eFootball (All Platforms)

This is what I dont understand. Why are you so angry about someone mistakenly thinking a patch is out?

He wrongly thought free kick tactics didnt work before, someone corrected him, the world moved on.

What he's probably experiencing is session variance, or the fact the game plays better in some stadiums than others. Or that it's so unstable it can barely hold its arse in place.

But so what? He made an error. Why is he worthy of vitriol?

I beg to differ .. this was the guys response

"I already gave you a proof.
Free kicks tactics didnt work before today....Now they do." ... very blunt & toxic .. and plain wrong.

Maybe people are tired of having their intelligence insulted. Is this toxic enough ?
I beg to differ .. this was the guys response

"I already gave you a proof.
Free kicks tactics didnt work before today....Now they do." ... very blunt & toxic .. and plain wrong.

Maybe people are tired of having their intelligence insulted. Is this toxic enough ?

It may be blunt. It's hardly toxic. Toxic is when it gets personal.

And how is it insulting someone's intelligence to believe in something, however wrong? I cant ever imagine somebody elses opinion affecting my intelligence. It's not like he's trying to brainwash somebody. He wasnt trying to convince anyone with that comment, simply validating his opinion, albeit in blunt terms. The problem is, you demand proof from someone, theyll feel backed into a corner and they'll give you what they can. The demand of proof is always on the basis that "this person doesnt agree with me, satisfy me immediately that I'm not wrong".

It feels less like intelligence being insulted. More like people being unable to accept somebody's lived experience doesnt accord with the negative one they're having.
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Because I see potential in EFOOTBALL to be better than all PES fox

When you improve the graphics and clean up the bugs/error, it will be much better than most PES.

Defensive recomposition is something to have a standing ovation in this PES, better passes in terms of freedom, better 1 x 1, better positioning overall, better overall speed, better heading, better infiltrations, better dispute play mid field.

DEFENSE more manual and with different ways of marking, using the variety of speed of the players, 1 x 1 fierce marking, 1 x 1 encircling marking, distance marking by zone. Everything has to adjust the speed and positioning of the player.

In PES the defense moves to square or R1 + X

Attack using your freestyle, you can win 1 x 1, in passes one-two, in aerial plays, in infiltrations, in throws.

In PES the attack is 80% of the game one-two.

That's not PES, it's EFOOTBALL.

PES 2014 to 2021 is predictable, and whoever is more predictable wins, just table (one-two).

Efootball is more unpredictable for attacking and defending.

All these details make the gameplay more you and less system.

Konami has to close its ears to fans who want it to change, shapes, knobs, speeds, and follow that path fixing bugs and errors. Fan feedback destroyed PES 2018, 2016 and made PES 2019, PES 2020 worse.
It may be blunt. It's hardly toxic. Toxic is when it gets personal.

And how is it insulting someone's intelligence to believe in something, however wrong? I cant ever imagine somebody elses opinion affecting my intelligence. It's not like he's trying to brainwash somebody. He wasnt trying to convince anyone with that comment, simply validating his opinion, albeit in blunt terms. The problem is, you demand proof from someone, theyll feel backed into a corner and they'll give you what they can. The demand of proof is always on the basis that "this person doesnt agree with me, satisfy me immediately that I'm not wrong".

It feels less like intelligence being insulted. More like people being unable to accept somebody's lived experience doesnt accord with the negative one they're having.

Wow thanks for the explanation mate, I would never have known otherwise. Carry on with the copium :LOL:
FFS, there’s people that are still thinking they did an update to the gameplay. It’s the same f&@&€ng shite.

I would bet my money, that if Konami just changed the version to 1.0 without touching a single thing, influencers and people that still believes that a simple patch 1 week after the game is out, would go crazy, saying it’s fucking completely different and better bla bla bla.

For what I’m seeing it’s going to be difficult for them to survive this move to F2P. F2P model, relies on communication, content, updates with a changelog of it, and first and foremost in a good base. Not some obscure message like Konami usually does, like minor adjustments have been made (and normally PES players go bollocks stating it changed this and that), despite no one knowing what has or has not been changed.

I Guess we probably will have UFL lauched before Konami even try to change anything for real. I guess they Konami will wait for November to see if people calms down with creative team launch and by giving a full eleven of TOTY to everyone, specially to the mobile crowd that will go mental…

Awfull times for someone that just want a football game that resembles “football”
Its Koinami...
It may be blunt. It's hardly toxic. Toxic is when it gets personal.

And how is it insulting someone's intelligence to believe in something, however wrong? I cant ever imagine somebody elses opinion affecting my intelligence. It's not like he's trying to brainwash somebody. He wasnt trying to convince anyone with that comment, simply validating his opinion, albeit in blunt terms. The problem is, you demand proof from someone, theyll feel backed into a corner and they'll give you what they can. The demand of proof is always on the basis that "this person doesnt agree with me, satisfy me immediately that I'm not wrong".

