eFootball (All Platforms)

Online works better than ever, im affraid its because its me and only 50 others that play the game nowdays.
I have lots of fun with it when i play and meet someone that is equal bad or as good as me.
Hope they dont give up on this game, it has tons of potential even if hated it first.

That's what Kimura said in a Japanese interview that he will be a hybrid ... I don't know where Renan got this news from.
Lmao, that's news is old af 😂 if you see the date that was from august 2021, A MONTH before efootball release date

Ofcourse it's hybird because We Already freakin knew it ! The game has proven it's mixed between fox engine and unreal

Man that guy is something else, lol 😂
Lmao, that's news is old af 😂 if you see the date that was from august 2021, A MONTH before efootball release date

Ofcourse it's hybird because We Already freakin knew it ! The game has proven it's mixed between fox engine and unreal

Man that guy is something else, lol 😂
Slow new days in efootball people pull shit out there ass as new information day to day.
Re the discussion about MTX...

I think it's possible to deem some MTX reprehensible, accept with a massive grimace that they are part of the modern gaming landscape, and also condemn them. I don't get the move from "They're here to stay" to "I've given up caring about them," myself.

But it's also worth distinguishing between kinds of MTX:
  • lootboxes – are they here to stay? I have the sense their time is somewhat limited, due to consumer pushback, jurisdictions outlawing them (or considering it), a lot of bad press, etc.
  • passes – battle/season passes etc. are less objectionable as a concept, but the implementation is what matters: is the game effectively level-gated? do you need the pass to make the experience enjoyable? is the "grind" without the pass an enjoyable and attainable one? (Rocket League would be a case where it is quite easy with a medium time commitment and learning the basics to unlock a lot of stuff without needing a premium pass)
  • cosmetics – not that innocent as a concept, imo, when you take into account how game designers use FOMO and take advantage of impressionable people in a similar way to lootbox sales... the question here is: how hard are the cosmetics pushed, what "value" do they present (are you paying for a reticle dot like COD did a while back, or something that's more impactful like a whole funny skin?)
  • DLC – this is one that is most innocent as a concept, but again, we have to think about the value proposition and also about whether content that would previous to DLC being a thing form part of the main game is kept back just to squeeze more money out of people. Does the splintering of content in a game split players into the haves and the have-nots? Does the DLC represent a meaningful new addition to the base game which developers have spent a long time and much care making?
That's just some of the MTX landscape, and I'm not venturing here to talk about the use of advertisement (hopefully never coming to console but you never know) or NFT "play to earn" grifts (hello, GOALS). But clearly there's some diversity in types and how they are marketed and implemented.

Lootboxes, XP boosters, passes and DLC that bifurcate the player base, most cosmetics – these are normally worth condemning.

In eFootball, it looks like we're going to have lootboxes, a season ("Match") pass, maybe cosmetics (they do that in PES right now with eFootball points as the currency to buy them), and apparently DLC (Master League – if that ever happens!). So there's plenty of scope for exploitative, greedy shit, and I don't think Konami should be spared any criticism just because the industry as a whole has embraced them and gamers have – whether they like them or not – bought into them.

On this note, when Konami first released their rOaD mAp along with their atrocious first trailer, they rightly came under fire in gaming press for not only offering lootboxes in the main game but selling them as pre-order packs. It was warranted criticism, and it contributed to the storm of shit they encountered trying to market their pile-of-wank game. Good.
I had a dream....

Konami should make his dev tools public release so the community can repair, polish, complete this game.
I mean in our evoweb editing subforum last post was on last week wednesday.

dead or alive efootball? Whats your choice Konami? Come on do it! 😘🤪
Do you think that they will change the tactical menu ? With more depth

I cannot believe that PS2 games have more tactical instructions than Efootball.

How can be the ML without more tactical options
I admire your optimism dude . Do you really believe there will be any ML DLC , when/if ever this thing will be released?
Recently gave this another go to the delight of my swear jar.

