eFootball (All Platforms)

The fun is that the game will release in 25 days and we didnt see any final full gameplay video...
The next 2-3 days they should release video with gameplay on all consoles and mobiles...
They should update the game every 2 weeks with buffs-nerfs stats of the players and every 2 months they should add new features-modes etc...3 or 4 days before the big updates release they should release a dev video on youtube for talk about these features...
It is a game KONAMI, not missile system...why they dont release any serious news? lol..and we are talking for nothing all of these months..we didnt see anything...
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...and almost every single year by Sept 30th (plus-minus a few weeks either way) we've all enjoyed the thrill of waiting for the postman to drop the new PES game on the doormat. In some years we've also enjoyed traipsing around shops to see if someone would break the release date. Golden memories of UK retailers in the year of PES4 caving in and selling it early, one after the other like dominoes. I think everyone had snapped up PES4 by the close of business on the Wednesday of release week! Good old PESFan.com almost crashed that afternoon with delighted fans coming on to say "Got the game, got the game!" It's precisely this rich lore that we are saying goodbye to, as well as goodbye to PES itself. Even if the eBomination is unexpectedly a decent game, it won't reproduce the routines we've all come to cherish over these past 20 years or more.

Yes, good old memories. Even when I had it digitally last year I was feeling like some "PES release day" nostalgia, slightly fading but it was there...

But don't need to worry about it, you'll need to think positive to see also the other side of the coin: you'll have eFootball, it's free and portable, you can have multicultural ambassadors cards from the entire world, and you'll get coins and bonuses for free because you are a veteran right? So you'll evolve into a successful and diverse rich guy with skills in virtual Poker...
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The fun is that the game will release in 25 days and we didnt see any final full gameplay video...
The next 2-3 days they should release video with gameplay on all consoles and mobiles...
They should update the game every 2 weeks with buffs-nerfs stats of the players and every 2 months they should add new features-modes etc...3 or 4 days before the big updates release they should release a dev video on youtube for talk about these features...
It is a game KONAMI, not missile system...why they dont release any serious news? lol..and we are talking for nothing all of these months..we didnt see anything...
because there are just no any serious news to announce or to show?LOL
I mean what else can konami announce or show when the game will be released with only a few teams to play and no offline modes to be available
This game is just incompleted in many aspects including gameplay
Wait, are they actually thinking of releasing a competitive football game without right stick player switching? :SHOCK:
I really don't know. I always thought with the NFGOPT that it was a functionality they just hadn't installed in the build yet – perhaps because (contrary to Kimura's spin) they'd probably developed for mobile first and were scaling up to other platforms later, so we had a control set more functional for a mobile-first build.

However, I believe you can manually switch player on the current touchscreen game as it is already, so perhaps it was not even an omission for mobile gameplay at all. I don't know.

I've always felt they would have to reintroduce it, especially since the switching logic in the NFG was utterly woeful, and since they removed 2nd player press in that build too.

Perhaps both things will be in the game.*

*Available post-launch.
The way things have been handled and are looking, they may as well release the game now before they decide to take some added fundamentals out and make them available in "future updates." We're talking jumpers for goalposts territory, as it currently stands.
I think we should make a petition to send to Konami, about keeping the PES 2021 servers up a year or two longer. Not that they would do it, more as a message that we don't care for their inevitably bad F2P game.

Sounds like you (and I) wouldn't be surprised at all if they took out PES 2021 from steam on september 30. I mean PES will be officialy out of business, right?
I really don't know. I always thought with the NFGOPT that it was a functionality they just hadn't installed in the build yet – perhaps because (contrary to Kimura's spin) they'd probably developed for mobile first and were scaling up to other platforms later, so we had a control set more functional for a mobile-first build.

However, I believe you can manually switch player on the current touchscreen game as it is already, so perhaps it was not even an omission for mobile gameplay at all. I don't know.

I've always felt they would have to reintroduce it, especially since the switching logic in the NFG was utterly woeful, and since they removed 2nd player press in that build too.

Perhaps both things will be in the game.*

*Available post-launch.

Yeah it's hard to say. I'm thinking that it might be due to the focus of the game being "duels", if there's no second press and you can only switch via L1 it discourages player switching making matches more likely to generate 1 on 1 situations. If that's the case then it's a truly embarassing game design decision that probably won't last very long once people figure out that it's missing.
For efootball...If you think that they will fail you have wrong...If they want to make more money the mobile gaming and this type of games (free game and the players can buy some shits like skins, modes, etc) it s the easiest method to make a lot of money and to have more players...
Dont forget that all the people around the world have mobiles but they dont have consoles or strong pc...my grandmother will be able to play efootball if she wants...
If efootball on mobile has success in Asia and the Asian people playing efootball on mobile, they dont care about the others...They will earn a lot of money!!!
Its all about the money in 2019 mobile platform pushed profits up to around 250 million dollars
Hopefully they won't remove ML from one's game after the "season" has ended only to force hin to buy it again at the beginning of the following one.
Hopefully you only have to pay once for the ML expansion and then pay yearly for roster updates. Something like...
  • Base game: free
  • ML expansion with 21/22 rosters: 30€ (it's just a guess)
  • At the end of the season, 22/23 rosters: 10€
  • 23/24 rosters: 10€
...and so on as long as this game is alive.
If you didn't want to pay for the updated rosters, you could still keep playing the ML with the outdated ones.
If you purchased the updated rosters, at the beginning of a ML campaign you'd be asked which database you'd like to use (like it happens in F1 Challenge '99-02 and in F1 2015 which also features the 2014 season).

