes that they will fix it in the final version, making them more precise!!!!
At general, the most review feedbacks from “pros” I have read this year, caused me nausea.
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I agree on everything besides the random fouls and the unresponsiveness.
Thank you. It's possible to love the game and see these issues at the same time!

This was posted on Twitter earlier by the same guy doing one of the first live-streams yesterday, and Adam has already responded:

(NOTE: I feel like I need to point this out each time, now... It's not that you can do "little things" and the AI doesn't respond, it's that it demonstrates how passive the AI is overall!)

Adam's response is great - as long as that means it's more intelligent, not just more 2019-like!
For some passes, not all and not none, to go astray. Every pass is perfect. Every pass is absolutely nailed. There is still no error on PA1. I was promised that.

CD, are you saying that all your passes are like this or do you mean the AI passing? I've played about 5-6 hrs now and one of the things that has been most apparent to me is how many more passes are not perfect, there are loads that go a few yards too far one way or the other, and the player selection has been tightened up considerably to balance that out.

I can only hope that in Master League the AI will not have superhuman passing regardless of team level, but I'm not holding my breath.

I am going to drop the difficulty down to Top Player and try for a while because although I feel Superstar is fine in the demo (90% of my games are 0-0), it's very difficult to find space for a shot. There have been occasions where a deflection has worked for me, though.

So far it's an 8/10 for me. Hopefully today the servers will work and we can see online.
Do you guys enjoy the new stadium cam? Or do you change it?
The way it is by default, I don't like it. It looks nice but it's not very practical.

Whack the height up and zoom it out a little, and I love it. Best camera PES has ever had, reminds me of the co-op camera on FIFA.

CD, are you saying that all your passes are like this or do you mean the AI passing?
I uploaded a video yesterday of my bugbears (rushed, I'll admit) and I was playing online in the video, but it's the same against the AI for me.

Read this for more depth as to what I'm talking about:

Three games in a row online, the opponent has had 90% pass accuracy. It is DEFINITELY still possible to ping-pong it around, let's get that out of the way (and I set matchmaking settings to "my assists only", i.e. PA1).

In-fact, ping-pong is all they frigging do - and every time you try and start running towards their pass target, the pass has been and gone onto the next one.

It's nothing like football online - and offline, on Superstar, I finished a game earlier as Boca v Arsenal where they ended with 10 completed passes. Total. Because they don't know what build-up play is and all they want to do is hit the ball from defence to attack. Compare that to my 60-70.

(Yet we finished with the same amount of shots on target each, because build-up play just isn't necessary, and it's as if the game is trying to teach me that - "stop messing around with that build-up bollocks and just do what I do".)

Graphically it's stunning. In terms of the gameplay, I categorically prefer 2019.

My impression of 2020 is that it's trying to pretend it's not on rails any more, where you have this weird wobbly dribbling system that lets you just bounce off (and through) defenders, and moments where the ball eludes you. But it's smoke and mirrors. When you have the controller in your hand, you can feel that you're trying to guide a player one way (to a loose ball for example) but your player isn't responding, or isn't heading in your specified direction, or is hitting invisible barriers. It's as stiff as ever.

And it's really annoying watching so many passes get deflected by defenders throwing themselves dramatically at simple passes like they're match-winning shots - and players falling over left right and centre.
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early impressions are positive.

I like it. Not much time to give a full proper review

I'm shocked at how different it is to PES 2019. its evolved again. I like the new right stick, it takes time to get used to and its so different to how you utilize R2 and close control. I had so many issues trying to trap the ball. I have found you have to hold the left stick in a direction with R2 to get the instant close control back!

Other than that i really like the physicality and fouls and collisions have evolved.

A few important negatives.

- The AI is really passive in defence, if you stand on the ball, the game literally stops, very PES 2011 'Green Zone' bug like thing happening.

- Some really retarded AI and responsiveness at times in defence or recognizing a lose ball.

- 5 minute demo time means they are hiding more flaws in my opinion. So I'm a little nervous it may have these flaws on release. These must be fixed by release, they will be sorted eventually but sometime it really takes Konami a long time to address this stuff.

Finally guys I want to make a thread for PES future feedback via PES Universe to Konami as i want to show you all a good example of how PES Universe's feedback has helped the game in the last few years.
The way it is by default, I don't like it.

Whack the height up and zoom it out a little, and I love it.

Yes, i cut the angle down to 1 and i found some nice angles.

Also I did win 2 games on Superstar but i'm going back to beginner to learn fully the Right Stick. Its too short to really get into matches, it makes it harder than it is because you lack time for the game to ebb and flow. See what this game can do. Its actually easier now to link skill moves, not quite FIFA style but i will see what this is capable of!
Wanted to wait out the storm, so I didnt bother with the demo yesterday.
Today, after 3 matches, I can throw few things in.
5mins is a disgrace. Yet again offline players are being more or less forced to go online, but not this time, Konami. I'll be hammering this demo offline till the death. Need to see as much patterns from AI as possible.
Proper session will be tonight, so far first impressions are:
+ pace. Its just lovely. First Pes since forever, where I didnt feel the need to go to at least minus 1 to get more of a simulation (my beloved 17 I play on -2!)
+ physicality. Lovely to see weight of the players and their clashes. Im afraid that all the clips with clipping and glitches will force Konami to change it for release. But I really hope they dont.
+ shot variety. First Pes in ages, where its not that easy to shoot on target. Wrong body position, ball momentum, your speed - all seems to be taken into consideration.
+ ball physics. Another step up from 19, which I thought was fairly difficult to achieve
+ randomness. Not everyone is a fan of these. I personally love the mess. When ball bounces all over the place and you never know whats gonna happen
+ first touch and the fact that ball power really has impact on it.
+ players speed. Due to overall game speed being slower, you can feel players speed more. Bursts are proper bursts and I didnt notice any slow defenders being able to catch fast strikers easily.
+ overall passing. Feels more weighty and rewarding. Advanced through balls are slower to execute, but really fun to use
+ defending. Harder yet rewarding. Plus sliding tackles are effective again. I feel i can hack at someone and there is a fair chance I will get the ball back
+ in 5mins match I already injured 2 AI players