The online experience for me on PS5 is way worse than when it came out. The input delay is outrageous, makes it unplayable on FUMA, not to mention I get disconnected twice every three games and can't understand why given my connection speeds.

Love how they nerfed (read removed) physical defending which you could counter with shielding but left motion matching (read magic OP intercept button) unchanged. The lag probably exacerbates this issue but I've come to the conclusion that this is a game designed for assisted passing as pass trajectories can be automagically adjusted to beat this. On the other hand, with manual once the pass is locked in 9 times out of 10 it'll be intercepted by some dude doing lunges in the middle of the pitch. Naturally, the same dude will have just poured dozens of bottles of super glue on his boots to stop the ball dead regardless of how powerful the pass was. To think they consulted some research institute for the ball physics.

Uninstalled it again, it's better for my health 😅
I admire your optimism dude . Do you really believe there will be any ML DLC , when/if ever this thing will be released?
If Konami want really to kill the offline modes, then they should not released it.

But since they announced that there will be a ML mode, and this is what I'm waiting especially, I cannot expect and imagine a management mode with some tactical instructions on PC / PS 4-5.
On the other hand, with manual once the pass is locked in 9 times out of 10 it'll be intercepted by some dude doing lunges in the middle of the pitch. Naturally, the same dude will have just poured dozens of bottles of super glue on his boots to stop the ball dead regardless of how powerful the pass was. To think they consulted some research institute for the ball physics.
All football games will be like this from now on. We have to get used to this.

They'll promote them using words like "realism" and "physics", but if "Sammy Streamer" intercepts a pass and the ball bounces off him, he'll scream "BULLSHIT" and call for the game to be boycotted because (a quote I often get on Twitter) "a game should be a game" and there should always be a reward at the end of every action. And the devs will change the game for them. Don't believe me? That's what a recent FIFA patch was for.

We're in a new era of gaming compared to the PES days. Games are now like social media algorithms - built for low attention spans and instant gratification. Even the supposed "revolutionary" new games looking to challenge FIFA's domination, e.g. UFL, are built with this in mind. They're not alternatives; they're clones...

...and so is eFootball. Pretty much from day one, Konami made it crystal clear that eFootball was designed to be a FIFA clone; dumping physics, realism and the impact of attributes in order to please these "games should be games" idiots and focus on 1v1 duels (the eSports model that makes FUT so popular). You can see this backtracking in @The_Knight's excellent videos like this:

EA are doing it too, as I said in the first paragraph. We can look into the code "under the bonnet" and there is a stunning amount of gameplay detail in FIFA. There are such intricate details - I've seen lines relating to teammates deliberately not passing to a player for a certain amount of time if he makes a bad pass and loses possession... Just one example of hundreds of small details. The level of simulation that could be possible...

...and all of it disabled or (worse) deleted year after year because your average gamer calls it unfair, cheating, AI "interference" or "AI defending". From FIFA 19 onwards, defenders stand as far away from attackers as possible. Because an AI Virgil van Dijk positioning himself to prevent a goal is somehow disgusting.

Ten-year-old me was so excited to see how realistic football games would get with superpowered technology.

