eFootball (All Platforms)

OK after a dozen of pc plays and allpying the unlocker mod a can say that they spend 6+ monthes to put pes21 engine in efootball 22
it was faster and easier just to update the season 21-22 on pes21
the game is pes 21 plus some buttons
well you do realise that most the mechanics are still the same engine right? they migrated the fox engine to incorporate unreal graphical elements, im guessing that is why everything took so long and was such a mess as they thought they could port the gameplay but found out they actually couldnt.
Why on earth is everyone going on about the 5 minutes limit. Surely everyone realises the Steam version just needs that CPK file replaced with an unlocked version, giving us all the teams, full length matches, all the balls? Hopefully I am correct this exists for v1.00 !

...and apologies to non-Steam players who cannot of course do this
I think you answered your own question at th e end of your post 😂
Any suggestions for connection? It just shows "Failed to connect with opponent" at all times. Yesterday I was playing 0.9.1 fine, and any other games work perfectly. Just having trouble here. Is it DMZ? NAT? Just frustrating
As long as it's 5 minutes Exhibition games and no Edit Mode : i won't download it. Playing that or PES 2021 Demo... Well, i'd rather say there's more offline possibility in PES Lite versions.

Because i really, really don't care about Dream Team at an unimaginable point, that i care a lot more to play to "how long i can piss" in the garden.

See you in perhaps 6 month, with some offline stuffs unlocked.
I only "tolerate" about online is Division and Season mode where you can play with actual rosters.

But cards building game, never been my thing.
I tried FUT one match the first time it was out. Then never. It's been 8-10 years, don't remember.
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OK after a dozen of pc plays and allpying the unlocker mod a can say that they spend 6+ monthes to put pes21 engine in efootball 22
it was faster and easier just to update the season 21-22 on pes21
the game is pes 21 plus some buttons

From someone that hasn't played PES for a while that's what it looks like to me as well, it's PES 21 with less jittery movement, more inertia but less refined ball physics. Individual/team AI is still garbage. It's a bit unfair to compare a game that has been modded to hell and back to a base game. This new engine is probably a more solid technological base to build on for the future, so it will be interesting to see this after another year of iteration and using Unreal 5.
As long as it's 5 minutes Exhibition games and no Edit Mode : i won't download it. Playing that or PES 2021 Demo... Well, i'd rather say there's more offline possibility in PES Lite versions.

Because i really, really don't care about Dream Team at an unimaginable point, that i care a lot more to play to "how long i can piss" in the garden.

See you in perhaps 6 month, with some offline stuffs unlocked.
We need to understand efootball is not offline anymore e=Internet/online football=football Online football the name says everything
Actually, training mode has all the teams in the game available. Just press start, go to settings with square ( X on Xbox) and choose training settings. You can select every single team available in the game's code from there.
We need to understand efootball is not offline anymore e=Internet/online football=football Online football the name says everything
There's a big possibility they will release offline package. Because it's easy to create and bring money, that's why i'm really thinking they will release DLC for Offline gaming... Like story mode on SFV etc.

But yes it's totally Online focused.
In training mode you can also change through all the difficulty levels which I dont think you can in the exhibition mode.

I dont want to play superstar yet, but I also don't want it incredibly easy. Training mode you can at least play the ball around a bit without it being half time or full time after 5 passes
Just to correct one little thing (without contradicting anything else) : all "E" stuff doesn't mean "Online" but ''Esport", like Efootball, Esport Boxing Club etc.
It's build for Esports competition. Yes, often players are kinda selected from their online status, higher level in the game.
also for the lovers of retro football like me we have not place in this game
The sad thing is calling it already retro.

Because we probably know where the future will bring us.
Every VS games will make a move on to the same system i believe. SFV is the first big, but it should have bee F2P, the rosters and modes where so few, all fans got stolen from 60 euros...

