eFootball (All Platforms)

Well tired of waiting for Konami, I decided to buy FIFA only for testing

These pics are from FIFA on my PC...What I mean??? :THINK:The real problem is EFOOTBALL' s optimization, bugs and serrated graphics!!!!

As You may see on my settings, all options are in maximum level!!!!

I can run the game over 60...70... frames in 4K using reshade and turf mod

This pic don't have any filter or edition! Now I'm so happy to see that my PC can run efootball but the great problem is only one...


PC Specs:

Ryzen 9 5900X
Radeon RX480 8 GB 256 Bits
Corsair 3.600 mhz (OC)

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i also thought about that step for FIFA, only for testing.
But the big NO Point for me is that Fifa 22 doesnt is the same as the PS5 version, so no Next Gen version
There's a few such threads on the /r/eFootball sub. It is already as though the worst elements of /r/WEPES have metastasized into a new form, more credulous, more keen for corporate bootlicking, and more deluded than ever. It is sad how predictable it is. The clips people post of their favourite goals and such have eye-wateringly bad AI in them, which is something the posters just don't see or care about.
Deluded? Yes. Bootlickers? Absolutely. But at least they are honest. I would rather deal with them than some YouTubers out there who post these click bait videos full of lies suggesting that the game has being "updated" when we all know no such thing ever occurred.

BTW, I'm not talking about Spoony or the others. They're cool.
Looks like /r/Futball is the place to be for all FUT fans who like to use phrases like "No AI defending", "Defending is rewarding", "Skill Gap". Super exciting times!

Well, just a batshit crazy version of it anyway, because of the crazy claims about "The most realistic football game ever". No FUT player is THAT deluded. He'd just end any debate with a simple "Ok, Mr. Realistic". 😅

I mean, I get why someone would like what this game-like experience tries to do. But why the desperate need to believe it's realistic football? Just leave it at "I personally like it this way" which is so much more honest & sane. I guess it's some weird need to add a sales pitch to get more opponents online or something.
Some bad games have a cult following. I saw people defend Cyberpunk on their steam page when it first came out. That game was atrocious during it's launch. It had many of the same problems that we all saw in efootball. I saw comments such as "you're not playing it right" "best game of 2020" and "wowz, this game is soo immersive" as I'm watching my character, "V" fall right through the map over and over again.
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Deluded? Yes. Bootlickers? Absolutely. But at least they are honest. I would rather deal with them than some YouTubers out there who post these click bait videos full of lies suggesting that the game has being "updated" when we all know no such thing ever occurred.

BTW, I'm not talking about Spoony or the others. They're cool.
I've seen plenty of posts on that sub which have referred in passing to the "patches" and gameplay changes that Konami already "made". In short, nobody has a monopoly on stupid.

Look, here's a post from a couple hours ago where some are entertaining the idea (and others not) that the game is being updated by Konami:
It's really quite laughable, but not surprising. If a group of people are invested enough to upvote in numbers the sentiment "this is the most realistic PES I've ever played", then they are ready to believe any nonsense that sustains the fantasy of this game being somehow, secretly, great.
There was actually an interesting comment in that thread.

I had noticed myself a correlation between people who are defending this mess and simultaneously bragging about their win ratios etc. So when I saw this it suddenly became clear:

You & Janguv are spot on mate. They are clearly shill posts to garner interest.
The opponent could disconnect the controller & some of these wouldn't realize it. They think they are just 'outplaying' them.

There was one screen shot with end of game match-stats & how even the game was (5-5 score)
The possession stat was straight up 50/50, but 1 team had ~170 passes & the other had only ~83 :LOL: yeah that makes alot of sense.

EDIT: now that I think about it, the guy with less passing did have like double the interceptions .. so I guess it was passer vs dribbler
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I've seen plenty of posts on that sub which have referred in passing to the "patches" and gameplay changes that Konami already "made". In short, nobody has a monopoly on stupid.

