eFootball (All Platforms)

I play eFootball 2022 since november and I have received 1,600,000 GP plus PES 2021 Legendary Bonus and other pluses for a total of about 3,000,000 GP.

I have bought almost every Real Madrid player and Mbappé and I received Ansu Fati, Romario, Rivaldo, Vieira, Beckenbauer, Forlan and Raúl.

I think the contracts last for 365 days so I think there's no need to spend money on eFootball coins to enjoy Dream Team mode.FQZizi3WUAQi_ee.jpeg
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Don't intend to donwload it.

Saw a video of a youtuber playing online tho; AI ignore loose balls so many times exactly as in the recent past lol. I can't understand how they still refuse to fix that shit. I also saw some other game vs CPU and it doesn't look impressive in any manner.

By the way the thing that stand out the most is that, yes, as Chris said, it isn't a next gen game. It looks like a soft Pes 2021 or something. It's understandable that if you compare it with the disaster they presented before having a polished, playable thing will stand out. But I can't help thinking how the standards generally dropped, ignoring for a moment the silly barebone game they put out in terms of modes and options it's still, well, so underwhelming to think something like this opened the new tech gen era for Konami.
I played the previous version for like 1 hour and dropped it. I've played like 4 matches on v1.0 and I'm enjoying it somewhat. It's very simplistic yes but I think for what they were aiming for it does the job and can get even better.

Obviously PES as it was before is probably gone forever. Like some have said in this thread, this isn't a game for the hardcore football fans, it's an eSports game. That doesn't mean it's a bad game but it definitely means it won't please 90% of the evo-web userbase, but unfortunately we are a minority compared to all other football video game fans over the world and KONAMI needs eFootball to earn them money otherwise they'll kill the game completely.

PES as we know it was compromised with the release of PES2014 and unfortunately time ran out on the studios to claw back any sort of significance in the football market. This model is the only way PES/eFootball will ever continue to be financially viable after years of not being able to sell well. If they hadn't made this switch, I'm sure PES2021 would've been the last ever title in the franchise unless 2K bought the rights or something.
The ridiculous thing about the training mode having everything unlocked is that it's probably an oversight on Konami's part & will probably be patched out🤣

They've continuously tried to limit what we do offline & yet you can sit there in training mode playing infinitely with any two teams on any difficulty....

It doesn't make any sense that the trial match has none of this. They're either trolling us or incredibly stupid. I'll hedge my bets on the latter.
Maybe I'm just a cynic, but my view is that the reason they still aren't giving you any offline mode is because they plan to sell you it in a separate pack. And if that's not the reason, then it's because they just want everyone to only play the cash-cow mode. I don't think it's an oversight at this point. I think the logic is: we're giving you this free, so you can spend some money on it.
So much space throughout the pitch, I can send through balls, 1-2's and even score from distance with ease.
Yeah I found myself most annoyed about this too, even though frankly it's been the case for years! Just no compression of the front to back line, no midfield battles as a result, looks absolutely nothing like an actual match when you see it from the stands.
The start-stop nature of defensive players is an absolute eye-sore and is the #1 catalyst to all chances created. Every single goal, it's there. Whether it be a defensive midfielder who chose to stop following their runner or a right-back that stopped in their tracks to allow the runner to go by them.
This is actually shocking. Again, not a new problem, but just so fucking shoddy. It was in the playtest footage people were sharing (even complimenting); I clipped a bit from the Spoony stream earlier where it happened. It looks so fucking bad but it astounds me that people don't notice. They just zoom in on the goal-scoring. It's like when people watch a fight and only watch the fighter they support, and then claim it's a robbery if the decision doesn't go their way: they've been watching one half of an interaction. I'm sure plenty of people experience PES and literally only ever see what's happening in the ball carrying side.
I play eFootball 2022 since november and I have received 1,600,000 GP plus PES 2021 Legendary Bonus and other pluses for a total of about 3,000,000 GP.

I have bought almost every Real Madrid player and Mbappé and I received Ansu Fati, Romario, Rivaldo, Vieira, Beckenbauer, Forlan and Raúl.

I think the contracts last for 365 days so I think there's no need to spend money on eFootball coins to enjoy Dream Team mode.

That's why it's very easy to build a team on Dream Team

Well i only got 130K for start but this guy plays efootball since release, people are getting different bonuses.
I think now its much more fair its simply pay to win (like real football) rather than pay to spin and lose your money for silver getting players instead black balls.
If you look at the faces of the players during the action ... you will not notice any emotions or reactions, a dead look and a slight opening of the mouth like robots, all look dead. … I don't think it's was possible but they have less emotion than Master Chief of the Halo TV series. Even PES 2008 has some.. facial expressions. Maybe now is the time to bring back old Meme from last year :


Many people here come with hasty conclusion after playing several offline exhibition matches or from the training mode. The real problem and the worst part of the game is the online mode. It's unplayable, unresponsive peaceofcrap, awful experiences that I will never touch again. And that should be main target and reason for existing of eFootball !? Unbelievable .
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This is basically a demo. Not many teams or content to keep it fun for very long. I guess pes2021 is still the way to go for now.
Eh. First time I've played pes all day since 2020. 2021 for me was awful on console. No individuality at all. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying this alot. Literally haven't played a pes game where I've felt like I could play how I wanted to for a long time.
Eh. First time I've played pes all day since 2020. 2021 for me was awful on console. No individuality at all. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying this alot. Literally haven't played a pes game where I've felt like I could play how I wanted to for a long time.
And you play online mode ? I do not believe it...
Whoever claimed for years the AI is dribbling in the past PES games, your mind will be blown by this AI then....

