eFootball (All Platforms)

Bueno, eso es todo entonces.

He estado jugando a este juego desde los días de ps1.
Antes de eso, hice algo de Fifa, pero luego compré el fútbol superestrella internacional ... y me sorprendió la jugabilidad.
Desde entonces fui un tipo pes, siempre defendiendo el juego ante mis compañeros que eran todos tipos de la FIFA.

Luego llegó la era de la ps2. Modifiqué esa ps2 y un amigo descargó un parche con su módem.
No tenía una computadora en esos días.
Nunca olvidaré el momento en que puse mi juego original en el lector de DVD, un CD vacío en la grabadora y (no recuerdo exactamente cómo) apliqué el parche.
Y luego el momento mágico: ponerlo en la ps2 y ponerlo en marcha ... ¡funcionó!
Mis equipos tenían kits con licencia, ¡¡¡wooohooooo !!!

Algunos años más tarde compré una PC vía trabajo. Luego compró pes5, pes6.
Un amigo y yo solíamos jugar online contra dos chicos de Irlanda del Norte. Qué grandes juegos eran estos.
Todos intentamos jugar al fútbol, ganamos y perdimos, pero disfruté cada minuto de esos partidos.
Después de cada uno decíamos… .uno más. Finalmente apagué la computadora a las 3 de la mañana y el día siguiente en la oficina siempre fue difícil.

Modifiqué muchísimo pes6, tenía el conmutador de parches con parches clásicos y los actualizados.
Me encantaron todos los estadios y los cánticos de la multitud, buenos momentos.

Alrededor de pes2008 comencé a no gustarme los juegos, probé algunos de la FIFA y no me gustaron.
Pero tengo que admitir que durante un tiempo jugué solo a FIFA, que poco a poco fue mejorando.
Recogí Pes de nuevo alrededor de PES 2015 y los compré todos desde la PS4.
Descargar archivos de opciones y aplicarlos.
Para mí, esos juegos estaban bien, pero nunca volví a tener la sensación de pes5 / 6.

Los últimos años compré ambos juegos, yendo de uno a otro y viceversa.
Nunca me quedé con ninguno de los dos, ya que simplemente ambos no eran lo suficientemente buenos.

Para ser honesto, esperaba un buen partido de pes cuando se tomaron el año libre, pero parece que no estaba destinado a serlo.
Supongo que esta es solo la dirección en la que van los juegos.
Los desarrolladores todavía quieren hacer lo correcto, pero los trajes solo quieren el dinero y no les importan los dinosaurios fuera de línea como yo.

Entonces, probaré el juego una vez que esté allí, pero no tengo ninguna esperanza.
Lo mismo ocurre con FIFA, así que por el momento jugaré las versiones antiguas, beberé unas cervezas y lloraré.
La nostalgia no es mala.

Fue una gran carrera, lo siento, tuvo que terminar.
Ahora tengo 52 años, ¿quizás es hora de crecer?
Mmm my friend 54 here and two kids in college and I still don't feel like taking that step, we'll blame konami for forcing us to grow up:DESPOTRICAR:
On that note: man, Rocket League is so good! The ball physics are actually quite realistic. I mean, yes the ball is huge and floaty, but it's reminiscent of snooker/pool where you hit the ball and how you hit it really matter. I played some warmup games with strangers and the vibe was really fun and positive, congratulating each other with the quick text.
I have been playing Rocket league with my friends too for around 1 month and a week now, also the more you rank up in rocket league, the chat gets more and more toxic and mostly the quick chat is used ironically to take a dig at a person on their own team who makes a mistake , just a heads up :TU:
I'm gutted how myClub has killed PES as a game in the last 5 years, and now, as a series as a whole with the introduction of..... *deep breath * .....eFootball.

2 v 2 online is what I always play on with PES21 using normal teams (with my mate on my team as a guest user) and unfortunately as previously mentioned here, Konami won't let you filter out the piss-take myClub teams (so when you get matched against, and then battered by the myClubers, Konami hope you'll eventually pay to win eventually yourself).

