eFootball (All Platforms)

I'm reminded of an old joke my dad used to tell, about a diner complaining that "the food tastes like s**t, and the portions are too small".

But given the delay just announced, and the fact that the game is free-to-play, I think that Konami should enable longer matches against the AI.
Not sure it's the haters who are crying...
I don't know why You hate me...I'm not a fanboy, what I meant is that people before the 0.9.1 update just showed the zombie crowd and didn't play the game. I knew the problem was just the distance LOD, Konami could fix it in seconds... but... Anyway the game to me is still a crap, a game without emotion, without content and the worst thing to me is that went back with arcade gameplay, it was much more like a simulator before and that didn't please me. I like FIFA, but I hate the gameplay and player models It looks like geckos and a game for kids! The perfect game to me would be efootball gameplay and players models inside FIFA.

You have to understand guys that we aren't English, some people here are Latinos, we tought different from you, that's why the interpretation may be different
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those touted features must be in some state , either very undeveloped or just broken, for konami to refund everyone their preorder money. wow

what a shambles
If it looks like shit and smells like shit, you don't have to taste it to know its shit.
People loving this shit should also taste it. The taste option will be included in the next shitupdate. Cybershit.
There is great russian proverb: Greed destroyed the smartass guy.
Mmm jes in Kazakhstan we say Big Putin takes our praeschident Kassym-Jomart Tokayev very much from behaind. Jes?
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I dropped into the Spoony stream of him playing 0.9.1. He was generally positive, saying it's gone from a 1/10 experience to a 6/10 one. Said it was probably not better than FIFA, but much closer now.

Inclined to think that's all fanboy bollocks, frankly. I think he's got a pretty skewed sense of what is good in a PES game.

This is the same person who said that the crowd in the test build he played looked "the best it's ever been in a PES game". Other reviewers pointed out the crowd looked pretty bad. We all got to see who was right.
I guess Konami is looking for the WINDSOR magic Build, the one Spoony and company said it was much much better. Maybe Harry Potter hide it somewhere with a magic trick, and Konami will take 6+ months to find it.

This is just hilarious now. They will have no content whatsoever to deploy on their channels for 6 months so they will stick with PES 21/Fifa22, or keep saying that the game is really much better with the 0.9.1 update.
After so many thousands of lies,false promises, postpones after postpones, 2 years working project, product speakimg of itself....

Even after today's carnage, we will still give the benefit of doubt?

And now is the final shot?Realy? Seriously?

Dude, if i keeep posting what I'm thinking, i am so banned...
Konami literally have no credibilty left.

The only good work they've done recently is in trashing 25 years of goodwill, and a valuable franchise.

I think matters might well be taken out of their hands in one way or another.

And I'm still at a loss to fathom what the "Windsor code" was all about, given the new delay, and the version released and then patched (but only after a delay). Does a better version actually exist, and if so why release an inferior one? Given the delay to the patch, things just don't stack up!
I can not even imagine the cost of a middle small company as Konami that delay .
Loss of license ,data etc etc ……
I can almost guaranty to you they will just double-down on gambling-f2p-crossPlatform-mobile-marketing first s**t ...

It will end up destroying company and game, but those CEOs and marketing experts will get their bonuses and move to another company to destroy.
If they wanted to make quality game, they will never go to crossPlatform PS5-Android ... you dont have to be software engineer to understand what that means.

Playing the new update.

Whoever is reading this, please read my reaction below imagining a pleasantly surprised fanboy posting, with my voice pitch slowly getting higher with each sentence. Someone sounding like a pleasantly surprised Jerry Seinfeld.

It's actually better. It's responsive. It actually does what I tell it to do. And on default. I had it on +2 before because of how sluggish it was. And I can run past defenders without them slowing me down with that bugged physical defending. And the ball physics feel good. I'm actually enjoying this. Konami actually fixed something. They actually really worked on this. They actually spent some time and effort. They really did. I can't believe it..

But still 5 minute games? Just when I start getting into it it ends!

Playing the new update.

Whoever is reading this, please read my reaction below imagining a pleasantly surprised fanboy posting, with my voice pitch slowly getting higher with each sentence. Someone sounding like a pleasantly surprised Jerry Seinfeld.

It's actually better. It's responsive. It actually does what I tell it to do. And on default. I had it on +2 before because of how sluggish it was. And I can run past defenders without them slowing me down with that bugged physical defending. And the ball physics feel good. I'm actually enjoying this. Konami actually fixed something. They actually really worked on this. They actually spent some time and effort. They really did. I can't believe it..

But still 5 minute games? Just when I start getting into it it ends!
See my earlier post.

If you're actually starting to enjoy the game, then being restricted to 5 min matches is quite disrespectful in my opinion.

If it's a demo, I can understand that they would want you to buy the game, hence the restriction.

But it's free-to-play??
I've played a couple of games since the update.

Fair enough, the hilariously bad bugs seems to have been addressed (in the main) but the game is just rotten to the core. It's gone from a 1/10 joke, to just a 4/10 empty shell of a game. Are people going to having 'sessions' on this with just 5 minute matches and 9 teams?
Anthem, No Man's Sky (eventually recovered), Marvel's Avengers, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 76, Battlefront 2, WWE 2K20, Final Fantasy XIV (before it got good after a complete do-over).

There have been plenty of shockers.
Yes mate.
As someone said, I think they probably had to release something as a requirement from partner club licenses like Barca or Bayern.

