eFootball (All Platforms)


6 hours ago (edited)
I can't help but feel there is just way too much depression around this. Also people who hardly playing pes saying they going to miss PES is beyond ironic. As someone that has played PES almost every single day for over 20 years. I can honestly say that I am excited for the change. Konami can't keep doing the same thing for over a decade and expect to grow customer base. A change was needed and for me it's a breath do fresh air.
I just pulled this from the comments on the end of an era podcast on YT. In light of the fact i may never get a response i just wanted to put on record......

If that is you Zee who used to be on here..I always respected your opinion my friend, but when you say " Konami can't keep doing the same thing for over a decade and expect to grow customer base".

The point is mate, they have chosen the wrong path. EA was like a tired old boxer, on the ropes. They were there for the taking.
The pes (ageing) fan base has been waiting all these years for a comeback. Even more so with age we love pes because we can't use our football brains on a pitch anymore.

So they could have really cleaned up (apart from the licensing nuts). I had a hunch that after 2021 was released, Konami by way of updates were taking heed to some of Holland's Game play exe changes. The vanilla GP was actually improving. I know business is about money but this just feels like a smash & grab raid.

Even if they ended up proving us doubters wrong and delivering something more....What a monumental cock up of a marketing plan!
Yeah that is our Zee.. I play with him sometimes cos he's in my 1v1 league and chat on our forum etc. I understand he got kicked from here a while back (doesn't hold his tongue or mince his words!) Zee posted a similar comment about the Footy United pod on our league forum too. I pulled him up on it tbh. He said it was people who don't even play PES crying about it, but I said the tone wasn't actually like that if you listen to it – more just saying goodbye to an old and beloved franchise, and being open to seeing what happens next from both Konami and EA. And I also said moaning about people moaning is the pinnacle of sadness, anyway! :LOL:

I think where he's coming from may be where some of us are at anyway – having felt like PES died a while ago, at least in offline/ML terms and having good team AI. So this last trailer/branding move doesn't feel like a nail in the coffin so much as a visit to the graveside.

That said, I think it's perfectly fine to lament what the series has become, and one of the reasons why people are so gutted is because Konami made such grand promises last year. Yes, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, etc... Still – it comes from a place of passion and imagination for what could be, the hope that we erroneously place in Konami, the utter bullshit merchants they are. And I respect the place that this hope comes from.
Catching up on this: so reddit post is fake? means game is as shit as it is shown
I skimmed some pages, but didn't see this? I think the default position here is to treat with heavy dose of scepticism given past history of this sort of thing. But a few people think it's plausibly real.

I'm in that camp myself. Not much hangs on it being real though, for me. If what he says is right, then I probably still can't play any new PES this year at least for the online leagues I'm in (because they won't be supported – we need BAL, ML, data export functions, & friendly/team lobbies). And I'm unlikely to pay for ML in Jan/Feb if the mode is a re-skin (but I would pay if it let us export team data to friendly lobbies, for the leagues).
@janguv Thanks for the update on Zee mate. Glad to hear that he's still knocking about. One story comes to mind....He once posted something about "To all the girls I have loved before" So i quoted it and posted that famous photoshop of Argentina standing for a free kick holding handbags. :LOL: Bless him, we had a good laugh.
I was just remembering that a while ago some people, who are usually right about rumors, said that PES 2022 would be Next-Gen for PC, PS5 and XBOX Series X, but would on last gen it would remain as a Season Update title.

Then, another strong rumor (and if I'm not mistaken, there was some sort of proof about it) was that Konami was hiring people to work on a game mode similar to FIFA's The Journey.

if I remember correctly Renan Galvani almost confirmed the first one and Jhon Rojas (https://twitter.com/JhonRojas) was the one to talk about the second one.

Crazy times.
@janguv Thanks for the update on Zee mate. Glad to hear that he's still knocking about. One story comes to mind....He once posted something about "To all the girls I have loved before" So i quoted it and posted that famous photoshop of Argentina standing for a free kick holding handbags. :LOL: Bless him, we had a good laugh.
Haha sounds funny mate. Yeah, he's still knocking about indeed. Plays in the 1v1 league as I said but also the WAPES 11s (our 1v1 league now enters two teams that compete in the 11s league – PEN FC and PEN United – I'm in the latter and he's in the former). He's always been fine on the league forum and we normally have a good laugh... but it is a forum which is a bit unconventional, I would say, in that people can get quite direct/personal or salty at times, but when that happens, everyone rips the piss out of the person doing it. So it sort of establishes an equilibrium by means of lads banter. Seems to work in that case lol. Played Rocket League tonight with Zee and others tonight actually, for a "community night" which we do once or twice a month (first time with Rocket League though, normally PES teamplay).

