Chelsea Thread

Lampard is confirmed out on the sat game even might be the second game at Barca as well...
Saw this article on chelsea, I think its got some good points...

Simon Hattenstone in Guardian
Wednesday, March 1, 2006

'There is a new breed of football fan trolling round town, half peacock, half cowed apologist. The peacock talks about the Premiership titles, the money, the arrival of Eto'o or Ballack or God if he turns out to have two decent feet. The cowed apologist mutters that, of course it's great to be winning, but it wasn't meant to be like this.
Mike is a diehard Chelsea fan. Season ticket, away matches, the lot. A few weeks ago he muttered that he wasn't going to the FA Cup replay against Everton - he couldn't afford it for one, and (the mutter now barely audible) he quite fancied a break. Mike, a man of boundless energy and optimism, sounded weary. "Everybody thinks it must be fantastic, but it's not all wine and roses," he said elliptically.

A couple of nights ago in the pub I was chatting with a friend about Chelsea - how the stakes were now so high that they could win the Premiership title by a mile and still have an unsuccessful season. Mid-sentence I got a tap on my shoulder. "I heard what you were saying," said a big bloke who looked as if he'd win any arm-wrestling competition down the Shed. "I'm a Chelsea fan." Great. Here we go. I waited for the headbutt. "I agree with everything you were saying, mate. Chelsea have given me no pleasure this season. Nothing. Zilch." He didn't want to talk about any number of functional 1-0 wins or Makelele's marshalling of his seven-man defence, he wanted to talk about Hudson and Osgood, Zola and Gullit, flair and romance down the King's Road, the glory years when they won the FA Cup and sod all else. The one thing he didn't want to talk about was modern Chelsea.
Steve, the fairest man I know, is also a Chelsea fan. He explains why they are no worse than Man United or Arsenal were, and tells me that everybody hates winning teams - that's just the Robin Hood way of the world.

Well, I say, I'm not so sure - United had so much home-grown talent and played the beautiful game, Arsenal played the even more beautiful game. By now Steve is not only nodding, he's helping me out, talking faster and faster. "They're like that Harry Enfield character Loadsamoney, flaunting it, rubbing our faces in it. We know football's become like that, but we don't want to be constantly reminded." Steve, like Mike and the arm wrestler, are on the verge of becoming self-haters.

At least, Chelsea self-haters won't find themselves short of fellow flagellators. Last week Barcelona's Lionel Messi said: "There are players here who hate Chelsea more than Real Madrid." More than Real Madrid! Now that is going some. The reaction to last week's defeat against Barcelona was astonishing. It felt as if England had beaten Germany; as if Barcelona were both local club and underdog. Why? Because it was a victory for vision and adventure, a defeat for cynicism and conservatism.

So what has changed in a year to make Chelsea possibly the most despised club in the world? Yes, obviously, there's money - we came, we saw, we spent, as Caesar would have it. But Barcelona are also fabulously rich. So what else?

Mourinho. We always knew the Special One was narcissism personified, but he was witty with it. At least, he was while he had it all his own way. But now Chelsea have lost a few matches? He won't talk to the press, he makes pre-emptive excuses (before the Barcelona match he mentioned how many penalties they had won this season, and how many players had been sent off against them. The implication? They were cheats). After the match, in which Asier del Horno was sent off for fouling Messi, he waxed sarcastic about Messi's theatrics. (Pot, kettle, Arjen Robben anybody?) As for the disgraceful pitch that looked as if it would suit the hard men of Chelsea more than the Barcelona ball players? Last week, pre-match, it was fine. This week, post-match, it is being relaid. So no coincidence there, then?

None of this bothers Mourinho, of course. He is happy so long as they win. But for Boss Abramovich, it's a different matter. Sure he may have bought Chelsea as his plaything, but make no mistake he always wanted to turn it into the richest football club in the world. The latest Deloitte "rich list" put Real Madrid (with turnover of £186m) ahead of Man United in second (£166m), with Chelsea (£149m) in fifth. Why? Because they sell more shirts around the world. And why do Real Madrid and United sell more shirts than Chelsea? Simple. Because, despite all their detractors, over the decades they have wooed their fans with romance, history and thrilling football.'
I was just about to post that article up! :)

It was something on my what the true Chelsea fans are thinking about this whole Abrahmovich era and Mourinho's moaning. I'm sure that they will hate to see it happening for any other team - but when it's their own, it must be so annoying.

