eFootball (All Platforms)

When i see all the bugs in game, even not especially players disappearing but some positionning, contacts etc., i don't know what's looking like a game "in building", but even in building there's some basics elements regarding fundamentals (physics, ai) that should be focus first.
Then you can bring more complex system when those stuffs are okay.

It's not the case at all, it's like they're already building the 4th floor when the 1st isn't even done, it's like they don't even know where to start with that game when they got TONS of games behind them and an history. I sincerely got no hope anymorefor that project. But i don't believe they're "missing talents" not at all. I just hope another company gives purpose to some of the producers even from the past.
There's one "production" team i can see who can rebuild from scratch (after the crash) PES : Kojima Production. I think he keept good links with the devs on there, just not the new awful bosses. Seabass, Masuda etc. and all the guys who created faces and some motions, systems, yes. Helped by the guys on his team, it could made a product at least decent at launch.

Weirdly, i got like a flash of how a PES should like right now. It wasn't even Fox engine linked or whatever, but more PS2 based with 360 movement, but very PS2 PESish in terms of presentation, even style. More looking like a game than a TV retransmission. But a game. It was pretty weird lol, not even ressembling to PS3 games.

BTW i can't believe those are the same guys who "rectified" to make it playable with the Fox based engine which inputted way too much weird stuffs, PES 2015 downgrade in fact wasn't that a bad idea. As the guy who created it left Konami, and needs to learn and adapt the choice, removing some feature and try to make it more and more "playable" and not looking like a "tech demo" forever. That decision created a basic game to play with very straight system (except the assistance in pass : which was the best thing from that game) such as PES 2015, but at least, balanced and debugged.

I won't say "Fuck Konami" as they're practically builded the fundamental of an action-football realistic game, and also i played so much of their games in the past like MGS and all, but fuck the actual Konami owners and even the PES new bosses who gives the decisions, oh yeah, all of them.
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Efootball feels like konami are almost paying homage to PES 2014 in many ways. With a new game engine expectations were so high but they delivered so little. They lied about the game being built from the ground up and ruined the basic fundamentals. I would love for them to rectify all the issues that has made this games launch a disaster but almost everything about eF2022 feels deliberate.
I even played the "before beta" from PES 2014, not the one you received. If you remember PES 2014 Beta : it was bugged yes, but you could feel what was to correct, rectify, add. That alpha version was even less, less bugged (and not a little, but nothing disappearing or ball going on the neymar belly etc.) than that thing, and they would never have released it on 2013.
A few more things from my most recent playthrough before the CONMEBOL qualifiers start:

1) The gameplay is strictly the same, and the last modtimes on the directories remain the release date. However, PSG's starting XI (I have the .cpk with the unlocked team) has changed. I think Hakimi came in for Diallo, and Verratti for Herrera. But, again, gameplay seems unchanged for me.

2) I have started seeing some tearing on the lower part of the screen on rare occasions (twice so far in the last 2 hours). Unclear if that's my hardware, but it's the first time I have experienced this since release.

3) When you get a corner kick, you start off with a wide view (like a free kick in the middle of pitch), before you zoom-in to the usual view from the corner flag. This transition, however, takes a bit, and you can't seem to skip it. When I press start, it goes into the stats/game plan view (and pressing start gain just exits back to the game in the wide view), and X/A will make a pass (which I don't want to do).
In general, there's a lot more slow transition scenes everywhere. It's great ambience at first, but I need a option to quickly skip them.

4) I think when I cancel a throw in, the bar doesn't reset.

5) I worry about people playing with pass assistance complaining about the pass speed. Not because they are right--they probably are. But because the manual passing is pretty damn good, and I don't trust Konami to fix the former without screwing up the latter.

I still think the game has some really interesting idea, but it's realistically many months away from being finished. There are so many outstanding bugs, and I don't trust Konami to properly staff the team.

