eFootball (All Platforms)

It's actually easier to tell if there was a game update or not, than to tell if the earth is flat. Even if someone doesn't know how updates work, it's still a matter of fact and not opinion. The game even displays the version number on the title screen.

This is the only game that I'm aware of where there is heated debate about whether the game was updated or not which is mind blowing, as it's the easiest thing in the world to verify.
I agree with you.

But the fact that there is this argument, and that there has been with almost every pes I can remember is part of the point I'm making.

And so what if he failed to note the front screen of the game when he loaded it, or failed to understand it? It's the attitude towards the guy that I find out of step with evoweb. Another poster responded to the guy very politely saying how actually these tactics worked before and the mistaken guy took it in good spirit. What other way is there to respond? Unless you're a bloke on the internet and everything is binary.

For them, their anger at konami is conditioning their response to others, because the actual content of their posts reveals it.
I'll try to put it in perspective, to explain others reactions to his post.

I believe that The Earth is flat.
Dont care about all the evidence and data. They are all just files, nothing else.
I have a solid evidence. My dog has a ball. I put it on the ground yesterday and it just stayed in place. Few days ago when I did that - it rolled away.
This is my lived experience. So the Earth is flat. And dont you dare tell me otherwise, coz this is just toxic.
Overdose here...
And so what if he failed to note the front screen of the game when he loaded it, or failed to understand it? It's the attitude towards the guy that I find out of step with evoweb. Another poster responded to the guy very politely saying how actually these tactics worked before and the mistaken guy took it in good spirit. What other way is there to respond? Unless you're a bloke on the internet and everything is binary.

I don't disagree about the attitude. Just saying that it's not a matter of opinion and it's a problem if you accept it as just an opinion as it is something you see every year and almost exclusively with this game. It can get tiring I suppose.
I don't disagree about the attitude. Just saying that it's not a matter of opinion and it's a problem if you accept it as just an opinion as it is something you see every year and almost exclusively with this game. It can get tiring I suppose.

Sorry, my fault for not expressing clearly. I'm not suggesting it's right that his opinion should be accepted by others as being right. It's probably just the lack of understanding that stood out to me. The lack of empathy for whatever he's experiencing.

We're all in the same boat ultimately, some of us more invested than others. It just seems bizarre to me to criticise someone personally over a game that has been screwed up by a company in japan. And that criticism has been here, clear and unambiguous in posts. About how people who think the game can be improved are desperate, lacking standards and discernment. What madness to turn on each other (sounds dramatic I know! But in our little world here, its kind of what's happening in little pockets...)
I'll try to put it in perspective, to explain others reactions to his post.

I believe that The Earth is flat.
Dont care about all the evidence and data. They are all just files, nothing else.
I have a solid evidence. My dog has a ball. I put it on the ground yesterday and it just stayed in place. Few days ago when I did that - it rolled away.
This is my lived experience. So the Earth is flat. And dont you dare tell me otherwise, coz this is just toxic.
Bruh but if Earth is flat, how are footballs spherical?

All humans would look like this if Earth was flat:
The way the ball rolls and moves on the pitch is really good,so is the foot planting,tempo,game speed,animations transitions.Manual passing is also the best it’s been.

I turned the circle off last night and went with a camera setting that shows much of the action on the pitch.Doing so felt like I was playing Pes21 with my hands tide.The clunky unresponsive defensive runs using A.The dash button that just doesn’t seem to work.Can you actually run when you have the ball.

Analysing this it’s clear this is fundamentally Pes21 with a UNREAL skin and butchered,simplified controls.

Why they just didn’t copy the same control mechanics from Pes21 and just update the graphics and animations using UNREAL.You can already see how much better it is then fox and how solid it could potentially be.

My biggest concern isn’t graphics animations or physics.I believe UNREALs more then fit for purpose.It’s the controls,the over simplification of basic things that just worked and if anything make control more akward,not smoother and more responsive.

