I missed this originally, but have to say it has the ring of truth about it.I dont know how reliable this guy is, but he claims to be an ex Konami worker.
Its from the biggest PES Forum in Germany.
Just wanted to share this with you.
His Username is "MaxwellRose77"
They are working hard on the mobile version of eF and are currently looking for a license buyer for the console and computer segment. If they do not find one (38 million US dollars including an annual profit sharing of 8.25% of sales), Konami will - as already mentioned - stop providing "support" for consoles and computers and focus entirely on there prioraty: Concentrate on mobile phone and browser games. Konami is currently working on that. The whole gossip about "we are working hard to improve eF" is therefore not even a lie, but it is primarily intended to calm you down and if they upset the less than 1 million former PES fans worldwide on day X it doesn't matter, because than they have a decent mobile game for over 450 million mobile players at the start. That is the master plan.
It could be good if the "PES" console franchise was sold to another party, but not if that was tied closely with Efootball.
Konami must be desperate for some revenue from somewhere, and I wonder if they have the reserves to see it through.
Brands are priceless assets these days, and console PES has 25 years odd of history, but Konami are doing a pretty good job of destroying it, not so much by the game being so behind schedule, but by their terrible handling of the whole situation from a PR point of view.
If I didn't know better, I'd say that Konami had been infiltrated by someone who deliberately wanted to bring the company down, and was doing a great job!
Is the " finding a new crowd" comment their Ratner moment?