eFootball (All Platforms)

Man y'all depressing af 😂

Cheer up a little. Game needed a shake up. It was on its death bed for years. Let it die in peace. Y'all want a good PES just go back and play any of the many we have.

This efootball title right here is a good change (hopefully). At least it's free now so no one has to complain about being robbed 🤣
Man y'all depressing af 😂

Cheer up a little. Game needed a shake up. It was on its death bed for years. Let it die in peace. Y'all want a good PES just go back and play any of the many we have.

This efootball title right here is a good change (hopefully). At least it's free now so no one has to complain about being robbed 🤣

But ... how is it good change? Nothing they told us indicated any good changes at all. PES is dead and eFootball is like some sort of aborted fetus. Pardon my language.
Man y'all depressing af 😂

Cheer up a little. Game needed a shake up. It was on its death bed for years. Let it die in peace. Y'all want a good PES just go back and play any of the many we have.

This efootball title right here is a good change (hopefully). At least it's free now so no one has to complain about being robbed 🤣
I assume it is because of this. :)

Taking PES to a Whole New Level

As the industry eagerly awaits an exciting new generation of consoles, we believe that now is the perfect time to share with you some of our plans for the future of the PES franchise.
To that end, we are excited to announce we are hard at work on a next-generation soccer title that aims to truly embody our core concept of "The Pitch is Ours".

This title is being developed with an updated engine that will enable us to dazzle you with staggering improvements to all areas of the game. Expect more realistic player models and animations, enhanced physics, photorealistic visuals, and much much more.
We recognize that many of you are eager for new myClub and Master League content, and we are also excited to share that large updates are in the works for both of these modes.
However, the sheer scale of everything we are aiming to achieve for our next-gen debut has made it necessary to pare back our efforts in other areas of development. As a result, we have made the decision to launch this year's PES as a streamlined offering in the form of a "season update". That being said, we are still extremely confident that this year's game offers fans more than enough thrills to tide them over until our next-gen title is ready for launch.
This year also marks a quarter of a century since the very first PES title was released. To commemorate this important milestone, and more importantly, to show our gratitude to you, our loyal fans, we are pleased to announce that this year's PES will launch at an affordable anniversary price and will also come with several bonuses.
Currently, we aim to begin testing of our next-gen title sometime in mid-2021, with an estimated release date later in the same year.
Until that time, we hope to see you back on the field in this year's season update.
Look forward to more news regarding our next-gen project closer to release.
The PES Development Team
I was thinking here about that trailer. I believe that's Old Gen x Next Gen, it doesn't capture mobile. My thinking goes in the direction that you can play on mobile, as long as you connect game controllers to their mobile devices. Mobile should be similar to Gen 4.

One x PS520210725_120218.jpg20210725_120220.jpg20210725_120221.jpg20210725_120223.jpg
But ... how is it good change? Nothing they told us indicated any good changes at all. PES is dead and eFootball is like some sort of aborted fetus. Pardon my language.
Like you said, PES is dead and gone. It's good they let it go. They just kept dragging it in the dirt each year. It never got better.

With efootball they have a fresh start. This is also better for a yearly game. Incremental updates is perfect for it. We don't have to pay anything too? Sheeeit even better. I can play a game or two for free. And if I don't like it, none lost. Onto another game.

They've been keen on making their money from MyClub for years. Let them do that. That won't change. For people like me though, I ain't giving them a dime. They've been showing no effort for years on offline. So this works great for me. When they decide to finally make something that's worth my money, I'll be the first in line.

I also like the idea I can pay for what I want. I don't have to pay $60 for modes I never use.
Normally I would call you a Konami shill but I don't think they can afford them now. :LMAO:
Anyways, all we can do is wait for the next updates.

Also, @Chris Davies 8/10.
Fuck no. They ruined PES. That's why I'm happy they let it go. Hell I'd be even happier if they sold all their great IPs they killed. This company is brutal. It's all just business to them. Different times require different strategies. Back in the day they had to produce quality. Now it's mtx. In 10, 20 years it'll be something else. It's just the brutal nature of business.

This is why I'm happy it's a new game and it's free now. I got nothing to lose.
Fuck no. They ruined PES. That's why I'm happy they let it go. Hell I'd be even happier if they sold all their great IPs they killed. This company is brutal. It's all just business to them. Different times require different strategies. Back in the day they had to produce quality. Now it's mtx. In 10, 20 years it'll be something else. It's just the brutal nature of business.

This is why I'm happy it's a new game and it's free now. I got nothing to lose.