The few 2 v 2 games I had on the weekend (with my mate on my side) were unsurprisingly all against myClub teams (even though I named my room "No myClub Please").
The scripting & refereeing decisions that were in favour for the myClubbers wasn't even hidden (along with the fact my teams players all felt like they were stuck in cement), it was right in our faces.

Embarrassing and disgusting from a once great franchise.

Imagine what......*deep breath again* .......eFootball will be like with the "free to play" microtransaction based model......
I'm gutted how myClub has killed PES as a game in the last 5 years, and now, as a series as a whole with the introduction of..... *deep breath * .....eFootball.

2 v 2 online is what I always play on with PES21 using normal teams (with my mate on my team as a guest user) and unfortunately as previously mentioned here, Konami won't let you filter out the piss-take myClub teams (so when you get matched against, and then battered by the myClubers, Konami hope you'll eventually pay to win eventually yourself).

The few 2 v 2 games I had on the weekend (with my mate on my side) were unsurprisingly all against myClub teams (even though I named my room "No myClub Please").
The scripting & refereeing decisions that were in favour for the myClubbers wasn't even hidden (along with the fact my teams players all felt like they were stuck in cement), it was right in our faces.

Embarrassing and disgusting from a once great franchise.

Imagine what......*deep breath again* .......eFootball will be like with the "free to play" microtransaction based model......
Yeah, that's what I fear most about online play. I haven't really played online since the early days of FIFA 11v11 (around 2011-14 ish) and don't particularly want to be forced to play it, particularly if you're going to be paired up against people who have spent £plenty to build their teams and have Konami's trademark momentum script behind them.
Oh well, that’s it then.

I have been playing this game ever since the ps1 days.
Before that I did some Fifa, but then I bought international superstar soccer……and was amazed by the gameplay.
Since then I was a pes guy, always defending the game to my mates who were all fifa guys.

Then the ps2 era came. I had that ps2 modded, and a friend of mine downloaded a patch with his modem.
I did not have a pc in those days.
I will never forget the moment when I put my original game in the dvd reader, an empty cd in the burner, and (don’t remember how exactly) applying the patch.
And then the magical moment : putting it in the ps2 and starting up…….it worked!
My teams had licensed kits, wooohooooo!!!

Some years later I bought a pc via work. Then bought pes5, pes6.
Me and a mate used to play online against 2 guys from Northern Ireland. What great games these were.
We all tried to play actuall football, we won some and we lost some but I enjoyed every minute of those games.
After each one we said….one more. Finally turned off the pc at 3 in the morning and the next day in the office was always tough.

I modded the hell out of pes6, had the patch switcher with classic patches and the up to date ones.
Loved all the stadiums and crowd chants, great times.

Around pes2008 I started to dislike the games, tried a few fifa’s and did not like them.
But have to admit, for a while I played only Fifa, who slowly got better.
Picked up Pes again around pes 2015, and bought all of them since on the ps4.
Downloaded option files and applied them.
To me those games were ok, but I never got the pes5 / 6 feeling again.

The last years I bought both games, going from one to the other and back again.
Never stuck with either one as simply they both were not good enough.

To be honest I hoped for a good pes game when they took the year off but it seams it was not meant to be.
I guess this is just the direction gaming is going.
Developers still want to do the right thing, but the suits just want the money and don’t care about offline dinosaurs like me.

So, I will give the game a go once it’s there but have no hope at all.
Same goes for Fifa, so for the time being I will play the old versions, drinks a few beers and cry.
Nostalgia is not a bad thing.

It was a great run, sorry it had to end.
I’m 52 now, maybe it’s time to grow up?
Αs a beloved fellow MyClubber told me on reddit, "GROW UP grumps, not grow old"!
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Nah, that's not even nostalgia mate. Nostalgia is when you're fooling yourself that things were better in the past just because you have associated them with your youth. But PES? It really was better back then.

Some of us are playing Fifa 16 in another thread and that's not because we're feeling nostalgic for 2015. 😅

I agree. I find accusations of misty-eyed nostalgia regarding PES quite curious. I've even seen people drop into the retro thread to throw it around, despite the thread being full of people (like me) who own the recent games but still prefer and actively play the older games.