Now the big ones...
+ AI. I've seen dribbling, skills, shots from distance, all angles. So far is nice, random and unpredictable.

Biggest Con so far are random, stupid fouls, where players just clash and referee whistles (most of the time against us)

Played on Professional, PA0, Advanced Through balls, 0 speed, default new camera (which I like so far)
Nail on the head.
Yesterday i watched pesep streaming the demo and he just couldn't stop complaining because they changed finess dribbling to right stick and he was so used to it being mapped on R2. Actually it's just a matter of relearning the new command, i tried it and it's intuitive. He complained mostly because he didn't want to admit it was OP in Pes 2019 and now they made it a bit more difficult, requiring more skill than just pressing R2, it's now contextual to player position and direction of the right stick.

Also, he complained about passing not going the way he expected to, he also admitted that maybe it's a good thing because passes are less assisted compared to Pes 2019 but he still didn't like it.
It's definitely not a good thing listening to people that complain when a thing is not OP anymore just because those were the ways they used to win in Myclub.

I'm prepared for a bad surprise after this demo feedback. Despite what people claimed (it's Pes 2019.1, it's just like Pes 2019) watching videos it's very different to Pes 2019 playing it. I fear they will go back to Pes 2019 when full game releases, i can feel it.

I shouldn't be worried about that but i am because if Konami understands Myclub players don't like the demo they are going to do as much as possible to please them in the wrong way.
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Yesterday i watched pesep streaming the demo and he just couldn't stop complaining because they changed finess dribbling to right stick and he was so used to it. Actually it's just a matter of relearning the new command, i tried it and it's intuitive. He complained mostly because he didn't want to admit it was OP in Pes 2019 and now they made it a bit more difficult, requiring more skill than just pressing R2, it's now contextual to player position and direction of the right stick.

Also, he complained about passing not going the way he expected to, he also admitted that maybe it's a good thing because passes are less assisted compared to Pes 2019 but he still didn't like it.
It's definitely not a good thing listening to people that complain when a thing is not OP anymore just because those were the ways they used to win in Myclub.
I really hope none of those "pros" are listened to.
Regarding the AI I can see some potential in it for sure, they exhibit some more intelligent and natural behavioiur at times but boy, half the time it's like they're not even there, they don't do much defensively and they are just meh on the ball. but then if they see that gap to ping a long range pass up to the forwards then they will do it don't you worry.

I think the 5 minute matches aren't helping with this but I hope what Adam says is true and it will be 'ramped up' for the full game because otherwise games on superstar will be boring as hell
+ players speed. Due to overall game speed being slower, you can feel players speed more. Bursts are proper bursts and I didnt notice any slow defenders being able to catch fast strikers easily.

This is something I forgot to mention, so thanks for that. I find vs ai on superstar, if you give Ronaldo or some speed-gun a bit of space down the wings or simply hang off for a sec, they just put pedal to the metal and get away very quick... the burst of speed down the sideline looks awesome.... the speed (difference between someone fast and slow) is back, both with P1 and AI. The double (or triple) tap of the R1 also knocks the ball much further out than before.. not sure if it happens every few strides as I haven't fully figured it out, but when it works, it not only looks great, but is a tremendous help outpacing defenders around you.. ok.. let the evening efootball pes2020 demo session commence...
Regarding the AI I can see some potential in it for sure, they exhibit some more intelligent and natural behavioiur at times but boy, half the time it's like they're not even there, they don't do much defensively and they are just meh on the ball. but then if they see that gap to ping a long range pass up to the forwards then they will do it don't you worry.

I think the 5 minute matches aren't helping with this but I hope what Adam says is true and it will be 'ramped up' for the full game because otherwise games on superstar will be boring as hell

Exhibition mode has always been more relaxed compared to competitions and Master league. If by "ramped up" he means adding more script, cheating and stats boost to AI then we are in trouble. It will be another Pes 2019.
Exhibition mode has always been more relaxed compared to competitions and Master league. If by "ramped up" he means adding more script, cheating and stats boost to AI then we are in trouble. It will be another Pes 2019.
I doubt that fixed AI scripts in ML.
All impressions about AI in demo not relevant
This is the farest the cpu shoots. Its like 20-22 meters. (Its easy to mod on PC so i dont worry, not even about OP keepers or the fast pass speed, all of these can be modded in 2019 so if the file system is the same we are good on PC.)

I havent seen tho the cpu change tactics radically like in the PS2 days. Too bad. What a great addition that was.

As for the ball it is free as a bird this time, trapping kinda the same as in my pc gameplay mod, where players sometime dont even know where the ball is with these random rebounds/bad traps, which the majority here even on evo-web disliked. I wonder how it flies with the overall crowd.
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