Chelsea Thread

See I'd say Cole could lose some respect from this whole thing, but I don't think there's anyone left in the country with respect to lose. So yeah, I guess it doesn't matter.
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
looking at the way chimbonda and another spurs player reacted he must have said something bang out of order, chimbonda looked proper vexed and had to be restrained, you canny tell me that was over a little push!

Yes agree after watched again the game i saw chimbonda and assou ekoto run toward JT and he didn't even speak with Graham"i give 3 yellow cards to one player:lol: Poll"and we all know the way terry runs at the ref...
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Saw this in another forum (which was consequently taken from another forum). It doesn't giveaway much but a v interesting read regardless:

Has anyone else seen or heard the rumours re John Terry and the real reason he got sent off against Spurs? Doesnt make for good reading if true but the more I think about it the more I think there could be something in this, just from his body language etc. I dont know if I'm allowed to say what it is he allegedley said on here but for those that saw it on Sunday you'll remember -

Why King went mad, when normally he is mild tempered and the
incident appeared harmless

Why Chimbonda went berserk and had to be physically restrained

Why Zakora went mad also

Why Drogba, who was there and always gets involved, did nothing

Why Terry calmly walked away expecting to be sent off for what
appeared on TV to be nothing.

Big stuff if it turns out to be true, he is the England captain now.

Yeah it seems something nasty was said that really riled up King Chimbonda and Zakora. Disappointing if it was something racist. But what do you expect from inbred chavscum such as Terry who looks like your everyday local council estate townie.
Let's hope that isn't true!!!it would be a shock for England/Chelsea as a captain!!!:(
but why tottenham players didnt talk about it??
ALAIN said:
Let's hope that isn't true!!!it would be a shock for England/Chelsea as a captain!!!:(
but why tottenham players didnt talk about it??
A few of my Asian/African friends will tell you the worst offenders for racism in London are Chelsea, West Ham & Millwall supporters. I'm not saying they're all like that and I'm not saying that other clubs don't have problems but the racism is definitely worse within these clubs, so it wouldn't surprise me if the racism found its way down to the local chav twat (Terry). Why wouldn't Tottenham players say anything, just think how damaging it would be for Ing-er-land to have a racist captain especially with their "kick racism out of football" gimmick and other PR stunts they try to pull-off.

...At the end of the day this could all be a lie and Terry might have said nothing at all of a racist nature! If he did he might have apologised afterwards, we don't know? But I watched the match and several highlights and if you see Kings face after the insult and Chimbonda, Zokora & Assou-Ekotto’s reactions you don't have to be a scientist to figure out what was said.
A few of my Asian/African friends will tell you the worst offenders for racism in London are Chelsea, West Ham & Millwall supporters. I'm not saying they're all like that and I'm not saying that other clubs don't have problems but the racism is definitely worse within these clubs, so it wouldn't surprise me if the racism found its way down to the local chav twat (Terry). Why wouldn't Tottenham players say anything, just think how damaging it would be for Ing-er-land to have a racist captain especially with their "kick racism out of football" gimmick and other PR stunts they try to pull-off.

...At the end of the day this could all be a lie and Terry might have said nothing at all of a racist nature! If he did he might have apologised afterwards, we don't know? But I watched the match and several highlights and if you see Kings face after the insult and Chimbonda, Zokora & Assou-Ekotto’s reactions you don't have to be a scientist to figure out what was said.

yeh you're right i was aware about racists supporters amongst chelsea fans, here in France they showed on tv a Report about that it was awful:(
but i think it 's unfair to call Terry a "racist" i think he was just upset the things weren't going in his way so he said these stupid things
But don't misunderstand me if that true it's unforgivable
ALAIN said:
yeh you're right i was aware about racists supporters amongst chelsea fans, here in France they showed on tv a Report about that it was awful:(
but i think it 's unfair to call Terry a "racist" i think he was just upset the things weren't going in his way so he said these stupid things
But don't misunderstand me if that true it's unforgivable
Sorry but he's a racist in my eyes. You dont have to say something to be a racist, cuz you can also be a racist even if you dont go out in public and say something to show it. Racism IMO is more of a mentality rather than a few harsh words. At first I thought "OK, he said some things, people got mad, lets move on." But now that I think about it, I think its a shame that someone like this is captaining my countrys national side cuz that makes him a bad leader.
I know this isnt the first incident about racism but I think I'm more upset about the fact that he seemed like the only person at Chelsea that people could look up to. And knowing he supported Man Utd (:mrgreen:)as a kid, I kinda had a soft spot for him. And now he's gone and flushed all his respect down the toilet.

