eFootball (All Platforms)

lol for the most part they are right until they hit this precious “I am enjoying the ‘oomph’ of the shooting, through balls are more reliable and effective than in FIFA 22, and Konami also outdoes EA where commentary is concerned, staying with likable PES duo Peter Drury and Jim Beglin. That’s your lot.
I'm starting to learning the use of R2 with slowing down and bursting and with quick tap to throw the ball into a direction.|
I managed to pass through 3 defenders with Neymar with this skills, with a lot of sweat., so rewarding.
Pure soccer magic, straight from reality.
I haven't felt so ecstatic and overwhelmed for a game since FIFA 11 for PC.
Really can't wait to see how this game will evolve.
Also curious how this will develop. While I understand the disappointment I am trying to see things less emotionally. It's all we got for now and most likely the next months. And it does have it's moments when you give it some extended time.

I love, eg, the headers. In all of 20 and 21 I was unable to pull a header that wasn't limp or floaty – doesn't matter whether out of incompetence or because that's the way they were designed. In this one (Steam version, extended), second match, I scored a screaming beauty with Lewa from almost outside the box. Extremely Lewa-esque. I also like how the COM defenders take their time, weigh their options, how Süle flicks the ball left and right before committing to a pass. Tells me that despite everything, there was someone who spent a thought or two on gameplay.

Speaking of Süle: how he suddenly appears around the opponent's box trying to sneak in a dribbling. That's exactly what he does at the moment IRL. Love how Alphonso Davies moves, how Sané dribbles. Maybe blinded by my Bayern-glasses, but I really like it, hate me all you want. Also like the players' bodies and faces. Compared to an even fully patched 21 PC version they generally look so much better – weird facial expressions here and there notwithstanding.

Sure, plenty of unfinished things: Colissions, players constantly overshooting, ball too heavy, team AI often braindead. Visually I hate the pitch textures, the spectators and the general de-saturated lighting, but community will fix this sooner or later. I am confident.

My biggest concern is that with all the complaints they will roll it back to something older just to be on the safe side. I liked 21 a lot and still play it, but I am also getting bored by it's repetitive patterns.
Deportivo is a Spanish word, not Italian. I.e.: Deportivo La Coruna, Deportivo Alavés, etc...
correct, my fault!! apologies (@Lukaku6945 and @bukowski )! got that wrong in a hurry! i'm not better than Andi Möller! :LOL:
my joke still stands, for me! southern europe teams are all the same! ;) ...na really... at least they sound kinda the same to me!

let me think about something with sportivo then... ;)

edit: in brazil there seem to be sportivo and deportivo clubs. interesting.
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I miss those days when games had no option but to release the best game they can do, no option to update or fix their games online or even to add DLCs, all companies back then had to release a full game where you get ALL CONTENT with $60 and have a perfectly running game bug-free due to strict QA as there's no going back!! Companies focused only on story, gameplay and true gaming elements.
The era of online updates and DLCs/microtransactions is destroying the gaming industry, no company now has to focus on quality anymore, just focus on release dates and online sh*t regardless of the game itself, online is destroying the industry to the point that Konami had the audacity to release such a product depending only on "future updates"!!
I miss those days when games had no option but to release the best game they can do, no option to update or fix their games online or even to add DLCs, all companies back then had to release a full game where you get ALL CONTENT with $60 and have a perfectly running game bug-free due to strict QA as there's no going back!! Companies focused only on story, gameplay and true gaming elements.
The era of online updates and DLCs/microtransactions is destroying the gaming industry, no company now has to focus on quality anymore, just focus on release dates and online sh*t regardless of the game itself, online is destroying the industry to the point that Konami had the audacity to release such a product depending only on "future updates"!!

This photo comparison really fucking pisses me off about eFootball and Konami. Luke Shaw and other players look close to reality and would've been something I'd happily enjoy right now if they simply continued to release PES 2022 rather than press reset and release satan incarnate, eFootball 2022. Even an iterative PS4-gen update would've been better than this pile of horse shit.


My heart really sank in these last few weeks because it's the first time I won't have a new annual football game that I want to play. The photo on the left confirms why I simply can't play the game that *shall not be named* (plus they exclusively have the Milan license but 50% of the players have no faces).

I just can't get my head around the fact that Konami went through and did the opposite of the saying 'if it ain't broke....'. They bloody broke it and sadly won't ever fix it!!!!!!!! Whatever update they release, the game has fundamentally changed and I don't think it'll ever be the game for me. I really am so sad that from now on, I can only play Football Manager if I want realism.... or a previous PES.

I don't even know if this post expresses how greatly sad I am about this situation. I really can't believe how they've taken a step back in almost all directions. Simple details like grass, replays, shot feints.... the whole thing. I know people have been banging on about this for 300+ posts, but thought I'd join this parade of hate.

