eFootball (All Platforms)

They even delayed it on mobile too. 🤣 🤣 🤣

IF this means that they are going to focus more on PC and consoles and deliver on the promises that they to us made 2 years ago, then this is a step in the right direction. Only time will tell and the community backlash will be even harsher if they fuck it up again. I'm not going to hold my breath, but I am willing to wait and see what they have to offer next year. I hate giving Konami the benefit of the doubt, but on this occasion, I will make an exception. This is their final shot to get it right.
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What a total disaster.

Whoever disrupted this development cycle to produce this needs firing immediately.

This is just sad how such a great series has sunk this low like this. So sad.

Konami need to accept this is a failure and understand why and be honest with us what went wrong and when in this 3 year plan.
6 months until the "major" update is a significant chunk of time. I imagine we'll end up with something a lot closer to PES 21 gameplay wise. Will be interesting to see where they take this. A big shame with how they've messed this up, but when have they ever got a switch to a new gen right? I'm not exactly shocked by all this.
What a total disaster.

Whoever disrupted this development cycle to produce this needs firing immediately.

This is just sad how such a great series has sunk this low like this. So sad.

Konami need to accept this is a failure and understand why and be honest with us what went wrong and when in this 3 year plan.
Totally agree. I would have a lot more respect for Konami if they had just been honest & announced the delay back in July or August.

They could of just held their hands up & said "look guys it's not ready so we're delaying, here's a squad season update for PES 2021"

Instead they've completely butchered every single step of this release with one catastrophe after another. It absolutely beggars belief that anyone could be so utterly inept.

Who in their right mind was giving the green light to all this shit we've been served up since summer? Was nobody at Konami saying "this isn't good enough, we can't release this" etc.

The damage they've caused themselves is completely self inflicted but was totally avoidable with better decision making.

They've waited until 7 days before the official release to delay yet spent time patching a rough demo with 5 minute matches 🤣🤣.

Konami are the gift that keeps on giving.
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What happens with all the partner clubs now? Bet they're pissed!

Konami stand to lose a lot of money don't they with no revenue coming in?

If they release in spring the season will be over? They really have royally screwed this up haven't they.
What a mess, I honestly think this might finish them off for good & we won't ever see this spring update.
I m downloading the update now.
Reading the fixes changelog I must say that I am pleased enough.
Let's test them in real action though.

As for the 6 month delay. It must be due to the questionnaire and the steam reviews.
I m convinced that the final version (1.0.0) will be very different.
I hope they won't butcher the good stuff aswell.
This is so reminiscent of what happened to Cyberpunk 2077. Higher ups changing course in the middle of the development cycle. Devs requests for more time fall on deaf ears. Game is released having one of the worse launches in gaming history. Players find tons of bugs, poor AI, poor frame rate, poor optimization, character model t-posing, etc. Negative reviews pour in. Then the memes start happening. Some devs speak out. Higher ups finally own up to their own fuck ups and decide to listen to the devs.
Lol, I assume shooting still is ass so I'll check back in April (?) next year. You can't release a football game where it's impossible to score from long range. Period.
On a more positive note, the update is a significant improvement with regards to responsiveness, ball passing & shot speed.

It feels much more playable now but why oh why couldn't they just unlock the match duration FFS🤬
If you're on PC, you can unlock all teams available through dt25 mod.
Played 3 matches after the update.
- I could say the game is a bit more responsive, but no big difference
- L2 is nerfed making it almost completely useless. How could KONAMI fix the physics collision glitches? Simple. There are no collisions anymore. All that sense of physicality (even with glitches) is gone now. There is that oldschool forcefield around the players and no physical contact. Yay Konami.
- Graphics on PC are still jagged and aliased

I didn't noticed any other changes.

I could bet that around March efootball will be abandoned totally and vanish from Steam.
That's why they give refunds, so they will no have legal consequences.

Pes 2021 will be the last COMPLETE football game from KONAMI.
A decent yet obsolete title.
I mean, they will still endeavour to get a mobile game out. It's a no brainer and will bring in sweet sweet yen
Who would have thought....

Im just amazed they still tried to sneak in the September release in that state the game was in without any heads up and expected no one will notice until they fix the game by next May.

That means EVEN IF the game will be remotely decent ML will come next fall. They havent touched that game mode im sure of it.
The other new footy game have a serious chance here now as Fifa will be boring by middle next year.
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Well if you ask me this is good move, but not enought ... delayed should be undefined and then in spring announce end of summer release.

Spring is 6 months away, they will not fix game in that time ... And that is if they even try, they will probably spent time and money on Neymars tweets ...
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