I'm sad cuz I want to like this guy but I'm finding it hard to. :(
another reason why role models should be mums and dads

managers are getting just as bad except Sir Alex (gum popping is the wise choice that`s why he`s brillant )
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Didier Drogba la la la la la!!!Didier Drogba la la la la la!!!fantastic!!!:applause: :applause: 3 goals one assist!!!!:applause:
Drogba was brillant today. Forget the goals, his assists were great too. The goals were just the icing on the cake.
Well I think this all comfirms that there a Hitler BNP lover captaining the england team.

English Player in Racial Remark

"It is understood the football fraternity is aware and shocked at the alleged incident... all the players involved are believed to be keen to see the matter kept under wraps."

Steve McClaren
McClaren: off-field concerns

The Daily Express, following a story yesterday from The Voice newspaper, reports that Steve McClaren is facing an off-the-field crisis after one of his players was accused of making a "deeply disparaging racial remark" toward a fellow England player.

For legal reasons the players concerned cannot be named but it is understood the incident is alleged to have taken place during a top-flight match in London. And, as the Express says, "such is the seriousness of the accusation that it threatens to eclipse all the other issues McClaren has had to endure in such a short space of time as England boss".

Here is the rumour that came about after the spurs game.

Apparently on the internet message boards it is alleged that John Terry told Ledley King to 'Shut up you lippy black monkey' before getting sent off on Sunday. This would explain the following:

Why King went mad, when normally he is mild tempered and the incident appeared harmless Why Chimbonda went berserk and had to be physically restrained Why Zakora went mad also Why Drogba, who was there and always gets involved, did nothing Why Terry calmly walked away expecting to be sent off for what appeared on TV to be nothing Terry was accused by Eto of making racist comments in the Barcelona game last year.
Apparently a Spurs player has leaked this, but Chelsea are working overtime to keep it quiet Ashley Cole has said that Poll told him the lack of discipline by Chelsea was out of order and Chelsea are trying to discredit Poll, but he cannot possibly come out and say what Terry did as he is the England captain, preferring to say he was sent off for 'ungentlemanly conduct'.
Finally, Rio Ferdinand said in his book that a current England player was a known racist. Wonder who he meant?

I have one word for people like Terry - scum.
Another reason why I won't follow England. After the Beckham/Sven Media Circus, here we go again with Mr. Combat18. Is it any wonder with Chelsea's past and the Chelsea HeadHunters? I refuse to give any credit whatsoever to this bastian of racism.

i'm born and raised in UK, but have had to deal with this shit all when growing up in London and attending trials during my teens. Getting spat at due to the colour of my skin, and being told to grow a backbone. I didn't know why i had to deal with it!

It's the England captain involved, that's why it's kept hush. Kick racism out? the FA need look closer to home before crying about receiving stick from racists in former Eastern Bloc countries.

This game in the UK stinks to high heaven. Hyocrisy at the nth level.

Fucking Kings Road bastards.
First i have heard about these Terry rumours.

Unfortunately if they are true i dont think he will face any consequences, because of his high profile as England captain.

It does not help that the F.A is a joke after the Sven saga and McClaren is under stick as England boss, all parties would probably prefer to sweep such a matter under the carpet with the holland game coming up.

