eFootball (All Platforms)

Oh, stop the drama. It's a computer games company, not big pharma, tobacco or the Republican Party. You and I have paid them for many years for stuff we never used, most likely more than 10 Euro on average.

And at the end of the day more harm will be done by the millions who use the F2P option in confirming their new strategy than by the few who pay for DLC.

It's a PES forum, mostly. What do you want us to talk about?.
This is a big deal for us, for the forum. It is a dramatic event for a place like this.
Oh, stop the drama. It's a computer games company, not big pharma, tobacco or the Republican Party. You and I have paid them for many years for stuff we never used, most likely more than 10 Euro on average.

And at the end of the day more harm will be done by the millions who use the F2P option in confirming their new strategy than by the few who pay for DLC.
In the end of they they will fail .
You can not beat a successful business with the same idea that already exists in the market.
Some will download it, but after that they will go to buy fifa.
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I haven't downloaded PES Mobile before but just had a look at the store page and saw this;


"Contains ads"

Even if you don't spend money on the microtransactions, gambling or DLC then Konami will probably still profit from your participation through ads. I don't know whether it's video ads, banner ads or the ingame adboards but it seems they just want volume of people no matter what platform.
I like how you watch over this thread like big brother(won't name but you know I'm talking to you).:P
Sorry for shitting on you from all of us back in the day. At least now we can be pissed together. :LMAO:
Yeah I'm frankly in no position at all to ascertain what's plausible with the technology they're using. But I dunno, I don't think it reads like a LARP or a shill. Probably someone internal/contracted who is genuinely disappointed with the reveal, has worked on it a long time, wants to clarify some things, and is overselling the good parts of it just to counteract the negativity.

Edit: as for accidentally showing poorer footage.. I know it sounds implausible, but COME ON, this is Konami we're talking about it. They are genuinely that incompetent. It could be the person clearing it was like "yeah, just put in the footage we captured a while back, it's only a few seconds here and there. Make sure you get lots of Iniesta/Pique/Messi in it. The big sell here is the F2P model and the cross-play system. They're gonna love it."

Like I can genuinely imagine this company going into it with that mindset. (And Weedens just left too, so whoever made it probably didn't know what they were doing, selecting footage and splicing it together.) Konami do not know their audience – at least, the online, vocal audience in Europe and Brazil. They really don't. The way this whole game release has been marketed and handled so far is evidence of that. The way they release previous games is evidence of that.

Is it stretching the imagination that they didn't use the best quality footage they had in that trailer? I really don't think so. But that scepticism alone is not proof of there being higher-quality footage.

The reason I tend towards a LARP is due to having seen so many in other contexts in recent times, some people are really quite good at concocting a story that would appear to convey inside knowledge. A lot of the time the purpose of the LARP is not necessarily to push a certain agenda, but just to get people to play along and take them seriously, keep asking follow up questions etc. (QAnon being the ultimate example). Judging by that thread and all the questions/replies it was highly successful.

I take your point about incompetence possibly explaining the trailer footage, but I still don't think it passes the sniff test. The beta exhibited the same phenomenon of differing qualities between cut scenes/gameplay, it just seems to be a feature of this platform that they've built for cross-play. The auto-scaling he talked about is not impossible in theory, but I'm not aware of any precedent for it in existing games and I highly doubt this team has built something that cutting edge, I mean they could barely get 1v1 online working on the same console and suddenly they are delivering a game that is substantially different depending on the device of the opponent? "If you match a mobile user, you will essentially be playing a mobile game." I would bet decent money on that being a crock of shit, it will be the same game on all devices, the only thing that will scale is the graphics depending on what hardware you yourself have, but his concept of the gameplay being different depending on the hardware doesn't make any sense, can you imagine what a clusterfuck that would be? Oh I've matched a mobile user, half of my controls have been disabled. Completely different gameplay from one match to the next? I don't think even Konami are that mental.
Yeah I'm frankly in no position at all to ascertain what's plausible with the technology they're using. But I dunno, I don't think it reads like a LARP or a shill. Probably someone internal/contracted who is genuinely disappointed with the reveal, has worked on it a long time, wants to clarify some things, and is overselling the good parts of it just to counteract the negativity.

Edit: as for accidentally showing poorer footage.. I know it sounds implausible, but COME ON, this is Konami we're talking about it. They are genuinely that incompetent. It could be the person clearing it was like "yeah, just put in the footage we captured a while back, it's only a few seconds here and there. Make sure you get lots of Iniesta/Pique/Messi in it. The big sell here is the F2P model and the cross-play system. They're gonna love it."

Like I can genuinely imagine this company going into it with that mindset. (And Weedens just left too, so whoever made it probably didn't know what they were doing, selecting footage and splicing it together.) Konami do not know their audience – at least, the online, vocal audience in Europe and Brazil. They really don't. The way this whole game release has been marketed and handled so far is evidence of that. The way they release previous games is evidence of that.

