eFootball (All Platforms)

I'd have paid good money for a PES 2020 "demo-like experience".

I remember playing the full version for the first time.

I'd still pay good money for that.

Just get full PES20 with demo gameplay on Steam, don't even have to update the teams, and I'll probably pay full price for it.
Not to say, but insulting or mocking on twitter won't resolve anything. Just give them some question or asks.
Even if you'll get erased even with being polite but incisive.

I didn't connected since a while as i receive demands and it's annoying me, and it gives me pressure, since Efootball i fear to connect myself lol.

Well those guys analysing or showing their matchs etc. aren't responsible of what happen to be honest. Well i'm not too much a "youtuber following" except some guys presenting games randomly, longplay etc. for games i'm sure i won't buy.

There's one i talked with which is cool on Twitter but really...
Not interesting or pertinent as a PES analysing is Luthor, a french Ytuber but he switched once to Fifa when i left sometimes PES for a gameplay stuff he don't like or another reason (like Myclub not changing). He wanted for Myclub to be like FUT so... Well. Don't care about those modes types, Online isn't a problem in Division or Seasons to me. But those are not my cup of tea.
Well he continued with PES, because no one carried about his pack opening in FUT. But i repeat, he's a good guy, but anyone here could open a channel and do like him. Aswell as many youtubers.
You posted some of his stuff here, from Twitter i remember. The_Knight is pertinent for exemple and show interesting stuffs in game, and i don't say it because he's here.
Now with the actual stuffs regarding, i'm afraid for some Youtubers won't have nothing to say, or goes to others games they don't have experience at all. Sad also for them, aswell as face editors etc.

Well to be honest youtube to me, it's more for some documentary, itw, musics and stuffs like that. But i'm feeling a bit sad for them. Some have already did a retro-gaming session like Monsieur Quinton (a good one, and he listen and answer in direct to people making sessions) so...
I find it pretty hard to discern what you're trying to say here. Your argument is all over the shop.

For one thing, the Hosoda quote (translated? from which source? it's good to link such things) sounds like further evidence of a settled and longer term plan to consolidate mobile and console/PC, not a sudden shift as some (including you) are asserting.

As for the Masuda point – I've already addressed that. I think it's from too early a period, there are potential translation issues, and it's one remark = not a good evidence base for the hypothesis there was a "true" next-gen version planned/executed which subsequently got canned.

This is just desperate guesswork when we don't really have a clue. I understand why you and others feel the need to do it; it's about making intelligible what otherwise feels like a senseless and painful rejection. But in truth you can make good sense of it by considering the fact that Konami has not acted in the interests of its hardcore fans for some years now; it had abandoned all its successful IP; and it has been pursuing all the worst industry avenues: predatory MTX, mobile games, FOMO marketing, live service buggy crap, etc.
Now that I have Hosoda's words for you, you are looking for the source. Well, no problem.

Translated from this source!



He had conducted other sporadic interviews.


If you think that this eFootball garbage has been under construction for two years and the game is so incomplete, you are sorely mistaken. Not all of these people like Hosoda, Masuda, Weedens Innocent ( He is currently working in Playground Games Studio.) Lenart Babzin are on the development team anymore.Why is there no more news about Hosoda? Where did these go at once? If you think about it, you will understand what happened.

There have been many other interviews. Especially with Lenart Babzin, who had some interesting conversations about the true version of the next generation. The true version of the next generation was rewritten in many parts. And on the Internet, you will find interviews. And my final word. If you think Konami is coming and clearly says that the real version of the next generation was under development and canceled, you will not see such a thing. But when we put the puzzles together, we can easily understand what happened in the production process of this game.

And your talk about Masuda and the possibility of a mistranslation in a Russian source is also funny. If we think like this, then nothing can be trusted.
Here's where I disagree. It wouldn't make sense to include mobile phones, but exclude PS4, if cross-platform was the goal from the beginning. By saying that they were planning to only use Unreal for the PS5/XBSX version, while keeping PS4 on Fox, they were clearly not planning crossplatform at this stage.

So they clearly changed their mind about an exclusive next-gen game. Now when exactly did that happen?

Definitely after the Next-Gen PES teaser was released, which was on July 2020.

Given the state of eFootball, there is no way this was planned over 2-3 years.
Yes mate. When they released the teaser of PES 2022, not eFootball. That "Taking to the next-level" mantra was purely intended for Next-gen consoles and PCs. They aren't planned or built any eFootball type game at that time with cross-platform. They surely changed their mind after that time. I think eFootball is a rushed 6 months build rather a 2 year in-development game. They scrapped or messed up something and later moved on. (Maybe)
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I'm still surprised that people believe in that old build bad, new build better horse crap by Konami. As if that'll magically make this game better when the core fundamental is flawed to begin with. They need to rebuild everything from the scratch if they want to salvage this franchise. It's pretty much the same game, same animations, same goddamn in game cut scenes. And all of the flaws from the previous games still exist, so why bother calling this game as a reboot?
You don't need an interview, or anything to know that this game doesn't even have 6 MONTHS of production. Just see the errors and bugs, and something simple is expensive, not even the tactical menu is complete. This efootball is something new, it's like an interim coach, ''ah your team's coach got fired, put the interim time there..''
If this was their plan all along then they either worked on it for a week or they just worked on deconstructing PES2021 in terms of physics simulations and freedom in that sense.

