eFootball (All Platforms)

I might repeat myself here and I´m sorry for this...

But all those gameplay vids being posted here, where people - who like the game - are impressed with several ball physic situations or player animations,
don´t show anything I haven´t seen in a fully modded PES 2021 so far.
It´s like KONAMI´s devs have checked out the edit section of this community to bring in some stuff into their new game.

Btw, I checked out the VirtuaRed Patch and now PES 2021 looks miles better on an average PC than eFootball 2022 on PS5.
I might repeat myself here and I´m sorry for this...

But all those gameplay vids being posted here, where people - who like the game - are impressed with several ball physic situations or player animations,
don´t show anything I haven´t seen in a fully modded PES 2021 so far.
It´s like KONAMI´s devs have checked out the edit section of this community to bring in some stuff into their new game.

Btw, I checked out the VirtuaRed Patch and now PES 2021 looks miles better on an average PC than eFootball 2022 on PS5.
Is the latter compatible with the latest version / build if Pes 2021?
Hahaha. That guy uploads a new video titled "efootball finally updated - new gameplay!!" almost every week, even when there are no updates. So definitely a huge clown. Which explains why Adam likes him.

Yeah that guy is a clickbaiting muppet, I recall he posted a video claiming to show the first UFL gameplay footage and it was nothing of the sort. Unfortunately I kept getting his videos recommended to me after that. Seemed to be the typical obnoxious knob jockey YouTuber from what I could stand to watch, but he almost makes the FIFA YouTubers look good. It's telling that that's who Adam is having to resort to promoting to try and generate hype.

I can't believe people post videos unironically where the opposition player is just messing around spamming the slide tackle button (which seems to be a common thing judging by TB's stream), no wonder you are enjoying it if you think you are doing something good there. Goes back to my previous post about people falsely convincing themselves they've mastered the game.
I forgot to post this. I played 5 matches after update yesterday, here's some point about it

- It runs really smooth ( Menu only, lol )
- Gameplay still sucks, i couldn't even get 60 fps. I tried all settings from high to low, it keeps stuttering. Tried to change anyting in Nvidia Control Panel ( disable vysnc, adapative vsync, etc ) still not good ! Replay still locked to 30fps. ( btw, i'm using GTX1660Ti + i3 4th Gen)
- L2 steroid defending is still broken, i still can see broken animation when using this button.
- It took me 2 minutes from choosing the team to kickoff, now every time i want to change any team it took me another two minutes ! wtf.
- Quick passes/tiki-taka football is back, remember AI dribble in previous patch ? forget it, now it's back to one-two passes.
- Superstar level is dumb and i mean real dumb ! Yes, you see it right. Even if you still not get used with new control you still can beat AI in a 5 minutes match ! Playing superstar in efootball 22 is like playing against professional or even regular, that's how easy the game is !
Haha! No NDA. I will always give my honest thoughts, opinions and (in some cases) facts.
Ιf you are the "real" Asim, respect for the "prophecy" about F2P/e-Football/LITE style model. You were the first to "predict" it, when you left 'em, some years ago. :)) (I assume even you, did not expect that it would happen so soon)

If you are not, respect to the "official" Asim then.. lol :APPLAUD:
Ιf you are the "real" Asim, respect for the "prophecy" about F2P/e-Football/LITE style model. You were the first to "predict" it, when you left 'em, some years ago. :)) (I assume even you, did not expect that it would happen so soon)

If you are not, respect to the "official" Asim then.. lol :APPLAUD:
I can vouch for him. Definitely the real one. Also, he's at 2K now. :)
I might repeat myself here and I´m sorry for this...

But all those gameplay vids being posted here, where people - who like the game - are impressed with several ball physic situations or player animations,
don´t show anything I haven´t seen in a fully modded PES 2021 so far.
It´s like KONAMI´s devs have checked out the edit section of this community to bring in some stuff into their new game.

Btw, I checked out the VirtuaRed Patch and now PES 2021 looks miles better on an average PC than eFootball 2022 on PS5.
I might repeat myself here and I´m sorry for this...
but PES 2021 is so easy and "arcady" in comparison to eFootball. It's fun, yeah. But if you like pure Football, the new game is the better choise imho.
Ιf you are the "real" Asim, respect for the "prophecy" about F2P/e-Football/LITE style model. You were the first to "predict" it, when you left 'em, some years ago. :)) (I assume even you, did not expect that it would happen so soon)

If you are not, respect to the "official" Asim then.. lol :APPLAUD:
Haha! Definitely am the real me. I’m sure Chris or one of the mods can check and confirm 😊

I had no idea it was going to happen at all actually before I left. That said, I predicted it because they couldn’t compete with FIFA boxed sales wise and main source of revenue was/is myClub. Add those two together and F2P model made logical sense to me. Execution… well, you’ve all seen how it has gone. That, having been there, was no surprise at all.
Haha! Definitely am the real me. I’m sure Chris or one of the mods can check and confirm 😊

I had no idea it was going to happen at all actually before I left. That said, I predicted it because they couldn’t compete with FIFA boxed sales wise and main source of revenue was/is myClub. Add those two together and F2P model made logical sense to me. Execution… well, you’ve all seen how it has gone. That, having been there, was no surprise at all.
Good to have you back then! By your estimation, were Konami ever interested in reviving the single player experience or not at all and were they just stringing us along? More cynically put, do you think they dismantled master league gradually from pes2010? That's when I think the mode (not the game) was at its peak. It was really engaging, shame the gameplay was so-so.
@AsimT Sorry you are no different to Adam, Without coming across as a rude person I feel that we deserve an explanation about your past comments about evo web and your attempts to shut it down when it was trying to save the franchise, I think it's the right time as some rats have abandoned the sinking ship already.