On that note: man, Rocket League is so good! The ball physics are actually quite realistic. I mean, yes the ball is huge and floaty, but it's reminiscent of snooker/pool where you hit the ball and how you hit it really matter. I played some warmup games with strangers and the vibe was really fun and positive, congratulating each other with the quick text. It just felt night and day different to any of the traditional online modes of PES I've tried in recent years (like co-op or myClub ranked). Could also just see that the people who are really good at it are insanely good and it's by virtue of practice and skill. Not because they've exploited a glitch in the game and have no honour, which is what online PES with randomers is like.
Fox engine's lighting was one of the best I've ever seen. Even Kojima's new game "Death Stranding" has some of the most realistic lighting I've seen in games.

It's something about the lighting on the character's skin that makes it look real. Comparing many other Ps4 gen games with MGS V and GZ, it's obvious that many other games have better graphical fidelity, more polygons, volumetric effects and what not, but the character models themselves don't look as real as MGS V despite it's low poly.

It was also fairly capable of decent cloth physics [PES 14 already did some decent cloth physics despite still using Dx9 api and no tesselation and on PES 17, the cloth physics was decent too].

PES also seemed to manage some decent lighting by the end of this generation. Unfortunately, they just dumbed down the cloth physics from PES 18 and it seems to be completely missing on 21.

Wonder if they will be able to capture the same realistic looking lighting and player models with unreal engine.
I was just remembering that a while ago some people, who are usually right about rumors, said that PES 2022 would be Next-Gen for PC, PS5 and XBOX Series X, but would on last gen it would remain as a Season Update title.

Then, another strong rumor (and if I'm not mistaken, there was some sort of proof about it) was that Konami was hiring people to work on a game mode similar to FIFA's The Journey.

if I remember correctly Renan Galvani almost confirmed the first one and Jhon Rojas (https://twitter.com/JhonRojas) was the one to talk about the second one.

Crazy times.
Well this was one reason I always took the piss out of Renan's rumours, because Durandiil posted in this very thread about the fact that actually he was the source, and it was just a guess on his part. Obviously there was also the 2018 interview with a Japanese developer on a Russian PES fansite, but to me it always seemed like the translation might be off or at any rate it was too early to be certain about anything to do with engines.

I also thought for a long time that it made no business sense for Konami to restrict their player base, and that this is why they would want cross-gen between PS5/XSX and PS4/Xone – because a larger pool of players keeps everyone in the mode and spending. I said that, here and elsewhere, but I really did not predict that logic would be almost "too right" :LOL: Now they're so keen to have everyone play together that they put in the trailer "Why can't a mobile user and console player play together?" – like they want a fucking award for bringing people together or some shit (when we know it's about having the largest base possible for microtransactions/DLC sales).

But anyway – yeah, it was always silly that the rumour became solidified and treated as reliable.
Regarding Zee: I always liked him. I remember asking if we could unban him once or twice a couple of years ago.

However, that thing about "it's people who don't even play PES crying about it" made me tick.
Maybe he should ask himself WHY people weren't playing PES anymore in the first place. And also -and I can only speak for myself here- I hadn't lost hope in Konami.

I didn't play much 2019, 2020 and 2021 because players moved so stiff and everything felt so restricted, couple that with alarming responsiveness issues, among many other things we've already discussed to death but I was SO hopeful and anxious about PES 2022, with the new engine and everything. I was betting it all on it.

So, am I not entitled to feel sad or "cry about it" just because I thought the last 3 versions were trash?.
I paid for each of them as much as anyone. Am I supposed to love the game in order to criticize it or in order to feel terrible about this new eFootball thing?.
I think that's why we're extra disappointed. If Konami hadn't hyped up all the bs and we weren't waiting for an engine change since years, I wouldn't have been as disappointed. But they mislead everyone and promised things we're probably never going to see. As much as I dislike EA as a whole and FIFA's gameplay, at least they're improving their career mode. Master League is like some kind of relic of the early 2010s. Hell, they removed more things than they added lol.
Look at those colours. Like 80’s Swedish techno pop.

