eFootball (All Platforms)

I like this, played around training mode in full manual and played two games vs Superstar.

It feels like I expected a late stage beta with some clear work needed, the fundamentals and animations really are lovely. Just beyond anything I seen. The AI needs still a lot more work but really like that already they move on the ball so well.

Tactics are a letdown, they are still basic. Where are the sliders and the ability to make you team play how you want. This one size fits all stuff still there. The sub tactic and new advanced tactics are nice, but we need much more, this is still behind PES 2021 despite actually having the base potential to go beyond it.

What I don't like about this right now is on PC this fucking framerate issue. cannot get to smooth 60fps, instead getting 21 on cutscenes and 55 to 51 ingame. Still optimization issues, resolution settings all over the place.

Typical Konami, even when they do some things great they find ways to annoy you.

This 5 minutes nonsense, Konami, why? It would be nice to properly play a game.
Damn yeah those numbers should not happen, getting a locked 60fps here during gameplay on PC

The valve steam deck handheld is running around 30 to 35 fps, Whereas PES2021 is solid stuck at 60fps, so definitely a badly optimised game still (Even though my PS5 also reaches 60fps, that just doesnt tell you anything about optimisation though)
Echoing what klashman said regarding the animations - dribbling is superb at times, especially if you can break the habit of abusing the sprint button which most people do. Use sprint sparingly and you get some really nice, fluid dribbling sequences.
I'm downloading the update now on my PS4, 40GB is more than I expected, especially considering we're not getting much new content offline. I don't really have the fastest internet, so it'll take about 3hrs to download the whole thing, at least according to my PS4. I haven't even started playing this new version yet and I already feel kind of cheated by it, having to wait so many weeks, and now waiting hours to update, only for there to still be nothing offline besides 5min friendly matches with 9 clubs. I think I did mention it in previous posts of mine, but the game play here has started to grow on me, it's nowhere near as polished or finished as anything Konami made before it, but it is playable and can offer something to enjoy from time to time, if only it had presentation that didn't make my eyes bleed, an editor where I can have the freedom to edit kits as I please, and all of the settings available in the exhibition mode, alongside the club I support being in it, I'd have a good time, but as it stands I'm still underwhelmed. Hopefully this is all just a poor first impression, if you can even call it that since I haven't played it yet, but if the game play improvements are substantial then maybe I can still have a good time, and if Dream Team has offline content like MyClub had too, then that could definitely keep me occupied.
The feel of the game is pretty good, they seem to have hit a sweet spot between PES & FIFA in terms of how the players feel, the dribbling. I wouldn't call it arcadey, it just flows better.

It reminds me of how PES 2 felt movement wise compared to PES 1 (PS2), just better fludlidity compared to PES 2021 and the original version of eFootball.

Content wise it sucks, and the UI is still very poor, but I like the presentation in the match and the kit selection screen. I also don't like how you activate the 'stunning' variations of passing and shooting, pressing two buttons very quickly simultaneously doesn't feel very intuitive. I would personally remove the shielding button and use it for sonething else, as in previous PES games you could let go of the left stick or touch it gently to activate body shielding with your player.
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Interesting stuff, just gave it a go on PC.. mostly training followed by a 5 min game, with all my usual settings on full manual, superstar etc.... and well... the framerates definitely make it unplayable (long term) for me, but I did in fact enjoy some aspects. Some of the movements/shooting etc, feels kinda realistic, and i think the player models have potential.. they actually look good..Ill keep it installed (last version i deleted in 10 or so minitues after installing and trying it out).

Until they fix a whole heap of stuff over the next few months/years, pes21 (modded) is and still will be my go to.

Fixes necessary:

*optimise the game on pc, so it atleast runs at a constant 60fps at 1080p in both gameplay and cut scense.
*Fix graphical details, eg turf (although this has improved), and shadows etc... so it basically looks next gen. Pes21 still looks better than this (with modds ofcourse), but there is definitely potential in the efootball player models)
*Obvious a lot of work needs to be done with variation of ball physics (as in pes21).
*Include decent tactic/formation instructions.
*Make it a payed game, get rid of the free shit, charge us what it is currently worth (thats a hard figure to give.. but lets say a cheap indie game atm $20 Aust) and just give us a decent product where we can access everything, including teams, and all the settings, and cups/leagues and a masterleague.

Anyways... this didnt surprise me i guess. Maybe a little, where now there is potential. There is a lot of work to be done though.. and yeah.. as a free game, not a complete game, i really wont be making a switch anytime soon. Wonder if they'll listen to the public and actually release a full paid product like its been for the last 20 years??
Anyone know how to fix having blackbars on the games in fullscreen. I am using a ultrawide (21:9) PC, no luck trying online for the fixes.
We know it's likely a GaaS title now, which to be fair people have asked for for years, and not having to release an annual version every year. I'd be very surprised if EA don't follow the same route in the next year or two.

Player models are a decent size, they correlate well with the pitch size. This is something PES has always done well with though.
I tried it quickly on ps5 and my thought is that only a madman at this moment would abandon Pes 21 with all the mods for this eFootball, surely there is some material to work on but this remains a project still in its embryonic state and I believe that the steps for a progressive handover are still far away
Ok, I need to go work tomorrow but I will enjoy this long weekend on this, probably on the PS4 version which is running much better than the badly optimized PC version.

I'm just smiling. I feel like a child almost despite the clear issues. I expect online to be rather arcadey in this version but when offline is eventually ready I'm really looking forward to this.

No, this isn't even near perfect or some 9/10,10/10 stuff.. No. Its the work they have done on the movement is huge. Messi, finally after long years, feels like Messi, 'bar the fact he does shoot with his right too much due to his mad stats'.

They took away close control dribbling, no instead its organically and beautifully woven into how you use the left stick.

We still have a long road ahead but this stop has me smiling. The pitch is finally gigantic again especially on manual.
Well done Klashman, I was planning on avoiding this, but your post has tempted me to download it later 🤣
.. In training mode all is unlocked.. But im sure in game mode both regular and Superstar is available. Im sure i chose 'Superstar' in difficulty.
Pity only 5 mins n 9treams are selectable.
.. Also, is there any way to use the good ole 'aiming curser' with L2 for manual shooting as in Pes2021?? And i dont mean that stupid circled player icon with arrow as on default (gotta turn that shite off)
Yeah it was a bit easier on the steam deck but with my dualshock 4 its mad hard to double press them both at exactly the same time. It worked sometimes, the other times it didnt.

And it gets an even more incredible craw grippier mega fast timing if I want to do a ''Stunning early cross' With L1 + R2 + Square (For me) at the same time.
Feels very unintuitive, and got to find the reason why it picks it up so bad, only when i hyper time them at the same time on my Dualshock 4 connected to the game.

Game also stopped recognising my DS4 in settings.exe on PC btw, It does not want to pick up any controller anymore expect my simracing pedals lol. Will try with dualsense connected to it, for now im portable gaming on deck to put the gameplay on the microscope.

Playing 2 more matches it feels like a nicer version of Arcade FIFA to me, but I so miss the real physics calculations, so much on rails
Its very inconsistent if you are using R2 for stunning shot. Change the dash command into R1 and you are good to go
Absolutely loving the stunning crosses. I feel the whole stunning feature in general will be abused online but my goodness it feels wonderful at times.
PC users, I'm assuming you've all got pretty decent rigs? I would assume my 11th gen i5 and 3070ti would be able to do 1080p 60fps, but if that's not the case I might just hang fire on downloading this
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