And here's my theory for those that care....
Since Fox engine was born from Kojima and MGS, I suspect there might be some legal or licensing limitations that prevent Konami from starting from scratch without starting from 0. And since his sacking, maybe they aren't allowed to update or change the fundamental code. Hence all the bullshit about using wrappers and poor coding. I also suspect that since Konami is big on gaming/gambling, this is a shortcut to monetising a game with historically mediocre sales. Stand out videogames has long been on the decline for them.... just look at their track record of recent years. It's no surprise to me that this is the nail in the coffin for their big gaming IPs. There are rumours of them remastering MGS and Castlevania through 3rd party developers... which again says it all. They can't be bothered to do it themselves so will get someone else to do it to make a quick buck on the next generation consoles.
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I miss those days when games had no option but to release the best game they can do, no option to update or fix their games online or even to add DLCs, all companies back then had to release a full game where you get ALL CONTENT with $60 and have a perfectly running game bug-free due to strict QA as there's no going back!! Companies focused only on story, gameplay and true gaming elements.
The era of online updates and DLCs/microtransactions is destroying the gaming industry, no company now has to focus on quality anymore, just focus on release dates and online sh*t regardless of the game itself, online is destroying the industry to the point that Konami had the audacity to release such a product depending only on "future updates"!!

It’s why I never buy any of that stuff like coins or ultimate team shite. The only DLC I purchase is for story based games/RPGs etc even then i usually skip more than invest. Publishers advertising season passes before a game is even out is taking the piss too.

This was all starting to take shape in the PS3/360 era and it’s sad to see. I’m not one to dictate to people how they should spend their own money, I just think it’s sad that for all the advances in technology the industry is regressing in some areas.

The people who shill for these companies can do one too and those who placate them.
I miss those days when games had no option but to release the best game they can do, no option to update or fix their games online or even to add DLCs, all companies back then had to release a full game where you get ALL CONTENT with $60 and have a perfectly running game bug-free due to strict QA as there's no going back!! Companies focused only on story, gameplay and true gaming elements.
The era of online updates and DLCs/microtransactions is destroying the gaming industry, no company now has to focus on quality anymore, just focus on release dates and online sh*t regardless of the game itself, online is destroying the industry to the point that Konami had the audacity to release such a product depending only on "future updates"!!
Generally speaking that's the trend nowadays but there are still great "new" games with focus on single player experience, story and gameplay and no paid DLC's or microtransactions.
Got Days Gone on PC and it's one of my all-time favourite games ever.
correct, my fault!! apologies (@Lukaku6945 and @bukowski )! got that wrong in a hurry! i'm not better than Andi Möller! :LOL:
my joke still stands, for me! southern europe teams are all the same! ;) ...na really... at least they sound kinda the same to me!

let me think about something with sportivo then... ;)

edit: in brazil there seem to be sportivo and deportivo clubs. interesting.
You move on very small ice my friend. :BLINK::NONO::?
A bazillion times this. The player you switch to is almost always on their heels and/or facing the wrong way. By the time they're under control they're redundant as you've switched to the next corpse. Rinse and repeat... Your best form of defence is the game's incompetence in attack, waiting for it to screw your opponent over with an especially snail-like pass or abandonment of the ball.

This is one of those horrible features very much taken from recent PESs - the instant you switch to a new player, his first action is to either stop or begin running the wrong way - and it's obviously deliberately programmed this way by Konami to stop the game being too easy. It's makes for such a bad gameplay experience.

Inevitably, Konami have carried forward this cheat into eFootball. Until they ditch the Fox engine, expect the same list of Fox engine cheats that everyone has grown to despise. This is my biggest disappointment about eFootball - seeing some of the worst features of Fox live on.
As much as it pains me that this is my end of buying football games, I feel some sort of weird comfort knowing that it's KONAMI's end of selling them too - or at least beginning of an end. In a "if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me" type of feel. It brings me peace.
You're not being very rigorous in how you're arguing for this potted history.

The second bullet point: it's in an interview on an obscure Russian site in 2018 (you can tell from the context of the conversation and the build-up to PES 2019). We have no idea the accuracy of the translation (perhaps a double translation at that). He talks about engine plans in what can only be understood as extremely tentative terms. The next-gen consoles he alludes to – at that point we still had no idea about them, in terms of nomenclature, release year, technical specifications, etc. To take what he says there as indicative of any real plan for next-gen/current-gen PES was always silly, and got sillier with time. I can't believe people still bring this up as though it was some settled intention on the basis of this one source.

Your first bullet point – I think there's been some back and forth about the claim, and similar claims as to who was the "boss" of different games, in this thread already. But the truth of what you've asserted there is not clear to me. Do you have any solid evidence on that front? (And clarified in a manner that isn't "boss".)

The third bullet point is written tendentiously. You take for granted in that stage of your reconstructed history that there was this next-gen version in the works, and reference it casually as though not contestable and based on very weak evidence.

