Chelsea Thread

@ runedge, yeah the dutch equavelent of the bbc, they are actually called the NOS and have the main national news, live sport etc.

Its on the bbc website now, only a day later mind.
I found this on the net, its LMAO
here comes a little red...



The story..
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chelsea played really bad this game. mourinho never won at villa park but that's not an excuse
i think the main mistake was putting makelele,mikel and essien in the starting eleven, that's just too defensive. defensive midfielders have no speed or creativity so basically it was just malouda, drogba and swp in the front, and ocasionally a.cole
i think joe cole should have played as an center attacking midfielder with freedom to appear in both wings and create spaces for the other players
but even so, the team should have played a lot better
no one is in good shape, except for wright phillips and lampard who is injured
and now drogba might be injured also, it doesn't look good
let's just hope that the quality of playing improves and that sheva shows his value this season, that's if mourinho gives him a chance...

and there's another thing bothering me. i've been watching chelsea's campaigns in premierleague since mourinho and i've never seen a better right-back in the team than ferreira, i mean he costed 20 million euros and was very important in the first 2 season where chelsea was almos unbeatable
last year mourinho started selecting other players to that position, even when ferreira wasn't injured, like diarra, geremi, essien....
no belletti comes, is training with the team for a few days and goes straight into the starting eleven
i don't think ferreira is the best right-back in the world but i think that given the options he should be in the starting eleven

i've just read that ballack wasn't in the list for the CL. is his injury that serious ? he's been away for a long time and it doesn't look like he'll be back soon
yeah agree with you about Feireira being the best RB chelsea have.
About Cole i don't think he should start now as wright phillips is long way better at the moment.But my main problem is Drogba
i mean he looks like the shadow of the player he was last year against Villa HE was awful,never looked like he was going to score,did a lot of fouls and worst looked like he lacks fitness
so now i just hope he's injury not too serious and Sheva comes back soon
i wasn't saying that joe cole should play instead of wright phillips
i was saying that mikel/makelele, essien, joe cole, malouda and wright phillips should have played. joe cole instead of mikel or makelele would add creativity and speed to the midfield
i really really doubt that
they've got one of the best, possibly the best in the world why the hell would they want to sack him?
he's won everything except the CL and they're 1st in the premierleague although they have one game more
mourinho leaving ? don't think so
The question is though, can he win stuff playing the nice football that Abramovich wants? I don't think he can and that's why he may get sacked.
if mourinho gets sacked he will earn a lot of money and will go to another team and win titles
if abramovich wants nice football he might get another coach, cause mourinho likes to win wether it's with good football or horrible football. for him winning is the important thing
i don't think he'll win as many titles with another as he has won with moutinho but that's my opinion
I think Mourinho always play a too defensive squad. I dont think for the squad that Chelsea have, Chelsea cant play attack football and win the game.
I think Mourinho is over protect Lamps, no matter he's in-form or not, Lamps must be in the starting line-up. If Mourinho really wants to have Lamps in the squad, please buy Kaka then.
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And drawing against 'minnows' Rosenborg too..."How The Mighty Have Fallen:A Chelski Documentary"

A quote from The Special One himself..."Picking a first eleven for Chelsea now is like picking eggs in a supermarket."
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What a pity for Chelsea..i still think he's the best coach in the world...i even think that behind all the bravado he's a nice decent man...i wish him the best of luck...

I guess Hiddink will be asked now...
I've never felt as bad as today in my football live:(:(what a sad day...If he has been sacked Roman has made the biggest mistake in his live...
Now i hope to see Hidding,Lippi or even D.Deschamps
whoa! that's highly unexpected.... at least i didn 't expect it. i'm pretty curious to see who abramovich will call now.....
i mean, he fired mourinho, who is a coach that doesn't love football stars, a coach that decides for a game system and then asks for the most appropriate players for each role (disregarding if that player is a star or a "mr nobody"), a coach that doesn't accept any kind of interference from his chairman........

i hope he won't call hiddink or capello, coz they're exactly the same as mourinho, talking about character.

anyway i feel for mourinho, he didn't deserve to be fired (neither ranieri did, anyway), and sure this wasn't a smart move by abramovich.

but honestly Gerd, i really.... really disagree with u when u say he's the best coach in the world. he's a very good coach, that's for sure, but no way he's the best.
actually i don't get excited by rankings, and i don't know who would deserve to be named "the best coach", but sure there are many coaches in europe that are clearely better than mourinho (talking about everything; tactical knowledge, reading the game ability, dressing room management).
i mean, honestly mourinho can't be compared to coaches like hiddink, ancelotti, benitez, lippi, juan de ramos, spalletti, capello, prandelli or rossi.

but this doesn't mean i don't like josè.... i love him. i appreciate his abilities and i love "that bad guy reputation" he built in the past few years. but saying he's the best coach in the world it's a little too much, imo
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First reaction was that I'll miss him, but then I thought about it, and no I won't.

Firstly, he was only good at winning one way, and that was his way. Overload the midfield, stop free-flowing football and play the long ball. It was brutally effective, but awful to watch. Plus, he was a tit. He lied, encouraged cheating, ended a great referees career and just thought too much of himself.

So now, Chelsea still have a ridiculous amount of talent, more than any other squad on Earth. And they'll have a manager who uses that to play some juego bonito, you can bet on that, becauset that's what Roman wants. So hopefully, we'll have United, Arsenal and Chelsea all trying to win with attacking, exciting footie. So expect more goals, more losses and a closer league. Surely that's good for everyone?

(unless of course rafa's cautious approach wins out, in which case we're back to square one)
i mean, honestly mourinho can't be compared to coaches like hiddink, ancelotti, benitez, lippi, juan de ramos, spalletti, capello, prandelli or rossi.

why??what are they done that Mourinho hasn't done??Except for Lippi who won the world cup:D:D
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