eFootball (All Platforms)

Only one La Bomba allowed in this universe ....

Cmon dude, the OG La Bomba can only be this one . :)
This is hilariously sad for a company like Konami who used to make amazing games but killed all of their best IPs
Well, Yugioh is still standing at least.They are milking it with any possible way now, leading it to destruction, but it prooves to be a tough nut ,in comparison to PES at least.
Or they have already sent it to Armageddon,and we hame not realized itm yet. :)
Looks like a LARP to me, the whole thing about the game auto-scaling depending on the device of your opponent doesn't sound technically plausible. Most likely a Konami shill trying to give people false hope but throwing in the odd negative to keep it believable. The idea that they would accidentally show bad footage in the trailer is just preposterous when you consider how deliberate they were in not releasing any glimpses of the game since the Messi teaser.
Yeah I'm frankly in no position at all to ascertain what's plausible with the technology they're using. But I dunno, I don't think it reads like a LARP or a shill. Probably someone internal/contracted who is genuinely disappointed with the reveal, has worked on it a long time, wants to clarify some things, and is overselling the good parts of it just to counteract the negativity.

Edit: as for accidentally showing poorer footage.. I know it sounds implausible, but COME ON, this is Konami we're talking about it. They are genuinely that incompetent. It could be the person clearing it was like "yeah, just put in the footage we captured a while back, it's only a few seconds here and there. Make sure you get lots of Iniesta/Pique/Messi in it. The big sell here is the F2P model and the cross-play system. They're gonna love it."

Like I can genuinely imagine this company going into it with that mindset. (And Weedens just left too, so whoever made it probably didn't know what they were doing, selecting footage and splicing it together.) Konami do not know their audience – at least, the online, vocal audience in Europe and Brazil. They really don't. The way this whole game release has been marketed and handled so far is evidence of that. The way they release previous games is evidence of that.

Is it stretching the imagination that they didn't use the best quality footage they had in that trailer? I really don't think so. But that scepticism alone is not proof of there being higher-quality footage.
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I don't think Master League or whatever they eventually rename it to will be making an appearance on mobile. It's set to be made available only on 'compatible devices' indicating it won't be released for all platforms.

One thing for sure - they know what they showed this week was sh1t. The next video on the 24th/25th really has to make good on their boast to utilise the full power of next-gen. Comparable to the Messi trailer they teased everyone with, but captured from in-game match footage. They no choice to given the intense burn rightly received this week.
I notice that some of you are considering paying for mobile Master League.
So, the blame is not only on the ”millenniuns” after all.

I'm considering giving PES 2021 a chance. Just got me a new GPU and CPU. I saw some very nice mods on KightMD channel and the game is very cheap on Steam.

From all I gathered yesterday and today, and giving Konami the benefit of a doubt for once (probably stupidly) there'll be a difference between cross-play quality (taking mobile platform as lowest common denominator) and "offline" modes which can fully utilize next gen console power.

Of course there will be nothing new to ML (but the name), most likely it's even more barebones than ever or at most a rehashed 2021 version with an update slapped on. The only critical question is whether they will port the AI code over from Fox or write one from scratch for all devices, which would of course suck. But given that it's pretty much been the only mode I have been playing in the last 20 years I will be happy to shell out 10 quid.

If it's shite it's like I had a bad lunch. And I can always go back to a fully decked out 21 PC version.
Its been a total mess since the trailer came out. So many rumors spread around the social media from various people. People are speculating like crazy from graphic, modes and so on which prove that Konami is so bad at communicating with the consumers
From all I gathered yesterday and today, and giving Konami the benefit of a doubt for once (probably stupidly) there'll be a difference between cross-play quality (taking mobile platform as lowest common denominator) and "offline" modes which can fully utilize next gen console power.

Of course there will be nothing new to ML (but the name), most likely it's even more barebones than ever or at most a rehashed 2021 version with an update slapped on. The only critical question is whether they will port the AI code over from Fox or write one from scratch for all devices, which would of course suck. But given that it's pretty much been the only mode I have been playing in the last 20 years I will be happy to shell out 10 quid.

If it's shite it's like I had a bad lunch. And I can always go back to a fully decked out 21 PC version.
And fund Konami even further for a pile of shite…?………....In principal of how they have treated the gaming community, loyal fan base and simply piled lies on top of lies…they will not get a single penny from me. I’m retro from now on, the franchise is dead to me and the only way to pay that back is to not throw money at them because it’s worth a try…….if it’s free, fine, but no way for anything else. Konami will have a business strategy of so many millions having this attitude or perception….they are shit at marketing but they do know bottom line.
If they dropped the Cross play with mobile and went hard on nextgen, I would be Very excited. I dont find this New business model the end of everything.

