Modding has begun. Working with the community on this. Sharing all knowledge when I get things done. I will create a thread when I get more things done. There are strange things happening with the beta. So don't know how much I can achieve in it right now.

Also. Many thanks to the person who provided the beta key (even though I cant get past the main menu???). Much love.

View attachment 295168

Here are the extra options available in the menus. As said previously, I cannot test them, game is somewhat broke on PC apparently? :/

So "Simulation" is just a slider preset. It's not what people were expecting (i.e. an entirely different gameplay).

View attachment 295169

We have a new CPU Sliders menu with lots of new options (unable to test, yet)View attachment 295170
Edit: Turns out the problem occuring for me is happening to whole load of others too https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-D...-missing-all-game-modes/td-p/13939793/page/24 (Nice one EA)
How long did that sim preset take to add, 10 mins? Copy and paste job from Matt10? Good work.
Yes sim mode is a preset

But there are the additional weather effects which can be toggled on and crucially there are new CPU decision making sliders which look huge for a potentially realistic game:

Long shot tendency, cross tendency, tackle aggression dribble/skill tendency, build up speed, first time pass frequency are all now sliders having been big problems in the recent year’s offline gameplay. So they need to be tested, but could be pretty game changing.
for me it looks way too plastic and overall not natural.
Its sad that they had one year and only have a few new things and in terms of gameplay a step back...?
And then you have to pay the full price for a "new" game that is nothing more than just mods??
When i would do my job with such little improvement over one year, i would be fired
for me it looks way too plastic and overall not natural.
Its sad that they had one year and only have a few new things and in terms of gameplay a step back...?
And then you have to pay the full price for a "new" game that is nothing more than just mods??
When i would do my job with such little improvement over one year, i would be fired
It's an EA Sports game. Please tell me any EA Sports game from the last 10-15 years where they completely revolutionised the gameplay (not including obvious examples like a change of game engine)
Career mode video continued to keep me interested in the game so I guess that's a good thing, shame the opening graphic was three things I have zero interest in, but hey ho we're all different people! I thought the tiny footage of sim mode gameplay looked so much better than default Fifa

I grabbed a few stills of various menu items that were flashing quickly FWIW:

EA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_02.31.080.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_02.31.388.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_02.32.175.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_02.32.275.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_02.33.344.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_02.33.384.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_03.03.281.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_03.04.573.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_03.06.083.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_03.39.465.jpgEA SPORTS FC 25 | Official Career Deep Dive.mp4_snapshot_03.41.557.jpg
gameplay offtopic... technically, the animations, fluidity, the physical movement of the shirts and the changes of rhythm. Just amazing

I'll say one thing, they have definitely concentrated effort into player likeness and in particular expressions. They look very good, imo. They look alive, more than any football game I've seen.

They are all good, but look at Bellingham in particular, it doesn't just look like him, it is his trademark expression, that intense game face on, resting bitch face.
Got an invite and it also said I can try Career mode soon. Haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but will post impressions when I have.
If you can test the new FC IQ and how strong/weak the implementation of the various roles etc are that would be great to hear about.

I'm curious to see if it's an aggressive approach or a subtle one. The potential risk of an aggressive approach is that we end up with a PES 2021 rigid application that removes all context. Too subtle is obviously going to barely make a difference, so I'm hoping for a good implementation here as I think it could be a very nice addition if done right.
  • Defending - So here is where I saw foot sliding a lot, off the ball. You don't notice it of course when in possession, but when I was defending there's a lot of sliding around and instantly shifting direction. Odd because dribbling feels grounded, not sure why defending needs to be higher response
Yeah defending is one of my main concerns with the last game and from footage of 25 too. I just wish defenders would chill a little but also mark their posts accordingly. They look like what happens when you throw a bunch of crabs in shallow hot water, they scurry around laterally in a panic in all directions apart from where a runner or ball carrier is near and they scurry away as if he's a predator.
There was a bug that allowed everyone to access every mode in the BETA, even though users are supposed to be restricted to specific modes. So I imagine EA are just sorting that out.
For those playing the BETA on PC, is it still poorly optimized like FC24? Is it stuttering all over the place?
I dont expect them to change gameplay ... its not reasonable, they made billions $$$$ with that game.

Just to be able to somehow (mods, sliders, whatever) to have barely-playable football game where I can play carrier mode. I know bar is really low, but its that or going back to old PES game (newest is almost 5 years old at this point).

Foot-planting does look better, but player and ball movement is still really-bad ... there is no inertia on either.
Foot-planting does look better, but player and ball movement is still really-bad ... there is no inertia on either.
I agree, sadly. Hyper-responsiveness means no inertia - they're polar opposites.

