Chelsea Thread

Well bebo, it must have been a most satisfying weekend for you. Chelsea did win the league cup. You as a big Chelsea
I deserve that comment , no doubt :) . I hope ppl don't go accusing me of being a Chelsea fan now. :LOL: Spur's manager is a top bloke.
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You may not know this... The Arsenal won more trophies then Chelsea from 14/15! (2) vs (1).

Chelsea have won the European Cup, something we could only dream of these days.

They are going places as a club - we have just stood still for 10-15 years now.

Not good enough really.
Chelsea have won the European Cup, something we could only dream of these days.

They are going places as a club - we have just stood still for 10-15 years now.

Not good enough really.

$$$ tis the answer. In that time Arsenal have built a stadium, paid it off, and ensured they can organically compete at the highest level for the forseeable future.

In the same amount of time Chelsea have purchased 2 entire world class squads. For about a billion pounds. Been able to have players at their peak. Been able to offload players surplus at huge losses. And brought through a grand total of 0 youth players into 1st team regulars.

Have Chelsea achieved incredible success on the pitch in the last 10 years? Of course they have. But Arsenal could not have competed. So you shouldn't be upset about it really.
For about 50% of them it did! :LOL:

I know plenty of glory hunting Liverpool supporters who were born in London and only started supporting them because they won everything in the 80s.

Look at all the Liverpool fans in Norway etc - are they 'true' fans? They were on the Instanbul '05 bandwagon.

All fanbases have plenty of 'plastic' fans, not fair to tarnish Chelsea fans with this.
I think UJSupanova was talking about the age bracket...most only are interested in football when they became a fan or understood the game. You can see a person`s age by how they think ' When I was a child, I spake as a child ,I understood as child and thought as a Child. When I became a man I put away childish things." Yes , I did quote the Bible :LOL:
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LOL at that last post.

Maybe this is also the place to talk about the sexist reactions Eva Carneiro has got from Manchester United and Arsenal fans.

Well done can be very proud of your classy behaviour.
Well, as stated before, there are always idiots amongst fan members and those really should be kicked out or punished. I'll be honest though, my first time seeing her i had a small discussion with a mate that there's a girl there doing the job because they are so rare. Then that discussion led to why, and I guess this is a reason why few females will do this job. When more and more of them come in, then I'm sure these behaviours will be reduced drastically.

But then I guess it shouldn't be initiated by the females but by the wrong-doers. They should be the ones to change...
There are hunderdsof girls and women who are interested in football, but football is a male chauvinist bastion.
Look at reaction female football journalists get. Here in Belgium one of them wrote a book. She is very knowledgeable, but she was attractive and seen as a sex object by most male football players, managers and even fellow journalists. The book was a best seller, but for all the wrong reasons.

I have a 15 year old daughter whi is football crazy. She played in a team until she was twelve and got fed-up because the boys in her team never passed her the ball. She became disgusted and started to play handball (she is not very good at handball, but in her mixed handball team she is considered as an equal to the boys in her team).

At school she had to play a football match against another class with one girl who is selected for national youth teams. Afterwards the school coach sent us a note to say that Ellen is really talented and should play football. He wrote in his mail that she totally ourtplayed the girl selected forthe national youth teams. Although my daughter watches football live and on television (she is a big Chelsea fan), she is fed-up with playing football.

I don't think her story is uncommon. See also the story of Helena Costa, the female coach of Clermont Ferrand in Ligue 2. She resigned before the season even had started because she was not taken serious.
"hundreds" sure, but, like I say, most are interested in other things. Same reason the STEM fields are dominated by men, and why women dominate other careers, like caring, for example. On average, the genders are different. Inequality of outcome doesn't have to mean discrimination.
However, many are interested in sports. Look at the female World Cup and other female leagues. But we aren't just talking about female players, we're talking about female trainers, journalists, coach, things that may not require physical strength or things that a male or female should be different to. Thus in these areas, shouldn't there be more females for the right reasons? (I'm not talking about female sport anchors who are just there because they are hot and attract guy viewers)
I can understand you: since most women are not interested in football, that on the very top level, Eva Carneiro is the exception.

But at lower levels ?

When i was a youth coach i've seen women coaches quite frequently and some of them were very, very good. The older the players become, the lesser female coaches you see.

At senior level, i've never come across one...this isn't logical.
I dunno. Do you see more youth level coaches?

I've never seen a female football coach. Can't really count my PE teacher tbh
I've seen plenty of female youth coaches here in Belgium.
And let's be honest, England isn't exactly a good example of youth coaching and youth politics.
In North America, I've seen one or two that coach males, most coach females and that was the "norm". Even for almost all other sports the coaches are males if the players are male. It isn't right, however, there are many female leagues and teams in North America's youth set-up so I guess they have enough jobs and don't have to compete with the males in that sense...
It's a conspiracy!!!


Never a red, in fact Oscar is the one that lunges in, Ibra pulls out.

But hey, poor Oscar, I mean he must be really hurt, to scream like that, to roll around?

Oh wait, he's back up and playing, didn't even get treatment.

But hey, this is football. Faking injury, screaming at referees - it has clearly worked here. So how can we complain?
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