I Just suspect that being "free" means being more expensive in the end. I can see they charging for every simples content like boots and balls.
I've been away from PES series for some years and was looking forward for the true new gen game this year.

But oh boy it looks like worst time to get back to it with this "efootball" shenanigans.

One thing I'm really curious about and looking forward to try is how they going to sort out performance with online/crossplay gameplay since that's the new game's focus. It looks like super expensive to get all the infrastructure for playable latency between mobile/pc/console. And PES games never had stable online gameplay to begin with.
Imagine game with 95% focus for online fantasy team lootbox mode not being playabale with all the lag and being target of cheaters/hackers since its free to play. Its gonna be nothing, but downward spiral if they don't do terrific job there.
First "official" Licensing news, good news IMO that it's about a licensed league:

Weird they don't post a link to substantiate the quote/news.

But if it's true: it just underscores how terrible the announcement was. Konami Would be signing leagues and announcing it while the players have no idea whether those leagues would even feature in offline game modes, or really whether those modes would exist and what they would be like.
If it's shite it's like I had a bad lunch.
Yeah but with a bad lunch you can always puke it back up. Or if it's dodgy you can shit your guts out. With this, you can't unplay it. The pain will be seared into your memory for a good time to come.
Why don't we start a petition to send to Konami?

There are a lot of Communities angry, a thousand of people angry too worldwide.

This may not change everything, but at least just show them how wrong they were.

They released a new about ML just 1 day after the trailer, because the anger and the pressure was so big around them.

I think now is the moment to push them to review their plans, we are a lot of people...France, Uk, Italy, Germany, Spain, whole South America Communities and more and we're all a big PES family.

Maybe we can't change a lot of things, but if we can change something we can do it right now.

Social Media are very important nowdays my friends, and a petition with a lot of signatures around the world can be the difference :)
Weird they don't post a link to substantiate the quote/news.

But if it's true: it just underscores how terrible the announcement was. Konami Would be signing leagues and announcing it while the players have no idea whether those leagues would even feature in offline game modes, or really whether those modes would exist and what they would be like.
I think there will be a lot of leaks from now on until their next announcement at the end of August
Why don't we start a petition to send to Konami?

There are a lot of Communities angry, a thousand of people angry too worldwide.

This may not change everything, but at least just show them how wrong they were.

They released a new about ML just 1 day after the trailer, because the anger and the pressure was so big around them.

I think now is the moment to push them to review their plans, we are a lot of people...France, Uk, Italy, Germany, Spain, whole South America Communities and more and we're all a big PES family.

Maybe we can't change a lot of things, but if we can change something we can do it right now.

Social Media are very important nowdays my friends, and a petition with a lot of signatures around the world can be the difference :)
They wouldn't care at all.

I tried to get them to recognise the 11s and the 1v1 leagues when Konami changed the gameplay from the 2020 demo to the release code. Together we were a massive number. We estimated over a thousand, and so far as we could tell, we were all pissed off about the changes. (Not to mention all those here who were annoyed.)

So we made a graphic explaining our issues and what we liked about the demo. We signed it "from thousands of fans". Konami themselves didn't respond to it at all, only Asim noticed it and said the "thousands" claim was likely an exaggeration, and that if the relevant people in Konami saw it they would take a dim view of that.

I mean, I disagree that it was an exaggeration, or that we couldn't presume to speak for thousands who were complaining all over social media. Or the idea (which he often put out and which I always disagreed with) that there's simply a lot of viewpoint diversity and we need to "respect" everyone's opinion – no, we respect the right to an opinion but the content of it is susceptible to being well-founded (or not) and a matter of debate.

But anyway, that was the extent of the response. A dismissal because of one word used. And told that we didn't represent everyone and should respect that some people hated the demo and therefore we didn't have a leg to stand on. That was the response when they cared enough to even have public-facing community managers. Imagine how they'd give even less of a shit now!

And, in retrospect, it was naive to think they'd listen to us in the first place, frankly.
Why don't we start a petition to send to Konami?

There are a lot of Communities angry, a thousand of people angry too worldwide.

This may not change everything, but at least just show them how wrong they were.

They released a new about ML just 1 day after the trailer, because the anger and the pressure was so big around them.

I think now is the moment to push them to review their plans, we are a lot of people...France, Uk, Italy, Germany, Spain, whole South America Communities and more and we're all a big PES family.

Maybe we can't change a lot of things, but if we can change something we can do it right now.