Eh. First time I've played pes all day since 2020. 2021 for me was awful on console. No individuality at all. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying this alot. Literally haven't played a pes game where I've felt like I could play how I wanted to for a long time.
I second this, this game feels clunky but oozing player individuality and every match feels like a derby and different.
I just wish dribbling would be a bit more snappier....perhaps a gameplay mod on pc should do the trick.
And you play online mode ? I do not believe it...

Yeah I've been playing all day online. I still mainly have the original players and only a couple decent players. Ward prowse for example literally feels like xavi for me. His turning circle is tiny. Even my other poor players they all bring something. I can actually play possession football without it becoming a ping pong fest. Fake shot finally works properly. I can make the opponent look silly on the dribble. I can double tap away from defenders. Obviously I haven't played the modded version of 2021 so I can't comment on that. But the versions that were realised on console were soo boring online. Ping pong for the win.
Yeah I've been playing all day online. I still mainly have the original players and only a couple decent players. Ward prowse for example literally feels like xavi for me. His turning circle is tiny. Even my other poor players they all bring something. I can actually play possession football without it becoming a ping pong fest. Fake shot finally works properly. I can make the opponent look silly on the dribble. I can double tap away from defenders. Obviously I haven't played the modded version of 2021 so I can't comment on that. But the versions that were realised on console were soo boring online. Ping pong for the win.

And how to dribble quickly (like the AI), the right stick dribble feels really slow and clunky.
Definately not for me, I have tried but I just can not play it, first of all graphics from large distance still horrible and pixelated even with high graphics and I have a good PC
- Bad graphics
- Mechanics are not PES
- Gameplay too slow and bad
- Players still too slow
- ball still too weight
- Worse ball physics than PES 21
- Game locked at 60 FPS when I have 144 FPS in PES 21
- Games locked at 5 minutes
- No offline modes
- No weather
- No edit mode
- No cups
- No leagues
- Still bad crowd and pixelated
- Nets are concrete
- Sound of the net is just terrible
- Horrible colours and combinations
- Players dissapears during line up in scoreboard
- Mobile mechanics are still there
- Is not a AAA game in 2022
- Is not next generation game
- Crossplay with mobile version
The only good thing I have found is
- Free to play
- Better dribbling
- Stunning pass/shot
- A little bit more fluid gameplay in general
- It makes more playable than first version
Nothing else
I will not be playing this game, is just not for me, still too bad and still they need to fix and to add a lot of things to make it more playable but nor for me. This is not what PES community needed, we needed a true next gen game with better mechanics, better dribbling, less scripted and robotic, a real PES with more fluid gameplay but instead of this we get a mobile game ported to consoles and PC and now people is like oh is fantastic, but for me is not, they have killed my favourite saga and offline world, fuck them
I agree with you. Only one thing: During the lineup, you can see the animated player models, and Unreal Engine doesn't let duplicates (so players not appearing on the field during the lineup animation)
For those who play offline I suggest that you to avoid using the longball counter and longball team playstyle due to the all out defense when out of possession for both player and com. And try to use LMF and RMF instead lf LWF and RWF so that the wings track back to defense
After waiting for a very short period of just six months we have an entire full package of content with the same awful UI, the same 9 teams to play in offline modes, the same locked options where you can pick just 5 minutes playtime and the same and only eFootball ball (from the research institute). Not to mention that I played just one online match because there isn't anything to actually play, and after winning the match (of course in the same unsatisfying boring manner) I was kicked to the eFootball main menu without any reward. Then I realized that the 5 minutes offline matches with the 9 teams plus the waste of time lazy ass online dream team experience are the only content from eFootball.

...and I know... I know... It's not a demo-like anymore, they finally pulled a 1.0 right?

If this doesn't tell you who their audience is, and why they demolished PES to make way for eFootball, nothing will.

Remind you of another football game?

Also... There are two types of players.

This guy (I'm in this camp):

And this guy:

I genuinely have no interest in building a team like that. Certainly not on day one. When FUT was first released, you were stuck on "bronze" players for a comparatively long time, which adds tons of longevity, and makes your experience a journey. But this... What's the point, seriously?

EDIT: Ah, apparently that guy played a lot of the previous version of eFootball.

But I didn't, and I had something like 160k of "coins" from "apologies" as soon as I logged in today...
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If this doesn't tell you who their audience is, and why they demolished PES to make way for eFootball, nothing will.

Remind you of another football game?

Ofcourse, Efootball was always going to double down on the fantasy team gamemode where the money is
PESmobile is so fricking popular its insane.

Its no coincidence that the more Arcade crowd I know seemingly seem to adore this version. Its simplified, its a very reactive football game. And it tries to simulate the on the surface football enough that some wont miss the depth in its core which will play as ''nuisance'' for a lot of folks.
In the end its a video game, and it is its own beast, They will for sure have a good dedicated community on Dream Team and be financially stable
I genuinely have no interest in building a team like that. Certainly not on day one. When FUT was first released, you were stuck on "bronze" players for a comparatively long time, which adds tons of longevity, and makes your experience a journey. But this... What's the point, seriously?
I didn't expect that from Konami, giving the fact that My Club was criticized for being a little bit easy to build a strong team.

But here 😬
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