eFootball (All Platforms)

I've played a little more now after dinner, this time with my dad, since we enjoy playing on the same side against the CPU since the PS1 days. I was bummed out to see that I couldn't add another player in the training, so I went back to playing friendlies, with all of its limitations, like the lack of teams, few difficulties options and 5min duration only. Despite these limitations, we managed to have a good time playing, it actually feels like a functional football video game now, at least in its game play, I still feel like it's behind something like PES2021 in many regards, most actually, due to the complete lack of polish, but the core ideas are on the right direction. I was surprised to see that my dad noticed the same things I did, how you're actively punished for sprinting at the wrong time, and that there's more error in both passing and shooting, especially with weaker teams, it feels like stats matter more now, and I even had a couple of fouls.

What truly saddens me most about this is that, at least to me, it's clear what should be done in future updates to make eFootball a decent football simulation, but knowing Konami all to well, I fear that they won't do any of these things at all, and could end up getting everything wrong in the long run, wasting yet another opportunity to make something truly special. I hope that the developers behind it, who clearly care about making a simulation, can do what's needed.

With the game play, ball physics still need work, as they're still not as realistic and satisfying as they were in FOX, I also wish they'd give the previous defending system another chance, but with more polish, those changes alone could turn this into a genuinely competent simulation of football. Now, for something besides game play, they need a complete UI overhaul, which I doubt we'll get in the near future, Konami needs to stop underestimating how much presentation matters. Still talking about looks, the graphics need a major upgrade too, especially the turfs, since they cover 90% of the screen at all times, it should be the main graphical priority. At last, we need more modes as soon as possible, they need to make all match settings available in friendlies, as well as adding something that lets players play a basic league and/or cup, even if it's DLC. I feel we now have a decent beta, at least, but there's still lots to do.
-duels feel wrong - defender always wins ball, although it shouldn't regarding body positions of attacker and defender.

Try walking without sprint at all and just make a very small turn when the opponent defender runs at you.
Once you mastered this, you can walk into the goal against all those high pressure opponents.
The more I play the more I realize how butchered the game is.
efootball 2022 (up to 0.9.1) had a character, a certain approach, even if it was not well accepted.
I feel that the update is a sad effort to "PES21-ise" the game, removing all its characteristics.
Physicallity is non existent as well as body collision physics.
The natural animation transitions with micro-steps kai very good body posture to represent inertia /momentum are now precanned animations with no trace of physicality.
Players slide like never before, the teleport to the ball, they stop, turn change direction immediately.
Again we have there are wide open spaces, no sense of team build up play.
The only thing I enjoy is shooting, which is the best for years now.
If version 0.9.0 had stunning shot/pass, I would be happy.
Really can't stand how players glide on the pitch, the -nearly perfect- footplanting of previous versions is gone.

This version reminded me of a picture you posted few months ago, comparing shiny carriage and simple car (pes21 vs efootball).

It feels to me as they gone back to that carriage instead improving a car :(.
Well it’s a huge improvement on the last version, but let’s face it, that’s not saying much.

one issue I am having on dream team is that the Special Players are greyed out when I go to build my team. So can’t sign any Legends. Anyone else have this, it’s put me right off playing the game as at a disadvantage to every team I encounter online.
This version reminded me of a picture you posted few months ago, comparing shiny carriage and simple car (pes21 vs efootball).

It feels to me as they gone back to that carriage instead improving a car :(.
Konami tried something innovative.
The acceptance was not good due to the fact that people are not willing to change their way of playing.
They want a modern soccer but playable with PES 6 style. Quick, unnaturally reactive players who stop a turn like robot vacuums and frantic action.
They praise an "update" which downgraded the game technically, but made it more playable according to PES 5-Pes2021 standards.
Too bad.
All the potentian of the first version is now gone.
This is exactly what happened from PES 2014 to PES 2015.
Innovation -> hate -> Back to obsolete style -> Love.

If you want change, you must change.
And this applies to soccer gaming as well.
Some good additions, way more polished than 0.9.1 but extremely fast gameplay. At some points I thought I was playing FIFA. KONAMI needs to reduce the speed. We don't want another fast, arcady game.
Konami tried something innovative.
The acceptance was not good due to the fact that people are not willing to change their way of playing.
They want a modern soccer but playable with PES 6 style. Quick, unnaturally reactive players who stop a turn like robot vacuums and frantic action.
They praise an "update" which downgraded the game technically, but made it more playable according to PES 5-Pes2021 standards.
Too bad.
All the potentian of the first version is now gone.
This is exactly what happened from PES 2014 to PES 2015.
Innovation -> hate -> Back to obsolete style -> Love.