It's more like a new name only. The game still looks like 2021 lol. The motto is still the same. Devs are likely the same, because they've been pushing the same shit since what? 2015? Tbf, it's not the devs fault. It's the out of touch higher ups who don't give a f***k about any of their existing IPs. What's even sadder is that now with PES being dead, there will be no competition for FIFA.
Fuck no. They ruined PES. That's why I'm happy they let it go. Hell I'd be even happier if they sold all their great IPs they killed. This company is brutal. It's all just business to them. Different times require different strategies. Back in the day they had to produce quality. Now it's mtx. In 10, 20 years it'll be something else. It's just the brutal nature of business.

This is why I'm happy it's a new game and it's free now. I got nothing to lose.
What game mode are you gonna play dude?
One of the most worrying parts I noticed from the trailer is they show the partner clubs and stadiums , Allianz Arena , Allianz Stadium , Old Trafford and they have Messi in the trailer but not one single clip of the Nou Camp...
Eh, I don't know about that. I'm predominantly online because the offline AI is terrible and ML is barren, but even so I don't use the major online modes.

For 1v1 I use the friendly match lobby, using custom teams loaded in from Edit mode > Master League > Save team data. That's as part of a bespoke league setup with 100+ managers, each having individual teams and a transfer market. This kind of online play may well not be supported, or may not be possible until gone February, who knows. And we don't know if the dedicated servers will carry across to things like friendly lobbies (I suspect not).

For other online play, I mainly play 11v11 matches using the team lobbies. So custom players made using BAL mode > load BAL saves into team lobbies when selecting individual players. Then play against other teams in a large FUMA league. That's looking even less like it will work with the changes they've made.

The only other thing I dabble with is myClub co-op with a mate, where we train youth prospects and play FUMA against the sweatiest people all with 100+ OVR players in their squads. (That's pretty thankless..) Of all the ways I play online, that's probably the only thing that would be supported any time soon, and it's my least favoured of the ways I play.

Then there's more interesting things about the reaction. PES fans across Europe and LatAm have been rarely united in opposition to these changes. Many of the myClub/streamer crowd think the gameplay will be simplified, and they hate the idea of playing vs mobile AND they hate the idea of playing vs PC (because they fear it will be so much easier for cheaters to use PCs to void/null games when they're losing).

And if you're an online player who does myClub or Divisions, you have other reasons to lament the changes – the 1-on-1 focus, the lack of team ID. Not all online players agree, but I think PvP games are improved when there is good AI – the kind of AI offline players tend to prefer seeing in the game. Personally, when playing other people, I fucking loathe that the midfield is bypassed with one pass every time. Or how big the pitch is, etc. Things like this mean people play in really unrealistic ways, and it fails to resemble football to me. That's not good for the PvP experience either, at least if you're the kind of player who cares about realism.

I can't disagree with any of that. You're right on the smaller online modes. Who knows what will happen to them.
At this moment, I would say, just hope BAL will be a thing.

Haven't read anything about it, even in plans.. Fun part is, BAL has more microtransactions potential than ML.
I'm genuinely surprised neither soccer game has gone the NBA 2K mycareer at this point.
One of the most worrying parts I noticed from the trailer is they show the partner clubs and stadiums , Allianz Arena , Allianz Stadium , Old Trafford and they have Messi in the trailer but not one single clip of the Nou Camp...

Probably saving Barcelona related content for when Messi signs his new contract.
I bet the next batch of news at the end of August will have Barcelona all over it. With Messi, Aguero, Depay, etc.

Not that I care about licenses at this point tbh.
Why would I care about that when graphics seem to be for mobile?.
For those who fascinate about 2K making a football game, c'mon let's get real guys, a company like 2K would never risk entering the football gaming business at least for now and the near future!

When we say the competition is over it's not only because no one is here to compete FIFA, it's also because it's not worthy for big companies that only follow profits and revenues to start such business from scratch for now!

Apart from licensing that went almost entirely exclusive for EA, also apart from 2K's bad quality reputation when it comes to developing more than one game at the same time (remember when they started taking care of WWE games along with their famous NBA game and how they almost ruined both!!).

Apart from that all, if they decided to create the football game of our dreams - HELL - they might take more than 3 years at least with a full roster of FREE developers, experts and artists who must have a deep understanding of football nature, atmosphere, tactics ... etc!

It will for sure take years from them to master ball physics (EA couldn't get it right till now!), other years to adjust the gameplay and game speed, even after all this we may NOT accept the gameplay concept they'll be going to adapt !!
Yeah I was just talking about that a few days ago with a friend of mine, we were all pretty sad about the PES news.
I told him the licenses issue would make it impossible for a 3rd company to be interested in investing a lot of resources to develop a proper football game.

