eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Im sorry but the demo has just came out today and people are already crying like babies, its a demo ffs things will get better even though it is hard to improve near perfection like the pes 2020 demo, if you dont like the demo then go to fifa!
Please stop moaning if you dont like it play another game

Im sorry but the demo has just came out today and people are already crying like babies, its a demo ffs things will get better even though it is hard to improve near perfection like the pes 2020 demo, if you dont like the demo then go to fifa!

Woah! Hold on there cowboy.
Wrong attitude.
But its true its only the first day, actually not even the first day and people are complaining

I know but it's always been like that. I know you're new here and you've not been around long enough to see it through, -not trying to diminish you at all, but it is what it is- but it's always like that.
People who have played every single Winning Eleven/PES and FIFA that ever existed expect more from this game.

You can't tell them to shut up just because.
Just express yourself and your own ideas. In fact I asked you a question before and you didn't answer.
Having a mixed bag after a dozen games, some feel ok, some are packed with problems.

Getting far too many goals from AI keeper falling into his defenders, the odd occasion is fine but too many


Miskicks are nice, but I’m not convinced they are because of positioning, getting a roll of the dice vibe off them


Too many nothing fouls given, I like fouls, I even like the odd harsh decision or card, but it’s far too sensitive and the AI doesn’t follow the same rules.


I don’t like the running animations, well the AI mostly, very stop start. Kind of looks like they need the toilet but can’t commit to running to it because Mr Turtle Head is poking out.


Sound is arse again, that will never change. I assume the sound design budget is maybe 10 dollars? The menus are looking grim too, as a first impression I was greeted with a hanging screen that showed Scott McTominay crudely cut out and placed on a blank background. Surely a nice loading screen or menu isn’t too much to ask for, even on a demo.


But my main issue has nothing to do with gameplay, edit mode hasn’t been upgraded yet again. (Add a sponsor image isn’t an upgrade, it’s lipstick on a pig). How many years has it been like this? 4 million years? 3 years? Somewhere in between? It’s nice the edit guys have it to work on early this time, but no new fonts? Collars? Text outline? Pixel edit? Not good enough.

Oh and


Fuck that logo.

But despite these early negatives, some matches I’ve borderline enjoyed... not quite smile worthy, definitely not hand cream and tissue worthy, but better than a hammer to the nuts.
Having a mixed bag after a dozen games, some feel ok, some are packed with problems.

Getting far too many goals from AI keeper falling into his defenders, the odd occasion is fine but too many


Miskicks are nice, but I’m not convinced they are because of positioning, getting a roll of the dice vibe off them


Too many nothing fouls given, I like fouls, I even like the odd harsh decision or card, but it’s far too sensitive and the AI doesn’t follow the same rules.


I don’t like the running animations, well the AI mostly, very stop start. Kind of looks like they need the toilet but can’t commit to running to it because Mr Turtle Head is poking out.


Sound is arse again, that will never change. I assume the sound design budget is maybe 10 dollars? The menus are looking grim too, as a first impression I was greeted with a hanging screen that showed Scott McTominay crudely cut out and placed on a blank background. Surely a nice loading screen or menu isn’t too much to ask for, even on a demo.


But my main issue has nothing to do with gameplay, edit mode hasn’t been upgraded yet again. (Add a sponsor image isn’t an upgrade, it’s lipstick on a pig). How many years has it been like this? 4 million years? 3 years? Somewhere in between? It’s nice the edit guys have it to work on early this time, but no new fonts? Collars? Text outline? Pixel edit? Not good enough.

Oh and


Fuck that logo.

But despite these early negatives, some matches I’ve borderline enjoyed... not quite smile worthy, definitely not hand cream and tissue worthy, but better than a hammer to the nuts.

You, sir, are a dirty lurker.

I'm off to bed. Goodnight!
Really? No catch-up bug?

Hmm... Sexy!
I like the sound of that.

Yeah, hopefully! It surprised me, might just need a dramatic contrast between high and low stamina.

Regarding pressure fouls: I was a bit annoyed at first as my first three fouls from holding X resulted in yellow cards but in the last couple of games I've let go of X a second earlier and that seems to have helped.
People claiming "Pes 19.1-5 must be pretty out of the Pes 19 loop.
This feels completely different.
Haven't played enough games to say bad-good-great yet.
But it's not bad,like the pace,like that you have to adjust your body when shooting/passing.

