eFootball (All Platforms)

Yes i know, its pretty cool that you can do stunning everything really... Just to clarify.. is it R2 (i actually use r1 for sprint, so im my case r1 is my stunning button) + cross button... twice.... or is it R2+ cross button..and then cross button by itself again??? Ive done it, but by accident. Im loving the fact that you can only do it when you actually have time on the ball... really digging the stunning headers which are noticably harder, and occasionally you can get those bullet headers into the ground. .. particularly off a stunning cross...

The only combo that doesnt seem to work (maybe im doing it wrong), but a stunning placement shot, which i guess would be R2+SHOOT... followed by holding R1 whilst aiming at the goal??? Maybe R2+R1+SHOOT at same time?? Im full manual shooting so even placement shots are hard to aim right.. may give it a go with basic shooting.

Just wished you had the option like in pes2021 where you can go basic shooting, which adds variety to shots, but can also be able to use the manual aimer for the option of manually shooting. The L2 manual aimer was awesome in pes2021.
Hi! One of the biggest mistakes some players made is trying to play efootball like PES. In efootball you can choose the speed at which you run by pressing more or less R2, this is a big change in the gameplay and in the way of dribbling. I recommend you use R2 to sprint, not R1.

... Yeah i swapped R1 and R2 because of the fact I still play PES2021... but you guys are right.. i should play eFootball how its intended with the variable sprint with R2's sensor (and just start playing pes2021 with r2 as sprint instead of r1)

Bit confused about the L2 button.. as the summary above, L2 doesnt seem to be mentioned here... I though it was the 'protecting the ball' button.. with your back to the defender. In defence, i do know its the markup function... which im not sure if anyone actually finds useful. Doesnt make anything easier for me personally.

Anyone know if r1 (default) also increases dribble response?? Im sure i heard this somewhere.. or one of the other shoulder buttons are held down for closer ball controlled dribble??


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efootball 24 comes with Denuvo anti cheat on PC. Kernel0 anti cheat. No more online cheating, but also no more online mods like unlock fps or original kits.

They extra bought denuvo instead of using easy-anti cheat which is free for unreal engine games. They really mean it when they said, they care for the issues in the community. This is not cheap.

This is big, positive news for PC players! And good news for PS, Xbox regarding crossplay as well!
Denuvo and denuvo anti cheat is in this Game since release.
Since PES 2017 every PES has denuvo.
Denuvo and denuvo anti cheat is in this Game since release.
Since PES 2017 every PES has denuvo.

Wait, why is it not listed in Steam then? Also why can I change the .exe file without denuvo anti-cheat barring me from playing the game? As well as easy cheat engine manipulation in offline modes? If denuvo anti-cheat was used all of these wouldn't be possible, like in other games using it? Are you sure you aren't meaning Denuvo Anti-Temper?

Denuvo Anti-Cheat only exists since 2019.

It's 100% not used currently. The files do not exist on my computer. I would have been very surprised if they installed a kernel-0 anti cheat without a prompt like it is legally required and you can see when e.g. easy anti cheat is installed for Apex Legends.
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From the very short gameplay starting at 0:27, there is one positive thing. The player's trapping was bad but instead of slowing down to snail speed like in efo23, he keeps all his momentum and speed and runs after the ball. He nearly even overtakes the defender who started sprinting later. If this is a thing they changed, this would be awesome.
beginning to see the leap forward in dribbling and ball physics
Ah, the research institute finally paying dividends then.
efootball 24 comes with Denuvo anti cheat on PC. Kernel0 anti cheat. No more online cheating, but also no more online mods like unlock fps or original kits.

They extra bought denuvo instead of using easy-anti cheat which is free for unreal engine games. They really mean it when they said, they care for the issues in the community. This is not cheap.

This is big, positive news for PC players! And good news for PS, Xbox regarding crossplay as well!
Lovely, lovely Denuvo, "for the fans, by the fans," as it's known in the community. It's not like it's the scourge of PC gamers everywhere, taking up unnecessary resources, making games play worse, and having alarming access to the system kernel or anything.
Ah, the research institute finally paying dividends then.

Lovely, lovely Denuvo, "for the fans, by the fans," as it's known in the community. It's not like it's the scourge of PC gamers everywhere, taking up unnecessary resources, making games play worse, and having alarming access to the system kernel or anything.

It's just the reality on PC. Every multiplayer game has kernel0 anti cheat nowadays. Battle eye, easy anti cheat, denuvo anti-cheat, vanguard.
I think it should be noted as positive that Konami actually tries to do something against cheaters. They could have just said: "Fuck pc gamers, there is only 10k people playing on PC". Instead they bought Denuvo anti-cheat.
efootball 24 comes with Denuvo anti cheat on PC. Kernel0 anti cheat. No more online cheating, but also no more online mods like unlock fps or original kits.

They extra bought denuvo instead of using easy-anti cheat which is free for unreal engine games. They really mean it when they said, they care for the issues in the community. This is not cheap.

This is big, positive news for PC players! And good news for PS, Xbox regarding crossplay as well!
If denuvo works in blocking cheaters for the PC, then good on them. The game still has a plethora of things they need to address, if they care to.

They can go the extra step and add some content. Maybe that's asking for too much.
It's just the reality on PC. Every multiplayer game has kernel0 anti cheat nowadays. Battle eye, easy anti cheat, denuvo anti-cheat, vanguard.
I think it should be noted as positive that Konami actually tries to do something against cheaters. They could have just said: "Fuck pc gamers, there is only 10k people playing on PC". Instead they bought Denuvo anti-cheat.
Even if their PC player base is low, there's still a lot of money to be made from that player base by selling club and legends packs to them. They will do what they can ( or what the suits will allow them to do) to keep PC dream team player base happy up to a point, and if it means selling another Lionel Messi pack, they will do it.
Interestingly, they said that they had a trailer presentation of what efootball 2024 will look like in September and they mentioned that they cannot talk about the details of the current gameplay that they had at the event, because there will probably be a lot of new things in September.
No Steam Deck Support, mod support gone, performance probably gone down the drain some more (Denuvo is the worst Kernel privacy concern anti cheat of the bunch)

but a cleaner online environment. And 10k live users is pretty good for a steam always online game. Top 100 with that out of the tens of thousands of games. Its not fortnite, fifa or counter strike numbers but its pretty ''popular'' in a way
No Steam Deck Support, mod support gone, performance probably gone down the drain some more (Denuvo is the worst Kernel privacy concern anti cheat of the bunch)

Even before DAT the performance of this game is ass.

It's the mobile version of efootball 2023.

Idk if it's good or bad thing if i cant tell the difference between mobile & next gen graphics 😅
No Steam Deck Support, mod support gone, performance probably gone down the drain some more (Denuvo is the worst Kernel privacy concern anti cheat of the bunch)

but a cleaner online environment. And 10k live users is pretty good for a steam always online game. Top 100 with that out of the tens of thousands of games. Its not fortnite, fifa or counter strike numbers but its pretty ''popular'' in a way
Oh this kills mods as well then?
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