I think, any true fan of a football club, will appreciate the bad times as much as the good. To see your club slowly come up the rankings after years of hurt is one of the best feelings ever. In a way, the Chelsea fans were robbed of that feeling when Abramovich came with his riches and instantly changed the club. I'm sure most Chelsea fans are happy that they are winning things - but I'm equally certain that its probably leaving a bitter aftertaste.
Seeing chelsea rapping the EPL surely is bad for the neutral fan.

I also have the feeling that even chelsea winning the EPL is a unsuccesfull season. they need the CL.

If they had a world class striker. that is what chelsea are lacking. in football terms that is.
Sorry to hear about Osgood. When I was a kid, If someone beat me to George Best, Lorimer, Rodney Marsh, etc. He was a good choice to be. He'll be missed.
lampard is injured and not fit, its gonna be big lose for chelsea.

Mourinho is a good manager, when it comes to building team spirit, team chemistry, building a winning mentality. But i dont think he is good at purchasing players.
I 100% agree with that article.
Im a diehard chelsea fan, and although i am happy we are finally winning things, i hate having to defend them after evry incident. Mourinho doesnt help and although he is a fabulously talented manager, he is also a bit of a tit.
After the barcelona game, he was blaming messi, but there was noone to blame but del horno.
his first challenge was disgusting and deserving a red card by itself. The second was just plain stupid, and to see both of them rolling around like they'd just been kicked in the balls witha concrete boot was embarassing to watch.
At times this season i have cringed being a chelsea fan at the way some of our players act, and feel ashamed that they play for my team. Take robben for example, amazing player, i love to watch him, but why he did that to reina ill never know.
The one thing i can't stand is players trying to get other players booked/sent off. And i dont like to point the finger and tar everyone of this nationaliy with the same brush, but all this diving and play acting stems from spain. Del Horno, and also IMO the worst diver/play acter of them all Jose Antonio Reyes.
Play acting is a disease in this sport that we all love, and needs to be cut out completely, but the one thing i don't liek is that everyone blames chelsea as if we are the worst culprits, which we most certainly are not. All of the top four teams in england (not league position) have bad divers/playacters:

Arsenal : Reyes, Fabregas im sure theres more
Man U: Ronaldo, Heinze
Chelsea: Robben, Drogba, Del Horno
Liverpool: Luis Garcia, Sissoko,

Notice the pattern, very continental teams....when you go lower in the league with teams with more of a british contingent, very little play acting......

noise said:
Arsenal : Reyes, Fabregas im sure theres more

I wouldn't include Fabregas there mate he is definitely not a diver, Pires and Ljungberg go down a lot easier than him.
Ballack trying to use chelsea to get more money.
saying that there have been contacts with chelsea to acquire him is only a way to get his salary up on his next club.
I hope that's all Ballack's doing, though it doesn't make a lot of sense, who would start a bidding war with Chelski? If anything other teams will now just give up.


Oh dear lord... :(!
Ballack is rubbish, Chelsea will be big F losers if they sign him, his prime is done, just mercenary for money. I'd rather sign lomano lua lua, considering the fact crespo will leave in the summer, i think he is a goal scoring machine, if he gets good service.
Ballack is still class act and can do a job in any team. But do chelsea really need him? who will be sacrificed in midfeild to accomodate ballack?
chelsea_fan said:
Ballack is rubbish, Chelsea will be big F losers if they sign him, his prime is done, just mercenary for money. I'd rather sign lomano lua lua, considering the fact crespo will leave in the summer, i think he is a goal scoring machine, if he gets good service.

