eFootball (All Platforms)

Maybe Big Ant could be a developer that might give a football game a go. They've made some good cricket games that have limited licenses but a multitude of customisation options.
And the tennis game.

Talking about realistic ball physics. It's not as easy as you think. You'd need to study a multitude of variables. Ball speed, kicking force, contact patch, contact texture friction, volume of air in ball, and one that every game ignores, wind. There are probably more, but I don't need to list them all. I think only 2 companies have the time, resources and people to do it, rockstar and microsoft. And neither are known for sims.
It would certainly be this community's wet dream, but to the average player?
They don't want to go through all that hassle! Some people barely can put up with downloading stuff, putting them on a flash drive and then importing it into their Playstation systems.
I've discussed this with many of my real life friends. Laypeople, for sure. They just can't be bothered learning to do that. So they just dismissed PES for years.

For us, it's just a 5 minutes job and it's part of the charm. For them, it's a waste of time.
I suppose if it was based on an option file system, then people would love it. Patches could be created like they are for PC.
In saying that though, i have come across other users (not many) that aren't bothered about adboards ect. The main problem for most casual players i feel are team names and kits\badges.
I think the only way it would work for everybody, would be like in the EA FIGHT NIGHT games, in which you can view, download and apply characters right from the game.
But in Football.... all the rights and exclusive licenses, I don't think it would be legal for a company to allow that. I don't know.
Next rumours:

ENG(from google)
At the launch scheduled for September 23 it will be possible to play with these clubs online in crossgen and local matches (offline). At first, there will be no Crossplatform and no mobile or PC version.

That's probably we can't see PC at roadmap at "early autumn". Ok, I know we must wait for next info from Konami in next month.
Next rumours:

ENG(from google)
At the launch scheduled for September 23 it will be possible to play with these clubs online in crossgen and local matches (offline). At first, there will be no Crossplatform and no mobile or PC version.

That's probably we can't see PC at roadmap at "early autumn". Ok, I know we must wait for next info from Konami in next month.

If this is true, and I think it is because Konami themselves said something similar, they're releasing something so barebones it's incredible.
Excuse me but according to this image
Early autumn the game will be released only for ps4/5/xbx1/xbxs right?
And later in autumn for PC (with cross platform support)
And by saying "local matches using renowned Clubs" ...it means no games vs CPU? only local VS?
Those fu**ing eFootball kits are so tacky. We didn’t have none of that crap back in the day I’m pretty sure of it.

Gameplay used to do the talking, not Faces, not Tattoos, not annoying super bright Konami sponsored kits.

I actually loathe football gaming in 2021.
Playing PUBG tonight reminded me of where we are (in gaming terms)...

You start the game, and there are 10 tabs of overcomplicated content, all driven by microtransactions.

A page of character customisation. You want a new outfit? Kaching?

A page of guns. Want a skin? Kaching!

A page of rewards you COULD unlock, if you just paid for a season pass... Kaching!

A page of eSports tournaments. Including "when to watch live". Donate to your favourite streamer!

And the "store" page. Where this is the current promotion:

(It'll be ironic when eFootball does the same thing, but it won't be a footballer - they won't be able to afford the license - but Usain Bolt again, or worse, a rapper who needed a quick cash-in.)

Meanwhile, the game itself gets zero work done to it. It's the same mess it ever was. Maps come around, what, once a year? The graphics are horrendous (power-lines flickering, seemingly rendered in 720p, on a 4K TV).

But nobody cares, because they're dressed as Son and they've got a golden gun.

eFootball is all of this, and FIFA will be here soon enough. It's fucking galling.
What am I missing here?
I'm updating PES 2021 rosters :)

I really can't wait to play until February the ML. So i'll take some days to update transfers(i'm alone so it's gonna be long job). Obviously i will missing players, but i'm not like a Japanese Company with a lot of lazy employees that need a lot of time to do what i'm doing now.

In one day i've update alone already the PL until now, and i've started la Liga too.

If Konami have hired a many great people here, don't worry it would have been the best football game ever.

You can't stop the passion, and what people is doing here with their mods is absolutely amazing.

I've reviewed in Pes 2021 a Database of more 7.000 players and 12 Leagues(stats, position, cards, play style, etc). It took me 6-7 months working alone, but i was satisfied of the results.
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Next rumours:

ENG(from google)
At the launch scheduled for September 23 it will be possible to play with these clubs online in crossgen and local matches (offline). At first, there will be no Crossplatform and no mobile or PC version.

That's probably we can't see PC at roadmap at "early autumn". Ok, I know we must wait for next info from Konami in next month.
I have no words, just speechless at this, Konami can't seem to get anything right.

As much as the new model is filled with ideas I can't stand, I still get it from a business perspective, I can't deny that this is the model most of the popular games currently use and have a lot of success with, it's also their best shot at getting part of FIFA's market share, having the game be free might make online players switch to eFOOTBALL because there's no need to pay for the game itself, only for the microtransactions, the money they would've previously used to just get FIFA in the first place now can be used to afford players from the get go. The crossplay also makes sense because most people don't have a PS5/XSX, it would take too long to get a match.

I've gotten over this already, not completely, but I'm feeling better, the writing was on the wall all along, it was going to happen sooner or later, now that it has we can all focus on what we can do next, in a way this gives me closure, however what I can't get over is how poorly they're managing this whole situation.

With an announcement like this the reactions were always going to be bad, there's no way around it, however if they had been more professional I'm sure that all of us would've not only taken it better, but would've also been more willing to give it a chance, imagine if instead of doing everything they've done until now they did something more like this:

At first they start changing their social media accounts to eFOOTBALL, but instead of the awful logo we got they actually change to something decent looking, classy even. After that they disable the original account so no one can use that name like it ended up happening. At last comes the trailer we were all expecting, but the thumbnail isn't hideous so our first impressions aren't negative. The trailer itself wouldn't have 6 minutes of Pique and Iniesta just saying random and obvious things about football, no robotic narrator either, perhaps it could've been a longer trailer with just the leaders of the project, the directors and designers, talking to us instead, explaining their plan in detail, why they went with this direction, while also showing footage of the game, with an interface that isn't an eyesore with terrible color combinations, but instead something sophisticated like PES2011/PES2012, and the gameplay being of the PS5/XSX versions with the best graphics possible.

At last, they would include all major details in the trailer, including all of the game's modes, what they're called and how they will work, and the prices of each offline mode, then they would finish explaining that you could choose what platforms you were willing to crossplay with, and that every team and every offline mode DLC would be available on launch, which would be the same date for all platforms, also the PC version would be the same as PS5/XSX.

Now, I'm sure the reaction would've still been bad, because of the direction they're taking being one that many dislike, but if they had done it like this, with at least a hint of professionalism, I would've been more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
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