Champions League 2012/13

Are Malaga still banned from being in the CL next year?

Right now: Yes. But they are currently protesting against the decision and there hasn't been a final statement of the UEFA so far.

Great game by the way, one of the most attractive goalless draws I ever saw.
wow what a match between Malaga and Dortmund , I haven't see a lot from Malaga this season so far but I must say they play some good football too , but Dortmund its really great , love how they pass and play pressing , really good match i loved it all tho it finish 0-0 , I don't think I have seen better match 0-0 than this one ;)

on other side shame ref didn't give penalty to galata on 2nd half but give yellow to Burak Yilmaz , that should be penalty at last not yellow for dive !

btw did ramos kick ball just to get yellow so he can miss next match and be clear for next matchs ?
Shame Piazón can't play, he would've made one hell of a duo with Isco, and Toulalan such a beast easily the best player on Málaga's side.
They only showed a short replay of the "penalty" scene with Yilmaz, but it looked to me like a dive. And the scene with Khedira wasn't a penalty, too.

@LFC Albania: Yes, most certainly that Ramos did this on purpose.
He had a pane man, this is a football shoes you know?

i know he had pain mate, but not on left foot.. it would be biger mistake by the ref if he gave penalty for that than this..

Gala can win at home but it will be difficult..

i rather see Galatasaray there than Madrid, just becouse your fans... my favourite team in CL is Dortmund so i hope for other than the obvious final everyone would want with Spain teams in it...
he dived, he could have continued playing imo.. it´s right decision. notice how Ramos steps on his right foot and then the weight of Burak body is still on left foot, he didn´t need to fall down from left foot wich he did, to get a penalty.

It should be a penalty

He shouldn't need to fall over to get the correct decision
I think it was a penalty too! it was still a one sided affair. Malaga vs BVB Dort. :APPLAUD: I think to have 3 LaLiga clubs n 2 Bundes clubs speaks volumes....:APPLAUD: Pelligrini :SAL:
Yeah the 3-0 scoreline is very harsh on Galarasary. Quite a few referee decisions went Real's way otherwise Gala would still have hope. Unfortunately now that tie is over and there's no point watching the 2nd leg.

In regards to BVB vs. Malaga game, the FIRST half was MUCH better than the second. Somewhere around the 70th minute, it seemed both teams and coaches decided that 0-0 is not a bad result for them.

Most Dortmund players underperformed today. Gotze in particular had 3 great chances! Two of them were 1-on-1's with the keeper!

Toulalan is STILL the Man!! He could be the DMF for any team.

And Willy Caballero... what a story! From 2nd division goalie to Champion's League star!
Real Madrid were the better team, but boy Galatasaray wasn't helped by the ref.
They could have had two penalties.
Certainly the one on Yilmaz was as clear a penalty you can have (although Yilmaz did dive too).
And then the free kick wich resluted in the third goal...i would have given a free kick for Galatasaray, and my daughter had exactly the same opinion...

The EU is investigating illegal fiancial aid to Real Madrid..the scam with their last.

In my comments yesterday after half time i was too harsh towards Galatasaray. As long as these clubs (and Galatasaray isn't exactly a poor club) play in a completely different league as the biggest clubs, there will always be sugar daddies club and i really can't blame those clubs (although in the long run all these clubs will suffer from it, if Abramovich has enough of Chelsea, they are a Championship team within 3 seasons, same for City, PSG, Anzhi,...).

At the moment there is no fair competition. On top of that one can ask questions about the referees. i'm often the first to defend refs, but one sees time and again that big clubs are advantaged. Up to a certain point a can understand that. That in a league, at the end of the season, the big club would have more penaties than relegation teams is logical and merely statistics: those clubs are dominant and so more present in the box, so it's only logical that they get more penalties. But what i often see that with every doubt the decision goes the way of the more reputed teams.
I can see this with our national team. A few years ago every time there was doubt the decision went against Belgium. Now we have a team that has a certain reputation (and that is overhyped), in this campaign virtually al lthe decisions go our way... That is not a good thing. I guess it's human, but it's not good for the game.
yes, we know some people here are biased against Real Madrid but as a Turk I'd love to see Galatasaray get a good result (which was a minimal chance because of that horrible defence) much more than anybody here would like it. Burak Yılmaz has a very bad reputation in Turkey being a nasty diver and what he did last night was nothing but a clear dive. I can't get how people expect this to be a no-contact sport. yes, Ramos stepped on his foot so what? he could have just go on if he wanted to (just like Alexis could do the night before). but no, he thought he would get a penalty here and his dive looked very exaggerated too. if he fell in a normal way, maybe I wouldn't like the decision but Burak exaggerated it as usual. so I'm happy with the ref's decision with giving yellow card as well. my only concern about it is that if only they could do the same to Real Madrid and Barcelona players in similar occasions.

