eFootball (All Platforms)

The most wtf sentence they said is "the result was even better than what we imagined"
I just presume it was a publicity sentence, from the guy who was questioned. Or they really thinked to do something even bad by recreating the game. No idea.
This is so spot on!
just watch it guys! So good.

it’s so shockingly good because it’s true! Sad but true! I had my share of fun with Konami the last days, had my laughs and jokes at them, but when someone says it so well (as some uses here in the forums did before) then I can just say: I have to agree.

The intro is also oddly appropriate, because being bound up and ball-gagged while on all fours is exactly how I imagine the people still defending Konami after this release.

This is what I am 100% convinced of. From NFG to eFootball, it doesn't make sense that there's this incredible game in between both. I honestly feel that by inviting people to fly in, all expenses paid, and giving them 90 minutes of 5-minute intervals to play a game, they won't have enough time to know what they're playing.

Also, the core tactical movement, ball physics, etc. It won't change. I'm seeing full power passes being painlessly absorbed into players' runs all over the pitch. Like, why would I even bother with this game.

NGB guy and I think also Camaldinho in his latest video confirmed it's not much different. And in defence of the people who played it, I think it's also worth mentioning that the build they played was specifically tailored for the playtest, a Konami representative said it was designed to "show off the new features", so who knows what sleights of hand they pulled to make it seem better than it really was.

I'm not a game dev, but I think we may be underestimating how trivial-sounding migrations (such as switching rendering from Fox Engine to U4) can take a long ass time.

Yep exactly, especially for a mediocre and underfunded development team. I said the following a couple of days after NFGOPT was released because it was obvious to me at least that this was pretty much going to be the game and that it was going to be an achievment for them just to release a playable cross-platform title on Unreal in two years. The number of people claiming it was the mobile game still blows my mind, not to mention the revisionists who then later said no one had ever claimed that. :LOL:

Janguv is right, there would be no point releasing something that has no or little relation to the final product just to test the servers. Why? Because if all you are testing is the server's ability to handle load then you can test that without going to all the trouble of releasing an open beta, namely by load testing which can be done in-house via backend simulations. Releasing an open beta is hardly a straightforward process, and you wouldn't do it just to test something that could be tested without going through a full release cycle. Furthermore if this beta did not represent the final game then it would invalidate the testing, because it may not perform as well if the final game was radically different in terms of gameplay, because radically different gameplay also implies radically different requirements for how the client and server interact. Basically, your logic is terribly flawed. Yes the assets are likely based on mobile and/or scaled down to reduce file size, and of course that will be improved come release (not a single person here has disputed that), but what people are most focused on is gameplay, and it is highly improbable that the gameplay will be drastically different to the beta for the reasons already mentioned. The disappointment stems from the fact that some people were hoping for a revolution in gameplay, which is definitively not going to be the case when they are borrowing so much from the previous generation.

As a side note, I was not among those expecting a revolution in gameplay, frankly I suspected it would have taken them the 2 years just to port the game to UE, based on what Kojima said about their utter incompetence when utilising Fox Engine. I thought it was going to be a tweaked Fox Engine build using UE for the rendering layer, and that seems to be what they are aiming for. Looking at it I'm doubtful if anything other than the visuals are based on UE, the animation system for example looks uncannily similar to before, it's hard to believe you would go to an entirely new engine and aim for a 1:1 replication, you'd surely aim for at least some modest improvements as you went through the process.
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Migrations? FOX ENGINE is very much still present. I have no evidence to back this up but I'd say 70% of eFootball is still being handled by this (old and obsolete) engine.

Not just physics. The game moves and feels exactly like previous PES versions.

Had they not renamed this game from PES to eFootball I wouldn't even be able to tell where, when and how the UNREAL Engine was used.

The fact that they included the UNREAL Engine logo in the menu is just another act of misdirection by Konami. Trying to sell us a new game when in reality it's less than half of that. "Watch my right hand", while the coin is hidden in the left one.