Is it stretching the imagination that they didn't use the best quality footage they had in that trailer? I really don't think so. But that scepticism alone is not proof of there being higher-quality footage.

Of course it's plausible. Everything's possible with Konami.
In fact, if this game is aimed so much at Mobile, it would make all the sense in the world for them to show more footage of how it's going to look in Mobile than in Next-Gen consoles.

The problem with it all is that nothing is clear. The trailer is only 6 minutes long with minimum in-game footage and there's no specifics on which bits belong to which platform. Which is obviously on purpose.

If all of it was from the Next-Gen version then it would be VERY worrying.

I have to say though that some player models looked outstanding. 2x better than in recent PES versions.
Much more refined and stylized. Less bulky.

I know we shouldn't get our hopes up, at all. And this will be a very cliché phrase but really, there's nothing else to do but "let's wait and see".
I haven't downloaded PES Mobile before but just had a look at the store page and saw this;

View attachment 111869

"Contains ads"

Even if you don't spend money on the microtransactions, gambling or DLC then Konami will probably still profit from your participation through ads. I don't know whether it's video ads, banner ads or the ingame adboards but it seems they just want volume of people no matter what platform.

Having a bit of experience with various mobile games (always from f2p perspective), ads are usually not imposed to users - if you play them, you get some rewards, that's the usual scheme.

I had mobile pes installed in first 2 seasons since they released it, but never got into playing it, was just curious.
The thing is that you have limited "energy" pool and each match consumes some energy. No energy - no plays - either wait for it to recover slowly (hours and hours) or pay with $$$ - or watch an advertisment and e.g. receive small amount of energy.
There were no ads in those 2 seasons, when i had it.

One more thing about mobile PES - it is the same title (service you might say), which just gets new branding each year. I'm pretty sure that those 100+ million of downloads are CUMULATIVE downloads from the Day 1 (about 4 or 5 years now). With new "season" the tally in store never fell to 0, it simply continued to grow.

Also about seasonal resets - don't know if it got changed, but at the end of season 1 nothing terrible happened to my team. I kept everyone I had, with warnings that certain players or managers might be gone, since they are not available in Season 2 (licensing, ...). So, it could have been trainwreck had i collected Borussia Dortmund crew in 2017 and then in 2018 Dortmund is out, back to EA.
No forced team wipe, but individual mileage might vary, depending on the team. You got some random replacements, but hey ...
I've played pes mobile. Not religiously, but still plenty of hours. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer.
Also, trying to look at it from the most positive perspective...
What if paid DLCs are actually a good thing? What if it allows them to focus on each game mode for a longer period of time instead of having to work on a whole game in just one year? (let's forget about the 2 years in the making thing for now until we really know more about it).

For example.
What if, this allows them to work on a proper Master League for 3-4 months before releasing it and then some more in 6 months, adding more and more to it?. Releasing updates intermittently to different areas of the game. Improving graphics. Database. MyClub. Etc.

For a very long time we've felt like each new version was 'rushed'. Like they didn't pay enough attention to each area. Probably because there weren't enough people working on it and also because of the pressure of having to release a new version every year. So maybe this way allows them to concentrate on one task at a time during a longer period of time.
Someone on Twitter said something like "Master League DLC will be the perfect excuse for them to ditch it next year saying people didn't show enough interest" - I disagree.
Imagine if they actually come up with an amazing Master League, updating it over time. They can get millions of dollars out of it selling it at 10 or 15USD.

There'd be no need for them to boycott it when they can actually make lots of money out of it.

Same goes for every other game mode they plan to release.
Someone on Twitter said something like "Master League DLC will be the perfect excuse for them to ditch it next year saying people didn't show enough interest" - I disagree.
Imagine if they actually come up with an amazing Master League, updating it over time. They can get millions of dollars out of it selling it at 10 or 15USD.

There'd be no need for them to boycott it when they can actually make lots of money out of it.

Same goes for every other game mode they plan to release.
But again, this is Konami we're talking about...
Someone on Twitter said something like "Master League DLC will be the perfect excuse for them to ditch it next year saying people didn't show enough interest" - I disagree.
Imagine if they actually come up with an amazing Master League, updating it over time. They can get millions of dollars out of it selling it at 10 or 15USD.

There'd be no need for them to boycott it when they can actually make lots of money out of it.