I won't post details but I'd be very happy to if required, You guys have blocked our feedback for years and it's difficult to take any of you seriously. Also the tactic of hiring shills in the past and now (That orange guy which Adam replies to his tweets) is a disgrace.

No problem Adam, your welcome... 🙏 nothing personal 🙏 Thanks for making the best possible game for the fans...🙏 also for your passion and support on your tweets... 🙏

I mean... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 :ANGEL:

@AsimT Sorry you are no different to Adam, Without coming across as a rude person I feel that we deserve an explanation about your past comments about evo web and your attempts to shut it down when it was trying to save the franchise, I think it's the right time as some rats have abandoned the sinking ship already.

I won't post details but I'd be very happy to if required, You guys have blocked our feedback for years and it's difficult to take any of you seriously. Also the tactic of hiring shills in the past and now (That orange guy which Adam replies to his tweets) is a disgrace.
People changes. People evolves. When he was there, PES was acceptable at least.
It's the past, reconsiders it. Or him.
@AsimT you're welcome here.
@AsimT Sorry you are no different to Adam, Without coming across as a rude person I feel that we deserve an explanation about your past comments about evo web and your attempts to shut it down when it was trying to save the franchise, I think it's the right time as some rats have abandoned the sinking ship already.

I won't post details but I'd be very happy to if required, You guys have blocked our feedback for years and it's difficult to take any of you seriously. Also the tactic of hiring shills in the past and now (That orange guy which Adam replies to his tweets) is a disgrace.
Move on mate, what happened in the past stay in the past.
Good to have you back then! By your estimation, were Konami ever interested in reviving the single player experience or not at all and were they just stringing us along? More cynically put, do you think they dismantled master league gradually from pes2010? That's when I think the mode (not the game) was at its peak. It was really engaging, shame the gameplay was so-so.
Happy to be here. Without getting into it too much, myClub is the be all and end all now. It's the money maker. That's the focus.

@AsimT Sorry you are no different to Adam, Without coming across as a rude person I feel that we deserve an explanation about your past comments about evo web and your attempts to shut it down when it was trying to save the franchise, I think it's the right time as some rats have abandoned the sinking ship already.

I won't post details but I'd be very happy to if required, You guys have blocked our feedback for years and it's difficult to take any of you seriously. Also the tactic of hiring shills in the past and now (That orange guy which Adam replies to his tweets) is a disgrace.
Sounds like you've already formed your opinion and made your judgement (incorrect might I add), so (with all respect) I'm not even going to attempt to debate or discuss. 😊

People changes. People evolves. When he was there, PES was acceptable at least.
It's the past, reconsiders it. Or him.
@AsimT you're welcome here.
Thank you, mate!

(Yes, I figured out the multi-quote thing lol)
It is already close to be the best.

More and more upgrades in a smart
manner, without dumbing the game down to become the old ping pong 1-2 and Double pressure whores

Finally a game in wich the team has sense of positioning defensively with compactness, lots of interceptions. Simples use of analogue and the X button to jockey and block passes with a huge numbers of animations. Its awesome!!!😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
Gave this game another try after the patch. To me, it feels like there's some things to like in terms of gameplay direction. It's a lot more free than any other previous PES games. The players aren't stuck on rails, the ball feels loose, the players move surprisingly well and there's inertia and momentum. The problem is that the game is clearly in an unfinished state. People download this expecting a finished product, as they should. That's how it was marketed also, even though they also pivoted and started calling it a demo-like experience. It's really not however, consumer demos are usually based off very late and stable builds of the game, this is not the case here. To the point where there's gameplay mechanics not even implemented yet.

I think Konami really fumbled the release by not communicating properly. Either they should have delayed it and release a finished product or they could release it as early access but make that clear to the consumer. The game would be much better served being marketed as an early access game (or Game Preview as its called on Xbox). Similar to Session or something like that. If you buy Session right now, it's the base of a game. It's unfinished. It's going to need more development time and community feedback. eFootball is the same. It's a base, it's very bare bones, there's massive amounts of unfinished things and it feels extremely unpolished and buggy.

So I think, when the actual 1.00 of this game is released, supposedly pushed back to spring next year now, it will be a fairly decent game. At least a step forward in terms of technology for PES, but by then it's very possible that people will not give this a shot at all. The shambolic first impression, the terrible communication, the memes and so forth have probably burned this game to the ground. Add to that the fact that FIFA 22 will likely have been added to the EA Access vault by then and the game has no shot.

Konami, yet again, managed to fumble everything in a way only they know how to. Feel bad for the team, but it is what it is. Hopefully the higher ups recognize their mistakes and actually let the team in charge see their vision through and release a proper final version that can be supported for years. I have serious doubts of this happening, but we'll see.
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On a more positive note, I'm pleasantly surprised that patch notes are actual patch notes. Not sure if this is the first time Konami have ever done proper patch notes, but I think it is. Going from 'various gameplay adjustments' to what we actually got is a massive difference.
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