eFootball (All Platforms)

I hate to be constantly negative (seriously, I do - it's boring).

However, another eFootball tweet that's stopped me in my tracks this evening:

A few weeks ago, I was comparing the Twitch numbers and there were more people watching some random dude play PES 2009 than there were watching 2022. To be fair, myClub or whatever the hell they end up calling it isn't available yet, so there's little reason for people to stream (other than the fact that it's not very good). Once that drops, I fully expect that number to skyrocket to at least 16 come this November.
Also interesting how PES missed out on the entire Twitch streaming craze. One of the strong point the series had a while ago, the role playing aspect and attachment many people had to the original ML squads of back then, and how emotional was to build that team from the ground up... This did not require licensing, just some effort. And Konami did nothing, as usual.

Instead, they assigned resources to things like redesigning Messi's beard every year for 5 years.
Every time I come to this forum to experience some toxic Konami hate, I scroll through about 50 pages and there's always some official news posts buried in there. Can we stop that please? This is a place for toxicity only, not news.
I hate to be constantly negative (seriously, I do - it's boring).

However, another eFootball tweet that's stopped me in my tracks this evening:

The new crowd in on mobile. Twitch numbers, or any console barometer for PES, are meaningless to Konami at this point.
Last time I checked it on twitch was about a week after release (afternoon I think), the game had 5 or 6 streamers sharing 2 viewers :LOL:

* Just checked now: 13 streamers, 24 viewers.
Been playing some more of the online aspect of eFootball over the last couple of nights. Now as someone who doesn't play online all that much, I can see why it's such a priority for games - It is fun and thrilling and something about competing against a human is so rejuvenating and exciting compared to the same stale AI that once you figure out it's exploits, It becomes so deflating to play against.

However I can see why people are calling this unplayable, Before I was playing eFootball offline where on a decent PC against the AI, is stable and responsive. Online however, No matter what, it's

  • Latency up the arse
  • Crippling button delays which means you have to practically first time pass and pre-empt a situation
  • Defenders literally have this repellent force field around them so when you press an attacker, Your defender will either skate past him or run the longest way around him so he can chase their arse
  • Playing against the loneliest people on earth who insist on watching every single cutscene, replay and pause the mother fucker every single damn time the ball goes out of play
My 2 main issues are the defending, which I think is down to pure luck online. If you defend a dangerous attack, it's either because your opponent screwed up or the latency let him down or you just accidentally tackled someone. You never feel like your in control of defending which is just as criminal as driving a car you may never steer yourself, only accelerate and hope you don't drive into a ditch.

The second is the obnoxious cutscenes and animations. I really wish there was a matchmaking option to never show replays or cutscenes ever and that every stoppage was followed by an instant teleportation transition into the dead ball that restarts play.

They added these animations such as ball boys or players picking the ball up and placing for a corner to give the sense of non stop flow, But half the time they take even longer than a simple jump cut would. When you play online, your so focused on getting back into things you don't want to watch an animation you've seen and got bored of after the 5th time over and over again. It's as bad as those purple wipes after every damn foul on 2021.

Well that's my rant/observation over, Happy Friday everyone!
Been playing some more of the online aspect of eFootball over the last couple of nights. Now as someone who doesn't play online all that much, I can see why it's such a priority for games - It is fun and thrilling and something about competing against a human is so rejuvenating and exciting compared to the same stale AI that once you figure out it's exploits, It becomes so deflating to play against.

However I can see why people are calling this unplayable, Before I was playing eFootball offline where on a decent PC against the AI, is stable and responsive. Online however, No matter what, it's

  • Latency up the arse
  • Crippling button delays which means you have to practically first time pass and pre-empt a situation
  • Defenders literally have this repellent force field around them so when you press an attacker, Your defender will either skate past him or run the longest way around him so he can chase their arse
  • Playing against the loneliest people on earth who insist on watching every single cutscene, replay and pause the mother fucker every single damn time the ball goes out of play
My 2 main issues are the defending, which I think is down to pure luck online. If you defend a dangerous attack, it's either because your opponent screwed up or the latency let him down or you just accidentally tackled someone. You never feel like your in control of defending which is just as criminal as driving a car you may never steer yourself, only accelerate and hope you don't drive into a ditch.