I'd say it appeals to all young players.. have you seen content created by youtubers? Pretty much all of them uses these colour schemes. They even dye their hair like that..
Im feeling like grandpa simpson discussing newer generations but i guess thats where we stand at the moment.

Talking about simpsons..


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I'd say it appeals to all young players.. have you seen content created by youtubers? Pretty much all of them uses these colour schemes. They even dye their hair like that..
Im feeling like grandpa simpson discussing newer generations but i guess thats where we stand at the moment.

Talking about simpsons..
Homer Simpson is the head of Konami. Now all makes sense to me...
I'm watching this right now:

Nice hat @Chris Davies
My God! Who's that Chris guy from here? So much cringe! 🤣

It's more like a new name only. The game still looks like 2021 lol. The motto is still the same. Devs are likely the same, because they've been pushing the same shit since what? 2015? Tbf, it's not the devs fault. It's the out of touch higher ups who don't give a f***k about any of their existing IPs. What's even sadder is that now with PES being dead, there will be no competition for FIFA.
That's exactly right. That's why it should've died since 2015 too, or 2014 even. I believe the last real PES game was 2013. Every PES game after that got worse and worse and became a shell of what PES was. PES just by name.

What game mode are you gonna play dude?
Offline stuff. Friendlies, ML when they release it, and only if it was worth it too. But hey, friendlies are free at least!
If I don't like anything, I'll play the real retro PES games.



The thing I can't get out of my head is how they completely dismissed the chance to release at least ONE more PES on Next-Gen.
And say, "this will be the last PES". Fully Next-Gen. The perfect ending for the series.
No need for that. They already left it behind 8 years ago. The change happened so far back but we never wanted to accept it.

efootball is just them finally making it obvious.
Konami detailed "Roadmap" revealed in stunning 8k photo realism.
Warning if viewed on a RTX, TITAN or equivalent GPU your system may become unstable.

[Hidden content]
On the other hand you'd certainly need a RTX (or anything capable of ray tracing) to fully enjoy the roadmap as it's the sun's rays bouncing off the signs that will reveal what's next.
I’ve read all the posts in here and i never saw someone raising a more disturbing problem.

We all know some modes like ML will be provided as purchasable DLC. So far, so good BUT, let’s say the ML DLC will cost 10$.

How they will actually milk more money from us? By SaaS(Software as Service) service of course.

Now, keeping in mind this, i’m afraid we will need to pay a monthly fee of 10$ to actually play ML. That means 120$/year.

If they will provide ML for only 10$/year, all this modules, f2p bullshit won’t make any sense considering they will actually lose money.

think about it…
Regarding Zee: I always liked him. I remember asking if we could unban him once or twice a couple of years ago.

However, that thing about "it's people who don't even play PES crying about it" made me tick.
Maybe he should ask himself WHY people weren't playing PES anymore in the first place. And also -and I can only speak for myself here- I hadn't lost hope in Konami.

I didn't play much 2019, 2020 and 2021 because players moved so stiff and everything felt so restricted, couple that with alarming responsiveness issues, among many other things we've already discussed to death but I was SO hopeful and anxious about PES 2022, with the new engine and everything. I was betting it all on it.

So, am I not entitled to feel sad or "cry about it" just because I thought the last 3 versions were trash?.
I paid for each of them as much as anyone. Am I supposed to love the game in order to criticize it or in order to feel terrible about this new eFootball thing?.

Thats also me, so he was kinda right :D
I’ve read all the posts in here and i never saw someone raising a more disturbing problem.

We all know some modes like ML will be provided as purchasable DLC. So far, so good BUT, let’s say the ML DLC will cost 10$.

How they will actually milk more money from us? By SaaS(Software as Service) service of course.

Now, keeping in mind this, i’m afraid we will need to pay a monthly fee of 10$ to actually play ML. That means 120$/year.

If they will provide ML for only 10$/year, all this modules, f2p bullshit won’t make any sense considering they will actually lose money.

think about it…
I think the idea is that they milk most of their profits from microtransactions in online modes like Build a Team / MyClub.
Right - here it comes - my first positive thought about eFootball.
I played few games on Pes21 last night. Didnt like it very much. No surprise there. Didnt like 20, didnt buy 21 (until now). Just wanted to have it as a last "full game" released by Konami.

