eFootball (All Platforms)

It's already out for mobiles, since 3 years ago.. :THINK:
It's interesting how Konami can show restraint when it comes to the premiere of eFootball on mobile yet rushed out and neglected a game everyone and their dog knows is unfinished on consoles.

They obviously understand the value in making a good first impression as the road map for mobile clearly demonstrates this, yet seemed oblivious to the inevitable scorn and ridicule that came from prematurely launching the console version. It just never makes sense with these guys...
They said that the efootball 2022 is better than the pes 2021 mobile...If the game is the same with consoles (ps4) for mobiles is a good game...For PS5 is a bad game :d
I don't know what they said. From what i've seen with my eyes, the next PESmobile update, that will transfrom PES2021 to eFootball mobile will be a "monster" update, as every year when the game upgrades, AFAIK.

Now as for game quality per platform, the core gameplay will be the same in all platforms, , i can't see crucial changes since it is crossplatform, with different LOD and Deapth of Field varying from consoles to mobile phone.

In the bright side of all this disaster, i have more hope that eFootball may deliver to Nintendo Switch, and i recently purchased a new mobile phone with bigger screen, so i may give it a go. At least the emulators are now more enjoyable, so the same may apply for e-Football (mobile). :)

I mean as a concole offline player, i am obviously screwed, but at least i can finally find a decent footy for my mobile phone. :P And maybe something better than my FIFA LEGACY edition for Switch !!! :D
Knight.. I see there is two exe,s there which one do we chose ?
Many thanks !!
If you have a normal display, use the 16:9 exe. If you have an ultrawide one, use the ultrawide exe. Whichever you choose, just rename it to PES2021.exe and make sure the .bak extension is no longer there by making sure your folder options allow file extensions to be seen.
I know out of topic, but a major aspects of having a good flow of passing and creativity is when the pitch is perfect like at Stadio Olympico , as now roma is playing vs ac milan, the ball doesn t bounce and it s zipping on the surface when you pass it this as a result makes it easier to make one touch passing without recorrecting the ball position with your feet more than once , this is how a pitch should be , like the one at stadio olympico
So according to their last announcement, 0.91 will be coming in "early November". Well taking into account that their big update is supposed to be coming on November 11th 0.91 should be dropping within the next 7-10 days.
So according to their last announcement, 0.91 will be coming in "early November". Well taking into account that their big update is supposed to be coming on November 11th 0.91 should be dropping within the next 7-10 days.
only Thursday 4th is available.. if 11 is the initial release.
So according to their last announcement, 0.91 will be coming in "early November". Well taking into account that their big update is supposed to be coming on November 11th 0.91 should be dropping within the next 7-10 days.
i am pretty sure there will be no changelog or announcement, the update will drop out of nowhere
Im not alone :)
There's a few such threads on the /r/eFootball sub. It is already as though the worst elements of /r/WEPES have metastasized into a new form, more credulous, more keen for corporate bootlicking, and more deluded than ever. It is sad how predictable it is. The clips people post of their favourite goals and such have eye-wateringly bad AI in them, which is something the posters just don't see or care about.
Looks like /r/Futball is the place to be for all FUT fans who like to use phrases like "No AI defending", "Defending is rewarding", "Skill Gap". Super exciting times!

Well, just a batshit crazy version of it anyway, because of the crazy claims about "The most realistic football game ever". No FUT player is THAT deluded. He'd just end any debate with a simple "Ok, Mr. Realistic". 😅

I mean, I get why someone would like what this game-like experience tries to do. But why the desperate need to believe it's realistic football? Just leave it at "I personally like it this way" which is so much more honest & sane. I guess it's some weird need to add a sales pitch to get more opponents online or something.
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Well tired of waiting for Konami, I decided to buy FIFA only for testing

These pics are from FIFA on my PC...What I mean??? :THINK:The real problem is EFOOTBALL' s optimization, bugs and serrated graphics!!!!

As You may see on my settings, all options are in maximum level!!!!

I can run the game over 60...70... frames in 4K using reshade and turf mod

This pic don't have any filter or edition! Now I'm so happy to see that my PC can run efootball but the great problem is only one...


PC Specs:

Ryzen 9 5900X
Radeon RX480 8 GB 256 Bits
Corsair 3.600 mhz (OC)

FDDkFQAX0AIZQ4t.pngCaptura de Tela (88).png
There was actually an interesting comment in that thread.

I had noticed myself a correlation between people who are defending this mess and simultaneously bragging about their win ratios etc. So when I saw this it suddenly became clear:


Because they've managed to get to a point where they can reliably beat people who haven't been able to stomach the game for long enough to master the "controls", their ego overrides any rationality and objectivity and tells them that if they are winning then the game must be both incredible and realistic because no one plays football as well as they do. Is there anyone that's loving this game offline vs the AI, playing match after match and not because it's a cakewalk but because the AI is providing a realistically stern test? Someone will probably claim they are but if you look back at the people defending it it's almost entirely online players.
How they do manage to create this league .?
Do I missing something ?
Is this fake ? Or Egyptians knows something more than we do?


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Of course they know more than we do. How do you think they built the pyramids? 👻
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