Ball isn't as lose as 19,but it feels more "weighty"
5 min doesn't say much,but so far it's pretty good,don't see a rushed CPU getting up front asap,some moves from the CPU got me on my ass,like a pass feint and i was off sliding past him(to much Pes 18 lately)
And beating a slower defender,no problems,played as BM vs the lowest ranked team (can't remember which) and K Koman ripped those defenders a new one.

PA0 Profesional difficulty as a test,played good.
Early days though,but a Pes 19.3/4/5 nope,far from it.
Impressions after about 15 games against the AI on Top Player

Positives So Far:
  • Ball physics are incredible
  • Visuals are great - day and night matches look really nice and the rain and snow looks a lot nicer too, although still no snow on the pitch.
  • Animations - noticing many more small animations which make everything looks smoother and more fluid
  • Physicality between players - they come together a lot nicer from what I'm seeing. Some really nice shielding and collisions going on. There's still some clipping there obviously but I'm not spending my time going in to replays and looking for it frame by frame with this years game.
  • New camera angle is fantastic once gotten used to. You can finally tell which stadium you're playing in. This has been a problem for PES/FIFA over the years. Nice to see it's been addressed.
  • Match presentation seems better with the animated/colourful ad boards.
  • AI dribbling and sprint bursts. AI messi went for a nice trademark run down the right wing before cutting in and zig zagging through 3 of my players. All on the left foot, looked very real and Messi like. Although once getting through, he chose to keep dribbling instead of passing and was easily tackled. A bit of a mix of positive and negative here but I'm looking at it more as a positive.
  • Varied AI shooting and from distance - not just high top corner shots
  • Some volley and first time shot attempts have gone extremely wide
  • Stoppage time! Haven't had a 0 added minutes game yet. I even got 5 extra mins. Looks like something has been tweaked here
Negatives So Far:
  • Crowd noise still not up to par - I'm noticing some new sounds and chants which are nice but still room for improvement
  • PA1 too accurate
  • AI is rushing too much with no build up play. Could be down to only 5min games. Hopefully see an improvement here when game time goes up. We know from previous games that the AI can keep the ball well and pass it around.
  • Fouls seem to be given for non-fouls. Reading this a lot here and on other channels, hopefully get's addressed.
Biggest Smile Moment:

AI Lewandowski receiving the ball at his feet with backtowards goal. I've barged him in the back with my defender and Lewa has stood strong, held me off and then turned me and threw me off balance. He used a burst of speed towards goal and finessed a beautiful shot in to the bottom corner. Wish i recorded it.

Verdict So Far:

Overall, from what I've played so far, I'm enjoying the game. I've spent so much time over the years over analyzing everything frame by frame and looking for faults. I won't be doing that this year. Seeing the usual guys on Twitter posting GIF's about mouth opening animations and celebrations that look robotic, then the rest of the clique jumps in and throws in their laughing emoji and RIP PES comments, but for the most part feedback and impressions seem quite good. There's a couple areas that need addressing which will add more to the experience but all in all, I'm feeling positive. Getting 2-3 fouls per game from the AI. For a 5 minute match this is fine IMO. From a content side, this is looking like the most complete PES package we've seen since 2013.
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what's worrisome: in all the videos posted so far, haven't seen a single decent AI play... with most common variation being the AI player taking the ball and dribbling it into a human-controlled midfielder/defender. Question for those who played the demo so far: is there any hope for AI this year?
Are you 100% sure?.
That's 8 more hours than here in Argentina, which means we'd get it fairly early. I may not even be sleeping yet by that time!
Yes, steam updates itself with new titles at that specific time. Did you forget last year's demo already?
Just played one match

Nowhere near close to make any detailed impression of the game, but there are way too blatant positive and negative aspects that make that terrible time restriction enough to point some things out.

If I could sum up everything in a few words, I would say that the game does things that are absolutely beautiful that are light years ahead of any other game of football ever released and things that are absolutetly dreadful.

Ball physics, the way the ball behaves with ALL different types of passes is absolutetly beautiful. I know this hás been praised in Pes 2019, it is one aspect that its almost an unanimity. But in this game, passing the ball around with manual passing and catching ALL the details in ball movement, ball bouncing and traveling, reaching a Variety of different heights and Speed that capture perfectly the intended passing type is Just beautiful. And I think the New tv camera and ALL the other positive aspects already mentioned here like players Weight and overall movement on the ball make it pleasure to Just watch.