I mentioned that only rendering was migrated (which is what was, I believe, confirmed by Konami in interviews). I suspect other parts, such as networking and toggling features by client (for cross-platform), could also be driven by Unreal.

My expectations was that the migration should've been largely invisible to users, and that the Fox Engine was still quite "up-to-date" as of today (at least, MGS5 and PES21 still look great today). But the cost of not having to maintain those parts would be amortized in the long run. Small (err, in theory) pains now to forego tech debt in the future.

I don't think how the ball and players move would change just solely due to a change of engine. You are still feeding the same transformations that are being calculated in PES code.
But they fixed it after a DLC
Well I hope that's a good omen.

I'm sure there'll be updates up the arse unless this is really gonna be a pump and dump game.

But the point is, If you need to promise a massive patch to fix this and expect people to remain patient and optimistic, than you know it was never ready to release in the first place so the question is, with inevitable scorn in mind... Why release?

Imagine you go to a restaurant and the waiter serves you raw steak and of course you quip; "Excuse me what the fuck?" And the waiter says "Well Sir, It's a steak! Please be excited and please enjoy!"

"But if you want to wait I'll return in an hour with a correctly prepared and cooked one for you..."

Imagine if that exchange happened in a real life situation, how utterly bizarre, inappropriate and irrational that would be? You'd expect to wait however long it takes for cooked steak the first time round, not experience the interaction and serving of an uncooked one for the sake of them proving they have steaks in progress.

That's all I have for my cynical analogy for one late Monday evening.
Has anyone started working on any mods?
Because this year there is a lot of work to do...
Ok, I'm not serious.
I believe that at Konami they have to start from the basics: how an arm moves, how the legs run; and not try to have 22 people play in a stadium with a 80,000 audience...
Positively, LT & X absolutely slaughters an opponent without conceding as many fouls - it leads to some absolutely hilarious grapples/throws of the player(s). Credit to Konami, this buggy mess has /at least/ entertained me for the WTF moments....
This just reminded me of that time I tried to get a refund for 2020 & the $20 of coins I got for it.
They sent me some crap response about "wrong department" .. from 3 different attempts @ 3 different departments :LMAO:
Ofcourse this is the part that I gave up & took the L. (as the system intended)

I really believed in that demo. They ruined something WITH a solid base, I have no faith they are gonna fix something that's totally broken @ launch.
mate pes 2020 after the demo was my first original game since fifa 07, that i got from mom and dad at christmas and they choose it

us brazilians are the "bootleg" kings
Imagine you go to a restaurant and the waiter serves you raw steak and of course you quip; "Excuse me what the fuck?" And the waiter says "Well Sir, It's a steak! Please be excited and please enjoy!"

"But if you want to wait I'll return in an hour with a correctly prepared and cooked one for you..."
"Please enjoy this steak-like experience 🙏❤️"
Has anyone started working on any mods?
Because this year there is a lot of work to do...
Ok, I'm not serious.
I believe that at Konami they have to start from the basics: how an arm moves, how the legs run; and not try to have 22 people play in a stadium with a 80,000 audience...

Not about mods, but about stats : they're not compatible with PES 2021.
The range have totally changed. I could base on OVR to upgrade/dowgrade player by keeping the PES 2021, i think for that the "system" or rating is the same, only the way to set stats is different.
I checked closely, selecting player that would logically be untouched from 2021 to 2022 and no : it's totally different.
Percentage of difference is way bigger, and many stats for some players are pretty toned down.
Probably the range is now from 30 to 95, and it was before to 50 to 98 (for not featured players)
There's rules on stats on older PES (like for example under 60 on P.Contact : the player will always fall, not on Efotbol) so it's incompatible.
And then people thinks they are paid by Konami
If he's linked with Pesuniverse guys doing review (especially, not editor like i was), then there not "paid" but very linked, and they got benefits, invitation etc.
For example i received for free the two last version of PES, and some gifts, when you're working day and night for the first release...
Well only received PES 2021 and a FM 2021 but both were for editing in fact lol. Nothing else. I think it's normal, but i also think even if he send to every people some gifts, the 2 owners didn't gived us more than 10% of what they received. They job was to keep the website alive (not easy, but compared to what we have to do, it's like 1 hour per day vs 10 hours)

Don't think i ever got time to try a single match before 3 weeks lol. I didn't it wanted so.