Fifa didn't already through, and won't next version neither... But i just can't with that game on the long term.
Just to correct one little thing (without contradicting anything else) : all "E" stuff doesn't mean "Online" but ''Esport", like Efootball, Esport Boxing Club etc.
It's build for Esports competition. Yes, often players are kinda selected from their online status, higher level in the game.
you are absolutely right is a game made for online world ($$$) and esports comps for professional gamers, not amateurs or offline players
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I notice one thing and I would like to ask a second
First I notice that when the opposite goalkeeper is ready to take I free kick in previous PES you are doing the cursor button on your game pad to the right and your defense line went upfront, now that does not appear .
Second I have configurate the R1 button as dash button I am free with all my field free frond of me and I press it to run I make few meters and out of nowhere my player start to make the shield motion and stop to run like he protect the ball from him ti self.
Does any one saw it or am I doing something wrong ?!?!?!?
*Pack "Division/Friendly online matchs" 12.69

Otherwise more than removing stuffs, it's just didn't added more anything for the launch.
Game is playable, they're saved (at least that's what they think), point.
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There's a big possibility they will release offline package. Because it's easy to create and bring money, that's why i'm really thinking they will release DLC for Offline gaming... Like story mode on SFV etc.

But yes it's totally Online focused.
Yes and ( the God will be my witness ] all the package will cost around 60-70€ for pc and 90-100€ for Ps5
:LOL: Where are you at now in the search for a solid football game? PES 2021? FIFA 14? PES 5? FIFA 11?

Im trying to force myself to like PES 21. Im playing vanilla gameplay with smoke patch. One of the worst CPU AI I ever seen. All CPU teams attacks the same way and park the bus on high difficult levels. You berally can drible. Defenders just dont have inertia, then when you menage to skin a defender, CPU just holds or fouls you. Even the most gifted player are slow.

Its like 80s football, pass pass pass and cross. What a boring game.
In training mode you can also change through all the difficulty levels which I dont think you can in the exhibition mode.

I dont want to play superstar yet, but I also don't want it incredibly easy. Training mode you can at least play the ball around a bit without it being half time or full time after 5 passes
The ridiculous thing about the training mode having everything unlocked is that it's probably an oversight on Konami's part & will probably be patched out🤣

They've continuously tried to limit what we do offline & yet you can sit there in training mode playing infinitely with any two teams on any difficulty....

It doesn't make any sense that the trial match has none of this. They're either trolling us or incredibly stupid. I'll hedge my bets on the latter.
A bit concerned about fouls. Not had a single AI-committed foul against me in about 6 matches. In Training I went into the menu and enabled fouls, and tried my best to draw a foul – couldn't. I've watched a couple of full online matches on YouTube specifically to see if there were fouls, and there weren't.

Fouls in a football game is a solid metric for how playable it will be long-term (or even medium-term). If fouls have been removed wholseale from eFootball to please you-know-who, it doesn't really matter how otherwise solid the mechanics are, it'll always be a flat landscape. E.g. any recent FIFA.
Guys, my defensive skill might not be as good as pes 5 but i tried to position my CB (Ben white) best to my footballing knowledge yet, CR7 managed to dupe me with his TM chop and found a goal with his crazy dribbling. Now im not in the position to say this is the best pes post 2013 but from my last 5 games (2 fuma and superstar), this has tremendous potential.

Played some time in training mode and a couple of matches. It's a working version of eFootball. I don't really have anything good to say about it.
I guess it works now.

Nothing about it is pushing technology, nothing about it feels like a current-gen football game, nothing about it feels like football. The biggest takeaway is that it suffers from the same issues that every PES game has suffered since moving to the PS3 generation, it doesn't feel rewarding to play and it doesn't feel cutting-edge, at all. I have not celebrated goals in PES since PES 6, I have not been impressed by a PES game on its technical merits since PES 6.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs.
Well said👍
So there are way more fouls in this. You can actúe draw fouls. I've won 3 penalties and non of them were slide tackles. All were me beating the man and going over his leg.
A bit concerned about fouls. Not had a single AI-committed foul against me in about 6 matches. In Training I went into the menu and enabled fouls, and tried my best to draw a foul – couldn't. I've watched a couple of full online matches on YouTube specifically to see if there were fouls, and there weren't.

Fouls in a football game is a solid metric for how playable it will be long-term (or even medium-term). If fouls have been removed wholseale from eFootball to please you-know-who, it doesn't really matter how otherwise solid the mechanics are, it'll always be a flat landscape. E.g. any recent FIFA.
I've had loads of fouls.
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