Oh man please don’t kill all our hopes and dreams ☹️

We really need 2K right now. What they did with TopSpin is exactly what we need. Perhaps not what they did with the player career in terms of micro transactions, but focusing on realism in the sport and bringing it back was great to see. They really are our last hope…
2K has killed TopSpin licence with all these micro transactions and an empty and connected career mode. One new player without signature moves in 3 mouths. They have added the green bar who killed the gameplay of TopSpin 4, who is still a masterpiece.

So I don't think they are our hope. EA maybe this year has understand than a quality game could made big sells with a complet career mode designed for offline players. Maybe I'm wrong top😅
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If 2K makes a football game like Top Spin, then I've already lost my hopes. A terrible and basic tennis game. When, on the other hand, there are Tennis Elbow 4 and Full Ace Tennis Simulator, it becomes clear that the bar for soccer games is very, very low. KONAMI and EA bear a great deal of responsibility for this.
were fcked for another year, ill continue with PES2017 for the time being, still the best offline game since PES5/6 for me. Cant believe how bad the games are all these years later, I used to imagine how good football games would be in the future, I never took into account the loot box/gambling, look at me, instant gratification system that was to come.
pes 2017 isn t the best offline game since pes 5 and 6, because of the one dimensional shooting mechanics, trust me i have played that game for a long time... pes 5 and 6 are better
The rush mode seems quite interesting for a little change of pace. I'm not going to raise hopes, but I feel FC 25 will be decent. Bang average in the middle, and miles beyond eFootball just because they'll give you all the options day 1
I didn't even touch Volta and i probably never ever gonna play rush. I am more excited for the FC IQ. I hope this brings tactical depth and variation to gameplay. It's been very long since we got current tactical system which is very weak and almost have zero impact on gameplay.

Pass accuracy thing is good. I hope they change instant player turns aswell because FC 24 gameplay rely on constantly turning your player around and i hate to see everyone play this way.
The answer to every single one of this guy's questions - "why is the CB running straight past the striker, why is the LB running straight up the pitch ignoring the winger" - is "because that's exactly what you've asked for, 1v1 competitive gameplay".

(He even goes on to say "there aren't enough attacking runs". Dude, you don't need attacking runs to score. That's how defensively bereft this game is.)

And, to play devil's advocate... He points out himself, the videos he's analysing are non-gameplay videos - except for the "player roles" one, which he praises!

But it does beg the question - EA, if you're listening - why do you persist in zero-AI gameplay when so many people are noticing it and calling it out?

I've said it for a long time now, but I truly believe (from talking to a lot of football gamers, daily) that the vast majority want a more serious game.

Hopefully the "sim mode" switch can deliver on this - but it's a real shame we can't use it online.
The answer to every single one of this guy's questions - "why is the CB running straight past the striker, why is the LB running straight up the pitch ignoring the winger" - is "because that's exactly what you've asked for, 1v1 competitive gameplay".
That guy is one of the biggest FUT idiots.

I know I watched one video where he complaining about (this is true) better AI defending in some patch.

And also complaining because there is less skating and slower turning 180 degres.
The answer to every single one of this guy's questions - "why is the CB running straight past the striker, why is the LB running straight up the pitch ignoring the winger" - is "because that's exactly what you've asked for, 1v1 competitive gameplay".

(He even goes on to say "there aren't enough attacking runs". Dude, you don't need attacking runs to score. That's how defensively bereft this game is.)

And, to play devil's advocate... He points out himself, the videos he's analysing are non-gameplay videos - except for the "player roles" one, which he praises!

But it does beg the question - EA, if you're listening - why do you persist in zero-AI gameplay when so many people are noticing it and calling it out?

I've said it for a long time now, but I truly believe (from talking to a lot of football gamers, daily) that the vast majority want a more serious game.

Hopefully the "sim mode" switch can deliver on this - but it's a real shame we can't use it online.
Wish we could use simulation mode on all types of online modes like Seasons and clubs except for FUT.
He is right, but all the people agreeing with him for the sake of joining in, are the same ones who'll join in screaming "AI defending ruins this game" on Twitter.
Problem is, the common online gamer doesn't even understand what they're complaining about.

If you opened a restaurant and put it to your each of your customers to name an ingredient to make the ultimate dish and you made it, it'll be an abomination such a pizza stake ice cream ensemble.

Thus, you can't always listen to what everyone wants, you end up with a directionless mess.
2K has killed TopSpin licence with all these micro transactions and an empty and connected career mode. One new player without signature moves in 3 mouths. They have added the green bar who killed the gameplay of TopSpin 4, who is still a masterpiece.