Then they probably played FIFA21 all year themselves or something, not gonna lie :LMAO:
whats silly about corporations lying thru PR?

and a corporations that did it with the same product last year?
I don't really get why you're accusing everyone who was at the play test as liars when it's pretty much unanimously agreed they played something different.

This doesn't mean there's some amazing version of this disastrous game somewhere but it's pretty much a 100% fact they played something different to what we have

Why is that so hard for you to understand & accept?
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I don't really get why your accusing everyone who was at the play test as liars when it's pretty much unanimously agreed they played something different.

This doesn't mean there's some amazing version of this disastrous game somewhere but it's pretty much a 100% fact they played something different to what we have

Why that's so hard for you to understand & accept?

Including people who were very critical of what they played!
Well, after 20+years I guess, this is first PES(will continue to call it like that) I didn't countdown for getting/download it. I still didn't tried it.

Someone told them that kids which doesn't go out and with their mobile phones are future for gaming and they create a game so that they can play against each other from their homes, but for us which went through cold/dark/wet days&nights to get together with someone and play once upon a time beautiful game - there is no more space. No one hear us. How many days we skipped in high school to feel and be a part of a beautiful sport... Damn.
Well, after 20+years I guess, this is first PES(will continue to call it like that) I didn't countdown for getting/download it. I still didn't tried it.

Someone told them that kids which doesn't go out and with their mobile phones are future for gaming and they create a game so that they can play against each other from their homes, but for us which went through cold/dark/wet days&nights to get together with someone and play once upon a time beautiful game - there is no more space. No one hear us. How many days we skipped in high school to feel and be a part of a beautiful sport... Damn.
How many sleepless nights during the PS2 era, playing PES 4 online with uni's coursemates till 5 AM, only to leave them, get ready, go to the station, commute by train and be at the uni at 8 AM ready to pick up a controller and play again, this time in person. 🤩
These feelings are ours, no one can ever take them away from us. No matter how eFootball is now, no matter how it was last year (and it was still a good game if you ask me, just a little soulless compared to the PES of the good old days, but maybe it's me who's wearing thoes damn rose-tinted glasses again), the things we lived during the golden age of PES will stay with us forever.
yeah sure they did

just like last year when spoonfeedMe liezzas played the 21 and made a hype video lying that it played just like the 20 demo

and i went and bought that shit
I mean, it's really incontrovertible it was a different build – it is silly to insist that this isn't the case. The press (not just influencers) all had said it, including noting the features yet to be added. We ourselves could see it – the blue bars that the moron playtesters were setting off by holding sprint all the time in the leaked videos, those were "sharp kicks".

It also makes sense that Konami would give a build to playtesters that isn't as fucked as the one they release – even if it meant making something sui generis by removing a component they cannot and will not remove from any release builds. That would be sly, managing the press in advance.

The real question isn't whether it was a different build, but whether that different build (which it was) is actually some great improvement that we're getting down the line. And that's where your scepticism ought to come into play – given the different feedback from e.g. NGB vs Spoony, and how it's just unlikely in the time frame they really have anything decent up their sleeves.

So: different build, yes; better build, who knows – probably not.
In this interview, it states he moved into a managerial role in production in 2014, and remained there to the present. He goes on to talk about the eSports ambitions and changes, getting very excited about all that jazz – notably, Kimura keeps highlighting in interviews himself that the cross-play plans are built with a common eSports competition in mind. So this is very consistent.

Then in the article, Hosoda himself talks about how it would be better to have eSports on mobile too, which is what they are doing with PES. Later, he talks about how the console market grew due to the lite edition, and how the mobile version saw great success.

Are you even reading the articles you're linking? They don't support your argument. They support mine lol. It's just more evidence of a consistent direction and intention from the company.

Meanwhile, the second piece (third link) offers no relevant information to your theory.

Lastly: no idea why you would bring up that Bobzien guy (one of the most boring PES marketing blokes in their history) and Weedens – neither had anything to do with development. Hell, why not bring up snazzy-shoes Lygaard. They're all equally irrelevant as to your thesis.
I've played KONAMI football since the ISS series and it's always been a joy up until PES2010 (excluding 2008) Like someone said a while ago if you asked me what PES22 will be like 20 years ago I'd have imagined a near perfect experience. Since 2011 it feels like the same game regardless of the gen it's on. I guess nostalgias a bitch
I guess if you try PES2012 and PES2019 in a row - experience would be very different. Yes, PES is almost the same but we can't deny its evolution

Even PES 17 / PES18-19 / PES20-21 are very different
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