The second is the obnoxious cutscenes and animations. I really wish there was a matchmaking option to never show replays or cutscenes ever and that every stoppage was followed by an instant teleportation transition into the dead ball that restarts play.

They added these animations such as ball boys or players picking the ball up and placing for a corner to give the sense of non stop flow, But half the time they take even longer than a simple jump cut would. When you play online, your so focused on getting back into things you don't want to watch an animation you've seen and got bored of after the 5th time over and over again. It's as bad as those purple wipes after every damn foul on 2021.

Well that's my rant/observation over, Happy Friday everyone!
I actually record all animations in online games. Then I compile them. Sit down a friday once in a White and watch them for may be 2 or 3 hours. What a joy. A true life feast.
Been playing some more of the online aspect of eFootball over the last couple of nights. Now as someone who doesn't play online all that much, I can see why it's such a priority for games - It is fun and thrilling and something about competing against a human is so rejuvenating and exciting compared to the same stale AI that once you figure out it's exploits, It becomes so deflating to play against.

However I can see why people are calling this unplayable, Before I was playing eFootball offline where on a decent PC against the AI, is stable and responsive. Online however, No matter what, it's

  • Latency up the arse
  • Crippling button delays which means you have to practically first time pass and pre-empt a situation
  • Defenders literally have this repellent force field around them so when you press an attacker, Your defender will either skate past him or run the longest way around him so he can chase their arse
  • Playing against the loneliest people on earth who insist on watching every single cutscene, replay and pause the mother fucker every single damn time the ball goes out of play
My 2 main issues are the defending, which I think is down to pure luck online. If you defend a dangerous attack, it's either because your opponent screwed up or the latency let him down or you just accidentally tackled someone. You never feel like your in control of defending which is just as criminal as driving a car you may never steer yourself, only accelerate and hope you don't drive into a ditch.

The second is the obnoxious cutscenes and animations. I really wish there was a matchmaking option to never show replays or cutscenes ever and that every stoppage was followed by an instant teleportation transition into the dead ball that restarts play.

They added these animations such as ball boys or players picking the ball up and placing for a corner to give the sense of non stop flow, But half the time they take even longer than a simple jump cut would. When you play online, your so focused on getting back into things you don't want to watch an animation you've seen and got bored of after the 5th time over and over again. It's as bad as those purple wipes after every damn foul on 2021.

Well that's my rant/observation over, Happy Friday everyone!
What's amazing is that in a time where we have super fast SSDs in our spangly new consoles making everything much quicker, Konami have somehow managed to make the process of getting into a game laboriously slow by adding pointless multiple screens of soul zapping pre-match animations and options which used to be included on one screen.
Just noticed the eFootball branding on Arsenal's tweets.

Have Konami actually learnt a lesson and purposefully NOT included player graphics, after the Barcelona tweet was laughed at worldwide?

Just noticed the eFootball branding on Arsenal's tweets.

Have Konami actually learnt a lesson and purposefully NOT included player graphics, after the Barcelona tweet was laughed at worldwide?

As far as i know only top 4 official partner (Barca, Juve, Bayern). I rarely see man united though
Just noticed the eFootball branding on Arsenal's tweets.

Have Konami actually learnt a lesson and purposefully NOT included player graphics, after the Barcelona tweet was laughed at worldwide?

Most of Arsenal's player faces are shocking compared to the scanned teams so probably a good idea...
Just noticed the eFootball branding on Arsenal's tweets.

Have Konami actually learnt a lesson and purposefully NOT included player graphics, after the Barcelona tweet was laughed at worldwide?

Isn't that a spelling mistake? :LOL:

Shouldn't it be:


I had a dream a few days go that I was watching a Subbuteo match between Arsenal and Leeds with some other people. I stopped the match and started changing the shirts on the Leeds players. Someone asked me what I was doing and pointed out that there was no kit clash. I replied that Leeds' base layers were set to red and they should be white for the match to function properly. Have I spent too much time editing?
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