eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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I think PvP, think game is going to be miles better than fifa. Been watching spookey's vid, barging in from behind spamming x gives you a foul. Offline, its still dodgy, but its a definite improvement over 2019. I look forward to downloading demo.

Wanted to echo this thought. Only played a handful of games against the AI and didn't have time to play an online match yet but if the AI is a shambles again this year (although so far it seems better) I might find myself playing mostly online. There is a good game here and I pray to god they don't speed it up for the full release, even though I have a sinking feeling in my gut that they will.

I am liking the flow of the game. There are a lot of nice new little animations like certain wind ups for shots and close dribble control that I really like. Pinging the ball around feels exceptional, especially long passes and lofted balls. There is a difference for example playing long balls with Xhaka vs. Villa (boca juniors), one renown for his passing and the other not so much - personally I could feel the difference in quality between them.
Fouls are a bit questionable, had multiple instances in each game where obvious fouls were not called and non-fouls that were called as fouls.
Really enjoying it so far.. Have only played online matches.. First one was me as River Plate Vs Man Utd... I soaked up an inordinate amount of pressure and then managed to sneak a goal late on to win it 1-0.. Must have played 6 or 7 so far changing teams each time. Very much liked playing as Man Utd, Pogba actually feels like a beast, he can burst forward and unleash a long range shot and it feels right...

Pros and Cons

Pros: The weight, reminds me of PES 2014 which I absolutely adored.. The fact that players try to get their feet settled and setup, the fact if you try to rush a pass it can be misplaced (playing PA1) and watching all manner of passes go wild because opponents were trying to ping pong it about.. That is just glorious.. The coin kiddies will hate it, they will call it lag, actually its just realistic for a change. Love it, will be gutted if this gets changed (but I assume it will before final release unfortunately, its gonna be too much for their target audience).

Speed of the game feels right, its nice and slow but fast players stand out which is as it should be. Really nice flow to the game and building up from the back feels really good.

Shooting, I have really enjoyed, seems to have a similar thing to passing in that if you are off balance or not setup right its got a good chance of going wrong.. Would love it if this stays exactly as is!

Defending, actually feels good this year.. I like that my defenders seem to have a variety of moves to block a ball, it doesn't seem to favour the attacker on crosses every time and it feels like you can get to most passes and crosses if you are good at the game.. Unlike 2019 where it picked who was gonna get the ball (the attacker) as soon as the cross was made..

Keepers seem good too, they just seem to react and I watched Neuer and De Gea come tearing off their lines to close down and win the ball on a few occasions where as last year I would have had to bring them out myself, very happy with that.. Wish they would stop punching so often though when they have a free jump to the ball!

Graphics, not sure why people are moaning about this, looked fine on my TV. Might be a bit dark but I would assume thats nothing a bit of tweaking in game wont be able to fix. Shadows dont strain my eyes which is nice as well!


Cursor change still sucks, its probably better than last year but too often the team defending won't get the cursor change needed when going for a rebound or a loose ball where as the attacking team will change immediately to the closest player.. This needs sorting out as it is a killer.. Also still seems to pick a player for the pass and even if its wrong the game will keep you with that player despite hitting L1 or right stick.. Only way to get away is super cancel and by that time you have lost the ball.. Cursor change needs more intelligence and not get stuck!

Pass assist, not sure whether I was just unlucky but I played a guy who was Juventus and he was nailing back heels and first time passes way too often.. I would assume he was on PA3 but he didn't get the same level of error I did thats for sure... He misplaced passes of course, but not to the same degree as someone on PA1 would do. I keep hoping they remove PA3 entirely but they won't, but if they allow it online its going to cause even more issues competitively if they don't add some more error to it.. PA1 feels really nice though.

Dribbling, I don't like it.. I don't like how auto feint occasionally works or it switches to close control because I mistimed my input minutely. Don't see why they decided to change these controls as it hasn't really brought anything else to the game. Would rather they kept close control on R2 with the improvements they have made to it. I assume I will get the hang of it but I always liked the tricks and context sensitive auto feint as it felt natural to do, now that feels like its going to be a complete pain and I don't want to learn button combos like its Street Fighter..

