For a moment (for those old enough to remember) I thought Benny Hill was coming on as sub! It’s like at x2 speed…..sliders can slow the pass speed and also set game to slow, therefore not overly fussed as it stands. Foot planting is definitely better, but it’s ruined by speed. I’m sure if you got someone from here to play slow methodical build up if would instantly look better.
Speed is not OK, but lets hope that could be fixed with sliders and simulation mode
Foot-planting is improved, thats positive
Skating is still there, no major improvement

Its eafc 24,5 ... but beggars cant chose, so I will play it ... As far I can see, its small step in right direction.
Footplanting looks promising on this one. I didn't see any sim videos yet so I can't really tell, but I can already see how good it could be with gameplay mods like Anth's one!
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I managed to play a few games, however it was the PS4 version, not PS5. Which was unfortunate.

However have to say, it plays nothing like these videos, although the ball speed is quick.

Overall I really enjoyed it, although not well placed to say how it differs from last year as never played FC24 on PS4. The dribbling was awesome, gave me a feel of the greats (ie FIFA 14/16), with a heavy feel but fluid.

I would have never touched the PS4 version if it wasn’t for this chance, but now I’m intrigued to keep an eye on it when it releases.
As it looks like I wont be getting a code, if anyone could DM me with a link to the files (it can be PC/PS4/PS5, it dont matter), it would be much appreciated. It will really help with finding out about modding potential. Thanks guys.
Just re-highlighting this message! If anyone can help Paul with a link to the files it's important for potential modding in FC25!
I hate to be a downer but all the gameplay footage looks awful to me.

- Extremely arcady, reminds me of the days of late PS1 / Sega arcade games
- Laser pin point passes at any angle (what happened to that "feature" of not being able to 180d pass?)
- Perfect shooting for users but AI can't shoot properly unless they are six yards out (which they always aim for)
- AI able to quickly score after letting a goal in
- Poor Marking (a problem since FC24) from the defenders in the box
- Superman wingers
- Lots of UI bugs (when will they ever sort this out?)
- No difference between slow and fast players movement, they all move like they are messi or neymar (where is this apparent player ID ?)
- The "IQ" is non existant, tactically and postionally it all looks exactly the same as vanilla FC24

The only hope is the sliders and other options give the people here what they want.
I am revising my first impression and I don't think it looks much better anymore. May be the the players animations are marginally better.
But the gap I see between the "action involved players" and the rest of the players looks and will surely feel so bad.


Look at that mass of players by the midfield circle. That's ridiculous. That's end to end no midfield football granted.

The diving header at 1:10 says all it needs to be said on ball physics..

Players are constantly turning at hyper speed. It doesn't feel like we are controlling human beings.

Yeah, it still looks the exact same of the last two years, and it's absolutely awful. There is no weight to the players or to the ball when it's in their feet. If I think about what they achieved in Ps3-Ps4 era up to the first frostbites in this regard, the butcher they voluntarily performed on this fundamental looks so ugly and immersion breaking.

I know it's just advertising scam at this point, but I still find particularly ironic that they costantly brag about their tech innovations, and until now they just used them to remove depth whenever they can. Be it tactics, AI, player movement, you name it.. I can't think about a single thing I saw in the last years they improved compared with the past that has not been swallowed up by the rest of this total mess.
Speed is not OK, but lets hope that could be fixed with sliders and simulation mode
Foot-planting is improved, thats positive
Skating is still there, no major improvement

Its eafc 24,5 ... but beggars cant chose, so I will play it ... As far I can see, its small step in right direction.
And that's the crux of the issue. EA have zero incentive at all to improve the game and make it more realistic, ever.

Cos they know you and others will buy the next game, no matter what.

Last year's game was crap? Ok, I will buy next year's game cos it will be better than last year's crap.

So, EA do nothing, as why would you waste millions on improvements when you can do nothing and still make billions and more than last year.
looks like the same with 24
its to fast, they have destroy AI defense
another year with football life
The pace looks a little slower, but it's still astonishing - truly astonishing - to me, that passes go either directly to your man, or directly to the opponent.

Without exaggeration it's like watching FIFA 99 passing - yet you've got Sam Rivera saying "just compare FC24 to FIFA 14 and look how far we've come". Backwards.

Show me the difference. I swear to God I'm not being sarcastic here. The FIFA 99 ball has more friction AND the players have to take a touch occasionally...

Remember the pitch notes showing the impact to pass accuracy?

Where is that in any of these gameplay clips?

Nowhere. As I feared, it will happen one time in every 1,000 passes, and that's enough to advertise it as a realistic new feature.

And if FCIQ is (as @papinho81 pointed out) four players holding hands in the centre circle waiting for their defenders to save the day...

More fool me for having hope.
man really? 🤣🤣🤣 its way faster?Most the time i see laser passes so for what are we going to pay 50€? For some transfers and updated kits?
I will stay with EA FC 24 with Anth GP Mod for sure
well there are the new UCL and UEL:shiver:
The only positive thing I can say so far is the running animations and foot planting looks improved, but there's still the problem of players spinning around like the Tasmanian Devil. The twitchy fast movement is still there and breaks any work implanted on the foot planting meaning you can cheap your way out of pressure & dribbling stats or simply reading the game doesn't matter if everyone can ninja dribble.

Other than that, all the usual problems are still apparent, team defenders runaway from any dangerous area they should be covering or any supporting attacker they should be marking because of the 1v1 crap. Passes still look like they're being shot out of a pin ball machine and the AI still dribbles down the by line and takes a mindless shot from a tight angle instead of squaring it to a better positioned player.

Welp, can't say I was surprised, they flirt with us every year & say the right things to charm us but we entertain the date they take us on and it's the usual vapid braindead conversation filling us with regret we every got our hopes up.

Someone send these gameplay files over to Anth and Paul immediately so they can do the dev's jobs properly.
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