It feels less like intelligence being insulted. More like people being unable to accept somebody's lived experience doesnt accord with the negative one they're having.

Everything has the potential og being toxic it is a matter of dose...
FFS, there’s people that are still thinking they did an update to the gameplay. It’s the same f&@&€ng shite.

I would bet my money, that if Konami just changed the version to 1.0 without touching a single thing, influencers and people that still believes that a simple patch 1 week after the game is out, would go crazy, saying it’s fucking completely different and better bla bla bla.
You know what? I've not tried it after the "patch" (and I'm not willing to, at least for now)... But I'd probably try and convince myself it had really changed if I tried it now.
I just want it so bad to be better that I'd probably see things that, well, maybe aren't actually there.
I'd like to share two goalkeeper saves. I think the goalkeepers are the best in the series.
THIS is not good goalkeepers, this is bad goalkeepers ... its destroying the game, no human on planet could do this -- only reason why its possible in game its because goalkeeper start diving even before shot is being made.

This is why every goal feels the same, because they created goalkeepers like super-humans .. this is not enjoyable for me, FIFA goalkeepers are somewhere like a normal human-goalkeepers ... dont have out-of-this-world super powers, and make mistakes sometimes.
Anyone on PC, I'd recommend grabbing a Steam key for PES 2021 before too long if you haven't already;


It's only a matter of time before this gets delisted and the keys get scarcer (and more expensive) until it's eventually lost forever (legally at least).

I just grabbed a key for about £4 - not sure if I'll ever play it but didn't want to be locked out of the potentially years of ongoing mods for the final actual PES game.
Very true. You can't even buy any of the FOX Engine PES's games on there now apart from 2021 anymore.
FFS, there’s people that are still thinking they did an update to the gameplay. It’s the same f&@&€ng shite.
This is what I dont understand. Why are you so angry about someone mistakenly thinking a patch is out?

He wrongly thought free kick tactics didnt work before, someone corrected him, the world moved on.

What he's probably experiencing is session variance, or the fact the game plays better in some stadiums than others. Or that it's so unstable it can barely hold its arse in place.

But so what? He made an error. Why is he worthy of vitriol?
First I wasn’t directing my post to anyone in particular, but to everyone that I am seeing on social networks, websites like that Italian one.

second I’m not angry, at anyone, so sorry if the “FFS” offended someone, I simply can’t understand, why people still give the benefit of doubt to Konami after all this, and still state that something was done when it clearly wasn’t . It’s been like this for years and look at where we are now. At every minimal sign of movement, be it from Konami or some influencer Pro PES, people immediately jump to the hype train, like neither of Konami lies, false hopes, non deliver, non communication on the last at least 10 years, matters. I refuse to believe that someone that watches, and plays football thinks that slow motion passing, dull and slow shooting, overpowered automatic defending with L2, and tank driving (player movement) looks like football. Just like FIFA super speed, and cuted animations , and tricks does not look like football. The only thing I can give that it looks like football it’s the pace of the game, and the manual defending without L2, and the good implementation of right trigger dash bursts/running (but this last is then outplayed by the shambolic movement and excess of momentum and inertia).

Everyone here wanted Konami to have made a good game of football, I guess no single person would lose their time here if they didn’t have a rest of hope for the game, but they simply did not delivered. They could have failed presentation wise or modes wise but at least if gameplay was something good as a base most people would still play it regardless. But if we look at it without rose tinted glasses, what did they get right:

Presentation - awfull, they even downgraded on this, didn’t think it was possible to be honest but they managed to accomplish that.

Modes - once again downgraded

Gameplay - downgraded, simplified, whatever you want to call it. Good pace, bad response times, exagerated momentum/inertia. Good seamless start without black screens.

Netcode - a little better but I guess it’s due to little to no people playing it, which shows on the time it takes to find a player. And if they have servers, why do I need to know if my opponent have 2, 3 or 4 bars on the connection? (Strange)
Tactics - downgraded

Controls - downgraded in order to simplify it once again (good addition on manual defence system except L2 execution) removing second man defense instead of just removing the ability of CPU to steal the ball, and removing of trigger runs.

