UFL probably will follow the F2P FIFA Online model in East Asia: totally F2P, you can buy player card pack, upgrade player to have higher stats (this is the very successful gambling part of the Asian FIFA Online, not the opening pack). Publisher releases new version of the same players monthly or bimonthly with slightly higher stats, so after a while the game becomes stat-inflated, and of course whales who spend a ton of money upgrading their players tend to win more with OP playersAnd on the same subject.
UFL ,free and fair to play ,no handicap bla bla.
How will they make any money,?
I'm betting that "fair to play and no handicap" will turn out to be quite a smokescreen.
Yeah MTx are parts of games nowadays , unfortunately!
That's why when it comes to other games I try not to play games that has but rather chose non AAA games.
But if there its not for me.
My favorite part of playing FO is beating whales with default players. They get very salty claiming handicap. What, you are spending money to handicap yourself against a default team?