Chelsea Thread

Surely also worth pointing out that Chelsea required a 94th minute penalty to sink a United back 4 with an average age of about 21, who had never played together in the first team before?

But yeah, they totally sinked us. Painful.
Surely also worth pointing out that Chelsea required a 94th minute penalty to sink a United back 4 with an average age of about 21, who had never played together in the first team before?

But yeah, they totally sinked us. Painful.

Yeah right. We kicked you out of Cup and you did what? Oooh and a handball was not given as well otherwise we could won it on 90mins easily. Haters gonna hate. :))

How sir? Are you another girl who is a Torres fan?
:LOL: you keep commenting on how shite Torres is, without realizing he's a perfect fit to our tactic and actually an excellent pivot: he's unselfish, makes good off ball runs, opens spaces to his team-mates & he even makes some assists.
Sure his job is to score goals not creating chances but he's a hell of a burden to other deferences without him Mazacar can't play properly, so before throwing random bullshit at least take the time to analyze his team apport.

I'm not the idea of Falcao but with him coming the tactical scheme will be different & the team will be built around him which is not that appealing really, we already are the 2nd most scoring team in Europe, is Falcao really that needed?

This year we're playing on 5 competitions, so if you ask me what we really need would be another CB, simply because Luiz is to inconsistent, Terry will get injured again like usual which will leave us with Cahill (in case he doesn't get injured too) & Branislav (whom i don't trust that much) ;)

Well, you got CB point correct. But what Torres is doing can be done by any player(Even my gf). See this video for an e.j

YouTube - Fernando Torres vs Shaktar Donetsk Away 12-13
Well my mind is officially blown. Chelsea are reporting that for the first time since 2003, they've not ended the year in the red - they actually recorded a profit this year.

I for one won't believe it until I can see their financials - I mean, they lost £70m last season and have since bought Hazard, Oscar, Marin and Moses and not really sold anyone of note - but if they've managed to go a season without relying on Roman I'll be absolutely gobsmacked. I know they won the CL and that means a chunk of cash, but surely not enough to cover all those transfers?! When United won it the impact to our revenue wasn't even a Hazard.

Methinks there be some skulduggery with regards to transfers fees here....

Edit - Apparently they claim to have MADE £28m profit in the transfer market? Um, what? De Bruyne, Mata, Lukaku at least were purchased in that year, who have Chelsea sold to make anywhere near £30m? Am truly baffled here. Any Chelsea fans know?

Also, they converted almost £170m of hteir remaining debt into capital. Which to you and I means that Roman bought all their debt so they're now debt free again. His cumulative spend on Chelsea is now well over £1bn.
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Odd match. First half Liverpool looked like they had the cut and thrust of a soggy mushroom, but in the second Chelsea looked a bit off the pace. If I'm honest I'm surprised that 'Pool scored, but Chelsea didn't really come back into it with a rally. 1-1 possibly fair.

If anyone cares on the financial side, it turns out that when you buy a player the only cost that shows up on your P&L is the amortised value of their contract. So Torres only shows up as £10m a year, for 5 years, rather than a single big £50m cost.

On the other hand player sales are treated as pure profit in the time period that the sale is made. I.e., selling Alex gained £4m last year, but buying Lukaku only cost about £4m on the P&L.

Two interesting things come out of this - 1. because of all the buying that Chelsea have done in the past 3 seasons (averaging £90m a year!!!) their amortisation costs are going up and will continue to be very high for the next two years (after which Torres, Luiz and Meireles will come off the books), and I can't see Chelsea selling anyone for any real money. Expect next season's books to go back to 'normal' with around £30-50m losses.

2. If you look at who Chelsea sold in the financial year (youth, Alex, Zhirkov etc) there must be real questions about how much was paid for Zhirkov. The only way I can get near the £28m reported profit is if Zhirkov cost in excess of £15m. That's pretty sketch given who he was sold to, the relationships at work and his true 'market' value. Maybe this is how Roman is going to get around FFP. Each season he'll do a 'deal' with a large, oil-sponsored Russian team to buy a Chelsea squad player for 3 or 4x their true value.
I think Chelsea has an excellent squad , but I think their manager might lack that edge. I rather the title go to Manchester anyhow :P
I think Chelsea has an excellent squad , but I think their manager might lack that edge. I rather the title go to Manchester anyhow :P

Almost agree. If Chelsea buy Falcao, I think they'll have the best overall squad in the league. But Torres alone up front...dunno.
Almost agree. If Chelsea buy Falcao, I think they'll have the best overall squad in the league. But Torres alone up front...dunno.

He is putting AM on the map this season. Something Aguero nor Torres could not of done. Season is long but January is too soon me think.
Yeah its pretty small, their first 11 is brilliant and as good as any but when you look at depth its not great, especially since Di Matteo has barely rotated they seemed to run out of steam against Liverpool which led to the comeback.

Their schedule from now till next year is frightening, should be interesting to see how well they cope.
United fans are complaining that the FA is biased towards Chelsea, Chelsea fans complaining that the FA is biased towards United. It seems the FA is rather objective, but that the fans are biased...
The problem with the FA is not bias, it's the fact they're so inconsistent and incompetent with their handling of some issues.

Oh and the fact it's run by an exclusive club of white, middle-class, middle-aged men.
The problem with the FA is not bias, it's the fact they're so inconsistent and incompetent with their handling of some issues.

Oh and the fact it's run by an exclusive club of white, middle-class, middle-aged men.

What the hell does their skin colour have anything to do with it??
What the hell does their skin colour have anything to do with it??

I think he was pointing out the fact that they are all basically the same. To have a good group and organisation you need it to be diverse with people thinking differently and adding their opinions etc.

But skin colour can make a difference, most of those White middle aged men probably have had no problem with Racism when they grew up (Or now for that matter) so can they really judge and make appropriate sanctions on punishments for racism? (I am playing devils advocate here, but it can be a reason why skin colour can have an effect).

My belief is that nowadays organisations should be made of a mixture of races, sexes, creeds etc. Or should at least mirror the people that they are representing.
Plenty. Now recently, they won't change the fixture for Chelsea and if it was for Man Utd they wouldn't bother to hear and change it instantaneously.

Way to know what you're talking about.

When United qualified for the WCC back in treble days, the FA basically forced United to remove themselves from the FA Cup entirely, because of scheduling conflicts and having to travel halfway across the world.

The media then blew up at United thinking they were 'above' the FA Cup and 'above' English football - which is where a lot of the ABU culture came from.

But really, United just asked to have some fixtures moved. Which the FA didn't.

But yeah, United rule the FA, bias, bias conspiracy.
Couldn't we just stop this type of discussion. You win some and you loose some. In the end it makes now difference (for the big clubs).
Barca bought the ref again.

Or I would say UEFALONA.

Take that goal UEFAlona.

Stupid UEFALONA buys the ref again.


Barca seriously have referee favors all the time.

Van Persie got away by F.A?

I bet it's Ferguson's Association.

fuck all the refs of the world. They are against Chelsea.

Referee sucks!!!!!!

F.A hates Chelsea.
What a fruitcake.
You actually went searching in all his posts.
With all respect, but speaking about an outsider that looks rather fruitcakish.

IMO those sort of dicussions are totally pointless.
To win a cup you can have luck.
To win a league after 38 matches, that is never matter which team wins the EPL they deserve it even if it's a team one doesn't like.

I don't like Man Utd's football and i'm not very fond of Ferguson, but one can't argue with the fact that they are always at least competing and very often win the EPL. That has nothing to see with refs or with the FA, that is simply being the best team. Same goes for every other champion.
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