I never thought I'll say it, but PES really needs this 1v1 system overhaul. Defending on Pes21 is almost non existent, not exciting, shallow and dull.
Dribbling is tiny bit better, but again - not great.

One thing I liked about New Football Game was dribbling and defending. The fact that I had shield and proper tackle button. And the fact that I had to time it right not to give a foul away.
They did say this is one of the things they focus on, but I did not realised how much it is needed until I played 21 last night. 21 was a snooze fest unless you were on the ball. So this 1v1 might actually be a good thing on PES, providing they wont switch AI off, like EA did.
OK, if FIFA switch to F2P, as rumored ... no one will touch Konami's new game and it will die before it is born.
In terms of content, modes, technology and graphics, FIFA is better than this misunderstanding called eFootball, the only thing that fans like us come back to was the gameplay and one or two modes, but from what I've seen so far, it seems that this is part of the past.
I think the idea is that they milk most of their profits from microtransactions in online modes like Build a Team / MyClub.
But they did that already for a few years now.

Now they try to milk the “offline” players also. Otherwise, why would you make this system instead of selling the game for 60$ like they did until now? Makes no sense.
Right - here it comes - my first positive thought about eFootball.
I played few games on Pes21 last night. Didnt like it very much. No surprise there. Didnt like 20, didnt buy 21 (until now). Just wanted to have it as a last "full game" released by Konami.

I never thought I'll say it, but PES really needs this 1v1 system overhaul. Defending on Pes21 is almost non existent, not exciting, shallow and dull.
Dribbling is tiny bit better, but again - not great.

One thing I liked about New Football Game was dribbling and defending. The fact that I had shield and proper tackle button. And the fact that I had to time it right not to give a foul away.
They did say this is one of the things they focus on, but I did not realised how much it is needed until I played 21 last night. 21 was a snooze fest unless you were on the ball. So this 1v1 might actually be a good thing on PES, providing they wont switch AI off, like EA did.
Defending in PES 18-21 has been so boring, just a chore until either you are gifted the ball back or the opponent has a shot.

On top of the dribbling vs tackling, the random way interceptions work (whether an animation triggers, which one triggers, or if they let it roll 5cm their foot and watch) and dumb teammate defensive AI/defensive lines whatever tactics you use, the attacking player always has at least one very simple pass either first time or after a touch or two, even on FUMA.

Online even on online manual 1v1 became more about who could cheese the opponent's AI and pass around thinking they're the reincarnation of Guardiola walking the ball through a braindead team, not really who is more creative in the final third with incisive passes, crosses etc.

This is the reason I mostly tried to play co-op, but that mode was totally ruined by allowing MyClub people with their roided World XIs to play against real teams, and also allowing loners+2xCPUs.

For me the 11v11 mode has been absolute trash since it was implemented. Dreadful input delay to the extent you have to plan basically 3 touches ahead of what you want to do.
Oh well, that’s it then.

I have been playing this game ever since the ps1 days.
Before that I did some Fifa, but then I bought international superstar soccer……and was amazed by the gameplay.
Since then I was a pes guy, always defending the game to my mates who were all fifa guys.

Then the ps2 era came. I had that ps2 modded, and a friend of mine downloaded a patch with his modem.
I did not have a pc in those days.
I will never forget the moment when I put my original game in the dvd reader, an empty cd in the burner, and (don’t remember how exactly) applying the patch.
And then the magical moment : putting it in the ps2 and starting up…….it worked!
My teams had licensed kits, wooohooooo!!!

Some years later I bought a pc via work. Then bought pes5, pes6.
Me and a mate used to play online against 2 guys from Northern Ireland. What great games these were.
We all tried to play actuall football, we won some and we lost some but I enjoyed every minute of those games.
After each one we said….one more. Finally turned off the pc at 3 in the morning and the next day in the office was always tough.

I modded the hell out of pes6, had the patch switcher with classic patches and the up to date ones.
Loved all the stadiums and crowd chants, great times.

