eFootball (All Platforms)

To be fair, the game improved since september, but it's boring, and the color scheme just makes it unplayable for me. Literally my eyes hurt after the introduction. After installing the mods (thanks to G.Leroy) it didn't looked like PES 2015 and it wasn't that pixelated. But the 5 minutes matches, the lack of ai levels, the locked selections just making me disappointed. I was waiting for the 1.0 update because of edit mode and all this kind of stuff, but they're forcing us to go online which I do not want to do. In my honest opinion this is an Efootball DEMO V2
I've played my 1st game with unlocked mod 15 minutes superstar on pc and i've got to say i quite enjoyed it (gameplay-wise).

Team shape, AI are better. Ball physic is great. Momentum and inertia are still there without being exaggerate.

By no means its a perfect football game though. I still notice ball clipping, sliding here and there. And the performance on pc need to be fixed asap.

I did swapped some button commands: x into matchup (as i like to jockey and close passing lane more) , L2 into pressure and R1 into sprint, R2 into special command.
Well... I mean, this looks like an huge improvement compared to the initial mess but honestly, I don't think I'm gonna even try it. There's still A LOT of work to do and actually I'm not feeling to support Konami on this "nightly" eFootball project with my download. The chains of the mobile game are still there and you can feel them even just watching at some gameplay. Again, well done Konami but please... just separate the next-gen football game we are all looking for with the mobile version.
Worth observing: the reason MTX sales are off for now? So they can get through the review cycle without criticism of their revenue generation model. Then a week after release, it'll kick in, and yes it will be exploitative as fuck.
I tested the pc version.
-Surely an improvement gameplay wise.
-Graphics are more polished, better grass textures, fog etc, but not for 2022 standards.
-Stunning shot and shooting in general is the biggest improvement. I think that shots are the best in Pes history after 2014.
-Passing is ok, some passes still feel floaty, I would like more weight and friction on the ball
-Physicality in collisions is gone forever. Only v 0.9.0 had it (buggy though).
-The one on one approach has gone forever. Too bad because it was quite innovative
-Close control and all these little animations that made me drool, are also gone. We are back to rigid -butchered animations. I can recall the feel of turning and dribbling the ball around in first versions, as well as making defender fall down when I wrong-footed them.
- Miss the tactical defending. Now back to old school cat-mouse race.

The game is much more playabe.
But as KONAMI did back in 2014, again, scrapped all the innovative approach, and reverted to the old school football gaming.

Im happy with the update, but I miss the feel of realism of first versions.
Stunning shots and passes are saving the day.
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Really wonder what the original development team of this series is thinking now.
From the work they did back in the 90s to this.
The arrows effect that should have been in the game since long time.

Btw, are the % + / - different than previous games ?

Dribbling wise you can absolutely still wrong foot defenders a do alot of moves. The only difference is that the defender also has tools like shoulder charging which means it's a proper even contest rather than ridiculously unbalanced.
Had a quick go on my lunch, the game is still poorly optimised by default on PC.

I'm not sure why secondary press is allocated to R1 & why they couldn't just resort to the good old fashioned control scheme if the last 15 years of Square for team-mate press, X for press & tackle & R1 for jockeying?
This game has the best AI since PES2013. Its pretty much unpredictable so far, with the passing and running schemes, with fouls, dribbles.
Worst thing so far gameplay wise are the goalkeepers, same as before. Also the shooting. There is a ton of error and variety on first time shots but simple shots just hit the target most of the time and the keeper catches them awkwardly or pushes them right at your feet.

+ Freekicks are piss poor easy still.
Screenshot 2022-04-14 at 14.49.14.png

I'm presuming eFootball points/coins is the currency people buy with real money, and if so, look at this shit. 25k of those to buy a contract renewal ticket...

The monetisation structure on this is looking like it might be quite obscene. Which was always on the cards, given it's F2P. Still...

EDIT: It's not the bought currency. There's a third one "eFootball coins": https://www.konami.com/efootball/en/page/2022/season1_patch-notes#dreamteam_detail

Still, I think the actual model will be exploitative as fuck. We'll see.
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I am fascinated by the positive feedback. Just shows you that it all depends on expectations.

I think the game is ok but still a bit step backwards from 2021. If this would be the first version the released I´m guessing the responses would be way more negative. But at least its a foundation I guess.
The shadow under the ball is horrendous. Not sure how anyone who plays this offline can say anything positive about the game. What's the point in good gameplay if it's countered by 5 minute games, no edit mode, no master league and so on. The fact they haven't let people have longer games after making us wait years for this mess, is a disgrace. The nets are horrendous, too. Steel cages.
Yes, they've done a PES 2015-style switcheroo here, and I both welcome it and don't at the same time. The bottom line for Konami from a business point of view is, is this the game that new people would want to play and a game that the existing fanbase would pay £20+ to play other modes/Master League in at some point? The answer is yes on both counts, so job done from their point of view.
So is the League / Divisions part of Dream Team coming next Thursday? I might actually download it for that, the last time I properly played online (and it wasn't a car crash) was PES 6
I think it's too early for me to really say how the gameplay is, given the different control scheme and the limited options to actually play the fucking game. My earliest impressions are that it's a sort of sideways step from PES 2021 – not particularly good, but different, and given I've played 2021 (essentially) for a few years now, different feels interesting and good.

