Chelsea Thread

He'd be a very good signing. Willian is a good player but he doesn't have particularly scary dribbling skills or the passing range. He's a quick, hard working player who is a good runner of the ball.
Cuadrado would add another good dribbler into the mix, if played wide, and help take some attention away from Hazard
I'd like me some Cuadrado tbh. He's got Willian's work-rate and a better end-product, and he's very versatile too; definitely a plus.

But, as you pointed out his arrival would mean someone between Salah & Schürrle (or maybe both).

While I wouldn't mind Salah leaving (who was awful in almost every game he started for us) I'd be sad if we were to part ways with Schürrle. I've come to like him and I'm very fond of him, besides he adds another profile to the team, his incisiveness and direct play offers something different that we'd loose if he were to leave. He also might stay to explore his option and see if he can get the play time he needs or doesn't to then leave in the summer.

I feel the same way. Maybe we can rotate our midfielders more once we get Cuadrado.
Could someone educate me how a player gets the 'Costa' reputation - of being a loveable scamp, who is so adorable he can stamp twice in a match and have commentators just laugh it off?

Cause I'd like to give that PR training to Wayne Rooney. Because if he'd deliberately, slyly and incredibly dirtily stamped on two ankles in a match, the British media basically would have imploded with glee.
Are you fucking kidding me? Just let Liverpool win. I don't give a shit about this Capital Cup. BPL is more important. The match against Man City is more important. Now it's extra time and all the players will be dead wood when we play against City. Shit!
Could someone educate me how a player gets the 'Costa' reputation - of being a loveable scamp, who is so adorable he can stamp twice in a match and have commentators just laugh it off?

Cause I'd like to give that PR training to Wayne Rooney. Because if he'd deliberately, slyly and incredibly dirtily stamped on two ankles in a match, the British media basically would have imploded with glee.

Ref didn't see either stamp so he'll be banned retroactively

Chelsea will probably appeal just so he can play against us tho

Decent game. Tight but end to end at times
Chelsea just about deserved that IMO. Liverpool play some lovely stuff at times but no end product.

Balotelli and Lambert are awful. Costa is EXACTLY what we need at the moment, that bit of grit and nastyness. We are too nice.

Great matches, congrats Chelsea (off to wash my mouth out now!)
Good for Hazard, Oscar and Zouma. Diego Costa lost it this match with attitude, anger and everything. Ref was horrible. Henderson, Lucas and Costa was lucky to be on the pitch and not get red card. Sterling and Countinho was good like usual. Balotelli made chances but was bad at decision making at times. Ugly football in the second extra time. We could have gotten 4-0 up on the second extra time but it's fine. That's the match on the nutshell.
Matic is a joy to watch both defensively and going forward. I WISH we had someone like that in-front of our back 4.

Courtois is class, Hazard is just so silky - I could watch him play football forever, he's a joy.

One of the best football teams I've seen in the Prem League for a long time, probably since Man U 2008 side or our team when Pires, Vieria, Henry et al were all on song - we were immense then, tough to beat, flare - we had it all.
If there is the opposite of X-factor, Rooney has it.
Both my kids hate him with a passion.

If you ask them what their least favourite player is, they don't hesitate a second and yell in unisone: ROONEY.

Last week my son's friend where here to play football in the garden. I had 8 12 year olds and i asked them what their favourite player was: i got all kind of different names. Then i asked who the player is they least liked, they all agreed on Rooney.

I thought about this. IMO Rooney is somewhat underestimated. I never became the player English media expected him to be (Messi-esque), but he was Always a real team player for United, played at several positions wich weren't his best positions but he sacrified himself.

The thing is that if you watch him on the pitch, he seems to play without seems as if he doesn't like to play football. Joe Hart is the opposite. Although imo he is not a good GK, i have a soft spot for him since he Always seems to play with an enormous amount of pleasure. Here is a professional player who still enjoys himself on the pitch, or rather that is the way it looks.

Sorry to go off-topic, but i wanted to react to Beach's post.

Oh and about Costa.

My daughter is a huge Chelsea fan, but she doesn't like Costa's attitude. But she thinks he is one hell of a player...and he is.
Only just seen the Costa stamps, how can Mourinho even pretend to say they're accidental? I mean Costa even goes for Skrtel again afterwards.

I don't like Costa and can't wait for him to flop next year so he's sold to Italy (he says in hope, knowing it won't happen).
Costa is the most dangerous vile player in the league... I wish he would come to The Arsenal :LOL: I love to have That lead the line.
Only just seen the Costa stamps, how can Mourinho even pretend to say they're accidental? I mean Costa even goes for Skrtel again afterwards.

I don't like Costa and can't wait for him to flop next year so he's sold to Italy (he says in hope, knowing it won't happen).

Skrtel started it.
Skrtel started it.

Does it make it okay though? Skrtel mistimes a tackle which is in all COMPLETELY innocent, and maybe during the game he did enough to rile up Costa. But at the end of it all, acting like a petulant child and lashing out isn't going to help, and stamping on players can do a lot more damage than the kind of innocent wind up BS defenders pull.

Using that kind of defence it would be okay to go into a 40-60 ball a little hard and catch the opponent, and that opponent deserving to be punched in the face for it.

Skrtel might be a nob, but Costa takes it to a whole other level.
Costa should have a got a red card, but what he did is not really a big deal, it's not like biting or like the assault of Rooney against Wigan, who got away with that completely.

What most people are saying is: if it's one of our players, it's ok. If it's a player of another team it's a big deal. If it's a Chelsea player, it's a outrageous and the player should get the death penalty.

He's one hell of a player, he should get more cards, but there are worse injustices in football, for example the way Januzaj is treated by Van Gaal (refusing a loan for a player who never plays, Van Gaal is destroying Januzaj, just like Mourinho did with De Bruyne).
Dunno how Chelsea (or, Mourinho, tbp) have the nerve to act the way they do. Constant childish tantrums and playing the victim all the time.
It will be interesting to see how long Abramovich puts up with Mourinho. He really does drag the club through the mud..
Those Agüero pictures don't proof anything. And even if he made a mistake, i can't remember nasty challenges from him whereas Costa does it all the time. He could be sent off in every single match (not my words, the words of my daughter who is an avid Chelsea fan).

What Costa did against Liverpool was utterly stupid, i'm pretty sure Mourinho is furious even if he talks this conspiracy bullshit...

I'm one of the few people who constantly defend Chelsea (look a few posts above), but let's keep the discussion fair and serious.

This said i hope Chelsea wins. Manchester City don't deserve to win this year, because they play very mediocre football.
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