Around pes2008 I started to dislike the games, tried a few fifa’s and did not like them.
But have to admit, for a while I played only Fifa, who slowly got better.
Picked up Pes again around pes 2015, and bought all of them since on the ps4.
Downloaded option files and applied them.
To me those games were ok, but I never got the pes5 / 6 feeling again.

The last years I bought both games, going from one to the other and back again.
Never stuck with either one as simply they both were not good enough.

To be honest I hoped for a good pes game when they took the year off but it seams it was not meant to be.
I guess this is just the direction gaming is going.
Developers still want to do the right thing, but the suits just want the money and don’t care about offline dinosaurs like me.

So, I will give the game a go once it’s there but have no hope at all.
Same goes for Fifa, so for the time being I will play the old versions, drinks a few beers and cry.
Nostalgia is not a bad thing.

It was a great run, sorry it had to end.
I’m 52 now, maybe it’s time to grow up?
I’ve read all the posts in here and i never saw someone raising a more disturbing problem.
Sorry mate, manchild syndrome. :P
$120 per year? I would rather use that money for prostitute on my birthday and stay with PES2021.
Yes but if you buy efootball you will get f**cked for much longer. Konami love you long time.
Right - here it comes - my first positive thought about eFootball.
I played few games on Pes21 last night. Didnt like it very much. No surprise there. Didnt like 20, didnt buy 21 (until now). Just wanted to have it as a last "full game" released by Konami.

I never thought I'll say it, but PES really needs this 1v1 system overhaul. Defending on Pes21 is almost non existent, not exciting, shallow and dull.
Dribbling is tiny bit better, but again - not great.

One thing I liked about New Football Game was dribbling and defending. The fact that I had shield and proper tackle button. And the fact that I had to time it right not to give a foul away.
They did say this is one of the things they focus on, but I did not realised how much it is needed until I played 21 last night. 21 was a snooze fest unless you were on the ball. So this 1v1 might actually be a good thing on PES, providing they wont switch AI off, like EA did.
@The staff reporting staff account been hacked.
I was just remembering that a while ago some people, who are usually right about rumors, said that PES 2022 would be Next-Gen for PC, PS5 and XBOX Series X, but would on last gen it would remain as a Season Update title.

Then, another strong rumor (and if I'm not mistaken, there was some sort of proof about it) was that Konami was hiring people to work on a game mode similar to FIFA's The Journey.

if I remember correctly Renan Galvani almost confirmed the first one and Jhon Rojas (https://twitter.com/JhonRojas) was the one to talk about the second one.

Crazy times.
Talking of rumors, wasn't there some commentator guy on twitter, having his face scanned, and people were saying for PES. Like he was south american or latin american. That's all I remember.
I also have to say that maybe this whole model is for the good.
We have been paying full price for marginal updates to a game for the last 5 years.
Same goes for Fifa, so for the time being I will play the old versions, drinks a few beers and cry.
Nostalgia is not a bad thing.

Nah, that's not even nostalgia mate. Nostalgia is when you're fooling yourself that things were better in the past just because you have associated them with your youth. But PES? It really was better back then.

Some of us are playing Fifa 16 in another thread and that's not because we're feeling nostalgic for 2015. 😅
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Defending in PES 18-21 has been so boring, just a chore until either you are gifted the ball back or the opponent has a shot.

On top of the dribbling vs tackling, the random way interceptions work (whether an animation triggers, which one triggers, or if they let it roll 5cm their foot and watch) and dumb teammate defensive AI/defensive lines whatever tactics you use, the attacking player always has at least one very simple pass either first time or after a touch or two, even on FUMA.

Online even on online manual 1v1 became more about who could cheese the opponent's AI and pass around thinking they're the reincarnation of Guardiola walking the ball through a braindead team, not really who is more creative in the final third with incisive passes, crosses etc.

This is the reason I mostly tried to play co-op, but that mode was totally ruined by allowing MyClub people with their roided World XIs to play against real teams, and also allowing loners+2xCPUs.

For me the 11v11 mode has been absolute trash since it was implemented. Dreadful input delay to the extent you have to plan basically 3 touches ahead of what you want to do.
I agree with parts of this. Personally, I don't find defending difficult on PES 2021. (Interceptions are cack though, agreed.)

But I play 11v11 a lot these days and I don't get any noticeable input delay myself. So that's an odd one. I play 1-3 nights a week.
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