Moreover, I worry about what this mobile-first and MyClub-first approach will due to the gameplay (and the offline game modes).
Thanks. So I won't bother playing yet.
I'm patient too. Didn't tried it, just saw some bad and few "good" vids.
But like i said, i saw too much errors/flaws that i lost hope, even from a pre-alpha build, which is doesn't seems built in the right order at all.
Better to wait and see the final first version, i don't even think that the 1.00 will be enough to rectify all that poop all over the pitch (or most all that pitch all over the poops)
Needs a miracle or a cancel > revamp (from Konami or another company. Tooks the averagely good things and assign it on another engine)
The same people who trashed this game are now the same ones saying this game have some potential. Why? Because some YouTuber says so? Bunch of fickle fans I tell yeah...😒
Reading some of the comments on TTB latest video, he seems to be back peddling on his criticisms of the game and some of the comments in his video are claiming this game has gotten better or has potential when nothing in this game has changed since launch day.
The same people who trashed this game are now the same ones saying this game have some potential. Why? Because some YouTuber says so? Bunch of fickle fans I tell yeah...😒
Please we don't need that kind of sticker on those member's face. I really think they like it, or found potential.
I already told what i think about, at least what i saw. Too much issues to fix, to me they're not re-creating a game in the right order, on my previous post, so potential can't be resolved if there's not even a basis but stuffs added randomly without a logic/right order.
Exemple : you introduce thousand of new animations but you don't have finished physics system of movement, then you create a 100000 pieces puzzle to resolve something, that should have been done first physics, second assign the animation, third make it match together counting all the atmosphere around it (balls, players).
There's no coherence between parts, no links for too many stuffs with some exceptions.
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I'm a fan of older PES like everyone here, but i wasn't a fan of PS3 version just liked it for the database and stats. Never really liked FIFA system : but they improved those last year : far less +15 or -15 in one season, except 20 or 40 stats, not an issue there's a system to rate regarding position, when you don't know one stat to rate, the game will assign it regarding multiple parameters (height, age, weight, position, overall, potential)

First got difficult to like some versions like FIFA 08 with all players with the same height, then Fifa 09 corrected it but the players were as fast with the ball than without / Still a masterpiece compared to PES 2009, perhaps the more arcade PES ever made. I forgot about that one. Same for PES 2010 : i gotted a big issue : i always runned on the flank with fast double >> tap : result : it was replaced by a pretty hard special skill to do, never used by any players IRL, and result was super weirdo to play for me as it was since ISS PRO 1 that i played, full running that way.
It was, no joke, a game or more a control breaker. I think it was a triple tap but it's the same. Try it from PES-Retro and you'll see what i'm talkin about.

On the other side, Fifa 10 introduced for the first time ever 360 degree movement : it was upper appealing, the first time you feel to dribble on every direction possible was a total game changer... The issue was the lob bug : they never, after 10 patchs, managed to corrected it.
The Online matchs resulted to a lob fest, super easy to do. So you got a very balanced game even with 8 directions and a weird movement that pissed me (i run with double R1 now : just for that i can enjoy PES 2010 as a PES 6 revamped and with great graphisms, superb lighting the best of all PES/FIFA)

Than 09-10 year was pretty shitty, when Fifa 11 and PES 2011 were both good games, first PES with 16 direction and new algorithm, PS2.5 engine (enough for a PES That time, i think Fifa gotted 32 but whatever).

Well just to say there was year completely without, some average. For every one of us. 09 is an example of bad, 10 is average, 11 was good.

But those two got an engine very much advanced and much more fitting with PS3 than PES. That's why i liked it.
Please we don't need that kind of sticker on those member's face. I really think they like it, or found potential.
I already told what i think about, at least what i saw. Too much issues to fix, to me they're not re-creating a game in the right order, on my previous post, so potential can be resolved if there's not even a basis but stuffs added randomly without a logic/right order.
Exemple : you introduce thousand of new animations but you don't have finished physics system of movement, then you create a 100000 pieces puzzle to resolve something, that should have been done first physics, second assign the animation, third make it match together counting all the atmosphere around it (balls, players).
There's no coherence between parts, no links for too many stuffs with some exceptions.

I think you hit the nail on the head for what the biggest dilemma Konami have on their hands with developing this game over the next 3-6 months.

There's been nowhere near enough time for the developers to have worked out what's needed for a acceptable physics and collision system inconjuction with a entirely new movement and dribbling system.

The lessons learned from the PEs 2014 early fall off disaster after all the hype and initial excitement of a new engine, that game had too many gameplay elements which were too heavy for this basic 2 speed state.

The million dollor question is can the sort out the collision system to an acceptable state by at least the end of November?

The developers have been clearly aware of the game' unfinished state at this moment, so unlike PES 2014 which a plethora of new features like heart which made a basic, 'proof of concept' game worse than it needs to be. I see everything in the game right now is in a forced discovery state in which Konami need to look at all potential critical flaws people can find with the basic physics to provide the platform for the right animations to come in and give the game a platform to be a 5/10 at least and playable.

All in all its clear the physics and collisions even now in whatever version they are working on is still in a poor state so Konami using this shocking version 0.9 right now is providing them evidence on what critical core problems need solving so it can be a respectable title at least.
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I think the difference with PES 2014 was they were aware or Kojima or whoever else who were with them talked about what's doing first, then next.
Even if you don't like the game direction, personnally there was at least a logic in the development. I don't know if it's pressure to release or whatever else, but i imagine it was a war just to have "at least" every part of the game made to be...

