eFootball (All Platforms)

The reason it will fail/has already failed is represented by a single moment in the 1 match I played. Chasing a loose ball near the touchline with Cavani, I pressed sprint, beat the AI player to the ball, but Cavani's inertia carried him and the ball out of play. To me, that was due to me bearing down on sprint within 3 yards of the touchline and is an intrinsic part of the game mechanics that it's up to me to learn and play with. To most others, it's broken.

Of course there are still instances of this clearly not working as intended . It gets awful in midfield with so many iceberg-like figures bouncing off each other. But as a core idea -- you can't sprint without consequences -- it's a good one and in keeping with the series' roots and traditions. Too bad she won't live.
It's a good point. Having given this game more time since the update, I do now find myself being far more naturally adapting the amount of pressure I use on the R2 trigger and left analog stick on the PS5. There's not a huge amount of variation in speed, but enough to make it a mechanic that I actually like compared to the jog and sprint we had in the PES series. I'm no longer running the ball out of play nearly as much since spending more time with eFootball and the stupid collisions have gone down dramatically as I'm not just charging into players. In fairness if you were to charge into someone at full pace on a football pitch in real life, that would also look ridiculous too.

I think they may have reduced the amount of contact you can make, maybe even putting up some sort of invisible barrier (as another poster mentioned earlier) to slow players down to prevent collisions as there are still times where I do run in a bit too fast. Or maybe I have just adapted my play to minimise these collisions and its nothing in the code that's changed.
So the modding community has been destroyed
The PR mouthpieces disgraced
The past progress of the last 2 or 3 years all reset and lost
Product credibility down the drain
No chance of making any money from the game until spring 2022
The memes
The worst steam reviewed game in history
Money spent on licenses and advertisements all lost
Shills celebrating bog standard crowd graphics and goal post resolution, Others switching to FIFA publicly
All surveys and feedback going down the toilet as expected

This is actually more fun than what we go through every year waiting to win a penalty or scripting to be removed, So long may it continue :APPLAUD:
Genious 😂😂
Just downloaded the new update

Game is now free as a bird🙌🙌
Yes a bird that flew away from Autumn and Winter, to make is return in Spring 😂😂😂. Mother Nature taking is normal course. Let’s hope the bird manage to go past winter and return fat and healthy.
I played two matches this evening and apart from the slight improvement of the physical defending button, the game still plays the same as it did when it came out.

-Yes, they did fix some of the bugs and glitches, but the AI is still bad.
-Collisions still aren't great.
-There are instances where the awareness from your teammates is dreadful.
-Defenders don't do a good enough job defending. They leave gaps for the opposition to run into.
-Player switching needs improving.
-I am not a fan of how the character models look, especially their upper bodies.
-Messi still looks messy.
-The arms look too big on some of the players. IMO they don't look natural. They also move like robots. No uniqueness in their movements at all. Same as it was before the update.
-The controls still janky as hell. You can say the responsiveness is better it was before the update, but it's still not good.
-The pacing of the gameplay is alight, but needs more work. A slower paced game can be good but you can't really enjoy it when you only have 5 minutes matches. You're pretty much forced to play all attacking which is not a good way to play a football match.
-The frame rates are inconsistent. During the pre-match warm up cutscenes, its 60fps. Players don't move in slow motion like they did before, but during the replays and the in-game cutscenes on the pitch, it's 25 to 30fps. That's totally unacceptable.
-There's still no anti-aliasing. How the fuck do you not have this in your game in 2021?

Overall, the game is still in bad shape. I've been reading from those on reddit and on youtube who say they have seen major improvements made to this game after this update and I just don't see it. What major improvements are they talking about? I get they have made a significant amount of bug fixes but those aren't improvements if the core gameplay still plays like ass. Why are we lowering our standards? Because it's Konami? Because it's free to play? You haven't tolerated what EA has done to the FIFA franchise but it's fine for Konami to hype up a broken mess of a game that they knew wasn't ready for launch?

If this game was so damn good, (or perfect as some say) then explain to me the reasoning behind Konami's decision to postpone their 1.0 update and efootball 2022 mobile to Spring 2022 when it was scheduled for release next week? Explain the reasoning behind their questionnaire from last week? They know this game sucks so why defend it? All I'm saying is while its ok to be hopeful for next year and the possibility for efootball to be totally different game with major improvements, continue to hold Konami's feet to the fire.
I played two matches this evening and apart from the slight improvement of the physical defending button, the game still plays the same as it did when it came out.

-Yes, they did fix some of the bugs and glitches, but the AI is still bad.
-Collisions still aren't great.
-There are instances where the awareness from your teammates is dreadful.
-Defenders don't do a good enough job defending. They leave gaps for the opposition to run into.
-Player switching needs improving.
-I am not a fan of how the character models look, especially their upper bodies.
-Messi still looks messy.
-The arms look too big on some of the players. IMO they don't look natural. They also move like robots. No uniqueness in their movements at all. Same as it was before the update.
-The controls still janky as hell. You can say the responsiveness is better it was before the update, but it's still not good.
-The pacing of the gameplay is alight, but needs more work. A slower paced game can be good but you can't really enjoy it when you only have 5 minutes matches. You're pretty much forced to play all attacking which is not a good way to play a football match.
-The frame rates are inconsistent. During the pre-match warm up cutscenes, its 60fps. Players don't move in slow motion like they did before, but during the replays and the in-game cutscenes on the pitch, it's 25 to 30fps. That's totally unacceptable.
-There's still no anti-aliasing. How the fuck do you not have this in your game in 2021?