Social Media are very important nowdays my friends, and a petition with a lot of signatures around the world can be the difference :)
They are private company and can do whatever they want. They already invested to make game catering Asian free to play mobile market and its harsh truth to swallow for everyone else.
And fund Konami even further for a pile of shite…?………....In principal of how they have treated the gaming community, loyal fan base and simply piled lies on top of lies…they will not get a single penny from me. I’m retro from now on, the franchise is dead to me and the only way to pay that back is to not throw money at them because it’s worth a try…….if it’s free, fine, but no way for anything else. Konami will have a business strategy of so many millions having this attitude or perception….they are shit at marketing but they do know bottom line.

Oh, stop the drama. It's a computer games company, not big pharma, tobacco or the Republican Party. You and I have paid them for many years for stuff we never used, most likely more than 10 Euro on average.

And at the end of the day more harm will be done by the millions who use the F2P option in confirming their new strategy than by the few who pay for DLC.
Yeah but with a bad lunch you can always puke it back up. Or if it's dodgy you can shit your guts out. With this, you can't unplay it. The pain will be seared into your memory for a good time to come.
Let's wait and see. Come January/February a lot of people who now call for a boycott will download the DLC, and if it's just about to be able to discuss it here.
And fund Konami even further for a pile of shite…?………....In principal of how they have treated the gaming community, loyal fan base and simply piled lies on top of lies…they will not get a single penny from me. I’m retro from now on, the franchise is dead to me and the only way to pay that back is to not throw money at them because it’s worth a try…….if it’s free, fine, but no way for anything else. Konami will have a business strategy of so many millions having this attitude or perception….they are shit at marketing but they do know bottom line.
Unfortunately whatever we do, I see it as a Lose-Lose for us and Win-Win for KoNAMi.

Either you pay for their crap, so they get the money and come with "the new model was successful", and even if it is half-arsed or broken, they can get away with the excuse, "we offered the base for free and You decided to pay, it is your fault, you are playing it wrong, etc"..

Or if we assume the player base decides to punish them with our wallets, so very little people pay for it, it does not gather the target profit and Konami comes with "we told ya, not enough players are interested anymore for Master League this epoch, it was the right decision to tear game modes apart, etc"..

As I see it, they just have a "legit" excuse now, to keep the mode half-arsed and regressed and they can scrap it fast or let it dieing slowly..
They implied in the Messi video that it'd be UE5 with crazy graphics but it'll actually be the older UE4....
Konami are an unprofessional joke of a company, but this is not true. They didn't state or imply it, and they didn't use UE5 to render that model (they did it in UE4).

It's still a very capable engine, and from what I gather other studios only recently got access to early test versions of UE5.

The problem with the gameplay we've seen is nothing to do with UE4 limitations.
Oh, stop the drama. It's a computer games company, not big pharma, tobacco or the Republican Party. You and I have paid them for many years for stuff we never used, most likely more than 10 Euro on average.

And at the end of the day more harm will be done by the millions who use the F2P option in confirming their new strategy than by the few who pay for DLC
No drama here at all, try and reeeeelax. Konami group has 21 companies with an estimated net worth of $5bn……I would say significantly bigger than you perceive, but it’s fine if you want to keep funding them because it’s worth a try…..……..that’s entirely your choice, for me it’s a no, but we are all different.

Enjoy your weekend buddy
They wouldn't care at all.

I tried to get them to recognise the 11s and the 1v1 leagues when Konami changed the gameplay from the 2020 demo to the release code. Together we were a massive number. We estimated over a thousand, and so far as we could tell, we were all pissed off about the changes. (Not to mention all those here who were annoyed.)

So we made a graphic explaining our issues and what we liked about the demo. We signed it "from thousands of fans". Konami themselves didn't respond to it at all, only Asim noticed it and said the "thousands" claim was likely an exaggeration, and that if the relevant people in Konami saw it they would take a dim view of that.

I mean, I disagree that it was an exaggeration, or that we couldn't presume to speak for thousands who were complaining all over social media. Or the idea (which he often put out and which I always disagreed with) that there's simply a lot of viewpoint diversity and we need to "respect" everyone's opinion – no, we respect the right to an opinion but the content of it is susceptible to being well-founded (or not) and a matter of debate.

But anyway, that was the extent of the response. A dismissal because of one word used. And told that we didn't represent everyone and should respect that some people hated the demo and therefore we didn't have a leg to stand on. That was the response when they cared enough to even have public-facing community managers. Imagine how they'd give even less of a shit now!

And, in retrospect, it was naive to think they'd listen to us in the first place, frankly.
Saw your comment in Reddit in KONAMI'S "INSIDER post. Honestly how can 11 vs 11 work without BAL mode?
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