Doesn't bode well that the gameplay video is being FUT-incentivised by EA on Facebook...


Gameplay trailer coming Thursday, 4pm UK time.
These videos are like a guy saying & doing all the right things to a woman until she falls in love with him and he moves in then does a 180 in personality once he lives there.

These deep dives make you think "this is it, this is moment I've waited for, look at all this technical, realistic stuff!" then once the final game is in your home it's not the same experience as it was when you watched these sexy trailers months before.
No matter how many things they add, if they don't radically change the gameplay, it will remain the same empty, soulless game. I was watching the video and got bored within the first few seconds. Airy players and ball physics that even in the video seemed very light. I will definitely get EA Play to play the 10 hours, although last year I didn't even play 2. I foresee the same thing this year. If nothing radically changes in eFootball, the only hope will be 2K.
Well, look at that, lots of diagrams and very small gameplay clips. I must be a mystic 🤣

Same approach every year to hide the fact that they can’t even make a player simply kicking a football look realistic.
All really interesting.. the tactical stuff, the supposedly more life like ball control, and many other things.

Interesting on paper, I mean. Too many years of words from them to not think the very large majority of this (at least for the portion that interests us) is just gimmick.

Well, we'll see when the first true gameplays are out.

p.s. love that when they announce the new (sic) feature of players slipping on the field, they are also quick to say that, God forbid!, it won't affect passing or shooting precision. It's exactly for clownery like this that in my eyes they can never be taken seriously for everything they say in advance.
Wow, didn't expect that. Big question marks over how well it will work or is implimented but at least it shows they just might be in touch with what offline players are after.
On Paper this mode, plus changes to the tactical stuff, is what we have been asking for. But as always the execution in these games are very poor. So its a wait and see situation.
p.s. love that when they announce the new (sic) feature of players slipping on the field, they are also quick to say that, God forbid!, it won't affect passing or shooting precision. It's exactly for clownery like this that in my eyes they can never be taken seriously for everything they say in advance.
This is where I struggle too - particularly with ball physics. The gameplay has been "streamlined" for competitive play, with so much standard football-game stuff taken away, so that nobody can say "the game just won for you". (But then they do anyway, screaming "script" at every loss.)

But someone is clearly fighting for us, or there wouldn't be a sim mode. Hopefully this is just the start of it (rather than the bitter end).
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