League 1
- 27 July 2020
Konami, a AAA publisher, believes that by giving the playersbase some fucking virtual coins for a game that is as bare bones as Superman 64 and plays like a pre alpha build is sufficient content until version 1.0 comes out. 🤣🤣🤣Gamers don't dictate when games are released. Executives do. If anyone needs to be more patient it is them. But that's never going to happen because the most important thing to any executive of a publicly traded company are quarterly and yearly financial reports because that's what makes shareholders happy. That's why year after year things are forced out ahead of Christmas because it looks good on this financial year's reports.
And to add to that, live service gaming has been terribly executed and most developers need to move on from it. If you plan on releasing a game and having a roadmap outlining future dlc/updates, you need to release ample content initially in order to give your playerbase something to do while waiting for said additional dlc. It used to be you made a full game then released expansions packs. Now it's releasing a game piecemeal and that isn't working. It didn't work for anthem, it didn't work for BFV, and it isn't working for BF2042.
And then there's eFoot 2022. A glorified alpha that Konami had the audacity to charge for a premium pack (they've since stopped selling it). The release and reception of the game should be a warning to every developer and publisher, big and small, that the live service model isn't the ideal one for every game. But unfortunately, as long as it remains financially viable, executives will argue for it.
I can forgive a small studio for trying their best with their limitations in their development, but billion dollar company that can hire all the best developers in the world and pay for their services? Nope. Some of these publishers have made the conscious decision to make as much money as possible doing the bare minimum with their games.