Look, here's a post from a couple hours ago where some are entertaining the idea (and others not) that the game is being updated by Konami:
It's really quite laughable, but not surprising. If a group of people are invested enough to upvote in numbers the sentiment "this is the most realistic PES I've ever played", then they are ready to believe any nonsense that sustains the fantasy of this game being somehow, secretly, great.
Funnily enough a similar mentality has been adopted on the steam forums. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1665460/discussions/0/3117046824711882503/
And theeeeere we gooo again to the placebo effect. Really if I was in Charge of Konami and responsible for the PES department, i wouldn´t give a shite at all on fixing anything. I would just send changelogs after every server update stating "minor fix updates" (wait.. isnt that what they always did), and the dellusionals will start their preaching, saying everyone is wrong and if they dont see it its because they are playing it wrong, bla bla bla.

NOTHING as literally CHANGED.

And this guys that say that the game was updted, are the same that are now saying that PES 21 is shambles compared to Efootball 2022, and that it feels robotic, and that PES 21 was awfull comparedto this. The SAME guys that on LAST year had the same arguments to say PES 21 was the best PES game, the most realistic, the most everything that is possible on a console...

This is like hypochondria, but for videogames. They want it so bad to be good that they start believing its good and ignoring all the flaws. Konami sure is taking advantage of it. If Konami released a Dog Turd, with some grass showing that was previously ingested by the dog, some people would ignore the smell, the looks, and the fact that its a Turd, and will only see the Realistic grass showing on it, and the realistic movement of the flies around it as perfectly designed 3d supporters...
Genuinely surprised to find out there hasn't even been an update, given the tweets I've seen asking how feel people about the new changes. The placebo effect in this community is like nothing I've ever seen.

As is this stuff:

I know this guy's a member here, and everyone's entitled to their opinion. But Jesus, the obsession with FIFA just shows where we are. If all you can post on a PES account is "lol FIFA is shit", day after day comparing screenshots between the two... It just goes to show how little there is to *actually* brag about. Not that I get the need to brag in the first place. It's bizarre.
Genuinely surprised to find out there hasn't even been an update, given the tweets I've seen asking how feel people about the new changes. The placebo effect in this community is like nothing I've ever seen.

As is this stuff:

I know this guy's a member here, and everyone's entitled to their opinion. But Jesus, the obsession with FIFA just shows where we are. If all you can post on a PES account is "lol FIFA is shit", day after day comparing screenshots between the two... It just goes to show how little there is to *actually* brag about. Not that I get the need to brag in the first place. It's bizarre.
Yeah this account is mine, I got FIFA22 PC for free, I'm showing how bad is the game, graphics and gameplay, but efootball also is unplayable and a crap for now. I love this community without a good efootball life is sad

The two game are too much bad that the only thing that I do my entire hours playing the game is take photos from their!!!! No words! Speechless! :(

A sad and bizzare situation
I mean, I get why someone would like what this game-like experience tries to do. But why the desperate need to believe it's realistic football? Just leave it at "I personally like it this way" which is so much more honest & sane.
This seems to happen with many sports games, the people who enjoy a particular game lauding it as a realistic simulation when it's really not. It's like people don't want to admit that they enjoy something which isn't a good reflection of whatever sport the game is based on.

Tennis games are a prime example - very often you see people rave about how great of a tennis simulation Top Spin 4 was, when pretty much everything about it in gameplay terms (ball speed/physics, court physics, rally patterns, rally length, player positioning etc.) is nowhere near realistic. It's a nice slick AAA game, well polished visuals/presentation, smooth animations etc but totally not a simulation.

Even more strangely I've also seen people say the AO Tennis was/is a good tennis simulation, on this forum too. I mean just watch any videos of it and you can see how unrealistic it is. People conflate difficulty and complexity of controls with realism - it's like the logic is if something has dozens of commands/shot types and requires precise timing, it must be realistic. If you don't like it then it must just be too difficult for you (As I was told by someone in the thread on this forum). It can't be that you don't like the game because you're looking for a simulation and it isn't one.

I guess that in the case of many genres/sports, when you have two competing series, and one posits itself or gains a reputation as arcadey, people automatically assume the one taking itself a bit more seriously is a hardcore sim. Virtua Tennis was the arcade game, Top Spin was the "simulation". FIFA was/is the skillmove FUT fest, PES/eFootball was/is the "simulation". These reputations stick years after they've even had a shred of truth and people don't even consider that perhaps none of them are realistic.