Same goes for every other game mode they plan to release.
Chuny i love your optimism .

but konami not going to make any changes on the master league.
This whole mess is very reminiscent of GT Sport where some genius decided racing vs AI was boring and nobody wanted that anymore... then they discovered several million people did buy Gran Turismo games to play offline and not everyone enjoys the win at any cost carnage most public online games are.
Indeed, the GT Sport situation has a lot of similarities to this, including that interview where Konami have pretty much said that offline is not the focus, it reminds me of that GT Sport trailer in which they essentially said: "what? you enjoy playing the career events and build up a collection of cars you like, which has always been the main focus of the franchise and the reason most people got the game? LOL! GET ON WITH THE TIMES, GRANDPA! ESPORTS AND COMPETITION IS WHERE IT'S AT!". It was insulting, eventually they added a career through an update, it was the most bare bones one in the franchise's history, with the most bare bones AI, and you had to be connected to the internet to even save the game. Thankfully they went back to the original direction with Gran Turismo 7, after GT Sport sold poorly and had a lot of fans not even bother with it, maybe the same can happen here, but I doubt it, the Free To Play model will make sure Konami has a player base big enough to make it so losing us doesn't matter.

Having a bit of experience with various mobile games (always from f2p perspective), ads are usually not imposed to users - if you play them, you get some rewards, that's the usual scheme.

I had mobile pes installed in first 2 seasons since they released it, but never got into playing it, was just curious.
The thing is that you have limited "energy" pool and each match consumes some energy. No energy - no plays - either wait for it to recover slowly (hours and hours) or pay with $$$ - or watch an advertisment and e.g. receive small amount of energy.
There were no ads in those 2 seasons, when i had it.

One more thing about mobile PES - it is the same title (service you might say), which just gets new branding each year. I'm pretty sure that those 100+ million of downloads are CUMULATIVE downloads from the Day 1 (about 4 or 5 years now). With new "season" the tally in store never fell to 0, it simply continued to grow.

Also about seasonal resets - don't know if it got changed, but at the end of season 1 nothing terrible happened to my team. I kept everyone I had, with warnings that certain players or managers might be gone, since they are not available in Season 2 (licensing, ...). So, it could have been trainwreck had i collected Borussia Dortmund crew in 2017 and then in 2018 Dortmund is out, back to EA.
No forced team wipe, but individual mileage might vary, depending on the team. You got some random replacements, but hey ...
Thanks for the info, interesting to hear how it works having not downloaded it.

I've played a few mobile games and am familiar with those mechanics using "energy", I wonder whether the console/PC eFootball will have this... Sounds outrageous for those platforms but with the product being cross-platform and seemingly being so similar, mobile players would be angry at having to either watch ads or pay to refill their energy when console/PC plays for free.
Another bit of news about upcoming Master League from Konami
Oh dear. Don't tell me that your players start the ML campaign with bare feet and then have to buy boots for them via microtransactions, otherwise they'd enter the pitch with sandals (and that would make all of their stats drop by 10%).
Also, trying to look at it from the most positive perspective...
What if paid DLCs are actually a good thing? What if it allows them to focus on each game mode for a longer period of time instead of having to work on a whole game in just one year? (let's forget about the 2 years in the making thing for now until we really know more about it).

For example.
What if, this allows them to work on a proper Master League for 3-4 months before releasing it and then some more in 6 months, adding more and more to it?. Releasing updates intermittently to different areas of the game. Improving graphics. Database. MyClub. Etc.

For a very long time we've felt like each new version was 'rushed'. Like they didn't pay enough attention to each area. Probably because there weren't enough people working on it and also because of the pressure of having to release a new version every year. So maybe this way allows them to concentrate on one task at a time during a longer period of time.
Looking at it THE MOST positive way, assuming the reddit post was 100% truth, and erasing konami's history well...
-We have an EVOlving football platform (which is not a bad idea IF done correctly)
-You only need to pay for features you want (IMO only works if let's say the ML DLC even if its just copy pasted with barely new features at first costs aroud 10-15€, and they won't go full dead or alive, milking you for every newly licensed team, kit update, new hairstyle for Neymar, or 2 new stadium enterance animation which they probably will)
-At least Data-pack level updates every 3 months or so further updating visuals and basic gameplay (UE5 transition along the way)
-True next-gen experience for the new consoles and PC
-PC still moddable to almost the same extent as the FOX games.
-Generating enough revenue from MTX MyClub and mobile crew, and using the money to update the game and acquiring more licenses
-And good gameplay obviously

Sounds waaaaay too good to be true, and if by any chance something like this happes, then it will all come down to the pricing of these "DLCs"

Also kinda surprised i haven't seen this guy here
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Oh dear. Don't tell me that your players start the ML campaign with bare feet and then have to buy boots for them via microtransactions, otherwise they'd enter the pitch with sandals (and that would make all of their stats drop by 10%).
I still remember the bizarre “magic boots” feature that no one asked for in PES 2013. And it was discovered few days before launch, what were they thinking
Looks like the “move to new game engine” curse is set to strike again. I’m definitely feeling the PES 2014 launch vibe this year.
Oh dear. Don't tell me that your players start the ML campaign with bare feet and then have to buy boots for them via microtransactions, otherwise they'd enter the pitch with sandals (and that would make all of their stats drop by 10%).

If they're going for realism they should just charge real money for transfers. It would make it so exciting, waiting for a Black Friday sale so you can finally get a good deal on that striker you needed all season.
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