Overall, really like it, will get round to some offline games later on I am sure but online feels really nice.. I do wish they had thrown a few more lower tier teams in and allowed us to filter the top tier ones out but alas my dream of Online Divisions with a star rating filter will probably have to wait another few years and I will spend the season playing Barcelona, PSG and Liverpool yet again.
Tried the demo. Meh.
Once you change the camera back to what it was the novely wears off quickly.

The good: Error has certainly increased, especially when forcing plays that you just shouldn't force (nice and realistic)
AI players actually dribble a little

The bad: responsiveness when switching players was godawful and annoying (defense). Whenever the ball is knocked loose it's a huge disadvantage. Feels flawed.AI off the ball movement also wasn't too inspiring.
AI goalkeeping still OP on the line, shooting didn't feel vastly different.
Refs were horrendous. Loads of fouls, but a lot of them weren't fouls. Worst of all was what happened in the box: I made a picture perfect last ditch tackle with Pjanic that resulted in a penalty that simply wasn't one while on the other side of the feel a close call for my attacker didn't result in a penalty. PES20 and they still haven't figured out how to make decent refs.

Overall: Might get this on the cheap once they've (possibly) ironed out the issues. But hey, Madden's released this week, so things aren't so gloomy.
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My expectations were rock bottom,so I’m more then pleasantly surprised by the demo..

Had a quick few with Boca vs CC on top player,pa0.Lots of good contextual stuff ie players holding up the ball,sheilding,blocking,performing drag backs etc.Pace,tempo,weight and inertia feels great,as does player control.Dont feel like I’m wrestling the controller and ever button command is accurately reflected by the action on pitch.

Definitely has a glossed up retro pes feel to
Proceedings,and although early days.I’m more then pleasantly surprised by Just how reminiscent this is of pes back in the day.
Thats new...
Also i heard there are only 3 stadiums, 2 of which are generic.
Really dissapointing
I think only 1 is Generic, Neu Sonne. Both Allianz Arena & Allianz Parque are real venues.

But you'd think they'd complete the Allianz Trinity and include Juventus' Allianz Stadium.

Then they could say the demo has "AAA Stadia". :BY:

Missed opportunity for Konami really. They should hire me as a marketing consultant. :SHAKE:
Played the demo for just over two hours and very impressed with it.

The pace is utterly brilliant
New camera angle is stunning
Players feel weighty
Shooting is fantastic, Hit loads of missed timed shots and wayward shots
Passing on PA1 is great, Plenty of astray passes, Blind passes are not accurate at all
Ref is great not quite as strict as PES 5 ref but getting there!
Graphics and Animations are excellent
Lighting is excellent and a huge difference between all 3 stadiums

Will this game win the Fifa fanboys over? Not a chance! This is a million miles away from what Fifa fans want. Will it win over PS2 PES players that have moved to Fifa? Yes i think it will. This feels like at the moment the spiritual successor of PES 5 and the start of something tremendous in the next few years and nxt-gen.

Couple of issues i have, Atmosphere is pretty dire. The game feels faster the more you go up the AI so playing regular it feels nice and slow and the AI get plenty of men behind the ball, while playing on Top Player or Superstar the game speeds up as you have far less time on the ball and the AI want to counter really quickly.

Overall though i wasnt expecting to be impressed as i have not been impressed with PES since PES 6 but todays demo has really surprised me. Brilliant Konami finally firmly back on track! Cannot wait for the full game. Back to the demo it is then...
It's definitely growing on me now. It really nails the feel on the ball. Lot's of new animations. Weight of players is lovely & loving the new double tap sprint. I've smashed the ball way over the bar quite a few times now which is nice & there's definitely more error.
Not sure about the A.i though yet which could be a deal breaker.
after reading the early demo impressions here, i am sure i will start my testing tonight with default camera (as it was before). i dont want the new cam gimme that feeling of new just for looks! i want to feel and see the new stuff on the pitch. might do a few games with "the old camera" then switching to the new one.
Played the demo for just over two hours and very impressed with it.

