eFootball (All Platforms)

I'm at work, watching some streams, and now the game moves and feels so PES 2021-ish... I'm not sure is good or bad. First time I was thinking the guy is playing PES 2021 with graphics mods.
I am so used to l2 and r2 as super cancel…the default in this game is r1 and r2 …has anyone configured super cancel as r2 and l2 on the latest version…please suggest
I also don't like how you activate the 'stunning' variations of passing and shooting, pressing two buttons very quickly simultaneously doesn't feel very intuitive. I would personally remove the shielding button and use it for sonething else, as in previous PES games you could let go of the left stick or touch it gently to activate body shielding with your player.
It is a problem, there's obky so many buttons on the controller yet, you shouldn't need so many commands for a football game really. Remember, this I'd a game that allocated diving to 4 buttons simultaneously although there was good reason for that.

I kind of prefer shielding needing a modifier as what I hated on PES 21 was the auto shielding battles players would like into when all I wanted to do was attempt to sprint away from a defender or run around the front of the attacker. It would take the choice away from me.

If you ask me we shouldn't even have a stunning strike modifier as it should be stat based and only certain players should be able to do it contextually like how middle shooting worked on the PS2.
The fact that Konami insist on restricting exhibition to just a few teams and 5 min matches is unforgivable. They continue to give offline gamers the middle finger at every opportunity.
Yep, there really isn't any excuse for it. It could be fixed in an instant & 6 months later here we are......
I've managed to play it for a little while on my PS4, though my experience so far is probably one of the most unique here for all of the wrong reasons, which I'll explain. I'd play more, but I'm feeling tired and I want to get some sleep before the sun rises. At first I was optimistic, the whole Season 1 introduction, with an emphasis on a color scheme with mostly black and some shades of red and blue, it looked much better than what we're used to, so I was disappointed to see that the UI didn't get a facelift to match the colors used for Season 1, it's still the same for the most part, except now there's a tab in the main menu dedicated for micro transactions, of course. I got put into the training at first, and to my surprise I could choose any team, including the one I support, which is what I always prefer, and I played it for a while on the difficulty I felt most comfortable with in eFootball, which was Normal. I also switched as many settings as possible to my personal preferences before getting started, except for the controls which I left at their default to get a feel for them.

I still haven't tested any of the new game play features for the most part, like all of the stunning moves which have been introduced, but I did get a feel for the new defensive system, and I dislike it. I just feel like this is a step back, and it's a perfect representation of the generalization that most do to the classic defensive system, that the players become homing missiles that do it all for you simply by holding a button, the idea they originally had for the defense was not well executed, I admit, but with polish it was the ideal way to go for me, now it's so much more aggressive, it doesn't help that Konami has always had an issue with players' speeds, they're either walking on the park or running like they're on a race, I'd say it is even worse in eFootball than it ever was in PES, and I'm even getting a feel for the players similar to what FIFA always felt like to me, in a bad way, as in they go back and forth between feeling heavy and light, it's odd. I do like that I can send a teammate to pressure the opponent, but again this new defense system just feels to aggressive and automatic.

After playing with my team on the initial training, and at least enjoying the attacking side of it a bit, I decided to quit to check what the whole package had to offer, and it's not much, with friendly matches still having locked settings and 9 clubs only, I don't get why that is. I also couldn't test any of the new online content because of maintenance, so I just went back to training, and that's when it all got odd. I had a single player in the center of the pitch, and he looked unusually skinny, as in like a skeleton, it was clearly a bug, also trying to pass the ball would make him jump and try to head the air, even though the ball was on the ground, I decided to check the training options and the teams, which at first were Coritiba and Athletico-PR, were now both written as "%S" and I have no idea what that means. I've tried switching back to them, but they weren't available in the team selection menus anymore. I feel like the initial training, when booting up eFootball, gave me access to parts of PES2021's database I shouldn't have gotten access to, and the whole thing just broke.

When switching to teams that were actually available in the menus after their sudden change, where the Brazilian clubs were now under the menu for other latin american clubs instead of having a menu for both Brazilian divisions, it did work, I went with Atlético-MG and Flamengo to play a little more, but by this point I was too shocked to focus in anything all that much, especially due to the realization that I'll probably only be able to play with the club I support again in at least 2 months, it also made me realize that a lot of this really is just PES2021 ported to Unreal Engine, just really badly, and accessing parts of PES2021, like a few clubs, which I wasn't supposed to, made it so eFootball didn't know what to do and it broke as a result. I'll have to play more later to test all of the new features, but for now I can see that my feelings towards the attack are pretty much the same as before, while the defense to me has gotten a lot worse, because they had something interesting going for it, and now it feels like they just ditched in instead of attempting to improve upon it.
Same PC performance issues on i5-12600K and 3060Ti. A lot of fps drops, stuttering. In HWInfo I saw, that everytime when the fps dropped, the GPU power utilization was also lower. The 3060 Ti uses 220W on highest clock rate @1905MHz, but when it drops, it’s only between 100 and 150W… It’s happening just in this game, other games don’t show this behavior. Konami needs to optimize it on PC.
Yep, there really isn't any excuse for it. It could be fixed in an instant & 6 months later here we are......
If they persist with these limits, it's surely because they want to sell offline play as a separate mode. It can only be at this point, right?
Same PC performance issues on i5-12600K and 3060Ti. A lot of fps drops, stuttering. In HWInfo I saw, that everytime when the fps dropped, the GPU power utilization was also lower. The 3060 Ti uses 220W on highest clock rate @1905MHz, but when it drops, it’s only between 100 and 150W… It’s happening just in this game, other games don’t show this behavior. Konami needs to optimize it on PC.
Its because of DirectX 11, but DirectX 12 is working now! Just try it.
Create a Shortcut of the exe File, right click on the Shortcut, click on Properties and add " -d3d12" just like here:

Should give you a Performance Boost.
So guys, what about ps5 version? Is there a capability to play something like online division match with 10 min settings? I'll play later today.
The fact that Konami insist on restricting exhibition to just a few teams and 5 min matches is unforgivable. They continue to give offline gamers the middle finger at every opportunity.
I guess the training mode not limited to 5 minutes is better than what we have in exhibition but at the sacrifice of stadium atmosphere .
Downloaded the update this morning. went all well, I really like the new stability delivered. And hey, it’s free. 👌
so with the PS5 system update done, I downloaded the efootball update. 😉

Been in practice mode this whole morning (so nice to be able to pin the commands list). not one match yet. nothing more to say for now. 🤓
If the game was originally released playing like it does now there would have been no real backlash from the community. The dribbling is awesome, passes are slick and shots have venom in them. They need to bring back physical play without the bugs.

I like the defending controls L2 is now jockey which is better.
X for press and tackle might be slightly over powered.

I feel we now have a base that we can work with and im happy to play whilst they release updates and make it better
I will wait the moderators here to increase the minutes and the teams as they done in 0.9.1
Until then 🤐🤞
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