Khedira-Essien thing never looked like a penalty to me. I didn't see an arm/hand contact there. just that the ball looked like squeezed between their chests and nothing more than that. it was actually a funny moment more than being a controversial one.

I didn't see what happened before the third goal as I didn't watch the second half. I can't find any replay of it, too.
I agree with Kanouté,and looks like many members' hate (or let's say bias against Real Madrid) is making them imagine penalties and fouls ..

the funny thing, in the seasons when Barça won the CL, with clear help from refferees, those members were justifying those "mistakes" .. or ignoring , and that was during the CL season and after the final ..

Guys, in football , a great strong team must win instead of the refferees, and for years Real Madrid suffered from refferees decisions, sometimes they win, sometimes no .. but this year , when the refferees are fair and I am sure and certain about this, all of Madrid haters have those illusions with every small contact that leads to a dive , and they say it's a penalty ..
also the Khedira-Essien case, any refferee who gives a penalty in that case must quit immediately ..
1st, it was very very close to the body ..
2nd, it wasn't to forbid a promising action, it's a dead ball ..
3rd, it was unintentional ..
I wouldn't go for the pity my RM spill. It happens , the ref didn't give Gala a fair shake. I Think! RM were the better team throughout the 1st leg.They need to take advantage of any calls given IMO .
its not about hating Real Madrid , team i "hate" its Barca , and i do like real madrid (not like they are my fav but i prefere them over Barca) but last night I was 100% with Galatasaray , they are turkish (wich its one of reasons why i like them) and in turkey its my fav team so far ! It was contact but was a dive too im agree BUT lets be honest 95% of fouls are dive , how many times we see player pull other player shirt from behind while he's runing , and he fall down and ref most of times give yellow to other guy from pull shirt and stop a dangerous atack , yeah its right a yellow card BUT he goes down which cant happen if someone pull your shirt from behind , he can continua if he want , 95% or times players go on the ground and ITS FOUL they can to dont go !

I would give penalty for that last night , its not that they were wining 3-0 so giving a penalty can make it 4-0 , it was a chance for 3-1 there was contact so give a damn penalty , also im afraid if big team (real , Barca) would get penalty for such a situation !

hope you understand what I mean coz my english really sucks LOL
The word 'hate' is a strong word in the English language just to be clear. Unless a certain club cause a direct influence to your circumstance then I would incline to your reasoning. Being successful brings out others to envy or jealously ... I dislike certain clubs due to their success I respect them nonetheless .
Ramos vs. Burak was clearly a penalty. It's a foul, because Ramos is too late and hits only the player in the box and this is a penalty. To say this was diving by Burak is absolutely ridiculous.

he dived, he could have continued playing imo.. it´s right decision. notice how Ramos steps on his right foot and then the weight of Burak body is still on left foot, he didn´t need to fall down from left foot wich he did, to get a penalty.

Sorry, but totally wrong. His left foot was not touching the ground, so the right leg and foot is where the weight of his body were on. And if he needed to fall or not is not the base for the decission to give a penalty.
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The word 'hate' is a strong word in the English language just to be clear. Unless a certain club cause a direct influence to your circumstance then I would incline to your reasoning. Being successful brings out others to envy or jealously ... I dislike certain clubs due to their success I respect them nonetheless .

well yeah dislike sounds better , and I'm not jealous at all , I prefere Messi over Ronaldo all day long even if he playes for Barca , I like him he's fair play and great player

I used to like Barca in time of Kulivert , Rivaldo , Overmars etc it was my fav team together with Liverpool , I just dislike how they become in last time runing behind ref like dogs , diving and shits thats why I dislike them !
I agree with Kanouté,and looks like many members' hate (or let's say bias against Real Madrid) is making them imagine penalties and fouls ..

the funny thing, in the seasons when Barça won the CL, with clear help from refferees, those members were justifying those "mistakes" .. or ignoring , and that was during the CL season and after the final ..

Guys, in football , a great strong team must win instead of the refferees, and for years Real Madrid suffered from refferees decisions, sometimes they win, sometimes no .. but this year , when the refferees are fair and I am sure and certain about this, all of Madrid haters have those illusions with every small contact that leads to a dive , and they say it's a penalty ..
also the Khedira-Essien case, any refferee who gives a penalty in that case must quit immediately ..
1st, it was very very close to the body ..
2nd, it wasn't to forbid a promising action, it's a dead ball ..
3rd, it was unintentional ..

To be fair you're only playing in the QF because of a favorable refereeing decision...I wouldn't forget that too quickly.
yes, we know some people here are biased against Real Madrid .

