eFootball (All Platforms)

You can use the training mode to judge the gameplay and technology of the game. It runs indefinitely.

It's not any good, in my opinion.
Yes. Konami's is design is dated. They have yet to implement true 360 degree movement and proper foot wrapping tech for shooting.
I've had loads of fouls.
Relieved to hear it and look forward to seeing some myself. Still on 0 fouls of any kind other than offside after about 8 5-min offline matches on Superstar and 40 mins Training (of course after going into the menu and activating fouls) on a mix of Professional and Superstar. I'm hoping that mine is the unusual run of gameplay and not yours.
But then you dont have the sophisticated dribbling as you only have ON and OFF for the r1 button and not all the states with a trigger.

So.... Oversight
That is correct. But for me I just cannot execute those stunning things with r2. Is there any other solution?
I am disappointed. PES 2021 is far better. They didnt even work the graphic optimization, which meaning that they dealt with the efootball world which was never ready before. Its like a beta version to me.
This is more pes 21 even on 0.9.1 it was possible to carry on the ball now the defenders are more quicker in final third than Carl Lewis
The problem has never been community feedback. It usually boils down to add more faces and boots because that's what the majority of PES players request on social media channels. The people who make this game also play it, far more than anyone else. They don't need feedback to tell them what they need to improve, they just feel this is either good or they're so underfunded and mismanaged that even if they loathe the gameplay, they can't do much about it. I'd wager it's the first one, regardless of budget. The first thing to do in order to make sure your game is enjoyable is control over your character. PES fails this very basic principle. Being this is a football game, you then move on to AI to make sure your teammates aren't dummies and the AI is challenging and smart. None of this occurs either.

PES gets the foundation wrong, time and time again. So much so that people genuinely believe that something like smooth and realistic animations aren't achievable because they "slow down responsiveness". If your character isn't enjoyable to control, you're not gonna get anywhere. You're building on a broken foundation.

This is why FIFA 08 reveal was such a mindblowing affair. You had players moving like real people, actually planting their feet. Then you added an analog stick function to add depth to that technical marvel and let your players express themselves. Your consumers were engaged from the get go, just look at the first thing they let people do in FIFA 08, both demo and full game, it was an empty pitch with your player and a keeper. They knew they had the foundation right and embraced it.
It's like you're reading my mind! Who are you?! :LOL:

Lack of player CONTROL been on the the major issues plaguing PES for a while (Movement variation). PES also needs a robust contextual animation engine coupled with proper foot planting and foot wrapping tech. I don't know if they can ever pull it off with what and who they have now.

I remember when I first saw FIFA 08, I couldn't believe what I was seeing :LOL: It really was game changing. Still play it, doesn't have have 360 degree movement (tech didn't exist yet) but still favorite FIFA to date!

Incredibly, PES has never reached FIFA 08 level of tech to date.

So Konami is over a decade behind.
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I don't see how. Previous game was a mess. You cannot defend there is no structure to matches cause you can't defend. There's way more individuality.
You can defend . Just you have to manage the team press button . Is better to press it where you are on offense in opposition final third only in order to win back the ball . If you use it in your first third your defense you will cause gaps
OK , my big mistake was that i try offline mode, training and i say to me.. "Hey that is not bad, fast reponsive and enjoyble " … OMG how wrong i was when i come to online mode.. its unresponsve painfull mess there, even on full 5 bars. I will never touch it.
Has good stamina system and in some cases you can suffer some injuries of that . In my second game Ben yadder of Monaco suffer a thigh injury 2min before end
I just saw David Beckham take a corner on a Twitch stream, he just punted the ball in like a Sunday League player, no spin or curve on the ball whatsoever.

How did we have better ball physics 16 years ago

Had a few more games this afternoon, all online. I hate playing any games online with the general public, because the whole experience has always been toxic to me - and also, to be honest, I'm nowhere near the standard of most players (who play to win the game through its exploits more than to actually enjoy the game).

I have to say, it was pleasant. I could see the stats of my players making a difference, as well as fatigue. My possession-based defence-focused football didn't put me at a disadvantage (it didn't feel like I was playing "the wrong way" and would lose unless I started playing counter-attacking football).

(This may well be because nobody's figured out all the exploits yet and - more to the point - nobody's got a team of 90+ rated players yet, at which point I have no doubt it will become a pointless endeavour unless you're going to spend $$$ to keep up, and I have no interest in playing with, and against, the same ~50 superstar players anyway... Boring.)

As others have said, though... It's nothing like a next-gen football game, and it's just not in the same league as PES 2021 (which isn't a great game either, IMO - particularly not the AI, which is the most linear, basic, stupid AI I've seen in PES - and I have no desire to play it).