It’s weird because the principles of defending and everything else is the same as Pes21.The animations,graphics and physics show promise and could potentially be brilliant in time.It’s things like player awareness,collisions,a clunky illogical control interface,clunky slow player switching that ultimetly bring it down.

All of the above can be improved though.So there is some hope.
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Good joke, well made Jimbo.
I'm only half joking to be honest. This game - and the whole PES legacy - has been thrown out to die. I've been playing Konami football games for over a quarter of century and to think this is how it ends (make no mistake - this is the end) makes this 40 year-old man sad and a little angry.

The greatest sport on Earth represented by only two serious football games and Konami have decided to completely cede their ground with this garbage.
I'm only half joking to be honest. This game - and the whole PES legacy - has been thrown out to die. I've been playing Konami football games for over a quarter of century and to think this is how it ends (make no mistake - this is the end) makes this 40 year-old man sad and a little angry.

The greatest sport on Earth represented by only two serious football games and Konami have decided to completely cede their ground with this garbage.
Nailed it
Yeah, sad. And other games F2P even next-gen are full offline. No experience.
But when they created ISS PRO eve ISS then the corrected (and very different) Deluxe, they were coming from nowhere.
(One side note about ISS Deluxe called Jikkyou Soccer 2 or something like that is that... You could've change names in game. On Snes. F*** we could'n't as European, American.

Licences didn't killed games, there were licences since NES, but exclusivity. Let's admit, the fight for exclusive stuffs have killed whoever who wanted to create a football game to do it. Sad times, with restrictions on everything, money on everything etc.
I'm not defending PES, but all the sports situations in general and like you said @Jamezinho : the most played sport on earth.
Also leagues have the same level or responsability.
Why Bundes wants to be separate from the rest? "Why so special?" about their football, what they want to protect, Fifpro isn't enough good as a footballer association while they've got thousand of country? It block every others third party to create a fictive Bundes (well, with their EA exclusivity since.... 16 Years)
Same for Brasil with their system players. It's fugly.

That's what i think killed football games, it's not only a matter quality. Like i said above a genius can come from nowhere (talking about Iss Pro, then Evolution) : but it's impossible regarding the actuals standards. Of course they would have fails, but on those 6 or 7 fails, you will found an ISS pro coming from nowhere (Goal Storm is not a reference), for example, not even evolution. That could have the opportunity to evolve in the best way possible with experience.
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We're all in the same boat ultimately, some of us more invested than others. It just seems bizarre to me to criticise someone personally over a game that has been screwed up by a company in japan. And that criticism has been here, clear and unambiguous in posts. About how people who think the game can be improved are desperate, lacking standards and discernment. What madness to turn on each other (sounds dramatic I know! But in our little world here, its kind of what's happening in little pockets...)
Some of the responses get a bit personal, sure. But overall, I think you have to see it as a frustration manifesting. It is the yawning, cyclical nature of so many kinds of comment here and elsewhere: this cocksure confidence that actually Everything Is All Right – there's a fix on the way, a monster patch, a YouTuber says there's a really good build, there's a secret next-gen game that Konami shutdown with 6 months to go, an insider says that the real game is outstanding, and so on.

What is being ridiculed is the utter credulity of it all. Especially when that comes packaged in this assertive manner, usually out of the blue, sometimes by a user who claims to have been observing the forum for ten years and has decided there's just too much God darn negativity here.

We've seen it all before. And some of the anger and frustration doubtless comes from an inwards-looking past-self-reproach too. I myself fell for the "Reddit insider" larp for a couple of days, or at least was open-minded about it, when there were warning signs others pointed out that I should have been able to spot. Point is, we've all been there with this franchise, and this company, and the endless seeds of optimism planted sometimes by ourselves, sometimes by others. We know that those seeds sprout to form a forest of bullshit. People just want to nip that in the bud while they can, especially when that "optimism" is dismissive of grounded concerns, in a way that merits the description "toxic positivity".