Releasable because there were boss who gotted orders from higher boss for the release date, and given orders "it needs to be played on the 29 before Fifa, focus on X things then we see later how to fix it... If we can. But we got order to release it the 29 even if it's the end of the world the day after"

You know, Japanese may tell their idea but never ever try to argue with the big boss. I know multiple French who were there, and they (=edit/japan people) never argue or complain about orders from higher authorities. They executes and shut up. My mate the first time he goes there and living some month, working too told me they act like robots. Well it work when you see that Tokyo is first on every life comparison with others big cities (first in security, first in proprety/no pollution, first in so many thing like economy, health care... At least 7 on 10 "parameters" of everyday life they were first, the other they were second or third. You can found the percentage on the net, it's dating from 2017-2019 i don't remember.

BUT when it's coming to enterprise, for entertainment, it's another thing. They keep the same mentality as following the people "who knows best" order, with some exception like Kojima which got balls to quit as it saw it coming probably from something happened in intern. Well, it's not really a success for him at the moment, but one game and he will become again the "genius who created Metal Gear Solid".

Don't think what i said it's not important : it is. I personnally think the fiasco cames from a super rushed stuffs from a two year ago idea from Kimura, but whatever it's the past. What i see as an evidence it's that the game is built without structure. And their others games were. There's a reason behind it, perhaps not exactly what i say, it's just assumptions; but something like that : creating a game so randomly has never been in any game producer system.
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I'm patient too. Didn't tried it, just saw some bad and few "good" vids.
But like i said, i saw too much errors/flaws that i lost hope, even from a pre-alpha build, which is doesn't seems built in the right order at all.
Better to wait and see the final first version, i don't even think that the 1.00 will be enough to rectify all that poop all over the pitch (or most all that pitch all over the poops)
Needs a miracle or a cancel > revamp (from Konami or another company. Tooks the averagely good things and assign it on another engine)
I don't know if they need to go to that extent. For me to be at least playable though they need to sort out the sluggish responsiveness, the weird physicality and unlock the time. I don't know why we're locked to 5 mins like it's a demo when it's not.
3) When you get a corner kick, you start off with a wide view (like a free kick in the middle of pitch), before you zoom-in to the usual view from the corner flag. This transition, however, takes a bit, and you can't seem to skip it. When I press start, it goes into the stats/game plan view (and pressing start gain just exits back to the game in the wide view), and X/A will make a pass (which I don't want to do).
In general, there's a lot more slow transition scenes everywhere. It's great ambience at first, but I need a option to quickly skip them.

Yeah, I find that annoying too. It’s good that you can take a quick corner, which maybe I’ll want to do at times now that it’s an option. But, as the corner taker, there should be a button allocated to switching to viewing from behind the corner kicker, but with players and opposition players all in position for the corner like all previous versions.
I went back to PES21 for the first time yesterday since efootball launched. Passing wise (manual), it was like when you play snooker and can barely pot anything, then play pool and can literally pot anything on the table, better than you’ve ever potted in pool before. I was pulling out some unbelievable passes on PES21, perfectly weighted, through the smallest of gaps. I even scored 3 goals in the first half I was doing so well. It was just so satisfying. It was great to be able to move the ball across from one side of the pitch to the other and into channels with some pace to the passes.

efootballs ball speed is just awful. It’s as if they took what should be the default speed, put -1 or -2 speed on it under the hood and just re-packaged it as game speed 0 (default) in the game. That’s why I never touch the game speed on previous versions. As soon as you even use -1 for example on previous versions, you end up messing with the ball physics to the point it rolls unnaturally slowly or floats through the air. It has so little momentum in its flight path, that really it should be just dropping to the ground.
Hmm, I guess I will get slaughtered now but I'm acctually enjoying parts of this trainwreck of a game. I have been going back and forth between this and FIFA 22 (PS5, Online seasons, manual passing) and without even thinking about it I play 2-3 matches of eFootball (holy hell I hate that name) whereas FIFA just get 1, max 2 matches before switching.

I enjoy FIFA but there are soo many things that feels off with that game (skating, player models, tricks), even though it plays beautiful at times. But eFootball, this bastard child, somehow keeps me coming back in a different way. It's frustrating in soo many ways I don't even know where to start but regardless of that there are things that just feels very rewarding when you pull it off (and PA3 isn't too assisted which is a pleasant surprise, I haven't even tried Manual yet).

With that said; the game is still shit in the bigger picture of course and everyone at Konami should resign.
The same people who trashed this game are now the same ones saying this game have some potential. Why? Because some YouTuber says so? Bunch of fickle fans I tell yeah...😒
I don't think it's YouTubers. A new PES (eFootball) game will always evolve as an experience for the user over the first few weeks of playing.

