eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Ok, I played a bit more tonight..must say the AI is definitely better, for me it's a good difficulty balance playing on Superstar. I've seen them shoot from outside, dribble..(conceded a goal vs Juve after Dyabala tricked 2 of my players passing the ball to Ronaldo, vs Barca coutinho did some skills aswell leading to a goal) I've scored 2-3 fantastic goals outside the box..AI plays more varied, haven't noticed anything big to complain there..physicality is really there too and you can see new animations..there are definitely good things here, improved from pes 19..
Three games in a row online, the opponent has had 90% pass accuracy. It is DEFINITELY still possible to ping-pong it around, let's get that out of the way (and I set matchmaking settings to "my assists only", i.e. PA1).

In-fact, ping-pong is all they frigging do - and every time you try and start running towards their pass target, the pass has been and gone onto the next one.

It's nothing like football online - and offline, on Superstar, I finished a game earlier as Boca v Arsenal where they ended with 10 completed passes. Total. Because they don't know what build-up play is and all they want to do is hit the ball from defence to attack. Compare that to my 60-70.

(Yet we finished with the same amount of shots on target each, because build-up play just isn't necessary, and it's as if the game is trying to teach me that - "stop messing around with that build-up bollocks and just do what I do".)

Graphically it's stunning. In terms of the gameplay, I categorically prefer 2019.

My impression of 2020 is that it's trying to pretend it's not on rails any more, where you have this weird wobbly dribbling system that lets you just bounce off (and through) defenders, and moments where the ball eludes you. But it's smoke and mirrors. When you have the controller in your hand, you can feel that you're trying to guide a player one way (to a loose ball for example) but your player isn't responding, or isn't heading in your specified direction, or is hitting invisible barriers. It's as stiff as ever.

And it's really annoying watching so many passes get deflected by defenders throwing themselves dramatically at simple passes like they're match-winning shots - and players falling over left right and centre.
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Early days but I’m enjoying it so far, we’ll I’ve played back to back games without vomiting blood so that’s an improvement on 19. Not getting hopes up though as historically the demo and full release change quite a bit.

My point of posting here though is to do with injuries. I had Coutinho go down with one late in a game, had an animation and everything. But I’m sure I remember that happening to me in last years demo too, but never experienced it in full game. Could be because many times I switched off early out of frustration, but to those more hardy than me, were there on field muscle/fatigue injuries in PES19? Or was that something that they cut from release?
Three games in a row online, the opponent has had 90% pass accuracy. It is DEFINITELY still possible to ping-pong it around. It's all they frigging do - and every time you try and start running towards their pass target, the pass has been and gone onto the next one.

It's nothing like football, it just isn't - and offline, on Superstar, I finished a game earlier as Boca v Arsenal where they ended with 10 completed passes. Total. Because all they want to do is smash the ball forwards. Compare that to my 60-70.

Graphically it's stunning. In terms of the gameplay, I categorically prefer 2019.

My impression of 2020 is that it's trying to pretend it's not on rails any more, where you have this weird wobbly dribbling system that lets you just bounce off (and through) defenders, and moments where the ball eludes you. But it's smoke and mirrors. When you have the controller in your hand, you can feel that you're trying to guide a player one way (to a loose ball for example) but your player isn't responding, or isn't heading in your specified direction, or is hitting invisible barriers. It's as stiff as ever.

And it's really annoying watching so many passes get deflected by defenders throwing themselves dramatically at simple passes like they're match-winning shots - and players falling over left right and centre.
download link plz i cant find it in steam
Anyone notice the new stat Tight Possession?

Also Acceleration is back, after so many years. Why change it in the first place?

Still waiting on Shooting Technique to come back.
Are you guys able to work in the PC Demo for import .ted teams on those leagues for the full game release?
For 2 years we didn´t had a good import for PC because we use Mods, but let's see if the import editor just improve the slow loading, if it does, we don´t need to use mods anymore.
It's nice to read these impressions, keep 'em coming!

Also interresting to read such differing views, but it's a bit worrying that @Chris Davies has such a bad impression of it:CONFUSE:
But at the same time it seems a lot of usually very critical people like it so far.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to try it for myself tomorrow hopefully.

But it's crap that it's only 5 min matches! I thought they wouldn't do us like that again and it seems pointless to restrict it like that:RANT:
Another thing that needs to be said, for them to turn up the visuals this much and still get smooth frames is amazing on current gen hardware. The Fox engine is really strong here. Just smoother dribbling animations and some added ones here and there are needed. I'm still amazed how much improved the foul system is.
something cool i just discovered going through the in-game command list. If you hold R2 and the left stick (yes left stick not right) in a direction before trapping the ball your player will do a bit of a misdirection trap animation where he sells that hes going the opposite way.
Played 50+ matches against CPU, never happened something to goalkeeper like that. It should tell you it's far from gamebreaking.

But i will stop "defending" the game. Just play it and make your own opinion.

That I shall. Merely an exchange of opinions. To that end, I'm of a belief that something like that should happen not infrequently but not at all.
I thought twice about posting this, I know I'll be called a hater. But those who know me know I'm not.

I really, really don't like it, now that I've had more time with it.

Every 3rd or 4th pass/shot is a deflection, or a rebound. Because the pressing is insane. I've not had a miskick yet that's felt like it was because of the context - I've tried to hit first-time shots with perfect positioning and they've skewed wide simply because I've pressed the shoot button early.

Fouls are given for absolutely nothing. Penalties are given for perfect slide tackles (as we saw in one of the Man United v Legends gameplay videos). Players have started falling over for no reason. Rebound goals seem big again.

So much just feels... Broken.

Hmm. Sorry Chris, I usually agree with your videos, but not this one. Apart from that goalkeeper mistake, which may still happen once in many games because games aren't perfect still where silly stuff like that still happen, the rest look like nitpicking.

The passing accuracy you've shown where you sped up the video, are all easy open passes and you should expect them not to misplace them. Also when you said the only time the pass goes astray is when it goes out of play, that's also not true, because players do misplace passes this time when they try to do a 180 pass. I've also had a few misplaced and intercepted because of pressure. So at least this is something that's been evidently worked on after many years of us complaining.

I'm still playing this btw and recorded a few clips of things I've noticed.
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Just yesterday I saw a video of some guys doing a Cristiano Ronaldo’s jump challenge in central London.

Today I captured his vertical/areal domination in PES 2020.
Before attempting the header, he created the space by making a forward run, quick stopping and created the space. Despite sticking close to his man, Sergi Roberts couldn’t deal with Ronaldo’s immense presence.

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