If you want change, you must change.
And this applies to soccer gaming as well.
I see where you're coming from with a lot of your points, but I just have to disagree with the overall idea you've presented. Before I go on I just want to make clear that, just like you, I saw a lot of potential in many things the developers went for in the previous versions of eFootball, so much that the FOX attempts lacked to make them something truly special. In a lot of ways it did remind me of when I first played the PES2014 demo all of those years back, the players feeling like they had real weight, an attempt at making stats matter more with the inclusion of error even in assisted settings, being punished for sprinting without thinking, a more manual defensive system, I mean, there were just so many good ideas here, and thankfully I still see some of them in this update, except for the manual defending, which I'm upset was scrapped just because they couldn't get it to work too well, when they should've tried to improve it and give it more polish instead. Still, the players still feel like they have weight, I'm still seeing passes and shots going wrong because of poor body positioning and lower stats, I'm still punished for sprinting since it makes me lose control, a lot of it remains, and a lot of it is like PES2014, which is good.

I seriously disagree with your conclusion though, with all due respect, but to me, while there is always going to be some backlash due to people having a hard time changing the way they play, just like it was in PES2014, we have to remember that PES2014 wasn't bashed by most at first due to it being a serious attempt at a simulation, that was part of it, don't get me wrong, but most of the backlash was due to the state it was launched in, which felt empty in regards to its content, and downright unfinished in many places, it did get better with updates, but by then most people had already given up on it. I can't help but feel that eFootball was the same situation, of course there were many people complaining due to the slower pace, the weight, the pass and shot error, the manual defense and the punishing sprinting, but that's not what most of the complaints were, what people noted the most was just how broken and unfinished it was, how amateurish Konami managed to be with its launch, and now most are happy with the update not because it's less realistic, though I'm sure some are, but because it's now more polished and less broken. I do prefer the older versions in some ways, but this feels more finished.

I don't feel it's fair to blame people for somehow losing an opportunity for a simulation just like in PES2014 or anything like that. Indeed this feels similar to the PES2014/PES2015 situation, but once again I don't feel it's just because people are stubborn and don't want to change the way they play, that's simplifying the matter too much really, we can't ignore how badly Konami messed the launch up, and unfortunately first impressions are a big deal. I feel like eFootball will never truly live up to its potential, even though the creative team clearly wanted to make a simulation, but it's not our fault, it's Konami's.
Guys, did you play matches online, either authentic teams or dream team, yesterday in ps5? I couldn’t connect both, that’s why I wonder is it my bad or Konami’s?
Guys, did you play matches online, either authentic teams or dream team, yesterday in ps5? I couldn’t connect both, that’s why I wonder is it my bad or Konami’s?
my friend did play a few matches online yesterday, no issues.

ps. Authentic teams is offline mode, no need to connect with anyone
Is there any way to change the team you selected for Dream Team? I'm not really a fan of the kits & wish to change clubs but can't see any option to?
You can play an Offline Spanish Tour with your Dream Team. Not exactly a full offline mode since I want to choose teams but still a fun start to at least play more of the offline game and an okayish start for free2play and I am enjoying it so far.
How the heck you can run and dribble in this version ? Does any one manage to make a decent run with the ball? Always the defenders are faster , fastest
Marc Cucurella & Tariq Lamptey look good young signings for attacking left & right backs & very cheap. I know I'm biased but just saying 😂
The secondary press really helps when it works and defending is better than it was before, However i still notice that issue that if the game doesn't switch to the defender you need in time and gives you control of the wrong man, the defender who's better positioned to deal with the attacker will still stand there passively until you get control him and "wake him up".

The AI defenders are still not moving with the play as much as they should be in order to be oriented correctly for when you take over command of them which has left me conceding deflating goals where I felt like I was putting my shoes on while I was chasing the robber who's getting away rather than jumping into action and apprehending him.
I'm enjoying the game, I feel it has a decent foundation to build on. It feels different enough to PES 2021, less on rails and it flows better. With Unreal 5 being utilised more they shouldn't have any future concerns in improving the game graphically, but it still looks pretty decent. The momentum and weight feels good, though I find it bizarre that you have to 'wind up' a stunning pass/shot, in real life if I want to kick a ball hard I don't have to take a few more seconds to generate 'da power' 😂.

I feel Konami should adopt the Season 1 dashboard app icon colour into the overall game to replace the blue & yellow look. And for the love of god make the overall UI better, the menu screen is so basic.