But about Spoony, i think it could be a way to say "i played a wayyy better version"... Like TTB or whoever who's with Pesuniverse. Like Adam Bhatti said something bad regarding the game on his Twitter ;)
Well I hope that's a good omen.

I'm sure there'll be updates up the arse unless this is really gonna be a pump and dump game.

But the point is, If you need to promise a massive patch to fix this and expect people to remain patient and optimistic, than you know it was never ready to release in the first place so the question is, with inevitable scorn in mind... Why release?

Imagine you go to a restaurant and the waiter serves you raw steak and of course you quip; "Excuse me what the fuck?" And the waiter says "Well Sir, It's a steak! Please be excited and please enjoy!"

"But if you want to wait I'll return in an hour with a correctly prepared and cooked one for you..."

Imagine if that exchange happened in a real life situation, how utterly bizarre, inappropriate and irrational that would be? You'd expect to wait however long it takes for cooked steak the first time round, not experience the interaction and serving of an uncooked one for the sake of them proving they have steaks in progress.

That's all I have for my cynical analogy for one late Monday evening.

I'm guessing we're all beta testing for mobile users. "Console" PES sold 111 million copies over the past decade. PES Mobile? 400M current downloads. We aren't the main audience. They want the launch on Android and iOS to be as smooth as possible and that's why they didn't get the demo yet.
Well, ddl is one thing, i downloaded it (without playing a game i already said : i needed one player stats from J-League) but how much money they won with it is an indicator vs Myclub and games sold.
The game was free too. And you weren't forced to buy pack to get a reasonable team.
I love how his excel sheet has a better color design than eFootball! :APPLAUD:

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This guy is genuinely clueless. Ball touch control is probably the only good thing about this demo-like experience, and the tutorial makes it clear what it is.

I still remember him trying to tell me that Messi couldn't do step overs because he didn't have the high speed step over skill lol and this who they rely on for feedback...

Thanks for the memories pro_too..18 when that came out and I loved it dearly!.
You're not being very rigorous in how you're arguing for this potted history.

The second bullet point: it's in an interview on an obscure Russian site in 2018 (you can tell from the context of the conversation and the build-up to PES 2019). We have no idea the accuracy of the translation (perhaps a double translation at that). He talks about engine plans in what can only be understood as extremely tentative terms. The next-gen consoles he alludes to – at that point we still had no idea about them, in terms of nomenclature, release year, technical specifications, etc. To take what he says there as indicative of any real plan for next-gen/current-gen PES was always silly, and got sillier with time. I can't believe people still bring this up as though it was some settled intention on the basis of this one source.

Your first bullet point – I think there's been some back and forth about the claim, and similar claims as to who was the "boss" of different games, in this thread already. But the truth of what you've asserted there is not clear to me. Do you have any solid evidence on that front? (And clarified in a manner that isn't "boss".)

The third bullet point is written tendentiously. You take for granted in that stage of your reconstructed history that there was this next-gen version in the works, and reference it casually as though not contestable and based on very weak evidence.

Then how you talk about cross-play ("the leadership changed to Kimura and cross-play became the focus") – we honestly have no idea when cross-play became an earnest ambition, but we can see that mobile was doing well for them well beyond last year, they integrated a new currency cross-platform earlier, and built promotional tie-ins on console to celebrate (i.e. promote) the mobile game even further back.