All we got was hair physics, microstransactions and ice skating (in both games).
...and all of it disabled or (worse) deleted year after year because your average gamer calls it unfair, cheating, AI "interference" or "AI defending". From FIFA 19 onwards, defenders stand as far away from attackers as possible. Because an AI Virgil van Dijk positioning himself to prevent a goal is somehow disgusting
I used to be annoyed with Konami and EA, but it has nothing to do with them.
Even microtransacrions are not to be blamed.
Community as a whole became thick as shite and you build a product in order to sell it to the masses.
All the initial releases, year by year, are showing glimpses of greatness.
Should developers be blamed if community shouts to change it?
We grew up on different type of games - challenging, difficult. Beating them was rewarding and the feeling of reward resulted in joy.
Now majority of gamers are spoiled brats who only take joy from beating other players. They dont want complex games. They dont want realistic games. They want to win at all cost.
And as much as they can "accept" another spoiled brat beating them - they wont accept anything else interfering.
Thats toddlers mentality - i lost coz I was cheated. Tantrum city.
I truly feel sorry for those who feel so pasionate about football games that they cant play anything else. But there's nothing here for you anymore.
They'll promote them using words like "realism" and "physics", but if "Sammy Streamer" intercepts a pass and the ball bounces off him, he'll scream "BULLSHIT" and call for the game to be boycotted because (a quote I often get on Twitter) "a game should be a game" and there should always be a reward at the end of every action. And the devs will change the game for them. Don't believe me? That's what a recent FIFA patch was for.
I'm a bit conflicted about this. While the whole "it's a GAME, dude" retort can be overused as an obnoxious dismissal of any concern for realism or nuance, sometimes a similar point is worth making.

While it might be "realistic" to have a ball bounce off a player's leg really far away, because he stuck it out at such-and-such an angle, meeting with a ball travelling at such-and-such a velocity, in real life players have a fine motor control and last nanosecond ability to change their movement, change the angle the ball will hit or which part of them it hits, to deaden the ball more. Real life interceptions are not Newtonian billiard ball scenarios with objects just clashing into each other at obvious velocities and uniform surfaces. As a result, interceptions are not nearly as messy as some games simulate them to be.

So think of PES 2021 in this respect. What do you get? Routinely, in my experience, you can correctly read a situation, position your defender in the path of the ball, jockey to widen your footing and make an interception animation more likely, and yet: your player sticks his ball on the foot and slows it down just enough for the opponent to run onto what has now become a perfectly weighted through ball just because you had the temerity to try intercepting the ball. You could look at that on the one hand as an instance of "good physics": given the intercepting animation and the ball velocity, this was the right result. But it's utterly unrealistic how it plays out, given the aforementioned adaptations players make on a real pitch, more often than not.

So what is the realism to strive after: the realism of the process or the realism of the result? You could think of ray-traced lighting and lightmaps in game design for an interesting comparison: ray-traced lighting is deemed the highest mark of realism now, at least for certain light sources and environments to be lit, because it accurately recreates the "process": the rays from a light source bouncing off surfaces with particular dispositions to reflect, and so on. Lightmaps don't replicate the process at all, only recreating what we expect to see (or are conditioned to notice) as the character/camera moves around; they create a realistic "result". But not only are lightmaps less resource intensive, they can also be really bloody good: look at a game like FFVII: Remake and the scenes around Midgar at night in the early game to see how beautiful it can be; it's stellar work. Meanwhile, you can spend a lot of your resource budget on the more realistic (i.e., physics-bound) system and end up with worse outcomes because of the implementation, or because of how it eats into the GPU budget.

It's not a perfect comparison, but I say it just to bring about the idea that realism isn't simple, and a realistic process isn't guaranteed to create a realistic result; sometimes artifice in the process can be as good or better at making something realistic. Frankly, I would much prefer that some artifice was applied when it comes to PES 2021 interceptions to create more a realistic outcome. And that outcome, by the way, isn't just the ball and player movement: it's also psychological and tactical. Why should players bother to read and press space intelligently, cover lanes, aim to intercept balls, etc., if the outcome is such that they are actively punished for doing these things? All the better to only press players or the ball directly, then. And so what is the realism of that outcome, when it comes to playing strategies and on-pitch patterns of play?
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I used to be annoyed with Konami and EA, but it has nothing to do with them.
Even microtransacrions are not to be blamed.
Community as a whole became thick as shite and you build a product in order to sell it to the masses.
All the initial releases, year by year, are showing glimpses of greatness.
Should developers be blamed if community shouts to change it?
We grew up on different type of games - challenging, difficult. Beating them was rewarding and the feeling of reward resulted in joy.
Now majority of gamers are spoiled brats who only take joy from beating other players. They dont want complex games. They dont want realistic games. They want to win at all cost.
And as much as they can "accept" another spoiled brat beating them - they wont accept anything else interfering.
Thats toddlers mentality - i lost coz I was cheated. Tantrum city.
I truly feel sorry for those who feel so pasionate about football games that they cant play anything else. But there's nothing here for you anymore.

lol this post was fun.