Mmm my friend 54 here and two kids in college and I still don't feel like taking that step, we'll blame konami for forcing us to grow up:DESPOTRICAR:

Whenever I find anyone telling themselves to grow up I'm quick to say: fuck growing up. The world's full of shit - if you can get joy out of simple pleasures like video games, grab it with both hands whether you're 10 or 110.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Obviously I refuse to grow up, despite the fact that my wife says i should every now and then :D

I will never ever grow up. My mind is still 16.
My body? You should see me come out of bed on a monday morning after having played a baseball game the sunday before.
Not a good sport for an old body, too fucking explosive but also there I refuse to give in!
I agree with parts of this. Personally, I don't find defending difficult on PES 2021. (Interceptions are cack though, agreed.)

But I play 11v11 a lot these days and I don't get any noticeable input delay myself. So that's an odd one. I play 1-3 nights a week.
Not so much difficult; more like boring, unintuitive and clunky. The whole defensive side of the game feels tacked on as an afterthought to the all-action main event of attacking. A whole half of the game reduced to such simplistic mechanics at the mercy of 90s style animations. The controls for it are so bad that you're better off basically overriding them by using super cancel almost permanently and sometimes switching to R2 jockey and occaaionally hold X+sprint for homing missile auto-tackles (only need this step with OP MyClub teams).

As for the 11v11 input delay, I've tried it for years with a 1ms monitor, no issues with other games, yet this mode in PES feels awful. The other online modes of PES aren't great themselves with the typical Konami unresponsiveness, bad netcode, bad matchmaking and using P2P, but 11v11 is a pisstake.

Would be interesting to see the results if it were measured because I'm certain it can't be on my end with no problems in so many other games. I think people have just gotten used to how clunky it is. If you play mainly offline and are used to controlling the ball/dribbling there, then go into 11v11 it is a vast difference.
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I can almost hear the narrative in August "unbreakable wifi capabilities, delivering speeds as fast as cable connections". :LIE:

"Gee whizz, get wiv 5G...G!"
Men never grow up, just their toys become more expensive.
Especially a gold digging toy, they don't last long though. They start leaking after a while, along with your finances......aaand no i have never had one. If a bag lady asked me for a pound, i would make her write me a signed IOU. That must be the Scottish traits within. :LOL:
The horrible new yellow and blue colour scheme was on the Ad- boards at the Rangers -Real Madrid friendly yesterday, looks just as terrible and cheap as you imagined... and the E symbol just looks like a € from distance, there's people who probably thought it was an advertisement for Currency exchanges or something! :LOL:
I'd say it appeals to all young players.. have you seen content created by youtubers? Pretty much all of them uses these colour schemes. They even dye their hair like that..
Im feeling like grandpa simpson discussing newer generations but i guess thats where we stand at the moment.

Talking about simpsons..
I think it’s the font though too.

The sharp edges of the boxes and the lack of smooth colour transition.

I know fifa have used a similar or close colour palette before and it looked professional, even if not to my taste.

I’m pretty sure a first year student would get marked down in class for producing something like that. It’s like they created it in paint and reminds me of a washed out kebab shop menu with sad and depressing images of sloppy kebabs and out of date burgers. That’s always baffled me too.

“ Are you hungry ? Look at this left over burger we pulled out of the bin that some drunk lad left to wet your appetite “

I am getting old 😂
There is a interview in Japanese, so use google to translate.
One of a new feature: we'll get a market in MyClub!?
For me, this interview is bad news.

Credit to PES Universe for providing key points:

So they are very open about eFootball being eSports focused. At least they're being blunt and honest about it here.

But then he says they're "lowering the hurdles for participation to create an environment where anyone can easily play".

You could take "easily play" to mean "no matter your device" (which, as we already know, means you're forced to make gameplay more basic so it can function on all platforms) - or, you could take it to mean they're *deliberately* dumbing down the game even further, so that anyone can join in and spend their money to great effect. (Or both.)

Speaking of microtransactions:

"More like myClub than a completely new mode". So. They're immediately setting a very low bar for the game modes. More of the same.

Except, they're making it even easier to fill your squad with all the best players by just searching for them and buying them outright.

So, they have dev time to do that... But nothing else.