Overall, the game is still in bad shape. I've been reading from those on reddit and on youtube who say they have seen major improvements made to this game after this update and I just don't see it. What major improvements are they talking about? I get they have made a significant amount of bug fixes but those aren't improvements if the core gameplay still plays like ass. Why are we lowering our standards? Because it's Konami? Because it's free to play? You haven't tolerated what EA has done to the FIFA franchise but it's fine for Konami to hype up a broken mess of a game that they knew wasn't ready for launch?

If this game was so damn good, (or perfect as some say) then explain to me the reasoning behind Konami's decision to postpone their 1.0 update and efootball 2022 mobile to Spring 2022 when it was scheduled for release next week? Explain the reasoning behind their questionnaire from last week? They know this game sucks so why defend it? All I'm saying is while its ok to be hopeful for next year and the possibility for efootball to be totally different game with major improvements, continue to hold Konami's feet to the fire.
I only played the demo of Pes14, but how much did the gameplay of that change over the first 6 months after its release? Maybe that'll be an indicator of what we can expect for the eFootball spring mega update.

I saw in the questionnaire they mentioned teamate controls a couple of times. I would hope (a stupid thing to do with Konami I know) that this could mean the return of a trigger for ai off the ball runs at least. Numerous times in the update, I try and encourage a teamate to make a run up the wing into space by taking the ball towards them, but on too many occasions they don't make the run. It's incredibly frustrating.

I can't honestly see the "hold down square to get a defender to tackle for you" mechanism returning. They're clearly focused on trying to make everything more manual with the tackling now. Personally I thought it was too overpowered anyway, but as I've mentioned before, a jockeying/closing down alternative where the ai doesn't auto tackle would be good. I mean you could even implement it so that you hold down square to bring an ai defender in and then use a secondary button to make the ai tackle, whilst still being able to control the movement of your primary player to cut off passing lanes.

I just hope they keep the pace of the game similar to how it is. PES 21 is noticeably faster when playing the games back to back. On offline I've given up trying to rush the games for a win. 5 minutes is ridiculous and if you're focussed on winning each time, you end up playing very direct football which is not the best way to play this game or any PES game that came before it.
I can't even get a game online, the white € comes up and just spins around for 5 mins, then I go into a lobby screen which never finds another player.

Brilliant work 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
it'd be nice if the phrase "the king is back" was added to the list of expletives, detected at post create/edit time, and auto-replaced with "you are powerful" or something like that
Much like "you are powerless" seeing how they're treating their life-long fanbase.
So the modding community has been destroyed
The PR mouthpieces disgraced
The past progress of the last 2 or 3 years all reset and lost
Product credibility down the drain
No chance of making any money from the game until spring 2022
The memes
The worst steam reviewed game in history
Money spent on licenses and advertisements all lost
Shills celebrating bog standard crowd graphics and goal post resolution, Others switching to FIFA publicly
All surveys and feedback going down the toilet as expected

This is actually more fun than what we go through every year waiting to win a penalty or scripting to be removed, So long may it continue :APPLAUD:

In other words: The final result was even more impressive than they had originally conceived!
Yeah I agree with you that's why I explain my behavior on my post! Update 0.9.1 had a lot of improvements I told it on my twitter, I said people should wait for the update and full game, and boom here you go the game now is playable, but What we didn't know is Konami would cancel the full game that to me would be nice meanwhile, several times I said on my twitter "The king is back" because it's aceptable! Now we will wait for spring ville Lol
It is still bad, gameplay is not on acceptable level, graphic is hurting my eyes and after all this years (and i am an old gamer, 39 now) i can say that i am giving up on playing new game and going back on 2021 and 2013.
It is still bad, gameplay is not on acceptable level, graphic is hurting my eyes and after all this years (and i am an old gamer, 39 now) i can say that i am giving up on playing new game and going back on 2021 and 2013.
About the graphics... Does anyone know what the realistic expectations should be for the new gen in this game? I don't know what game I should look at as a marker of what's possible and what's not. I mean, I know in my head how I'd like it to look (close to photo realism and crowds that have variety and be able to move differently for example), but honestly don't know how high that bar should be for this gen.
There are some few rumours saying PC/Consoles efootball 2022 division will be sold or cancelled and they will come in may with just mobile version which is the only one division having enought profits for konami, what do you think about it? I think best option right now for konami is to sell entire saga to a competent company and just forget football world
Yeah. It's not the second coming or anything, but I'm really surprised they actually did fix things. It's at least become playable for me now, but the 5 min limit is such a buzzkill.

From the Very beginning I could see the potential wich for me huge.

We Just dont have the Variety of shooting from the old days.

But the rest... The game is fire!?🔥👌

Its much more playable for everyone now so I Hope How good the game actually is and How legend It can become.

Really Hope cpu AI Will eventually be good. We dont have offline mode yet só its hard to judge
There are some few rumours saying PC/Consoles efootball 2022 division will be sold or cancelled and they will come in may with just mobile version which is the only one division having enought profits for konami, what do you think about it? I think best option right now for konami is to sell entire saga to a competent company and just forget football world
Could 2K pick up the pieces of this console/pc wise? How would people feel about that?
Imagine 2K picking up Pes assets and Fifa name.. that would distortedly make reality the hybrid many of us dreamed about as kids.
2K have a far superior engine than Konami. I mean Fox is good but it's not really suited for sports game. The animation and physics they used for NBA2k is light years ahead of PES. I wish they'd buy the franchise though. PES fans deserve so much better than the turd Konami releasing year after year.
It should be obvious that besides lacking in capacity / skills, Konami has no interest in making the game better. Just look at how much better modders here on evoweb can do with (I assume) vastly less limited resources and time. If they were really on this they could just contact said modders and move from there.

Similar to what Bethesda is doing with the Skyrim re release.
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