Now this do not imply that some people might like it, millions played FIFA on past years…
First I wasn’t directing my post to anyone in particular, but to everyone that I am seeing on social networks, websites like that Italian one.

second I’m not angry, at anyone, so sorry if the “FFS” offended someone, I simply can’t understand, why people still give the benefit of doubt to Konami after all this, and still state that something was done when it clearly wasn’t . It’s been like this for years and look at where we are now. At every minimal sign of movement, be it from Konami or some influencer Pro PES, people immediately jump to the hype train, like neither of Konami lies, false hopes, non deliver, non communication on the last at least 10 years, matters. I refuse to believe that someone that watches, and plays football thinks that slow motion passing, dull and slow shooting, overpowered automatic defending with L2, and tank driving (player movement) looks like football. Just like FIFA super speed, and cuted animations , and tricks does not look like football. The only thing I can give that it looks like football it’s the pace of the game, and the manual defending without L2, and the good implementation of right trigger dash bursts/running (but this last is then outplayed by the shambolic movement and excess of momentum and inertia).

Everyone here wanted Konami to have made a good game of football, I guess no single person would lose their time here if they didn’t have a rest of hope for the game, but they simply did not delivered. They could have failed presentation wise or modes wise but at least if gameplay was something good as a base most people would still play it regardless. But if we look at it without rose tinted glasses, what did they get right:

Presentation - awfull, they even downgraded on this, didn’t think it was possible to be honest but they managed to accomplish that.

Modes - once again downgraded

Gameplay - downgraded, simplified, whatever you want to call it. Good pace, bad response times, exagerated momentum/inertia. Good seamless start without black screens.

Netcode - a little better but I guess it’s due to little to no people playing it, which shows on the time it takes to find a player. And if they have servers, why do I need to know if my opponent have 2, 3 or 4 bars on the connection? (Strange)
Tactics - downgraded

Controls - downgraded in order to simplify it once again (good addition on manual defence system except L2 execution) removing second man defense instead of just removing the ability of CPU to steal the ball, and removing of trigger runs.

Now this do not imply that some people might like it, millions played FIFA on past years…

I agree with nearly all of your points about the game. I do think that there are more things to enjoy in the game than the pace though. But at the same time, I've had a great laugh at how monstrous the game can be. Both things can be true. For instance, looking at the pitch on ps4 pro, if you ignore the aliasing, the colour and lighting is really quite good. It's not even too low res at times. Summer night at the camp nou looks as good as it has in pes since pes 2009. So the pitch and players look pretty good, but it's all hidden behind distraction. The crowd of course is beyond salvation.

I apologise if I mistook the target of your frustration. I wasnt offended.

It does feel a little like the thread is spiralling in slow motion at times though. ..
What worries me is that people are holding out for a patch that’s going to fix everything. Just use your experience of how Konami have launched this game to realise that this ain’t gonna happen. First PES I’ve not played on release since I can remember
I was away all week since release so only got to play my first games tonight. I of course can't add much to what has already been said. There's the occasional good thing, but poor overall.

A question though: does anyone see any benefit to the new RS player selection system? It now uses the ball-carrier as the centre-point where your RS direction starts pointing from, which I find unintuitive (the old system was the current player you had selected). Worse, in order to select players who are further away, you have to hold for a length of time instead of just getting the direction right, and it being fine-grained enough to notice.

The end result is that to cover a through ball to the wings, e.g., it now takes a good half-second longer, and you're at a massive disadvantage.

How did this system get dreamt up? How did it not get canned after playtesting? What is the benefit vs the old system?
I was away all week since release so only got to play my first games tonight. I of course can't add much to what has already been said. There's the occasional good thing, but poor overall.

A question though: does anyone see any benefit to the new RS player selection system? It now uses the ball-carrier as the centre-point where your RS direction starts pointing from, which I find unintuitive (the old system was the current player you had selected). Worse, in order to select players who are further away, you have to hold for a length of time instead of just getting the direction right, and it being fine-grained enough to notice.

The end result is that to cover a through ball to the wings, e.g., it now takes a good half-second longer, and you're at a massive disadvantage.

How did this system get dreamt up? How did it not get canned after playtesting? What is the benefit vs the old system?

Well that's the catch. With a gamepad you are in disadvantage. If you play it with a mobile, you just need to swipe the cursor to the player you want and you'll have your player selected in no time.
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I was away all week since release so only got to play my first games tonight. I of course can't add much to what has already been said. There's the occasional good thing, but poor overall.

A question though: does anyone see any benefit to the new RS player selection system? It now uses the ball-carrier as the centre-point where your RS direction starts pointing from, which I find unintuitive (the old system was the current player you had selected). Worse, in order to select players who are further away, you have to hold for a length of time instead of just getting the direction right, and it being fine-grained enough to notice.

The end result is that to cover a through ball to the wings, e.g., it now takes a good half-second longer, and you're at a massive disadvantage.

How did this system get dreamt up? How did it not get canned after playtesting? What is the benefit vs the old system?

This and the lack of manual runs confused the hell out of me at first (the cone coming out of the box should've been a dead give-away, but I'm slow).