The manual replay camera still doesn't have the ability to zoom or adjust the height further, it's been that way since PES 2014. I find it frustrating that it hasn't been fixed, the auto replays after a goal show the camera can go further back, so it's clearly not a technical issue.
Konami tried something innovative.
The acceptance was not good due to the fact that people are not willing to change their way of playing.
They want a modern soccer but playable with PES 6 style. Quick, unnaturally reactive players who stop a turn like robot vacuums and frantic action.
They praise an "update" which downgraded the game technically, but made it more playable according to PES 5-Pes2021 standards.
Too bad.
All the potentian of the first version is now gone.
This is exactly what happened from PES 2014 to PES 2015.
Innovation -> hate -> Back to obsolete style -> Love.

If you want change, you must change.
And this applies to soccer gaming as well.
There's just so much rose-tinted thinking in your portrayal of how coherent the motivating ideas of eFootball early builds were, even if you concede the implementation wasn't quite there.

You laser focus on the merits that you personally value in a sim: inertia, weight – but conveniently skip over how, even in conception, this game was deeply unrealistic.

That is: no realistic team shapes, atrocious team and oppo AI, acres of space between lines facilitating absurd runs through the whole pitch, no player or team ID, wonky ball physics, lacklustre shooting, and as it happens, terrible footplanting too (I know, you disagreed with me on that already).

This reflects to me a broader divide in those who appraise the merits of footballing sims, where people obsessively focus on on-ball or individual player movement issues on the one hand, or team shape, tactics, ID and AI on the other.

Even if you think eFootball earlier builds had nailed e.g. player weight (I disagree), you have to concede it was woeful on so many other fronts – and I'm putting aside the graphical and performance issues.

So this narrative of "they dared to dream but people couldn't adapt and recognise a good thing, so they bowed to the pressure of the majority and now ruined my perfect game" – it's just nonsense. They released a broken pile of shit that didn't resemble football, designed around the motivating idea of facilitating 1-on-1s the whole pitch over and enabling cross play with people playing on 6" screens. It was broken in conception and implementation, and maybe had a few (much contested) redeeming elements, which do not comprise alone a good game.
Marc Cucurella & Tariq Lamptey look good young signings for attacking left & right backs & very cheap. I know I'm biased but just saying 😂
How much they cost? Can you recommend some hidden gems that are cheap as I only have 182,500gp to build a team. I dont want to spend all gp on one position
How much they cost? Can you recommend some hidden gems that are cheap as I only have 182,500gp to build a team. I dont want to spend all gp on one position
I can't remember off the top of my head & I'm out of the house now. I do believe they were both under 20000 GP though.
I cannot laugh my ass off enough guys :LMAO: unreal engine, 2022 y.e.a.r. and we can't set the proper resolution and fullscreen in the game, there's no even point to start talking about anything else, what an upgrade, who would've thought about that 10 years ago :SHOCK: That must be some alien technology that is very hard to harness and master. Only hex editing binaries through reverse engineering can unleash that monster power! :!
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Can’t really make a serious update specifically in FPS and unreal engine cause their many target is mobile version and on that the chips are not so strong
There's just so much rose-tinted thinking in your portrayal of how coherent the motivating ideas of eFootball early builds were, even if you concede the implementation wasn't quite there.

You laser focus on the merits that you personally value in a sim: inertia, weight – but conveniently skip over how, even in conception, this game was deeply unrealistic.

That is: no realistic team shapes, atrocious team and oppo AI, acres of space between lines facilitating absurd runs through the whole pitch, no player or team ID, wonky ball physics, lacklustre shooting, and as it happens, terrible footplanting too (I know, you disagreed with me on that already).

This reflects to me a broader divide in those who appraise the merits of footballing sims, where people obsessively focus on on-ball or individual player movement issues on the one hand, or team shape, tactics, ID and AI on the other.

Even if you think eFootball earlier builds had nailed e.g. player weight (I disagree), you have to concede it was woeful on so many other fronts – and I'm putting aside the graphical and performance issues.

So this narrative of "they dared to dream but people couldn't adapt and recognise a good thing, so they bowed to the pressure of the majority and now ruined my perfect game" – it's just nonsense. They released a broken pile of shit that didn't resemble football, designed around the motivating idea of facilitating 1-on-1s the whole pitch over and enabling cross play with people playing on 6" screens. It was broken in conception and implementation, and maybe had a few (much contested) redeeming elements, which do not comprise alone a good game.
No, by no means NO!
I never said that ef2022 was perfect. It was a half finished project, a rushed tech demo for me, nowhere near perfect.
I just appreciated the bold and the mindset of proposing something new and innovative.
Momentum/inertia was maybe a bit exaggerated in earlier version, but close control and footplanting was very good.

As for the fact that people tend to prefer what is familiar to them is simple psychology.
Soccer gaming = constant sprinting + ping pong passing + spectacular goals.

The concept of blocking the path of a pass , covering the space was very good. Now defending is running after the attacker, steal the ball without any presence of physics. Just like PES did since 1997.
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