...wha? I don't get this bit of the interview at all!
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For me, this interview is bad news.


But also, "lowering the hurdles for participation to create an environment where anyone can easily play". Which sounds to me like "dumbing down the game" so that anyone can join in and spend their money to great effect.


"More like myClub than a completely new mode" - so no work on the game modes, outside of making it even easier to fill your squad with all the best players by just searching for them and buying them outright.
1st HL
Without reading it Chris ( i trust your judgement) i wonder if some of the "Happy" people will be blaming the translate. I am sure in the past i have heard a similar argument.

2nd HL
Talking of in the past, this sounds very similar to the mantra from pes 2008...and we all know how that ended. Scorefest football. <insert facepalm>

3rd HL
words fail, only...what have you been doing since the back end of 2020? before anyone cries "Pandemic". a lot of this could have surely been sourced from home.
Maybe they are that preoccupied with secrecy that they could never risk such a thing. I think we should all go to Konami and ask for their managers heads, let the Chairman go sun himself, and leave it to us.
A shit storm of shouting would go on, then we could get to work.

Gizza Job, i can do that!

Ma-san Actually, when I asked  people around me, "Are you still playing PES?", Many people are playing but don't have the latest work.

Kimura  That's right. There are many people in the past tense who say that they haven't bought the latest version, they don't have a next-generation console, or they used to play PES. That's why I made a big turn to "get all soccer fans to play"

If I understand this correctly, their "big turn" to mobile / e-sports is their attempt to get all of ya people stuck in the "past tense", still playing PES 5 or 6, onboard with the new game! Finally a worthy successor...
Thx Chris for the clarification, it's not good for me as offline player and maybe sometimes online. I think near December we'll know more about eFootball on PC- "next gen", dlc etc.
Yes, people who play past editions of Pes surely do because they lack a free to play, cross platform alternative. Sure thing, Kimura-san.

That final bit of the interview makes zero to me as well anyway. Looks either badly translated or a salad word from his part.
...wha? I don't get this bit of the interview at all!
This is the bit im struggling with myself.
Does that mean that they might develop offline in mobile environment, so it was "fair" to everyone?
That they need to find a version where offline modes will be developed and we will end up with ... New Football Game Master League??
Strong rumours that FIFA 23 will switch to the f2p format…

It will be absolutely HILARIOUS if FIFA do this next year as it will absolutely kill Konami’s revolutionary (and shit) efootball f2p plan after only 1 year 😂

Almost everyone who normally plays fifa but is going to try and play efootball on the basis it’s free will move back to FIFA when that becomes free.

The only way Konami were ever going to steal a march on FIFA was to make the true next gen sim that everyone on here wanted and built modes upon that - they instead cheaped out, tried to copy FIFA but offer it for free as the differentiator and then after only a year that master plan is all going to come crashing down.

Edit: Also, if both games go f2p with a FUT/ myclub mtx focus there will be no better time for a third competitor to enter the market focusing on an offline experience. I’m certain there is a huge market for this (despite most of us thinking it’s just old folks on this forum). I would be thinking along the lines of a football manager style career mode with next gen sim gameplay. It would be huge.
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Strong rumours that FIFA 23 will switch to the f2p format…

It will be absolutely HILARIOUS if FIFA do this next year as it will absolutely kill Konami’s revolutionary (and shit) efootball f2p plan after only 1 year 😂

Almost everyone who normally plays fifa but is going to try and play efootball on the basis it’s free will move back to FIFA when that becomes free.

The only way Konami were ever going to steal a march on FIFA was to make the true next gen sim that everyone on here wanted and built modes upon that - they instead cheaped out, tried to copy FIFA but offer it for free as the differentiator and then after only a year that master plan is all going to come crashing down.

Edit: Also, if both games go f2p with a FUT/ myclub mtx focus there will be no better time for a third competitor to enter the market focusing on an offline experience. I’m certain there is a huge market for this (despite most of us thinking it’s just old folks on this forum). I would be thinking along the lines of a football manager style career mode with next gen sim gameplay. It would be huge.
so in 2 years konami is jumping the "offline master league single player experience"-wagon again!? :D
bet its a 3 year cycle...
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