I suspect it was done because the ball is always in focus, but I'm frankly not sure if it's an improvement. I certainly am worse at it, at least for now, and find myself using L1 much more often.
This and the lack of manual runs confused the hell out of me at first (the cone coming out of the box should've been a dead give-away, but I'm slow).

I suspect it was done because the ball is always in focus, but I'm frankly not sure if it's an improvement. I certainly am worse at it, at least for now, and find myself using L1 much more often.

So there are manual runs? I assumed they'd gone too...
When the game isn't disconnecting midway through the match I've actually been able enjoy the gameplay.

Passing on FUMA feels good, I'll keep it short and sweet.

It doesn't really feel different from PES 2021. Come to think of it, the game hasn't really put me in a position to really test out long range shots. As for controlled shots, I may have been able to pull one off - the controls make no sense.

Dribbling is generally a joy compared to PES 2021. However, it can feel sluggish at times and sometimes there is a delay when pulling of skill moves. Dash is great and the way you lose control of players running at full pace is a smart and relatively realistic way of stopping people from exploiting it. I do think it needs to be toned down as it can feel like the game is ignoring your input. Furthermore, it could already be the case but I would expect it to be stats based and therefore less pronounced for technical players like Neymar. I also appreciate that it doesn't feel like it's on rails like PES 2021 and the animations look much smoother.

I'm not experiencing the issue with L2 honing missiles like many here claim but maybe I've been lucky to pair up with like minded players. As for the claims that L2 is like X but worse, don't forget they've finally given us a tool to defend against it in L2 shielding. Personally, I find the match up feature with the auto blocking much worse, players automatically lunging and sticking out legs left right and centre intercepting my passes:RANT:

My biggest gripe with PES 2021, player awareness or lack thereof, is ever present. Meanwhile, teammate instructions are no more and they are are an absolute must, even more so when off the ball movement is lacking as in eFootball. As for tactics, well, what tactics? Player switching is appalling.

Graphics are abysmal for the most part. On the rare occasion/cutscene it can look fantastic, especially the lighting. Though I swear I'm playing 3 different games in 1 when it comes to the graphics and lighting, they're so inconsistent. Worst of all is the gameplay view where the game is an eyesore.

Judging it for what it is, I'd give it a 3.5/10. To put it simply, currently nothing about it says next gen but I honestly see heaps of potential.
First I wasn’t directing my post to anyone in particular, but to everyone that I am seeing on social networks, websites like that Italian one.

second I’m not angry, at anyone, so sorry if the “FFS” offended someone, I simply can’t understand, why people still give the benefit of doubt to Konami after all this, and still state that something was done when it clearly wasn’t . It’s been like this for years and look at where we are now. At every minimal sign of movement, be it from Konami or some influencer Pro PES, people immediately jump to the hype train, like neither of Konami lies, false hopes, non deliver, non communication on the last at least 10 years, matters. I refuse to believe that someone that watches, and plays football thinks that slow motion passing, dull and slow shooting, overpowered automatic defending with L2, and tank driving (player movement) looks like football. Just like FIFA super speed, and cuted animations , and tricks does not look like football. The only thing I can give that it looks like football it’s the pace of the game, and the manual defending without L2, and the good implementation of right trigger dash bursts/running (but this last is then outplayed by the shambolic movement and excess of momentum and inertia).

Everyone here wanted Konami to have made a good game of football, I guess no single person would lose their time here if they didn’t have a rest of hope for the game, but they simply did not delivered. They could have failed presentation wise or modes wise but at least if gameplay was something good as a base most people would still play it regardless. But if we look at it without rose tinted glasses, what did they get right:

Presentation - awfull, they even downgraded on this, didn’t think it was possible to be honest but they managed to accomplish that.

Modes - once again downgraded

Gameplay - downgraded, simplified, whatever you want to call it. Good pace, bad response times, exagerated momentum/inertia. Good seamless start without black screens.

Netcode - a little better but I guess it’s due to little to no people playing it, which shows on the time it takes to find a player. And if they have servers, why do I need to know if my opponent have 2, 3 or 4 bars on the connection? (Strange)
Tactics - downgraded

Controls - downgraded in order to simplify it once again (good addition on manual defence system except L2 execution) removing second man defense instead of just removing the ability of CPU to steal the ball, and removing of trigger runs.

Now this do not imply that some people might like it, millions played FIFA on past years…

I guess for me its the realisation that some people will accept just about ANYTHING they are given. There is a complete lack of standards and I don't know if its desperation for something to be good or blind allegiance or what.

Konami offered up a turd burger and now some people want fries with it too. Just because someones opinion says its good and enjoyable doesn't make it so. The consensus is we have all been shafted and 98% of us cannot be wrong.
Perhaps the prophecy of the monster patch may actually come true one day because this boiling plate of shite of a game will need it to say the least.

I might play some Sensible Soccer on my Xbox for the football fix
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