eFootball (All Platforms)

Unfortunately I can't as I'm on PS5. I must say the game is much more enjoyable after the patch. Still looks awful though visually.
I've played 4 games offline and it's been noticeably better in terms of knocking the ball around, keeping possession and movement with the ball. Less players stumbling into eachother helps all this.

Still noticing players not reacting to loose balls properly and had one incidence where I moved a player over the ball to intercept a pass and he just ran straight through it.

Passes are still not fast when you want to do a fast pass over a longer distance. It's the same old bobbling slow pass. Shooting is just dreadful. No change there. Still horribly floaty. No point shooting from range on this game at the moment.

Nice to see 3D grass at kick off now.

My last match, I was Arsenal against Bayern. Only playing on regular to get used to the new controls. Bayern took early lead, then had a fun game trying to get an equaliser for the rest of the match. So annoying it is locked to 5 min matches. Wanted that match to keep going (not just for the equaliser), but it was entertaining. I'm assuming they're keeping offline locked at 5 mins to encourage people to play online.

The translation:


It's all bad news. They might just kill the game off before then (I don't think too many would cry over it at this point). The ML, if it's ever added, will be years from now (and it will be the same mess it's always been, not the experience we've hoped for).

Mobile users are still the focus, and will remain the focus. I've said it before but... I really think it's time to accept it. PES is dead, and eFootball will never be PES.
Word on the interwebz is that 2K Sports are interested in buying the FIFA rights. Another Football game? This should get better yet :LOL:

P.S I am aware that 2K are no saints & will probably just do the same things in regards to microtransactions, IF this happens.
If they do it and do just half of the nba quality thats a win for us.

The translation:


It's all bad news. They might just kill the game off before then (I don't think too many would cry over it at this point). The ML, if it's ever added, will be years from now (and it will be the same mess it's always been, not the experience we've hoped for).

Mobile users are still the focus, and will remain the focus. I've said it before but... I really think it's time to accept it. PES is dead, and eFootball will never be PES.
took care of that in a german forum just this morning! that timing of ours... :LOL:
They even delayed it on mobile too. 🤣 🤣 🤣

IF this means that they are going to focus more on PC and consoles and deliver on the promises that they to us made 2 years ago, then this is a step in the right direction. Only time will tell and the community backlash will be even harsher if they fuck it up again. I'm not going to hold my breath, but I am willing to wait and see what they have to offer next year. I hate giving Konami the benefit of the doubt, but on this occasion, I will make an exception. This is their final shot to get it right.
After so many thousands of lies,false promises, postpones after postpones, 2 years working project, product speakimg of itself....

Even after today's carnage, we will still give the benefit of doubt?

And now is the final shot?Realy? Seriously?

Dude, if i keeep posting what I'm thinking, i am so banned...
Hope they give proper bonuses at the end of the year to the CEOs and others who pointed development in this direction.

P.S. I am not joking, they surely will
If 2K aim for a proper offline mode then I'm all for it. Always happy to give other games a chance . Those other two new football games are just online focused aren't they?
FifPro license and the individual leagues and teams all need to be paid for. 2K has the resources to absolutely knock it out of the park.
While their MTX (Microtransaction) methods are not ideal, if they do focus on reproducing a simulation of football instead of an arcade edition then we can all be really excited for what it could turn into.
Sony/PlayStation could also be an interesting option, but I am not sure if they have a development team at the ready that could tackle football.
Good decision.

But I’m still expecting someone at Konami Japan assuming responsibility of free lighting this mess. Where is Kimura?

Anyway, just release that season update to PES 2021 so we can stay busy during the upcoming months.
It's all bad news. They might just kill the game off before then (I don't think too many would cry over it at this point). The ML, if it's ever added, will be years from now (and it will be the same mess it's always been, not the experience we've hoped for).

Mobile users are still the focus, and will remain the focus. I've said it before but... I really think it's time to accept it. PES is dead, and eFootball will never be PES.

At this point all those official announcements are typical and connected to their own selfish decisions. It's clear that apart from being greedy they don't know what to do with their app, they don't have a vision for it, they don't have a purpose for this game apart from trying to unite the userbase on all platforms and milk the hell out via microtransactions. The entire board, the direction of this project and even the marketing team doesn't have a clue what to do with it and how to make something of it, they have just the final picture in mind on what to expect from it...

Analyzing all their actions and facts, the only decision that could salvage this disaster is to remove completely from stores eFootball like it never existed (especially knowing that was free and all refunds are done). They should release a big update for PES 2021 as Season 2022 copy/pasta for free with transfers, promotions/relegations, all offline modes and reset a new myClub season (to be in touch with all the "crowds"). We're still in November so that could be still viable if they'll act sharp and quickly (sharp kicks included).

If they're still not capable to focus on a next-gen title, it's fine, nobody is dying for it as long as they could improve on PES 2021 foundation to revamp the AI, refine collisions and responsiveness for PES 2023, enhance the smooth play on/off the pitch. Until they'll be in a position to focus their development on a true next-gen game (because it takes lots of money/time to invest), they should improve the game on the "Season Update" as plan B, but instead they're excited for the plan C, that's the Benny Hill way. In the end I don't think they'll take the route B, cos that would be too good and smart...
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This is so reminiscent of what happened to Cyberpunk 2077. Higher ups changing course in the middle of the development cycle. Devs requests for more time fall on deaf ears. Game is released having one of the worse launches in gaming history. Players find tons of bugs, poor AI, poor frame rate, poor optimization, character model t-posing, etc. Negative reviews pour in. Then the memes start happening. Some devs speak out. Higher ups finally own up to their own fuck ups and decide to listen to the devs.
I honestly feel bad for the devs.

Looking at their past works, it does look like they are capable of utilizing and making full use of latest consoles. But instead, we got a game that's based on mobile platform first. This will curse the game for the rest of its life cycle.
Word on the interwebz is that 2K Sports are interested in buying the FIFA rights. Another Football game? This should get better yet :LOL:

P.S I am aware that 2K are no saints & will probably just do the same things in regards to microtransactions, IF this happens.
2k taking over gives me no hope either.

It will have more microtransactions than FIFA and as usual the pc ports will suck ass. Actually can we even call them microtransaction anymore? Looks very Macro to me.
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