How can you say he is rubbish? Hes 28, and doesnt rely on speed to be effective. Hes arguably the best German player right now who is also the top scorer for Bayern.
Milanista said:
How can you say he is rubbish? Hes 28, and doesnt rely on speed to be effective. Hes arguably the best German player right now who is also the top scorer for Bayern.

hey mate, i seen him play, not always consistent, hes having ok season, actually hes turning 30 in september, his best days are behind him, he wants to win the champions league, apparently, and who doesnt ofcourse,but i dont think its in chelsea's best interest to sign him, as guddy and essien are far better players.

I think, its best to wait after the world cup and see what happeneds. But hes agent is asking way more than hes worth. and germany will crash and burn in the wc :P

Sergio Aguiero now thats a F player, hottest property i think! the hell with freddy adu, who apparently is also interested in chelsea.
noise said:
I 100% agree with that article.
Im a diehard chelsea fan, and although i am happy we are finally winning things, i hate having to defend them after evry incident. Mourinho doesnt help and although he is a fabulously talented manager, he is also a bit of a tit.
After the barcelona game, he was blaming messi, but there was noone to blame but del horno.
:lmao: Blaming Del Horno is just as bad as blaming Messi. You cant blame one person. The whole team lost so the whole team takes the blame.
And I dont think you got the message from that article cuz its not about playing fair. If Chelsea didnt have divers in their team, that article would still have been written...

noise said:
All of the top four teams in england (not league position) have bad divers/playacters:

Arsenal : Reyes, Fabregas im sure theres more
Man U: Ronaldo, Heinze
Chelsea: Robben, Drogba, Del Horno
Liverpool: Luis Garcia, Sissoko,

Notice the pattern, very continental teams....when you go lower in the league with teams with more of a british contingent, very little play acting......

First of all, Arsenal and Man Utd's players dont dive as much as they used to. Sir Alex isnt the type of guy that would tolerate crap like that and as for Arsenal, IMO their diving ways were probably learnt from Vieira who wasnt really setting a good example to the younger players. Now that he's gone, you dont see Arsenal players dive as much. Cant say much about Liverpool cuz to be honest, I cant be arsed to watch their games. ;).
But my main point is that theres a difference between Chelsea and the rest of the teams. And that is the manager. Unlike other managers, Mourinho defends his team for every crime they commit. And then he has the nerve to blame other teams especially his "dive, dive, dive, cheat, cheat, cheat" comments in a post match interview.
Atleast when other teams dive, they know they're wrong but at Chelsea, its almost encouraged.
you can blame mourinho for moaning (he does) and for being a sore loser (he is) but he defends his team no matter what. and admire that. He reduces the pressure on his players with his bombastic comments, well maybe not bombastic. concetrating all attentions on him. Inside the team they only think about football. Most players don't cope well with appearing in the front page.
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chelsea_fan said:
hey mate, i seen him play, not always consistent, hes having ok season, actually hes turning 30 in september, his best days are behind him, he wants to win the champions league, apparently, and who doesnt ofcourse,but i dont think its in chelsea's best interest to sign him, as guddy and essien are far better players.

ok some of the things you said maybe reasonable points (age), but the fact that you consider eidur gudjohnson a FAR better player than ballack (!) makes me seriously doubt that you are even capable of having a serious discussion about that subject

his best days are behind him? i saw him playing quite a few times aswell and hasn't he scored like 12 goals so far? as a mf!

on the other hand imo the main problem is where should he line up?
13 goals... thats just the Bundesliga too.

Hes a little similar to Lampard. Both of them can be silent all game, then score goals. Theyre the dangerous ones who can change things.
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Yeah, altough chelsea shouldn't go after, and I doubt they will go (all the ruckus around him going to chelsea is just to make someone else pay more mney for him (salary) kinda like Parma did with Gilardino, forced Milan to pay more for him by spreading rumours about him going to chelsea, being real rumours or not) Ballack is an awesome player, saying his best is behind is nonsense. He might have only 3 years of top football in him but 3 years for a player is alot. And a club that gets such a high quality player for "only" three years should be thankfull.
This years Ballack is maybe the best ever, we'll have to wait for the WC though, because he would have to prove at this level again like in 2002.
However, I can't figure out why Chelsea would buy him?
They've got Lampard, and Ballack isn't actually a fan favorite at Stamford Bridge now, is he?