The issues they have scream development hell and several reboots during the process, like devs are struggling with Unreal Engine… I bet the initial vision and intention was different, and closer to the Messi teaser, they just are not capable of doing it.
Same theory and feeling.
They simply abandoned PES 2022 next gen and started with eFootball mobile based game last year because of Kimura
They should cancel and revert back to the Messi teaser game
Also, what’s this Kimura thinking, should be fired actually, especially bringing the whole company in trouble like never seen before
He should definitely get fired if that's the case.

Playing the new update.

Whoever is reading this, please read my reaction below imagining a pleasantly surprised fanboy posting, with my voice pitch slowly getting higher with each sentence. Someone sounding like a pleasantly surprised Jerry Seinfeld.

It's actually better. It's responsive. It actually does what I tell it to do. And on default. I had it on +2 before because of how sluggish it was. And I can run past defenders without them slowing me down with that bugged physical defending. And the ball physics feel good. I'm actually enjoying this. Konami actually fixed something. They actually really worked on this. They actually spent some time and effort. They really did. I can't believe it..

But still 5 minute games? Just when I start getting into it it ends!

Played also few matches, and the game feels better in terms of responsiveness and ball movement. It's a slightly faster pace and players are reacting better, the collision animations are reduced to just few when using L2/LT noticing just some subtle shirt pulling or hand pushing on encounters, and also faults are given if the LT is too over used. The weight of the bodies have a better purpose now and could be better noticed combining with the movement while passing, crossing, etc.

The AI feels equally bad, and the overall pace changes just a little bit, but in the end nothing funky about it. Overall it's a slightly improvement on the demo-like, but it's still the same content, so I don't think any miracle will turn this game at 180º, especially with this AI, jeez... :DOH:
Played 1 match, can see and feel improvements, but still nothing that will draw me back until the next update. I don't play online and even the PC demo expander can't make me like one-off matches. The overall slow, heavy feel is eFootball's biggest and best idea IMO. I like the idea and have done from day 1. I fear they're swimming against a strong tide, though. We speak about 'responsiveness' here as if we all agree what it means and agree what is a good and bad version of it.

One minor bugbear, if this game survives, I hope they don't persist with the Australian/Pacific Rim English-speakers as the stadia announcers. For me that's as jarring as FIFA's 'Tottenham is interested in your player' (instead of 'Tottenham are interested in your player'). It's not something that belongs in the picture. Like seeing a palm tree waving behind Turf Moor.
Played also few matches, and the game feels better in terms of responsiveness and ball movement. It's a slightly faster pace and players are reacting better, the collision animations are reduced to just few when using L2/LT noticing just some subtle shirt pulling or hand pushing on encounters, and also faults are given if the LT is too over used. The weight of the bodies have a better purpose now and could be better noticed combining with the movement while passing, crossing, etc.

The AI feels equally bad, and the overall pace changes just a little bit, but in the end nothing funky about it. Overall it's a slightly improvement on the demo-like, but it's still the same content, so I don't think any miracle will turn this game at 180º, especially with this AI, jeez... :DOH:
I don't know if it's just because I'm playing on regular, but pretty much multiple times each game I can just rob a defender of the ball and be one on one with the keeper. I like seeing ai players trying to dribble with the ball, just don't do it so much with ai defenders!

Other things in particular that need fixing (there's a long list I know), but here's a couple more. There's quite a few times when you do tackle the ai and both players with just pause for a second, standing motionless, before regaining consciousness and acknowledging their whereabouts and the ball.

The other is the selected player triangle above their head. It keeps shaking above the players heads. A minor irritation I must admit.

On the plus side, they've cropped the scene of the player pretending to tie his boot laces, so you can't actually see his boot anymore. I expect most people skip those scenes so would not notice, but thought I'd take a look in case the players had learnt this skill in the past few weeks.
I don't know why You hate me...I'm not a fanboy
There is no "hate" from me - sorry if my posts are coming across that way. But do you honestly think that posting screenshots of how "awful" FIFA looks, tearing it down as much as possible, then bragging that "all the haters" are "crying" now - because Konami fixed the CROWD (hardly a top priority) - isn't fanboy behaviour?

If you wanted to post something positive, this shows how many positive things there are to talk about (it's a pretty long list of fixes, including gameplay ones):

Played also few matches, and the game feels better in terms of responsiveness and ball movement. It's a slightly faster pace and players are reacting better, the collision animations are reduced to just few when using L2/LT noticing just some subtle shirt pulling or hand pushing on encounters, and also faults are given if the LT is too over used. The weight of the bodies have a better purpose now and could be better noticed combining with the movement while passing, crossing, etc.

The AI feels equally bad, and the overall pace changes just a little bit, but in the end nothing funky about it. Overall it's a slightly improvement on the demo-like, but it's still the same content, so I don't think any miracle will turn this game at 180º, especially with this AI, jeez... :DOH:
Yeah. It's not the second coming or anything, but I'm really surprised they actually did fix things. It's at least become playable for me now, but the 5 min limit is such a buzzkill.
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Yeah. It's not the second coming or anything, but I'm really surprised they actually did fix things. It's at least become playable for me now, but the 5 min limit is such a buzzkill.
It's a step in the right direction and is good to see a noticeable improvement. Passing seems off to me and I don't just mean the pace of the ball and the way the receiving player often doesn't react properly to it. Is it me or is the precision on manual passing from PES 21 gone? On 21 I really felt the ball always went where I wanted it to go direction wise, but on eFootball it goes into a zone of where you're pushing the analogue stick rather than the exact line I'm pushing. I've no problem with this if it is due to weaker passing players not being guaranteed to place a pass exactly where you want them to, but if it is just a case of the passing being off in the game (maybe down to input lag), that would be annoying.
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