Whether we like to admit it or not, licenses are boss.

Although, if there ever was a time for a third football game to make its way into the scene, now would be the perfect one.
I'm sure other companies noticed the fuzz this PES/eFootball thing caused. There's a market to be exploited.

But without licenses, only a few thousands of people would be interested in a football sim game.
Yeah I was just talking about that a few days ago with a friend of mine, we were all pretty sad about the PES news.
I told him the licenses issue would make it impossible for a 3rd company to be interested in investing a lot of resources to develop a proper football game.

Whether we like to admit it or not, licenses are boss.

Although, if there ever was a time for a third football game to make its way into the scene, now would be the perfect one.
I'm sure other companies noticed the fuzz this PES/eFootball thing caused. There's a market to be exploited.

But without licenses, only a few thousands of people would be interested in a football sim game.
Just imagine a football game with 0 licenses but fully customizable. And with customizable, I mean every aspect, proper Faces Editor, Stadium Editor, Kits Editor, Model Editor, Leagues Editor, and an in-depth sharing function or Steam Workshop integration. So litterally everything to customize which is possible. I really do think that would come a big success.
Maybe we should somehow reach out to some companies and studios to show how much support there would be for a new football game.

I think the best shot would be for someone with a platform (e.g. popular YT channel) to post a video explaining who could make a football game, which technologies they could use, why it could be good etc. Maybe if enough people retweeted something showing these sentiment then some of these studios would at least make some public statement acknowledging it and maybe expanding on whether football games could be part of their plans. My first choice would be Ubisoft.

Rather than the focus being on how bad "eFootball" looks, the disastrous marketing and supposed leaks, it might be more productive to try to approach alternatives in a positive way.

If this fiasco did turn out to open the door for someone else to produce a better game then maybe it wouldn't be such bad news after all.
Just imagine a football game with 0 licenses but fully customizable. And with customizable, I mean every aspect, proper Faces Editor, Stadium Editor, Kits Editor, Model Editor, Leagues Editor, and an in-depth sharing function or Steam Workshop integration. So litterally everything to customize which is possible. I really do think that would come a big success.

It would certainly be this community's wet dream, but to the average player?
They don't want to go through all that hassle! Some people barely can put up with downloading stuff, putting them on a flash drive and then importing it into their Playstation systems.
I've discussed this with many of my real life friends. Laypeople, for sure. They just can't be bothered learning to do that. So they just dismissed PES for years.

For us, it's just a 5 minutes job and it's part of the charm. For them, it's a waste of time.
Maybe we should somehow reach out to some companies and studios to show how much support there would be for a new football game.

I think the best shot would be for someone with a platform (e.g. popular YT channel) to post a video explaining who could make a football game, which technologies they could use, why it could be good etc. Maybe if enough people retweeted something showing these sentiment then some of these studios would at least make some public statement acknowledging it and maybe expanding on whether football games could be part of their plans. My first choice would be Ubisoft.

Rather than the focus being on how bad "eFootball" looks, the disastrous marketing and supposed leaks, it might be more productive to try to approach alternatives in a positive way.

If this fiasco did turn out to open the door for someone else to produce a better game then maybe it wouldn't be such bad news after all.

Asim (former PES fan and Konami employee) works at 2K Sports. If anybody could plant the seed, it would definitely be him.
Still, 2K isn't better than EA, NBA 2K offline is barely updated and they are 99,9% online-oriented with VC and Mtx stuff.
The only thing they update is the Career Story but only because it's connected to online.

Just look at MyLeague remaining almost the same every year with problems that has been the same for years
Fair to say that it's still better than the Master League
like I have said here before, exclusive licenses need to be ditched. Let the companies buy licenses, and let them pay handsomely, but don't exclude others from doing the same. Then any developer with enough money can have a go at making a licensed game.
Still, 2K isn't better than EA, NBA 2K offline is barely updated and they are 99,9% online-oriented with VC and Mtx stuff.
The only thing they update is the Career Story but only because it's connected to online.

Just look at MyLeague remaining almost the same every year with problems that has been the same for years
Fair to say that it's still better than the Master League

Bro, at this point I think most of us would take it. Whatever. Any approach at a football sim game by a new company would be appreciated.
Bro, at this point I think most of us would take it. Whatever. Any approach at a football sim game by a new company would be appreciated.
Yes, understandable, and I agree on a 2K game with no-exclusive licenses.

I guess just force of habit correcting people on internet saying "2K good" (not on this forum)
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