So I don't think they are our hope. EA maybe this year has understand than a quality game could made big sells with a complet career mode designed for offline players. Maybe I'm wrong top😅
I see a lot of unhappiness with TopSpin from this thread, sorry I didn’t know the situation. I guess my main hope was that it would be a simulation at its core, compared to say a Virtua Tennis arcade style.

For licenses it’s never my key focus personally, real players are vital and you get that from FIFPro, but if they did get the FIFA license I guess they would have a fully authentic World Cup game, which is what I expected to be their first title.
Problem is, the common online gamer doesn't even understand what they're complaining about.

If you opened a restaurant and put it to your each of your customers to name an ingredient to make the ultimate dish and you made it, it'll be an abomination such a pizza stake ice cream ensemble.

Thus, you can't always listen to what everyone wants, you end up with a directionless mess.
👏Exactly right.
Problem is, the common online gamer doesn't even understand what they're complaining about.

If you opened a restaurant and put it to your each of your customers to name an ingredient to make the ultimate dish and you made it, it'll be an abomination such a pizza stake ice cream ensemble.

Thus, you can't always listen to what everyone wants, you end up with a directionless mess.
Yep. This is exactly why retro PES was great. Seabass and co. listened to absolutely NOBODY. They had a vision and they created that vision with love and skill.

Look at any artistic/creative thing that is great. They are usually the same. They have a vision and listen to no-one. None of this committee and everyone having an opinion bullshit.

Godfather, the corporations said do it this way and no you can't have de Niro and Pacino, we want big names, not unheard of guys (at the time). Coppola was adamant he'd do things his way and then you got a masterpiece.

Arguably best comedy ever, UK Office, they almost destroyed the whole deal before it started. By saying, no we aren't hiring directors and a lead man with experience, we are doing it our way and directing it ourselves and doing everything ourselves despite no experience. Yeah no acting experience, but yes Gervais will be the lead actor. Result = huge hit and David Brent one of the most iconic comedy characters ever.
Yep. This is exactly why retro PES was great. Seabass and co. listened to absolutely NOBODY. They had a vision and they created that vision with love and skill.

Look at any artistic/creative thing that is great. They are usually the same. They have a vision and listen to no-one. None of this committee and everyone having an opinion bullshit.

Godfather, the corporations said do it this way and no you can't have de Niro and Pacino, we want big names, not unheard of guys (at the time). Coppola was adamant he'd do things his way and then you got a masterpiece.

Arguably best comedy ever, UK Office, they almost destroyed the whole deal before it started. By saying, no we aren't hiring directors and a lead man with experience, we are doing it our way and directing it ourselves and doing everything ourselves despite no experience. Yeah no acting experience, but yes Gervais will be the lead actor. Result = huge hit and David Brent one of the most iconic comedy characters ever.
Abosultey this true of all great art in our history, that artists have to take risks and be stubborn to fulfil their vision. I love those examples above, some of my favorites are ones such as Nightmare on Elm Street, Star Wars and even Power Rangers and Pokemon were all turned down by various studios who laughed at them and said it'll never take off... Well they're all household names and conerstones of pop culture.

Now of course, contrary to that it may even be EA's vision after all, to make the ultimate arcade addictive football game ever made, only this time of years marketing always suggests they are promoting the most realistic football game, so which bloody direction is it?

Either make two football games that appease both markets or stop lying about the one you're going to release!
Abosultey this true of all great art in our history, that artists have to take risks and be stubborn to fulfil their vision. I love those examples above, some of my favorites are ones such as Nightmare on Elm Street, Star Wars and even Power Rangers and Pokemon were all turned down by various studios who laughed at them and said it'll never take off... Well they're all household names and conerstones of pop culture.

Now of course, contrary to that it may even be EA's vision after all, to make the ultimate arcade addictive football game ever made, only this time of years marketing always suggests they are promoting the most realistic football game, so which bloody direction is it?

Either make two football games that appease both markets or stop lying about the one you're going to release!
Yeah the guys who created the good FIFA games, like 08-17, no way they are behind the FUT crap now. They wanted to create a great game, that was their main focus. The people creating EAFC now, their focus is obviously the complete opposite, they aren't interesting in creating something good, they are after the $$$.