But as for the negative aspect, it is terrible in the same propotion so much so thats a hype killing (not that I was hyped for a New pes game, not at ALL).

I played a Bayern vs Juventus game. The guy that posted a vídeo here showing why he did not like the game is absolutetly right. Playing the game in top player level is worse than playing in amatuer in old pés games from PS2 era. CPU looks completly Dead without the ball. Its like they are beating me by 20-0 and simply dont brother anymore, they have zero attitude to Win possession and take the ball. I have the feeling that I can spend the whole time passing the ball around and backwards and there Will be zero Sense of threat loosing It. Zero attitude, zero pressure, zero tatical close down from CPU. Its absolutetly atrocious
Just got done playing a few co-op matches with my dad against the A.I.
Professional difficulty at first, then Top Player. Standard settings.
There's a lot to talk about so i think an "+" and "-" format works the best for now. These are just my first impressions after about 10 matches or something.

+The pace is brilliant, it's slow and realistic, but not to the point where it's boring or that it feels "slow motion".
+The game feels more physical, kind of like 2014, 2015, etc. Players feel more heavy, both the user controlled ones and the A.I. ones.
+I've seen some miskicked passes, and it feels somewhat stat based, when i played as Juve i made less mistakes compared to when i played as River. It's not quite where it should be i think, but it's a step in the right direction.
+This game has the best models in any footy game ever, in my eyes, the anatomy is spot on.
+The animations are still great and the added weight to the players make them even better and more real.
+The new camera is a nice addition, and it's customizable, which i didn't think it would be, a nice surprise.
+The A.I. doesn't feel as "cheap" compared to previous entries in the series, and they attack with a bit more variety.
+There are a lot more fouls than in any other Fox Engine PES.
+The ball physics are the best in any PES game i think, very varied and random, which is wonderful.
+The defensive system is more manual, more similar to FIFA, tackling isn't as simple as pressing a button at the right time, there's more timing and positioning involved than ever before.
+The A.I. does less "ping pong".
+There are less backheels, for both the A.I. and the player.

-This is more of a problem with the demo and not the full game, but i need to vent a little, who thought that a 5min limit was a good idea?
-The "eFootball" logo appearing after every replay, alongside every foul having a replay, is pretty bad.
-The "new" menus look like PES 5 and 6, okay for 2005 and 2006, but not anymore, we were promised new menus for years, and when they finally show up it's just a new color (so much purple) and a new main menu that's so bland it's painful.
-While i love the look of the game regarding models, the colors are just weird, i've tried to adjust brightness, contrast, etc, but something still looks "off".
-The new camera is nice, but still, the camera options in this game are so meh, either they are too far away or too close, there's nothing like the "Tele" cam in FIFA, for example.

Ok, so for now most of the "Cons" have been minor, because i'm optimistic about this game, i've liked it overall, but now i'm going to the most important cons.

-There are still quite a few matches with 0 fouls.
-The fouls themselves feel too random when given, still better than having no fouls, but not exactly ideal. In previous games i had an idea if my tackle would be a foul or not, "I was too agressive there" or "I did well in there" is what would go through my head after every time i challenged the opposition, but now the ref gives fouls for perfectly normal tackles a lot of the time, so every time i tackle normally i'm afraid it's going to be a foul, that's not realistic at all, when we say we want more fouls we mean that we want more agressiveness and more tactical fouls, like when a player pulls the opponent's shirt in the middle of the park to stop the flow of the attack, it's common in real life and nonexistent in PES, we want more fouls and PES 2020 certaintly gave us, but not in the right way.
-The A.I. still has a way too direct mentality, they attack with more variety than previous years which is good, but their core and mentality is still the same, go foward as fast as possible with as few passes as possible, it's going in the right direction but it still needs a lot of work.
-The pitch is still too big, which opens a lot of artificial space that shouldn't be there and makes it easier for both the player and the A.I. to be way more direct than they should be able to.
-Maybe it's just a coincidence but i noticed most of the goals i've conceded happened imeddiatly after i scored, felt a bit robotic.