I still hope he stays where he's at, where he belongs! In Munich he is the undoubted leader of the team, the player who can make the difference, and if it weren't for his tendencies to leave, the most loved one as well.
Shame Italy tore apart our national team just yesterday, 'cause I really thought Ballack, Klose, Borowski, Frings and the rest of the bunch would actually perform like they do for their clubs... :(
But it'll happen in the near future, I'm sure. :)

One thing to add:
Thinking about it, it really would be interesting to see Ballack play in a world class team where he is NOT the "boss", if you want to call it that way. I think with more competition going on around him, he could impress even more. That does not change my point of view though, I hope he stays!
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julien said:
ok some of the things you said maybe reasonable points (age), but the fact that you consider eidur gudjohnson a FAR better player than ballack (!) makes me seriously doubt that you are even capable of having a serious discussion about that subject

his best days are behind him? i saw him playing quite a few times aswell and hasn't he scored like 12 goals so far? as a mf!

on the other hand imo the main problem is where should he line up?

Maybe I should rephrase my words than lad, Guddy is better for Chelsea than ballack, Guddy is awesome player, i dont know why hes so underrated, maybe doesnt have same leadership qualities as ballack, and maybe hes from a small footballing nation.

Scoring in Bundesliga isnt quite the same as scoring in the EPL, and Ballack is injury prone.

13 goals... thats just the Bundesliga too.

Hes a little similar to Lampard. Both of them can be silent all game, then score goals. Theyre the dangerous ones who can change things.

ya ur rite , kinda similar but Lampard, is a two-way player, he can defend, play box to box, when lampard is having a silent game offensivly , he actually having a good game defensively, chasing down, filling in the gaps, closing the angles down.
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Ballack used to be a defensive midfielder, thats why hes also a strong midfielder. I dont think hes injury prone, hes very physical and is one who is rarely injured.
tbh....nothing has even been decided yet and from the last few years in the transfer market...always expect the unexpected. Look at it in terms of Angulo (arsenal), Rivaldo (bolton), robben (man utd), van der meyde (as monaco) and mascherano (r. madrid)....those deals broke down big time in the 11th hour....who's to say ballacks going to chelsea....he could end up at Inter, AC, Juventus, Man Utd, R. madrid, arsenal and others who have registered a degree of interst...its still early days!!
RuneEdge said:
:lmao: Blaming Del Horno is just as bad as blaming Messi. You cant blame one person. The whole team lost so the whole team takes the blame.
And I dont think you got the message from that article cuz its not about playing fair. If Chelsea didnt have divers in their team, that article would still have been written...

First of all, Arsenal and Man Utd's players dont dive as much as they used to. Sir Alex isnt the type of guy that would tolerate crap like that and as for Arsenal, IMO their diving ways were probably learnt from Vieira who wasnt really setting a good example to the younger players. Now that he's gone, you dont see Arsenal players dive as much. Cant say much about Liverpool cuz to be honest, I cant be arsed to watch their games. ;).
But my main point is that theres a difference between Chelsea and the rest of the teams. And that is the manager. Unlike other managers, Mourinho defends his team for every crime they commit. And then he has the nerve to blame other teams especially his "dive, dive, dive, cheat, cheat, cheat" comments in a post match interview.
Atleast when other teams dive, they know they're wrong but at Chelsea, its almost encouraged.

My whole comment was not based on that article rune, i did mention it though. I was just giving my opinion on the thing i hate the most in football.

I wasn't blaming del horno for the match, i was blaming him for being stupid and getting sent off!! Mourinho was blaming messi for the sending off but i said u can only blame del horno.

I agree with Revan, mourinho does it to get attention away from the lads, and i respect him for that. But i dont like the way he always mentions how we have it done to us, and complain even though he knows that we are worse!
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