It's fine to enjoy games which aren't realistic - I love playing Forza Horizon 4 and I have much more fun sitting back playing it with a gamepad than I would by playing a hardcore sim like iRacing in a sim rig. Just because I enjoy FH4 I'm not going to try saying it's realistic. That would be as ludicrous as the people trying to say eFootball is realistic.
I'm watching eFootball with interest and expecting it to be good eventually, however long that takes (and will be surprised if we haven't at least got a vastly more playable game by the end of 2021). But I'm not claiming to like it much right now. I think those who claim it's realistic are using realistic as their preferred term for 'enjoyable and engrossing', which it must be to some. We have other words that perfom the same task in PESland – 'organic' is probably the best-known and most popular. Like a football game? It's organic! What does organic mean? Um...

TV football pundits use 'yard' without any real meaning as well. For them it's not literally three feet but 'any clear distance'. E.g. Martin Keown or whoever saying of somebody about a foot offside at most that he's 'at least a yard' off. Realism in football gaming has the same subjective meaning to everyone. The only realistic football game of our lifetimes is football itself. Everything else is Subbuteo and its descendants.
There was actually an interesting comment in that thread.

I had noticed myself a correlation between people who are defending this mess and simultaneously bragging about their win ratios etc. So when I saw this it suddenly became clear:

View attachment 130015

Because they've managed to get to a point where they can reliably beat people who haven't been able to stomach the game for long enough to master the "controls", their ego overrides any rationality and objectivity and tells them that if they are winning then the game must be both incredible and realistic because no one plays football as well as they do. Is there anyone that's loving this game offline vs the AI, playing match after match and not because it's a cakewalk but because the AI is providing a realistically stern test? Someone will probably claim they are but if you look back at the people defending it it's almost entirely online players.
These kids ofc ruin this franchise because unfortunately they ll keep saying it s great because they look good because of shite ai....what a shame..
Funnily enough a similar mentality has been adopted on the steam forums. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1665460/discussions/0/3117046824711882503/

PES/eFootball steam forums were always like this during the last six years. It's like a toxic cesspool where the main topics are divided between delusions and frustrations. Ironically those threads are coming from the same guys in some gibberish dialect every week with 180º new twisted opinions:

- Konami where are my coins?
- Store is ****, can't buy coins !!!
- FIFA is better / PES is more realistic
- KONAMI you are **** !!!
- Dear Konami !!! / Konami Please !!!
- Can't enter myClub !!!
- @x you **** don't play from your WIFI !!!

And you can see all this just by passing by, don't need to be there on a daily basis. Last time when I checked those forums, they were doing some sort of business, trafficking with lootbox preorers purchased from eastern europe and sold as gifts for an increased price in other countries. Shite, imagine being there all day... :LOL:
I don't understand this patch? If their supposed "full release" is still happening on the 11th which is a different version of the game with sharp kicks etc then what's the point of patching this rough version?

They'll probably undo any good work done as the full release will no doubt present more problems that'll need fixing....
I don't understand this patch? If their supposed "full release" is still happening on the 11th which is a different version of the game with sharp kicks etc then what's the point of patching this rough version?

They'll probably undo any good work done as the full release will no doubt present more problems that'll need fixing....

Probably its gonna get delayed. I think its obvious and logical. But in the same time Konami we are talking about.
I don't understand this patch? If their supposed "full release" is still happening on the 11th which is a different version of the game with sharp kicks etc then what's the point of patching this rough version?

They'll probably undo any good work done as the full release will no doubt present more problems that'll need fixing....
I suppose they can always release the Creative Team (who the fuck comes up with these names?) mode and unlock the 5min offline matches etc, as seemingly planned, on the 11th, without introducing new gameplay features such as "sharp kicks to the balls". Think people were expecting the "Windsor build" to release on the 11th, but I'm not sure we had any solid evidence that something like it would release at that point. Just a rough sense from Konami's roadmap and their vague "early Autumn, winter" type promises.

They could delay the rollout of their moneymaking mode, but you wonder how sustainable it is. They also aren't giving refunds to the lootbox preorders (people tried it with Sony), and I wonder if they're contractually obliged to rollout the "content" on the 11th. If they don't, you sense those asking for refunds would have a stronger case still.
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