I confess.
I really don't like Real Madrid and on top of that at the moment i love Barcelona. There were times i didn't like Barcelona (depends wich team they have) but i never liked Real Madrid (although currently my favourite player is Modric and my all-time second favourite is Redondo).
The fact that i don't like Real Madrid is totally unrelated with the fact i like Barcelona, in fact i'm totally fed up with the classico's. They are about everything that i don't like in football: tribalism, hatred, diving, cheating, extreme pressure and rarely the sort of football i like.
But does the fact that i don't like Real Madrid means that i'm biased ?
Madrid were by far the better team yesterday. The Khedira-Essien "handball" was probably not worth a penalty (too close and maybe not deliberately, certainly not the first). The Burak Yilmaz was a crystal clear penalty (just like the one against Sanchez) but Yilmaz also dived (like Sanchez provoked Sirigu's penalty foul and maybe even dived, that wasn't that obvious to me). And the foul just before the third goal (and that led to the third goal) was a foul for Galatasaray, 100% sure. I might be biased, but my 13 year old daughter who plays football herself and who is unbiased had exactly the same opinion...

My point in all this is not that Real Madrid did not deserve to win, they certainly did and a 5-0 win would not have been exagerated, they were that much stronger. My point is that Madrid didn't need the help of the ref and that the ref killed the second leg by giving that foul that led to the third goal to the wrong team and by giving a unnecessary yellow card to Galatasaray's best player (and maybe he could have given it, because i agree that he did dive).

And i will anticipate Jihado's standard reply. No i don't think i know more about football than other people in here. It's just that (like some other people) i have strong opinions about football and i like to express them but always by argumenting and not by wrting sloganesk thing like 'people hate this or that club'. That is ridiculous, i'm far too intelligent to hate football clubs (and most people here are far too intelligent to hate football clubs).

Kanouté: i quoted you but this isn't per se a reaction to your post that i quoted...i apologize for this, but it seemed the most diplomatic way to make a point.
Agree to everything in this post, and exactly to the following segment.

The fact that i don't like Real Madrid is totally unrelated with the fact i like Barcelona, in fact i'm totally fed up with the classico's. They are about everything that i don't like in football: tribalism, hatred, diving, cheating, extreme pressure and rarely the sort of football i like.

We need to get back to have more respect for each other. Even with this major industry supporting football, it still is just a game, that doesn't change the daily life of the major part of this world's population.
I confess.
I really don't like Real Madrid and on top of that at the moment i love Barcelona. There were times i didn't like Barcelona (depends wich team they have) but i never liked Real Madrid (although currently my favourite player is Modric and my all-time second favourite is Redondo).
The fact that i don't like Real Madrid is totally unrelated with the fact i like Barcelona, in fact i'm totally fed up with the classico's. They are about everything that i don't like in football: tribalism, hatred, diving, cheating, extreme pressure and rarely the sort of football i like.
But does the fact that i don't like Real Madrid means that i'm biased ?
Madrid were by far the better team yesterday. The Khedira-Essien "handball" was probably not worth a penalty (too close and maybe not deliberately, certainly not the first). The Burak Yilmaz was a crystal clear penalty (just like the one against Sanchez) but Yilmaz also dived (like Sanchez provoked Sirigu's penalty foul and maybe even dived, that wasn't that obvious to me). And the foul just before the third goal (and that led to the third goal) was a foul for Galatasaray, 100% sure. I might be biased, but my 13 year old daughter who plays football herself and who is unbiased had exactly the same opinion...

My point in all this is not that Real Madrid did not deserve to win, they certainly did and a 5-0 win would not have been exagerated, they were that much stronger. My point is that Madrid didn't need the help of the ref and that the ref killed the second leg by giving that foul that led to the third goal to the wrong team and by giving a unnecessary yellow card to Galatasaray's best player (and maybe he could have given it, because i agree that he did dive).

And i will anticipate Jihado's standard reply. No i don't think i know more about football than other people in here. It's just that (like some other people) i have strong opinions about football and i like to express them but always by argumenting and not by wrting sloganesk thing like 'people hate this or that club'. That is ridiculous, i'm far too intelligent to hate football clubs (and most people here are far too intelligent to hate football clubs).

Kanouté: i quoted you but this isn't per se a reaction to your post that i quoted...i apologize for this, but it seemed the most diplomatic way to make a point.

Great post Gerd, it summarizes very well my thoughts about it as well.
I used to like Barca in time of Kulivert , Rivaldo , Overmars etc it was my fav team together with Liverpool , I just dislike how they become in last time runing behind ref like dogs , diving and shits thats why I dislike them !

I too used to like Barcelona. Even when Dinho was in his prime their actions on the pitch were tolerable. Maybe things will change when this group leaves and another comes in.
I too used to like Barcelona. Even when Dinho was in his prime their actions on the pitch were tolerable. Maybe things will change when this group leaves and another comes in.

I used to like them at the time of Romario ..
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