Then how you talk about cross-play ("the leadership changed to Kimura and cross-play became the focus") – we honestly have no idea when cross-play became an earnest ambition, but we can see that mobile was doing well for them well beyond last year, they integrated a new currency cross-platform earlier, and built promotional tie-ins on console to celebrate (i.e. promote) the mobile game even further back.

Notice also how you start with a time indicator ("about the same time last year") and that implicitly structures the rest of what follows, but that's just not plausible. We know, e.g., the Masuda interview (about which obviously there are huge doubts anyway) was in 2018. So even if your claim about change of leadership is true, it doesn't mean that decisions about cross-play or F2P structure had to happen according to your implicit timeframe – could easily have been under Masuda (again, given your leadership history) in, say, 2019.

The last thing is that I'm not sure how these companies run, but I doubt the individual has that much control over direction as is being assumed here anyway. There will be boardroom meetings with various important people and stakeholders, shareholder representatives, etc. It is a decision that will have to have been made in concert anyway.

In short, I think we've got scant evidence to really conclude there was some noble direction of the franchise led by some fallen hero, who was dastardly struck down by the corporate-brownnose, who waded in and changed things up last minute. I also don't know why we need such a narrative. We certainly don't need it to make sense of the direction of the franchise (which has been consistent) and the industry more broadly. We don't need it to make sense of the shoddiness of this product either.

I don't disagree with your reservations and conclusion. Yes, both these guys have been 'Directors' and 'Producers' of the games over the past 20 years. Durandil actually picked up evidence that Masuda is credited on a 2020 patent to control a game on a touchscreen... so he's not as completely detached from mobile PES as I had previously thought.

And yes, Masuda did give a mid-2018 interview saying that the new engine would be used to develop the game for the new PS/Xbox, and that PS4 would stay on Fox Engine forever.... but a lot could have happened since mid-2018, and it's unclear how long they've been working on this before shifting focus to cross-platform.

It's just that eFootball is so, so stripped down compared to PES 2021, that there is no way they've spent the past 3 years developing it. Even the ball physics are completely messed up. The bugs, janky transitions, and missing features all point towards a rushed job, and given the fact we KNOW they weren't planning cross-platform from the beginning, it's clear that there was a change in intent, most likely AFTER the Messi teaser reveal.
This is one of those horrible features very much taken from recent PESs - the instant you switch to a new player, his first action is to either stop or begin running the wrong way - and it's obviously deliberately programmed this way by Konami to stop the game being too easy. It's makes for such a bad gameplay experience.

Inevitably, Konami have carried forward this cheat into eFootball. Until they ditch the Fox engine, expect the same list of Fox engine cheats that everyone has grown to despise. This is my biggest disappointment about eFootball - seeing some of the worst features of Fox live on.

Yup. While I have to commend Konami for somehow making it worse for eFootball (TEE EHM), it has to be noted that this has plagued PES for years. One of the many instances I find myself thinking: "you managed this 15 years ago so how come..."
YongYea, Mutahar, and now Jim Sterling. This is really a new low for Konami.
It won't be long until other reaction channels (especially M0istCritikal/penguinz0) have their take on this turd. 🤣
That video is bob on. Its horrendous. I can't understand how anyone finds anything redeemable in it. its completely unacceptable in 2021 on next generation consoles.
I don't disagree with your reservations and conclusion. Yes, both these guys have been 'Directors' and 'Producers' of the games over the past 20 years. Durandil actually picked up evidence that Masuda is credited on a 2020 patent to control a game on a touchscreen... so he's not as completely detached from mobile PES as I had previously thought.

And yes, Masuda did give a mid-2018 interview saying that the new engine would be used to develop the game for the new PS/Xbox, and that PS4 would stay on Fox Engine forever.... but a lot could have happened since mid-2018, and it's unclear how long they've been working on this before shifting focus to cross-platform.

It's just that eFootball is so, so stripped down compared to PES 2021, that there is no way they've spent the past 3 years developing it. Even the ball physics are completely messed up. The bugs, janky transitions, and missing features all point towards a rushed job, and given the fact we KNOW they weren't planning cross-platform from the beginning, it's clear that there was a change in intent, most likely AFTER the Messi teaser reveal.

I'm not a game dev, but I think we may be underestimating how trivial-sounding migrations (such as switching rendering from Fox Engine to U4) can take a long ass time.

I'm sure that PES code everywhere probably referenced Fox Engine primitives directly. Those would have to be either be abstracted or converted to-and-fro Unreal's. And perhaps some of these conversions are not trivial (and poor translation could've resulted in some of the weird physics).

Though, I suspect most of the physics is still done by Fox Engine code (with UE4 handling rendering, networking, etc).

It's not clear from what you wrote that they weren't planning on doing cross-platform early on. Could be that PS5/Xbox/Mobile getting the new games (and thus being cross-platform), with older platforms getting "season updates".

Of course, making a console football game cross platform with mobile sounds like a difficult engineering problem in its own right.

And that's before we add covid to the mix.
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