It feels like an indie football game, which you download on your phone out of curiosity, and delete after a day.

The ball physics are absolutely horrendous (the ball being a balloon filled with either cotton wool or helium depending on the situation), and for a game that's always had the fundamentals nailed-on, it's absolutely crazy to me that we're here. But it's obviously because other platforms need a simplified gameplay engine.

I'm not seeing bags of potential - if anything, I'm seeing all the things they've done to simplify or "mobilify" the game, on and off the pitch. It's a better game than it was yesterday, but if this is how long it takes to add a bit of responsiveness (when it's still laggy as hell in many situations, by the way, leading to defenders smashing the ball against strikers when you tried to clear the ball seconds before)... I don't know how it will ever be a truly good console game. Only a mobile game.

:LOL: Where are you at now in the search for a solid football game? PES 2021? FIFA 14? PES 5? FIFA 11?
I played PES5 for a while with the "Original Season" patch, ground out a season in the ML and that feeling of really struggling to get a 0-0 draw is something entirely missing from modern games (in general). To feel relieved to scrape a point... That feeling of hitting a real achievement when you get your first three. It's like a drug. That's the last game to really nail that feeling, I think.

The modern games are technically better, yet feel worse. PES 2021 has the AI of a Game Boy game, as beautiful as it looks on PC. I can't get past their dull, repetitive play. FIFA 16 is an amazing balance, but way too fast for me to really enjoy (and sliders/mods can't fix that without breaking something else, IMO). 14 (especially with the Classic Patch) is glorious, but a little too on-rails for me to lose myself in, with a lack of AI variety (however, for classic World Cups with friends, it's brilliant).

They're the ones I tend to play for an hour before getting too annoyed with one thing or another. Against friends using Parsec, they're all fun, but against the AI, too frustrating in some way.

Whenever the girlfriend sees me playing a football game, she says "oh good, you're wasting your time playing another football game you hate". She isn't wrong. I need help...
Had a few more games this afternoon, all online. I hate playing any games online with the general public, because the whole experience has always been toxic to me - and also, to be honest, I'm nowhere near the standard of most players (who play to win the game through its exploits more than to actually enjoy the game).

I have to say, it was pleasant. I could see the stats of my players making a difference, as well as fatigue. My possession-based defence-focused football didn't put me at a disadvantage (it didn't feel like I was playing "the wrong way" and would lose unless I started playing counter-attacking football).

(This may well be because nobody's figured out all the exploits yet and - more to the point - nobody's got a team of 90+ rated players yet, at which point I have no doubt it will become a pointless endeavour unless you're going to spend $$$ to keep up, and I have no interest in playing with, and against, the same ~50 superstar players anyway... Boring.)

As others have said, though... It's nothing like a next-gen football game, and it's just not in the same league as PES 2021 (which isn't a great game either, IMO - particularly not the AI, which is the most linear, basic, stupid AI I've seen in PES - and I have no desire to play it).

It feels like an indie football game, which you download on your phone out of curiosity, and delete after a day.

The ball physics are absolutely horrendous (the ball being a balloon filled with either cotton wool or helium depending on the situation), and for a game that's always had the fundamentals nailed-on, it's crazy to me that we're here. But it's obviously because other platforms need a simplified gameplay engine.

I'm not seeing bags of potential - if anything, I'm seeing all the things they've done to simplify or "mobilify" the game, on and off the pitch. It's a better game than it was yesterday, but if this is how long it takes to add a bit of responsiveness (when it's still laggy as hell in many situations, by the way, leading to defenders smashing the ball against strikers when you tried to clear the ball seconds before)... I don't know how it will ever be a truly good console game. Only a mobile game.
I can’t agree more with that
They put the pes21 body in eFootball dress, the target is mainly , only, 1000% , for mobile all the other players are collateral damage
You can defend . Just you have to manage the team press button . Is better to press it where you are on offense in opposition final third only in order to win back the ball . If you use it in your first third your defense you will cause gaps

That's not logical though because too often even if you held up the player it was a flip of the coin. That's not proper football. In this if I press hard the dribbler can still easy go past me. But atleast I have a chance.
The ease of the game on superstar difficulty is scary. I've had to quit matches where I'm winning 4-0 by half. It's just so easy. So much space throughout the pitch, I can send through balls, 1-2's and even score from distance with ease.

There are some good things. The feel of the players is a bit better. I like the "violence" of interactions - especially on full sprints and being pushed off the ball.

The start-stop nature of defensive players is an absolute eye-sore and is the #1 catalyst to all chances created. Every single goal, it's there. Whether it be a defensive midfielder who chose to stop following their runner or a right-back that stopped in their tracks to allow the runner to go by them.

The worst goal I've scored by far:

This should do it for a while. 130K
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