Well, that's it, hopefully it grows on me, but i don't think it will too much since i'm already a bit more optimistic than i though i would be. Konami is doing exactly what they did in the PS2 era, every game is just a slight update of the last, the problem is that a lot of people have problems with the game's core, and a yearly update of the previous game is never going to fix those problems, i think that taking in consideration the current direction Konami is taking, with a focus on online and Myclub, and the fact that this game is still using the Fox Engine, i don't see us getting anything much better than this in this console generation. I think i'll just stick with PES 2018 because i don't feel like spending 60 bucks for an update that fixes some problems i have with a game i already own, but don't get me wrong, to me 2020 is the best in the Fox Engine era probably, but considering i already own 2 Fox Engine PES games, i think i'll just wait for the new engine, if it ever happens.
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ended up downloading it played it, not impressed in the areas that matter for me for playing offline

+ player models look great on wide cam
+ nets and grass look great too
+ love how players shield the ball
+ weight of the pass and shot feels alot better than previous versions
+ trying to find space to have a shot on goal seems like you have to earn it on Superstar difficulty
+ AI finally not playing one touch ping pong passing is a relief to see
+ one touch backheels have been toned down which is great to see too
+ shooting variety and error is alot more pronounced

as for the negatives
- AI running back to there predetermined positions before they take action especially in defense is a big turn off
- pressing triangle to bring the keeper out he just stands still doesnt dive, has been an issue with previous versions still not rectified
- AI still passing around perfect passes all the way to goal 90% of the time, not many misplaced passes, superstar difficulty
- player models still move robotic at times
- dispossessing players 90% of the time end up being free kicks, big turn off considering the AI gets away with it when they perform a similar action to yours.
- when the AI wants to score no matter what you do it will find its way towards goal.
- AI attacking variety seems like iv seen it all with the 10 games i played

still the underlying issues that were in previous games are still there but theres been an improvement but nowhere near enough to make it a day one purchase, this game will be fun tho when playing player vs player
Another year another pile of garbage.
Animations and Ai horrible. Movement feels unnatural and floaty usual.

And just like last year give the ball to last defender on superstar and walk him up the field into oppositions half with no pressure from the AI, and even when the 1 attacked approaches you can just keep enough distance where the detection stops and no pressure is applied
I can see now Juventus changing their attitude on the second half if your on the lead. They advance their lines and start playing on your half more.

Still a bit too essy to pass the ball around considering is on top palyer against Juventus, but I can see this game being absolutely beautiful If Konami had any interesting on programing CPU AI properly
+ Game pace so far is perfect.
+ Physicality is so good. So cool seeing players fighting for the ball
+ I feel like I'm doing more thinking than reactionary, getting rid of the ball gameplay.
+ I've seen some nice shooting animations.
+ Quite responsive for so many smooth looking animations
+ No skating and good footplanting
+ Haven't seen a single backheel so far. Or maybe it happened but didn't notice, you know, compared to last few years of constant backheels
+ Also haven't seen constant pingpong one touch passing
+ Keepers aren't as floaty. Or maybe not floaty at all
+ Yes I've seen the many misplaced passes from AI, whether from impossible angles, maybe stats, or just pressure
+ My passes go to the intended player
+ Haven't felt bored of it yet
+ Experimenting moves and maneuvers that I'd do irl and pulling them off
+ Good ball physics
+ Good first touch. Not every player has the same perfect first touch

So yea, so many of the issues I've complained about are corrected in this version. So honestly I'm happy so far. Now I don't know if other issues rear their heads, but I hope not.

I've started on professional then moved to superstar. Feels good so far. Compared to all superstar difficulties of the past games though, this one feels either more tame, or just realistic? I'm not quite sure. Will play more.

Also started on assisted passing and shooting, then moved to manual passing and advanced shooting. So far manual passing feels more like how level 1 assisted passing should feel like. I like it. Will need more time with advanced shooting.

EDIT: Update on passing assistance. Changed back to assisted 1. Manual was nice but the moment my passes started going to the nonintended player, killed the immersion for me and had to change back. I'm not talking about accuracy. I'd actually pass softly to the player right next to me, and he'd leave it to the player behind him. Can't do that. Now it's all good again.
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Online games in the demo are 10 mins long and if you time it right with someone else who has the demo and so matchmaking at the same time, you will end up playing them.

Might not work so well now that the demo is worldwide rather than just those who are NZ based
Online games in the demo are 10 mins long and if you time it right with someone else who has the demo and so matchmaking at the same time, you will end up playing them.

Might not work so well now that the demo is worldwide rather than just those who are NZ based
are the regular games still only five minutes?
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