eFootball (All Platforms)

And on the same subject.
UFL ,free and fair to play ,no handicap bla bla.
How will they make any money,?
I'm betting that "fair to play and no handicap" will turn out to be quite a smokescreen.

Yeah MTx are parts of games nowadays , unfortunately!
That's why when it comes to other games I try not to play games that has but rather chose non AAA games.
But if there its not for me.
UFL probably will follow the F2P FIFA Online model in East Asia: totally F2P, you can buy player card pack, upgrade player to have higher stats (this is the very successful gambling part of the Asian FIFA Online, not the opening pack). Publisher releases new version of the same players monthly or bimonthly with slightly higher stats, so after a while the game becomes stat-inflated, and of course whales who spend a ton of money upgrading their players tend to win more with OP players

My favorite part of playing FO is beating whales with default players. They get very salty claiming handicap. What, you are spending money to handicap yourself against a default team?
UFL probably will follow the F2P FIFA Online model in East Asia: totally F2P, you can buy player card pack, upgrade player to have higher stats (this is the very successful gambling part of the Asian FIFA Online, not the opening pack). Publisher releases new version of the same players monthly or bimonthly with slightly higher stats, so after a while the game becomes stat-inflated, and of course whales who spend a ton of money upgrading their players tend to win more with OP players

My favorite part of playing FO is beating whales with default players. They get very salty claiming handicap. What, you are spending money to handicap yourself against a default team?
Most likely the same model for sure.
I bet people will tire of UFL after a while when it's pretty much FIFA but with shittier presentation etc
according this source ....https://twitter.com/2l3bha/status/1495402683057987586 efootball 1.0.0 will be released 20th of MAY . now which year i do not know...what a company my GOD.........................!??!?!?!!?
I dont really see what is the problem with that date?
according this source ....https://twitter.com/2l3bha/status/1495402683057987586 efootball 1.0.0 will be released 20th of MAY . now which year i do not know...what a company my GOD.........................!??!?!?!!?
If that really is true then Konami's stupidity has well and truly peaked. Lining up your game-defining soft relaunch with the end of the football season is something even I didn't expect of them.

Lets be honest here, they're finished. They might raise player counts a little once coverage starts for the update but word of mouth has laid this game to rest in it's cemetary. I really wouldn't be surprised to see console support for the game ending towards the end of this year.

As unappealing as I've found the wave of acquisitions to have been, I think the only thing that saves this series now is Konami being purchased by either Sony or Microsoft. It's easy to forget, but the PES/WE franchise is one of the best selling of all time - it could absolutely be a goldmine with the right backing behind it.
Cuz they’ll release it 2 days before the end of Premier League, La Liga, and Serie A, a day before the end of Ligue 1, and Bundesliga has already ended 6 days after.
It’s pretty much a late release for a game with 2021-22 data lol.
So you prefer to wait till september to get efootball 2022 with 21/22 squads and a promise that squads gonna be updated Soon™ ? It's been nearly 5 months without proper PES/eftooball game, I dont really care if the game gonna be released midyear, as long as its ready. I'd say that lack of matches between seasons is great moment to get a game which help you pass the time before new seasons kick off. Just make weekly transfer updates till summer transfer window close and we are good.
So you prefer to wait till september to get efootball 2022 with 21/22 squads and a promise that squads gonna be updated Soon™ ? It's been nearly 5 months without proper PES/eftooball game, I dont really care if the game gonna be released midyear, as long as its ready. I'd say that lack of matches between seasons is great moment to get a game which help you pass the time before new seasons kick off. Just make weekly transfer updates till summer transfer window close and we are good.
I don’t have a problem when it comes to playing a football game with updated squads but outdated visuals in-between seasons. It’s not the main problem however, it’s that Konami broke their promises to deliver next-gen football game for profitability.
They could’ve easily take another year to develop their next-gen title if they realized that their game is barebones, but they decided to rush it and here we are.
We are approaching March, and still no news about any progress they are making with the update?

Something like "hey, gamers (cringe) this is what we are working on" etc...
lol i dont know what worse complaining the update doesnt come before the "football season" going to end . i am sure anybody who plays my club do not care whether the season ends or begins . they just want their fix .
I used to be annoyed with Konami and EA, but it has nothing to do with them.
Even microtransacrions are not to be blamed.
Community as a whole became thick as shite and you build a product in order to sell it to the masses.
All the initial releases, year by year, are showing glimpses of greatness.
Should developers be blamed if community shouts to change it?
We grew up on different type of games - challenging, difficult. Beating them was rewarding and the feeling of reward resulted in joy.
Now majority of gamers are spoiled brats who only take joy from beating other players. They dont want complex games. They dont want realistic games. They want to win at all cost.
And as much as they can "accept" another spoiled brat beating them - they wont accept anything else interfering.
Thats toddlers mentality - i lost coz I was cheated. Tantrum city.
I truly feel sorry for those who feel so pasionate about football games that they cant play anything else. But there's nothing here for you anymore.
Sad but mostly true.
I used to be annoyed with Konami and EA, but it has nothing to do with them.
Even microtransacrions are not to be blamed.
Community as a whole became thick as shite and you build a product in order to sell it to the masses.
All the initial releases, year by year, are showing glimpses of greatness.
Should developers be blamed if community shouts to change it?
We grew up on different type of games - challenging, difficult. Beating them was rewarding and the feeling of reward resulted in joy.
Now majority of gamers are spoiled brats who only take joy from beating other players. They dont want complex games. They dont want realistic games. They want to win at all cost.
And as much as they can "accept" another spoiled brat beating them - they wont accept anything else interfering.
Thats toddlers mentality - i lost coz I was cheated. Tantrum city.
I truly feel sorry for those who feel so pasionate about football games that they cant play anything else. But there's nothing here for you anymore.
Community feedback was the worst idea ever. The community is mostly f*cking idiots.

Microtransactions are still horrible, but they could have died out early if that same community wasn't so bloody dense!

Bigger problems in the world and all that, but the downwards turn in gaming and gaming culture is becoming very apparent.

"We arrived in March and I don't have good news, by the way I hope this source is wrong. We don't have a roadmap and from what I've heard Konami should delay the 1.0 update until the second half of 2022. The changes in the game seem to be bigger than we thought. Awaiting...."

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
"We arrived in March and I don't have good news, by the way I hope this source is wrong. We don't have a roadmap and from what I've heard Konami should delay the 1.0 update until the second half of 2022. The changes in the game seem to be bigger than we thought. Awaiting...."
Announcing another season update based on PES20 after September IMO would have been the ideal solution to make people wait for eFootball
Well they did promise “next-gen football game”, so they wouldn’t possibly delay the game for another year. And look what we got now xD
As long as I see the mobile in the supported cross platform, I will never held any hope on Konami, and you should not too!

Yes you may (or may not) have a better graphics, not the best, just better, but you still will lack the attention to single offline player, master league and even teammates ai awareness in 2P or online matches.
Well, if they delay it until fall 2022 thats good news for me ... Maybe they realized what they have done, and if they are, than one year delay is minimum for fixing all issues
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