I only play FUMA, and there's still a lot of space in the games I played, so it's quite easy to tear up teams with it. In general, this is something that still bothers me going back many games now: the space between the back and the front line of a team is still far too large. It simply does not represent modern football, and a long pass down the middle will normally casually saunter along to a free CF. It's really the basics of team shape, but it's still not there. I wasn't expecting it, but it irks me all the same.

And then there's the AI, which just looks like PES 2021's to me. Players doing inexplicable things, seemingly hard-wired to perform certain duties and unable to adapt flexibly to a situation. I dipped into the Spoony stream for a bit, and saw this, which I clipped:

Definately not for me, I have tried but I just can not play it, first of all graphics from large distance still horrible and pixelated even with high graphics and I have a good PC
- Bad graphics
- Mechanics are not PES
- Gameplay too slow and bad
- Players still too slow
- ball still too weight
- Worse ball physics than PES 21
- Game locked at 60 FPS when I have 144 FPS in PES 21
- Games locked at 5 minutes
- No offline modes
- No weather
- No edit mode
- No cups
- No leagues
- Still bad crowd and pixelated
- Nets are concrete
- Sound of the net is just terrible
- Horrible colours and combinations
- Players dissapears during line up in scoreboard
- Mobile mechanics are still there
- Is not a AAA game in 2022
- Is not next generation game
- Crossplay with mobile version
The only good thing I have found is
- Free to play
- Better dribbling
- Stunning pass/shot
- A little bit more fluid gameplay in general
- It makes more playable than first version
Nothing else
I will not be playing this game, is just not for me, still too bad and still they need to fix and to add a lot of things to make it more playable but nor for me. This is not what PES community needed, we needed a true next gen game with better mechanics, better dribbling, less scripted and robotic, a real PES with more fluid gameplay but instead of this we get a mobile game ported to consoles and PC and now people is like oh is fantastic, but for me is not, they have killed my favourite saga and offline world, fuck them
View attachment 155952

I'm presuming eFootball points/coins is the currency people buy with real money, and if so, look at this shit. 25k of those to buy a contract renewal ticket...

The monetisation structure on this is looking like it might be quite obscene. Which was always on the cards, given it's F2P. Still...
60 days? Does that mean even if you do not play games, it expires anyway after 60 days? And for 1 day you can use this player for 100 matches? I'm confuse
How to get players? I'm missing something obvious

Newbie here just got this today to play V1 and got a bonus few thousand 'G'? and picked up Ederson and immobile for my Dream Team.

I've won 5, lost 1 and drawn 1 since but my credits haven't gone up at all?

I just played someone who had practically all the Liverpool team (plus Beckham and Roberto Carlos cos why not) and I'm confused, how do they have these players?

I've looked through the guides and am no wiser, I'm also under the impression you can't actually buy credit yet either, so how do I go about adding players to my team?

Any help is appreciated. (Won the game 1-0 with a late goal from my random nobody striker which was sweet af lol)
Now if Konami had countered the messy release last fall with a full game - even one that had a paid offline mode - things would be quite different. I could easily see myself sinking hours into a cup or league mode with this gameplay. But Nobody can get anything out of this 5 minute bullshit and what Konami need to grasp is that strictly online players will not be moved online due to lack of modes. We play a few games, think "This could be alright, maybe?" and then we abandon it. But they have made their choice so that's that. Will we even get offline at some point? I am not convinced.
How to get players? I'm missing something obvious

Newbie here just got this today to play V1 and got a bonus few thousand 'G'? and picked up Ederson and immobile for my Dream Team.

I've won 5, lost 1 and drawn 1 since but my credits haven't gone up at all?

I just played someone who had practically all the Liverpool team (plus Beckham and Roberto Carlos cos why not) and I'm confused, how do they have these players?

I've looked through the guides and am no wiser, I'm also under the impression you can't actually buy credit yet either, so how do I go about adding players to my team?

Any help is appreciated. (Won the game 1-0 with a late goal from my random nobody striker which was sweet af lol)
They've switched off MTX purchases until next week, basically so they can ride out the review cycle without being criticised for their monetisation scheme.

As to how others have amazing teams already: think there was a hefty "veteran's bonus" if you met certain criteria from playing myClub last year, and then there's probably also some bonuses people accrued from playing v0.9.1 too, giving them more GP to spend.
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