Whatever the truth its a shame racism still rears its head in the game. :(

Well racism I can deal with no problem ignorance is taught...what I hate is when it`s push under the carpet, if true they have a responsibility to the fans and players to lead by example . The FA will either be respected or will be a joke . Either way it`s exposed!
The FA will always be a joke, McClaren should grow some balls and drop Teary couldn't stand the tosser before and now I have a reason.
Interesting that they'd op to keep it under wraps - and seems to have worked too. I thought the incident would grab the pundits attention for a long while, but no one seems to be talking about it much.

I realise its fashionable to dislike Chelsea, but I don't think this is a Chelsea thing at all, much moreso a John Terry thing, so let's hope criticism gets levelled at him. But as someone said above, being the pristine, old-skool centre back that he is, I'm sure the FA will do anything to ensure his halo doesn't come unstuck.
I can't understand why none of the opposition players have said nothing. Maybe he said "it's my cockney accent. I really said they're fucking shite".
McClaren should drop the sack of shit and show some balls. We're the first to complain when Macedonians or Spanish say something.
If this is true then he should be removed from the squad forthwith and never be allowed to play for England again. How can a man with such values be a leader of his country? I have never liked him, its the stupid hair I think. Now the racism.
Why King went mad, when normally he is mild tempered and the incident appeared harmless Why Chimbonda went berserk and had to be physically restrained Why Zakora went mad also Why Drogba, who was there and always gets involved, did nothing Why Terry calmly walked away expecting to be sent off for what appeared on TV to be nothing Terry was accused by Eto of making racist comments in the Barcelona game last year.
Apparently a Spurs player has leaked this, but Chelsea are working overtime to keep it quiet Ashley Cole has said that Poll told him the lack of discipline by Chelsea was out of order and Chelsea are trying to discredit Poll, but he cannot possibly come out and say what Terry did as he is the England captain, preferring to say he was sent off for 'ungentlemanly conduct'.
Finally, Rio Ferdinand said in his book that a current England player was a known racist. Wonder who he meant?

Actually this seems pretty conclusive when you read it, you have to agree this is a plausible explanation to what was an innocuous looking incident.

The stupid Poll slating was obviously a cover story if this is the case.
i won't believe this shit until we get more evidences,it's easy to say he said"that and that" plus the rumour came from a football forum!!everybody can say what he wants on a forum!!if "a lip-reader"(sorry i don't know exactly the good word;) )or even King or Chimbonda come and say yes terry said some racist insults i would be the first to blame JT.
I can't understand why none of the opposition players have said nothing. Maybe he said "it's my cockney accent. I really said they're fucking shite".
McClaren should drop the sack of shit and show some balls. We're the first to complain when Macedonians or Spanish say something.

It's a shame we have racists on this forum too. 'Cockneys' are people too.

I think its stupid that everybody is on here slating terry when all you have to go by is a 'rumour' on a forum. I mean, obvioulsy everything on a forum is gospel truth! You'd be dumb not too believe it! :roll:

Yes i agree it is a strange situation, and there is a possibility of it happening. But i also heard that terry said "ooh, ledley, your buttocks felt really firm, i'll see you after wink wink" and ledley king does not like to be refered to as 'gay' and so went beserk. and because chimbonda, droba, assou ekotto are all doing the 'bum thing' they were all furious that terry didnt fancy them and erupted into a jealous rage!

Are we forgetting that ledley king and john terry both come from the same area and have been friends since they were kids? And how many black players are in the chelsea team? do you really think terry would get away with being a racist day in, day out? Everyone can say stupid things in the heat of the moment, ok if this is true VERY STUPID, but it doesnt mean he is a full blown BNP racist. He maybe said a racist comment, but only in the same vain as him calling someone a f**king c*nt. Doesnt mean he actually believes someone is a womans genitalia! Obviously all you guys have never said anything wrong in the heat of a game. I know i certainly have, nobodys perfect!

But i am not just backing john terry up because he is my teams captain, but because racism is something that really gets me. Like sexism etc. Yes racism does exist and i hate it as much as everyone else. But it is also a really taboo subject. As in there are no set rules, and so anything these days can be said to be 'racist'.

But to end up Racism has no place in the game, and the more we can do to rid the game of it the better.
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