So much of the game is purposefully anti-realism - you can't magically make it realistic without starting the game from scratch, as far as I'm concerned. It's like trying to turn plastic into metal.

I was excited to see the sim switch in action, and it's undoubtedly an improvement... and yet, the ball physics are utter nonsense (manipulated to ensure your pass always works), defenders still fly around like bees with no clue as to what job they should be doing, and as a representation of football, it's as realistic as FIFA 99.

I don't think we'll get an enjoyable football-like football game unless they can rip the game in two, with this FC gameplay becoming "FUT 26" and a non-hyper-responsive actual football game becoming "Football 26" ... except, that'll never happen, because why bother doing that when we all buy this game anyway.
Maybe I can shut one eye and enjoy the game if footplanting is good. But most difficult part to enjoy is that at least Eafc24 feels like ai is cheating whrn attacking becouse when changing players ai uses that as advantage and easily break the defence and one on one situations. Maybe this is caused by defenders not keep their positions and are static, don't know but this is most irritating thing for me with this game.

Well, without going too philosophical like poets, or exagerating and derailing through the hype realm like some, this footage is the real proof about how FIFA 25 is right now. That's how this game plays, looks in animations and design, so nothing will change about it drastically as a product... Like those previous 5 or 6 editions, this live service looks the same, plays the same, those gaps are the same, animations are as bad as always sliding with the knees bending to the sides, laser guided passes, precise bang shots, Husain's Bolt "capture the flag" mode, everything is there... Reasoning like "it's not as bad as the last year", will not change this into a better product at all. Wallets themselves are the only that could speak and do justice, words are just pointless especially regarding greedy devils like EA...
I watched the footage with the sim mode settings and it's a shame to see that it's inconsistant and not as coeheisive as I wished. Animations look fantastic but the constant and most important animation which is dribbling/running is still so jarring and unnatural.

Even in sim mode, the foot planting goes out the window players are defying gravity with zig zaggy turns and spinning around on the ball without lifting their legs or feet.

I just find it so disingenuous when they make these deep dive videos talking about the realism and the game punishing you for not respecting the fundamentals when it doesn't matter, you can still cheese your way past a defender by waggling the left stick mindlessly to bypass someone.
Long shot tendency, cross tendency, tackle aggression dribble/skill tendency, build up speed, first time pass frequency are all now sliders having been big problems in the recent year’s offline gameplay. So they need to be tested, but could be pretty game changing.
This sounds like a very good addition, but... To be really game changing, the sliders should be different from team to team (without us having to change them before every match according to the opponent, which is what I fear we'll have to do to make them work).
They could really have made the most of this year's overhaul of the tactical system by adding these sliders on a per-tam basis... But I really doubt they did.
Sorry guys, some things I wanted to add
  • Passing animations are redone, they're much more realistic and more 'textbook' if you know what I mean. Less 'pokey', more side foot and follow through
  • Shooting speed as a whole is completely toned down (on normal or simulation), beating top goalkeepers is tough - however I did find a sweet spot with long shots as they can loop over the keeper from around 25 yards due to pace drop
  • Bugs in the demo right now is stamina, usually towards end of the game entire back 4 has no energy left
  • There is some kind of 'catch-up' from defenders on Legendary, reminded me higher difficulty in eFootball. Not hugely bothersome, but it was there
  • Sorry I said this but want to emphasise, the shirt movement really seems like a visual direction they want to add as a new feature, but they're too baggy and makes slim players look out of proportion (slim legs, large upper body look). Really not a fan :(
Someone said fear of this gameplay direction being patched out, and my concern is the change of dribbling, because that seemed consistent between normal and simulation options. I really hope not, but if they did change that, I think would have a huge impact as a whole.

Also, my friend who has the beta didn't like simulation and felt normal was different and realistic enough compared to FC24. I can see that because there was enough errors and overall requirement to be careful with passes, however not having to deal with AI who blasted past you on the wing and zippier passes from AI was key difference for me.
They cleaned tons of animations in the dribbles and spins, I hope they will do that in the next FCs to the pass, as well as making the ball heavier and with a lower speed. Another detail, EA has removed the speed options, I think this adjustment is positive.
Another detail, EA has removed the speed options, I think this adjustment is positive.
So we can't play on slow any more?

That's only a positive if you haven't used it to get any ounce of enjoyment from FIFA/FC for the last ten years...

Fewer options is never a positive, surely. Especially for this community.

Between this and "sim mode" locking sliders... Man oh man.
So we can't play on slow any more?

That's only a positive if you haven't used it to get any ounce of enjoyment from FIFA/FC for the last ten years...

Fewer options is never a positive, surely. Especially for this community.

Between this and "sim mode" locking sliders... Man oh man.
Yeah, removing slow speed isn't really a positive thing imo. Especially for console players as us PC players can get past it with mods.
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