I'm not paying for ML-as-a-service (meaning that I'd have to renew the subscription to the mode yearly). In that case, this game would be dead to me.

If the game is solid and the ML purchasing scheme makes sense, I might aswell give it a try.
I'd say that's almost exactly what we've all effectively been doing anyway (paying for a service/roster updates), every year when we buy the latest installment.

That applies whatever mode you play.

I reckon I easily get my money's worth out of PES each year, but apart from a guaranteed roster update and servers for 2 years, gameplay updates/feature updates, are too often a case of "two steps forward - one step back" (or worse).

If progression was steady, in an ideal world, there wouldn't be a debate about "the best edition of PES". The latest version would always be the best!
I know it's always subjective, and perfection isn't possible, but I just feel that with a little bit more care, we could have been looking at a game that was a lot closer to perfection than it is now. That I find frustrating, as for me, PES 2021 on the pitch does a lot of things right.
If you guys want to get technical, meteorological autumn starts in September and astronomical autumn starts September 21/22.
How about we just go when everyone else goes by Autumn including Konami that Autumn starts the 22nd of September 🤣

Think people on here would argue black is white

Hard to believe people trying to put Konami down for saying early Autumn how does that even happen? Youve really got to have a special kinda hatred for a company to go this far about bloody Autumn.

They might have a shit game this year but they like us know when Autumn is ffs.
I believe that the next year they will remove the Master League and the offline modes...They will have a players database with fake players + the best-famous real players and we will playing only online vs random players or against players from our friend list... We will have profile, we will play missions to unlock some stuff like KONAMI balls, kits, profile logos, players etc...
When we will start the game for the first time we should create our team...Whatever name we want, and they will give us some default icons, kit templates ...
And if you want to use your own logo or upload your own kits you should be pay...For example if i want to use manchester united's logo or juventus or whatever i want i should pay to unlock this feature...the same with custom-created kits...And every 1 or 2 months they will release a dlc with real balls, real stadiums etc, real kits templates for example adidas hero II and if someone wants them he should pay...
It will be the same with league of legends fortnite and this type of games!!!
With this way they will make a lot of money and they dont need to spent money for team's and leagues licenses...
I am playing League of Legends for 4 years i am diamond 2 and i spend 2500 euro for skins, icons, passes etc...
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I believe that the next year they will remove the Master League and the offline modes...They will have a players database with fake players + the best-famous real players and we will playing only online vs random players or against players from our friend list... We will have profile, we will play missions to unlock some stuff like KONAMI balls, kits, profile logos, players etc...
When we will start the game for the first time we should create our team...Whatever name we want, and they will give us some default icons, kit templates ...
And if you want to use your own logo or upload your own kits you should be pay...For example if i want to use manchester united's logo or juventus or whatever i want i should pay to unlock this feature...the same with custom-created kits...And every 1 or 2 months they will release a dlc with real balls, real stadiums etc, real kits templates for example adidas hero II and if someone wants them he should pay...
It will be the same with league of legends fortnite and this type of games!!!
With this way they will make a lot of money and they dont need to spent money for team's and leagues licenses...
I am playing League of Legends for 4 years i am diamond 2 and i spend 2500 euro for skins, icons, passes etc...
But it's free, why did you paid them a monthly subscription of 52,08€?

Wait, I get it... they've got just a Ferrari and you've got a big diamond 2, so it's a win - win situation.
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But it's free, why did you paid them a monthly subscription of 52,08€?

Wait, I get it... they've got just a Ferrari and you've got a big diamond 2, so it's a win - win situation.
Because i am playing with cousin, our girlfriends, our friends and they liked all of these skins and because i am dumb i bought them... And they release every 2 weeks new skins...efootball it s free too but you know if you will love the efootball and it will be your entertainment, without realizing, you will pay for these stuff..:APPLAUD: 10-20 euro for every week of the month you wont understand that you will give them 50-60 euro every month...They are smart guys...all of the past years we had to paid 30-80 euro (i dont remember the price) for their game...now we will give x10 more money...
The skins and the stuff in league of legends dont affect your skills and your rank...but if you are playing a game and you are watching all of these skins etc you want them...
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