I think this is true even more so for eFootball because a lot of the controls & mechanics have changed somewhat. I thought this game was utter garbage last week & I still do to some degree but my experience has evolved over a week of playing.

I can get some enjoyment out of certain things now as I've learnt to play a different way over the past 7/8 days. That's not to say I'm declaring this a good game, it certainly isn't ATM but I see potential where I didn't at the beginning.
It's both.

Havent played anything but fifa since pes17 (with the exception of a few weeks of pes 20 vanilla) , and rarely play football games past November anymore. In the entire ps4 era, only pes 17 has taken me past november and even then barely. I found pes 18, 19, 20, 21 dull and stale. I find konami laughably inept and parochial. My ps4 pro is covered in dust as I'd barely played it more than 2, 3 hours all year. Happy to read more books, watch more films. I find games across all genres repetitive and stale and have no need for it. Even though fifa 22 sounds great, I probably still wont buy a ps5 as I will rarely use it.

Yet I still enjoy this demo. Amongst a few on this forum. It would be great if this simplistic, ad hominem analysis was left for the rest of internet where it belongs.
And how is it insulting someone's intelligence to believe in something, however wrong? I cant ever imagine somebody elses opinion affecting my intelligence. It's not like he's trying to brainwash somebody.
I'll try to put it in perspective, to explain others reactions to his post.

I believe that The Earth is flat.
Dont care about all the evidence and data. They are all just files, nothing else.
I have a solid evidence. My dog has a ball. I put it on the ground yesterday and it just stayed in place. Few days ago when I did that - it rolled away.
This is my lived experience. So the Earth is flat. And dont you dare tell me otherwise, coz this is just toxic.
Yeah, I find that annoying too. It’s good that you can take a quick corner, which maybe I’ll want to do at times now that it’s an option. But, as the corner taker, there should be a button allocated to switching to viewing from behind the corner kicker, but with players and opposition players all in position for the corner like all previous versions.
They should use the same system they use for free-kicks. Press R3 and you have the corner kick vision otherwise leave it in gameplay cam, and that would solve their problem.
I'll try to put it in perspective, to explain others reactions to his post.

I believe that The Earth is flat.
Dont care about all the evidence and data. They are all just files, nothing else.
I have a solid evidence. My dog has a ball. I put it on the ground yesterday and it just stayed in place. Few days ago when I did that - it rolled away.
This is my lived experience. So the Earth is flat. And dont you dare tell me otherwise, coz this is just toxic.

I dont see how this is analogous. The flatness of the earth is a scientific fact. The fact of whether konami had updated the game at the point he claimed it was, was not. It may have been on pc, but he may be on ps4. Regardless, he honestly believed it has been updated, and we're dealing with a company that are less than forthcoming about whether theyve meddled with the game or not. And the fact is there was an update of sorts. So it allows for a level of ambiguity and doubt. The earth being flat doesnt.

He also had an understandable reason. The first time I played the game, the tactics didnt work for me either. The first two times I had no commentary. These things simply worked or didnt. So he registered a change, then misunderstood its cause. His view doesnt, like the flat earthers, come with other deeply unpleasant views which end up leading to anti-social behaviour. He misunderstood a computer game made by a company that has history of making undisclosed changes to its game.

The other issue is that those who dont like the game took a 'gatekeeper of truth' position which seemed to have been motivated by a decision that konami are incapable of improving the game, as much as by any desire to establish whether a patch had been applied. We've had ad hominem posts, rebuking people for believing the game can now be improved. This is nothing more than "I've formed my opinion, I dare not be contradicted".

If there is anything toxic, it's not the disagreement, which can be vigorous as hell (I took Knight to task on his view of pes 21 being almost perfect), it's the impuning of the person that is the issue.
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I dont see how this is analogous. The flatness of the earth is a scientific fact. The fact of whether konami had updated the game at the point he claimed it was, was not. It may have been on pc, but he may be on ps4. Regardless, he honestly believed it has been updated, and we're dealing with a company that are less than forthcoming about whether theyve meddled with the game or not.

It's actually easier to tell if there was a game update or not, than to tell if the earth is round. Even if someone doesn't know how updates work, it's still a matter of fact and not opinion. The game even displays the version number on the title screen.

This is the only game that I'm aware of where there is heated debate about whether the game was updated or not which is mind blowing, as it's the easiest thing in the world to verify.

I think it's even one of the reasons I usually avoid this thread. One clown from Italy writes a stupid article about Konami fixing the game someone thought it was a smart idea to post it, some fell for it, and then the whole thread is derailed. Just like the game I suppose, so it's alright. 😅
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