The anger about all this can misfire, for sure. But you've got to see where it comes from. We would all be better off if we, and others in turn, were not so credulous about this sodding game!
I'm only half joking to be honest. This game - and the whole PES legacy - has been thrown out to die. I've been playing Konami football games for over a quarter of century and to think this is how it ends (make no mistake - this is the end) makes this 40 year-old man sad and a little angry.

The greatest sport on Earth represented by only two serious football games and Konami have decided to completely cede their ground with this garbage.
Good post mate, agree - like you and many others here, I've been playing ISS/PES since the SNES days.

I'm really angry with Konami and their PR goons. This game just isn't acceptable. So many people on Reddit saying "YeAh bUT itS FrEE whAT dO you ExPEct?"

That's not the point is it?
Some of the responses get a bit personal, sure. But overall, I think you have to see it as a frustration manifesting. It is the yawning, cyclical nature of so many kinds of comment here and elsewhere: this cocksure confidence that actually Everything Is All Right – there's a fix on the way, a monster patch, a YouTuber says there's a really good build, there's a secret next-gen game that Konami shutdown with 6 months to go, an insider says that the real game is outstanding, and so on.

What is being ridiculed is the utter credulity of it all. Especially when that comes packaged in this assertive manner, usually out of the blue, sometimes by a user who claims to have been observing the forum for ten years and has decided there's just too much God darn negativity here.

We've seen it all before. And some of the anger and frustration doubtless comes from an inwards-looking past-self-reproach too. I myself fell for the "Reddit insider" larp for a couple of days, or at least was open-minded about it, when there were warning signs others pointed out that I should have been able to spot. Point is, we've all been there with this franchise, and this company, and the endless seeds of optimism planted sometimes by ourselves, sometimes by others. We know that those seeds sprout to form a forest of bullshit. People just want to nip that in the bud while they can, especially when that "optimism" is dismissive of grounded concerns, in a way that merits the description "toxic positivity".

The anger about all this can misfire, for sure. But you've got to see where it comes from. We would all be better off if we, and others in turn, were not so credulous about this sodding game!
Well summarised, perfectly in-fact.
The best thing for them to do would be to just be transparent from now on and release a statement “From this point we’ve decided that this game is for mobile users. You can also play on PS5 but it will be of a lesser quality because it’s catered for a mobile audience.”

Instead they’re just so vague about everything. This game will never, ever be fit for purpose on console. Quote me on that. They’re attempting to dominate the mobile market now. They know myClub makes money but nowhere near as much FUT so it’s pointless investing in the PS5 and Series X for them.

Konami are such an amateur outfit and it’s quite incredible they’ve got people who get paid tens of thousands of dollars a year to run their brand into the ground like this.
I still don't understand why they released an unfinished game. It made some sense to release before FIFA when it was a paid release although I have serious doubts that it ever made much of a difference. The 28th of October is a long way away but I'm curious what exactly people are hoping gets fixed? Personally, I couldn't care less if Pogba's shoulder gets dislocated for a split second in an animation or CR7 looks ready for a fat one so long as it doesn't affect actual gameplay, I don't spend my time in replay mode. I seriously doubt they'll fix anything really impacting like:
  • Tactics
  • Player awareness (they just don't care)
  • Defensive positioning
  • Player switching
  • Teammate instructions
  • Off the ball movement
  • Graphics (maybe this one is subjective)
Some of these are not new to eFootball.

Edit: If anything, I think releasing something polished 1 month after people are fed up of FIFA would get more people interested. Then again, it'll take more than a month to polish this.
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Let's say just for the sake of discussion that this update will fix the game so most players are ok with it. Still I think the damage is irreparable, this game is already a meme material. Awful marketing.

And this long wait period are supposed to create a new hype? To anyone who thinks "they need time" - nobody forced theme to release on 30th September, but imagine announcing a hotfix in 20 days.
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