The pace is utterly brilliant
New camera angle is stunning
Players feel weighty
Shooting is fantastic, Hit loads of missed timed shots and wayward shots
Passing on PA1 is great, Plenty of astray passes, Blind passes are not accurate at all
Ref is great not quite as strict as PES 5 ref but getting there!
Graphics and Animations are excellent
Lighting is excellent and a huge difference between all 3 stadiums

Will this game win the Fifa fanboys over? Not a chance! This is a million miles away from what Fifa fans want. Will it win over PS2 PES players that have moved to Fifa? Yes i think it will. This feels like at the moment the spiritual successor of PES 5 and the start of something tremendous in the next few years and nxt-gen.

Couple of issues i have, Atmosphere is pretty dire. The game feels faster the more you go up the AI so playing regular it feels nice and slow and the AI get plenty of men behind the ball, while playing on Top Player or Superstar the game speeds up as you have far less time on the ball and the AI want to counter really quickly.

Overall though i wasnt expecting to be impressed as i have not been impressed with PES since PES 6 but todays demo has really surprised me. Brilliant Konami finally firmly back on track! Cannot wait for the full game. Back to the demo it is then...
Nice post.
(Totally not saying that because of your profile picture and name)
I think only 1 is Generic, Neu Sonne. Both Allianz Arena & Allianz Parque are real venues.

But you'd think they'd complete the Allianz Trinity and include Juventus' Allianz Stadium.

Then they could say the demo has "AAA Stadia". :BY:

Missed opportunity for Konami really. They should hire me as a marketing consultant. :SHAKE:
How much do you want? :BOP:
Definitely has a glossed up retro pes feel to
Proceedings,and although early days.I’m more then pleasantly surprised by Just how reminiscent this is of pes back in the day.
Exactly the feeling i had when playing and when i came off it, Im dying to get back to it which is unheard of for me after playing the demo's of any football game in the past 10 years or so.

Just waiting for the DEMO button to pop up on Steam...
So... haven't played it myself, still waiting for it to come out on PC.

But from what I gathered here, no surprised. What we've been seeing on the videos it's what you're playing.
When most of us kept saying that there weren't many noticeable changes compared to PES 2019, we were right.
It's still one of those scenarios in which people who've played it early on will tell you "you have to play it yourself, it feels very different" but once you play it yourself, it doesn't.

Lucky for me, I changed my way of thinking before PES 2019 demo. I lowered my expectations and wasn't disappointed, nor was I happy. So this year I will be less disappointed and equally happy.
I've played maybe 8-9 games and it really feels heavier..it seems to me the AI is more aggressive in the midfield and I've been strugling to get shots on goal, feel like it's less space and midfielders are tracking much more..can be also due to the new cam and weightness of players but feels definitely more tight. VS man united I've had more open games 2-2 and 1-1 but otherwise haven't scored so many goals..AI is better,seen some dribbling and variation, haven't seen any gamebreaking stuffs.
Change the camera angle and the flaws of 2019 are very much still there.

must have played over 20 games now and I’ve been awarded maybe 6 fouls at most which is ridiculous. The cpu seem to get FKs when players brush against each other which isn’t great.

It’s hard to get a true feeling of the AI in such short games but I don’t see anything drastically different. GKs still parrying into danger areas which has been a concern since forever it feels like.

I don’t think anyone who didn’t enjoy the last few years will get any joy from this. Until they rip the engine out and start from scratch it’s going to be a hollow arcade experience for me.

I hoped I was wrong and they would really change it this year but it’s just a refinded 2019 with the same major flaws papered over.

Not worth the purchase when we know it will be free sooner or later and with a shelf life of a couple of months in general I’ll wait for that.
Whatever our thoughts/fears might be, gotta hand it to them - they are going in Big this year.
- very early demo with 13 stadiums in it
- Master League worked on
- Juve exclusive deal (possible Serie A) + bayern + Man Utd
- new camera, dribbling reworked
- D2's back
- focus on AI
- iniesta working with them
- access to edit mode in the demo to have a headstart on kits

I know some of them might be a nice looking smoke grenade...
However... it seems like they put much more work into the game than they usually do.
Fingers crossed.
What’s d2?
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