Lot's of home truths people need to adjust to here. The landscape in what people want in a football game changed a long time ago I agree and the debates on simulation aren't nothing these days compared to 10-15 years ago.

All we can do its build on our own visions which whatever we have left and enjoy. Its the only way.

Still would throw it out there something amazing will knock our socks off at least by 2024-2025 as we get used to super high definition graphics in 4K-8K everything.
Still would throw it out there something amazing will knock our socks off at least by 2024-2025 as we get used to super high definition graphics in 4K-8K everything
I think you're right, but it wont come from any AAA studio aimed to the masses.
It will some indie game, made with passion and love for football.

Its not only football games that are suffering now. Most games are getting simplified, easy and aimed to please everyone. Look at Battlefield.

So I do believe that we will eventually see a great football game, same as we see smaller studios making deep, immersive, challenging and complex games these days.
The thing is - they are aware that their games will have smaller circle of fans and they are ok with it.
I think you're right, but it wont come from any AAA studio aimed to the masses.
It will some indie game, made with passion and love for football.

Its not only football games that are suffering now. Most games are getting simplified, easy and aimed to please everyone. Look at Battlefield.

So I do believe that we will eventually see a great football game, same as we see smaller studios making deep, immersive, challenging and complex games these days.
The thing is - they are aware that their games will have smaller circle of fans and they are ok with it.

Yeah, spot on again. Its goes beyond football games and even beyond video games into all forms of video entertainment. Basically what we used to know as high quality movie and video game entertainment is dead and its going through a transition period to stay soulless and dead, controlled by only greedy corporations, or universal creativity lives on through just doing its own thing (Indie games, music, movies etc..)

Great quality products people like will always sell so those who focus on something genuinely good will always inspire better things, even if it becomes harder to find in the current transition.
I think you're right, but it wont come from any AAA studio aimed to the masses.
It will some indie game, made with passion and love for football.

Its not only football games that are suffering now. Most games are getting simplified, easy and aimed to please everyone. Look at Battlefield.

So I do believe that we will eventually see a great football game, same as we see smaller studios making deep, immersive, challenging and complex games these days.
The thing is - they are aware that their games will have smaller circle of fans and they are ok with it.
Thanks there's still, for AAA games, From Software for example, and DS-like such as Nioh, or Black Myth / Wu Kong.
But there's also in sports, like you said "indie", well, it's not indie but small studios with 12-14 people like what you can see in Esports Boxing... Yeah the "Esport" name isn't appealing, but we don't care it's just a name. There's a career mode and the game is oriented simulation as we can see on vids, more than Fight Night to take as an example as one of the best Boxing game ever to me.

UFC too is kinda realistic ever if i prefers a thousand times boxing game as a grown with it (such as i grown with boxing matches on TV), but still a bit too much of "super punch/tricks/submissions" on it.

BTW... PES dev team was probably composed by 15 people, no more. But it was 15 years ago, now the standards have changed.
It's impossible to create a realistic football game with only that, graphically, database (now that there's info and websites everywhere, "live update" and all those shit) licences, etc.
More football than any other sports. To our dismay, unfortunately.

I personally, think it's much more doable for EA and Konami to "restore" their game than for a newcomer, even 2K, to make something good and accurate for us. Or if 2K buy the whole team of Konami, guys with at least experience, but without enough people to give them a hand, like it should be. They're building their game with probably 5 people in more than 15 years ago. Not enough.

Football games needs experience, except if you made a Sensible soccer clone or Captain Tsubasa.
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