Premier League
- 15 September 2017
The point about a 90 minutes of football being condensed into 10-15 minutes is a fair one, but even then I think we've been duped into thinking this is the only way a football game should be made.
In a real 90 minute football match, the ball is only actually active in play for ~60 minutes, sometimes much less than that. That's the real benchmark for how long the match duration would have to be in a game to reflect real football so long as the clock stops in dead ball situations (or reverts to "real time"), which has already been the case in every football game I can remember.
An hour per match may seem too long, but especially offline I don't see why you couldn't do that provided you allow saving/loading during matches and/or dropping in and out of simulating the match.
In many other online games, matches can regularly take over 30 mins, sometimes much longer... Dota 2, Battlefield, CS:GO, LOL, R6 Siege etc. People do long sessions in other sims like full length races in motorsport sims, full flights in flight sims etc... Yet football games are always designed around 10-15 minute matches and it's used as an excuse for loads of exaggerated or just plain dumb AI/gameplay. Increase the match duration in current football games and you just get the same hyped up goal fest for longer, not more realistic gameplay suited to longer matches.
In online maybe you would want to shorten it, but even with a match length of 30 minutes, you would effectively be playing as much football as a 45 minute real match. That's probably enough time to have a few goals per match without having to compromise simulation gameplay much.
Anyway this is pointless as no such football sim will ever happen - we're stuck with eFootball designed for people to play on the shitter, and FIFA for skill gap esports to cram in 30 matches per weekend.
In a real 90 minute football match, the ball is only actually active in play for ~60 minutes, sometimes much less than that. That's the real benchmark for how long the match duration would have to be in a game to reflect real football so long as the clock stops in dead ball situations (or reverts to "real time"), which has already been the case in every football game I can remember.
An hour per match may seem too long, but especially offline I don't see why you couldn't do that provided you allow saving/loading during matches and/or dropping in and out of simulating the match.
In many other online games, matches can regularly take over 30 mins, sometimes much longer... Dota 2, Battlefield, CS:GO, LOL, R6 Siege etc. People do long sessions in other sims like full length races in motorsport sims, full flights in flight sims etc... Yet football games are always designed around 10-15 minute matches and it's used as an excuse for loads of exaggerated or just plain dumb AI/gameplay. Increase the match duration in current football games and you just get the same hyped up goal fest for longer, not more realistic gameplay suited to longer matches.
In online maybe you would want to shorten it, but even with a match length of 30 minutes, you would effectively be playing as much football as a 45 minute real match. That's probably enough time to have a few goals per match without having to compromise simulation gameplay much.
Anyway this is pointless as no such football sim will ever happen - we're stuck with eFootball designed for people to play on the shitter, and FIFA for skill gap esports to cram in 30 matches per weekend.