Chelsea Thread

That incident with Koscielny and Gabriel in the penalty box: Costa's actions in the space of 1 minute warranted 3 yellow cards - 2 slaps to the face, bumping Kos to the ground and getting into a scuffle with Gabriel.

Now the blatant slapping was out of Dean's view and if the FA is any serious about disciplinary issues, they will hand him a retroactive ban for that off-the-ball incident.

After he got what he wanted (Gabriel's sending off) he got quiet again and slowly grew in confidence towards the end - he was even having a go at the Ox as if nothing's happened.

It's puzzling indeed that he gets away with all this. It's almost as if he knows he won't be punished, so instead of thinking "I'm on a yellow, walking on thin ice here" he justs carries on and kicks another Arsenal player off the ball.

Just disgraceful. But that's very Chelsea, their fans will love it and Mourinho especially.

Arsenal have their way of going about things, but I'm with the others in here. If I was a player, I'd lose it. I'd face a lengthy ban by breaking his fucking jaw, no doubt.
Its beyond me how Dean allows the Chelsea players surround him so much ,he literately has to run out of the circle. That reminds me of a dog running off from his sucklings .
Its beyond me how Dean allows the Chelsea players surround him so much ,he literately has to run out of the circle. That reminds me of a dog running off from his sucklings .

I think that pressure forced him to sent out Gabriel. Such a diffident and inconsistent referee.
Well, Costa practically told him what to do! Dean might as well have handed him the whistle and the cards.
Got played like a fucking piano there, but it hardly surprises us. We all know what a muppet Dean is.

PS: I forgot a 4th incident where Costa could have gotten a yellow. When Dean was calling them for a talk, he shoved Gabriel on the back (not just once) right in front of Mike Dean.
So there you have it, 4 bookable incidents in the space of a minute. Enough said.
The face grabbing thing (which he did twice) is so weird and blatant that it's perfect. The ref might see it but he just thinks 'did I just see th... nah can't have' and Costa gets away with it.
The arm swing is a straight red and CFC will be lucky if he's not charged with a 3 game ban on Monday
Definitely no penalty on Hazard.
Costa should have been sent off and deserves a lengthy ban.
Gabriel Paulista is a dumb ass.
First goal: fantastic pass by Fabregas, great run by Zouma but above all awfull defending.

I hope some people at Arsenal don't let themselves deluded by Costa's antics, because this team under this manager simply isn't good enough.

A week full of catastrophical decisions by Wenger. Underestimating Zagreb, overestimating his own squad, tactically very weak (woefull defending).

All the moaning about referee decisions is good and well, but Arsenal are once again very poor. I think City will be very happy with this result.
To quote Sid Lowe:
Diego Costa says that he never takes his work home with him. Which is probably a good thing. If he did, the Atlético Madrid striker might walk through the door, goad the dog with a stick, surreptitiously elbow his wife out of the way on the stairs, shrug his shoulders innocently as she lay in a crumpled heap at the bottom and whisper insults to his children, look the other way and whistle when they burst into tears. He might stroll into the living room and dramatically collapse on the floor, roll around the rug holding his head and appeal for a penalty. He might even get it too.
Definitely no penalty on Hazard.
Costa should have been sent off and deserves a lengthy ban.
Gabriel Paulista is a dumb ass.
First goal: fantastic pass by Fabregas, great run by Zouma but above all awfull defending.

I hope some people at Arsenal don't let themselves deluded by Costa's antics, because this team under this manager simply isn't good enough.

A week full of catastrophical decisions by Wenger. Underestimating Zagreb, overestimating his own squad, tactically very weak (woefull defending).

All the moaning about referee decisions is good and well, but Arsenal are once again very poor. I think City will be very happy with this result.



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That is an interesting find, mehtab...

Interesting yes, and Gabriel is a cunt is his own right but two wrongs don't make a right. Especially when it's not even during the same game. By that logic I have a seriously vindictive life to lead.

Do love the commentary on that clip: "oh come on Gabriel, that is not at all angelic" :LMAO:
I agree with that, dplane.
Like i already said, Costa deserves a lengthy ban.

But it kind if changes the narrative from Arsenal fans, as if they are a team of saints that aren't enough protected by the ref...
Even before i saw that Villareal clip, ihad not manysympathy with Gabrië best he was stupid.
Martin Keown Said:

Difference is that when RVN, or Keown, or any REAL man said it, they meant actually take him on, man to man.

With Costa, he'll spit on your cheek and if you turn around fast enough he'll throw himself to the ground and cry daddy.

He's the worst. A pussy tough man.
Zouma replied: "No, we're not surprised because we know Diego.Everyone knows Diego and this guy likes to cheat a lot and put the opponent out of his game."

Chelsea fans hated Suarez and now they got someone w/ all antics no skills.
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