Notice also how you start with a time indicator ("about the same time last year") and that implicitly structures the rest of what follows, but that's just not plausible. We know, e.g., the Masuda interview (about which obviously there are huge doubts anyway) was in 2018. So even if your claim about change of leadership is true, it doesn't mean that decisions about cross-play or F2P structure had to happen according to your implicit timeframe – could easily have been under Masuda (again, given your leadership history) in, say, 2019.

The last thing is that I'm not sure how these companies run, but I doubt the individual has that much control over direction as is being assumed here anyway. There will be boardroom meetings with various important people and stakeholders, shareholder representatives, etc. It is a decision that will have to have been made in concert anyway.

In short, I think we've got scant evidence to really conclude there was some noble direction of the franchise led by some fallen hero, who was dastardly struck down by the corporate-brownnose, who waded in and changed things up last minute. I also don't know why we need such a narrative. We certainly don't need it to make sense of the direction of the franchise (which has been consistent) and the industry more broadly. We don't need it to make sense of the shoddiness of this product either.
Do you still doubt that a next generation version was in the works and was eventually canceled?

You still have doubts. Must you see official sources to believe you?

The true version of the ninth generation was under construction. Incidentally, the development of this version continued until 6 months ago. And was canceled for various reasons. Many of the ninth generation developers are no longer on the eFootball development team.

Have you forgotten what Mr. Hosoda, the producer of the PES series, said? And the words of the play director Masuda? And so are Lennart Bobzien!?

Have you not seen the dismissal of many employees and the changes in Konami?

It is clear that until 6 months ago, the ninth generation version was in development. But all of a sudden, the real version of the ninth generation was canceled for various reasons. Seitaro Kimura came and implemented his plan.

Hosoda spoke six months ago :

For Manorito Hosoda the most successful esports are for free and portability. That's why Konami launched PES Lite, the free and mobile version of eFootball PES. Many of the sports games sold around the world, such as football or basketball, must be purchased by players (who also have to buy consoles, eventually), and esports events are not available on mobile. If we can change the situation, we will give games based on traditional sports a greater chance of success. Sports in the real world can even be played on the street or in open spaces, and I believe we will need to achieve a similar level of accessibility. Precisely for this reason PES has decided to bring esports to mobile phones and has created PES Lite, a free version of the game for consoles. If we offer everyone the opportunity to organize export tournaments, the number of tournaments will increase

Read Hosoda words carefully, you will notice that their publishing policies have not changed until then. As always, they wanted to release a free version of the game in PES Lite.

And what does vague Russian site mean?

The interview was conducted directly with Masuda, and Masuda had made it clear that the new graphics engine would only be seen on ninth-generation consoles. And eighth-generation consoles with Fox engines will continue to operate. You even use this obvious interview as an excuse to be mistranslated and other excuses!

The ninth generation version was under construction for three years. In short, due to the corona, high production costs and Konami's greed and many other issues, it was eventually canceled.

Was this Konami the first time he had done this? They are masters at destroying their own big IPs.

There are many other interviews and explanations that I can put here to let you know that the real generation version of the ninth generation was in use. This eFootball is very flawed because it has only been developed for 6 months.

The mobile version, developed with the code Unreal 4, adds new features to it, and due to the cross-platform, the game has become a disaster that we all see.
I doubt Spoony Pizzas credibility.

He states that he played a completely different version one week before.
Okay, here is what I think.
He played the same code as the official release, he kinda liked it, but because he saw that the reception of the community is really negative after the release, he used the "different version" trick just to go with the flow and keep his reputation and his channel rolling, to avoid booing.

I remember there was a dispute about him a couple of weeks ago, right?
Just booted up the PS5 version and this looks a lot better than my PC (On a RTX 3080 lol).

PC version getting shafted (again) barely got any attention because of how much of a shitshow this has been lol
Just booted up the PS5 version and this looks a lot better than my PC (On a RTX 3080 lol).

PC version getting shafted (again) barely got any attention because of how much of a shitshow this has been lol

how is the response time in comparison, pc is barely playable, controlling bunch of drunkards..
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