Imagine telling Van Gogh what to change while he's creating his starry night or sunflowers pieces. Nahhh, that doesn't look like a sunflower! Add more yellow, make it more realistic. Nahhh, that doesn't look like stars, too blurry, make it more clear. Ludicrous.
Imagine telling Van Gogh what to change while he's creating his starry night or sunflowers pieces. Nahhh, that doesn't look like a sunflower! Add more yellow, make it more realistic. Nahhh, that doesn't look like stars, too blurry, make it more clear. Ludicrous.

Maybe if he'd listened he wouldn't have had to scrounge off his brother to live ;)
Maybe if he'd listened he wouldn't have had to scrounge off his brother to live ;)
Ha, well that's s different discussion. The fact no one cared at all about Van gogh's art while he was alive. Guess that happened with loads of artists, right?

I recently went to the van Gogh art gallery in Amsterdam whilst high on good quality weed. It was an interesting experience!
Yeah the guys who created the good FIFA games, like 08-17, no way they are behind the FUT crap now. They wanted to create a great game, that was their main focus. The people creating EAFC now, their focus is obviously the complete opposite, they aren't interesting in creating something good, they are after the $$$.

Imagine telling Van Gogh what to change while he's creating his starry night or sunflowers pieces. Nahhh, that doesn't look like a sunflower! Add more yellow, make it more realistic. Nahhh, that doesn't look like stars, too blurry, make it more clear. Ludicrous.
Good FIFA games from 2008-2017 is an exaggeration. The only playable FIFAs were the World Cup one, FIFA 16 and 17 and maybe 14. Only FIFA 16 actively tried to slow down the game, have better AI and a more sim approach. All other FIFA games have the same issues for decades. All FIFA 16 devs were done by EA and the company started to hire young and cheap "yes man" devs to focus on the profitable project they have now.
FIFA games from 2008-2017 is an exaggeration. The only playable FIFAs were the World Cup one, FIFA 16 and 17 and maybe .14. Only FIFA 16 actively tried to slow down the game, have better AI and a more sim approach. All other FIFA games have the same issues for decades. All FIFA 16 devs were done by EA and the company started hire young and cheap "yes man" devs to focus on the profitable project they have now.
I came back to FIFA in 2008. That is when they stole PES control system completely and then also made the gameplay slow. I played FIFA 08 recently, it's extremely slow, passing and especially turning, when compared to FIFA 16.

And I played FIFA 14 recently too. It's brilliant if vanilla, otherwise it's crap ye.
Good FIFA games from 2008-2017 is an exaggeration. The only playable FIFAs were the World Cup one, FIFA 16 and 17 and maybe 14. Only FIFA 16 actively tried to slow down the game, have better AI and a more sim approach. All other FIFA games have the same issues for decades. All FIFA 16 devs were done by EA and the company started to hire young and cheap "yes man" devs to focus on the profitable project they have now.
Vanilla fifa14 Is really good. I would rate good fifa even fifa 10 and 11.
Anyways even the best fifa,which is 14 or 16 in my opinion,miss something in comparision to Ps2 Pes.
I miss FIFA pre 2019 when it was actually difficult to score, before EA decided to purposely make every defensive player stupid as possible because they think everyone wants a goalfest. I went back to FIFA 17 last week and my first game on legendary was a 0-0 draw, something that I genuinely don’t think is possible on the FC games. The worst thing I’ve seen is when the opposing team is running down the wing and my back 4 stand completely still until the winger has gone past all of them, and by the time they start tracking back it’s too late. The PS5/XSX era was supposed to give us some of the best games we’ve ever seen, but instead it’s given us the worst ones. Also for what it’s worth, I got to playtest this game and the rush game mode was actually fun, but the gameplay felt identical to FC24 so I wont be getting it, at least not until it’s free on Xbox Game Pass
Vanilla fifa14 Is really good. I would rate good fifa even fifa 10 and 11.
Anyways even the best fifa,which is 14 or 16 in my opinion,miss something in comparision to Ps2 Pes.
they miss something because the build play in PES is second to none, the way pass go out of the player legs, it s something fifa can t make, and has to do with the engine of pes aswell, in fifa when u pass the ball it doesn t feel rewarding, i don t know why, in pes WHEN U MAKE A GOOD PASSING RUN AND YOU ARE ON GOAL, IT FEELS DIFFERENT, IF ONLY FIFA CAN MAKE IT FEEL LIKE THIS, i don t know if anyone agrees with me, but PES problem is when u are close to penalty area, the game becomes really rigid and one dimensional, because ai becomes super over powered physically hampering the way u want to score leaving you to rely on tried and tested moves of turning and shooting etc.... something fifa does much better is the probability of pass in and around the area and more probability to score goals from tight angles and such, i don t know if anyone also agrees with me on this.
Soon, we're going to play the beta, and we're going to find out if it's evolved or the same. I was reading Deep Dive, and they said they increased the error in the pass and shot, as well as improved dribbling with the ball, but I didn't notice that in the videos they showed. Remember that marketing videos are from an old version; the beta is the closest to launch.

I think one of the problems of FC is how difficult it is to close the spaces, you fight all the time to keep the players stuck in their positions, but they don't react the way you want.

They made some improvements in defense.


Defending has also been enhanced with the introduction of professional fouls, with the aim of adding new strategic elements to gameplay. With improvements to goalkeeper movement and rushes, along with an increase in Player Switching speed, we want players to be able to defend more responsively.

Defensive Actions
We want you to be able to take more control over the pitch to shut down your opposition with revamped core mechanics, and a new mechanic, the Professional Foul.

Professional Foul
This action can be a strategic choice to halt a counterattack or stop an opponent’s promising advance. However, while initially always resulting in a yellow card, excessive use of Professional Fouls in a match can lead to red cards.

To request a professional foul, you can press:

R1+X || RB+A

Other Defending Updates

  • Reaction Time Modifier: Added a new setting to help compensate for the speed in which the Next Player Switch changes to allow you to calibrate to your needs.
  • Slide Tackles: Improvements to slide animation logic to ensure better possible outcomes.
  • Shoulder Challenges: Animation cleanup and improved tackler's responsiveness of getting the ball after shoulder challenges
  • Animation Refresh: New and refreshed new animations from real world Volumetric Data.

Defensive Positioning

  • Defensive Awareness when Beat: Improved defensive AI to recognize instances where they are about to be beaten by an attacker, dropping more centrally toward the goal
  • Defensive Formations: The system now considers the formation chosen and adapts it based on FC IQ's tactical setup.
  • Player Marking Inside Box: Increasing defensive AI ability to zone mark inside the defensive 18-yard box, aimed at countering cut-back goals. Defenders will not follow the ball carrier as precisely, but rather try to defend the cutback pass with increased effort and efficacy.
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I don't know but after last 2 fifa games I can't be positive even slightly. On paper can be everything perfect but when you take the controller in hands and feel the same weightless movements from the players and skating there is zero satisfaction playing it. I hope I am wrong but I am pessimist about it.
Apparently this time there will be no licenses for Milan and Inter. In the case of PES, the lack of a license didn't hurt that much, but FIFA/FC... EA makes terrible fake kits (like Roma or Juventus) :/
I came back to FIFA in 2008. That is when they stole PES control system completely and then also made the gameplay slow. I played FIFA 08 recently, it's extremely slow, passing and especially turning, when compared to FIFA 16.

And I played FIFA 14 recently too. It's brilliant if vanilla, otherwise it's crap ye.
fifa 14 on ps4 u mean, not the pc version, coz the pc version is too easy
In the hope that after years and years EA will finally produce something decent.....:PRAY:
I wanted to ask if for the PC version it is possible to insert all the uniforms and names of the teams without a license
Yep. This is exactly why retro PES was great. Seabass and co. listened to absolutely NOBODY. They had a vision and they created that vision with love and skill.
This is the main problem, not just for fifa but gaming in general. Every game feels kinda the same. Only a few indie games that stand out!

Only soulslikes, sport games with casino mechanics, and generic looter shooters + battle royale!
This is the main problem, not just for fifa but gaming in general. Every game feels kinda the same. Only a few indie games that stand out!

Only soulslikes, sport games with casino mechanics, and generic looter shooters + battle royale!
The genre needs someone who has a passion for football and games to come in not solely focussed on maximising profit much like xdefiant have don in the fps space. Clearly profit is important but not at the expense of the product itself and the community it's trying to cater for.

Unfortunately it feels like football games specifically are incredibly complex and require an enormous amount of resource and expertise which are a serious barrier to the above.

I do think though that if a developer commits to it and has the capital to do so, it will ultimately be successful and can still benefit from those who want the pay to win/loot box experience.

However, the risk and cost is significant and I don't expect it to happen soon, if ever.
Yep. This is exactly why retro PES was great. Seabass and co. listened to absolutely NOBODY. They had a vision and they created that vision with love and skill.

I think in FIFA's case you can look at Simon Humber. His credits run from FIFA 07 to FIFA 15, with FIFA 16 dedicated to his memory. Enough said.


Wider opinion about FC 25 - meh. No point in caring about anything said and done in the development stage. Give it to the first update.
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